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1、 thThe minutes from the meeting of 28 July were proposed by Harewood and seconded by Ackworth and accepted as a true record of events. Matters arising from the previous meeting No matters arising. , Chairs Report (The following is a copy of Richardss speech) As this is my last Chairs report for Area

2、 4 Riding Clubs I will try and keep it short and to the point. I have been on this committee for nine years, being the Chair for the past 8 years, as well as been Vice Chair, Treasurer and Competitions Secretary at some point. I have enjoyed being in the hot seat, even when things have not quite gon

3、e to plan. My saddest times have been when I have had to inform competitors that they are eliminated due to their horses vaccination certs. not been correct. This occurs at nearly every competition and really this should not occur as they should have been checked by their Riding Clubs, even the last

4、 minute replacements. Working with many likeminded people has got to be the highlight of my time here. I have said in previous meetings that you have a very good selection of people elected as Officers on this committee: I would have retired 2 years ago had it not been for these people and I can not

5、 thank them enough; Mary, Nicky, Jann, Maggie and Denise on behalf of Area 4 thank you; but will you please accept my gratitude and heartfelt thanks. Shows: With the pressure from Head Office creating newer competitions and/or extra classes at the existing shows we are always trying to make things w

6、ork better for our members. Of course we cannot always please everyone and it is sad that some clubs:- , never compete at the competitions, , do not return trophies that they have won, , do not pay their full entry fees on time, , moan about things but do not want to help. , But always very pleasing

7、 when we see your members competing and enjoying themselves. Championships: We have been represented at Championships by most of our Clubs and although we may well not all have been successful, Area 4 still has National Champions. I wish our members well for next years competitions. Thanks: I hope t

8、hat you make a big fuss of your members when they have helped officiate at the various shows, without these volunteers the shows could not go ahead. I need to personally thank:, Wendy who when we agreed to feed our helpers at shows took this on board, did a marvellous job which resulted in us having

9、 to get the venues to supply the food when Wendy could no longer do it. , Grizel who has made me laugh with her email tales, they have usually come at just the right time when the pressure had been building. She has a wealth of knowledge that must never be overlooked. She has funded the Jorvik serie

10、s of dressage competitions for many years with 2014 being the final year. One of my last tasks is to make sure that one of the dressage trophies is named in her honour. , Lisa your expertise with the web site is greatly appreciated. As one competition closes Lisa has managed to secure the Retraining

11、 Of Racehorse competition and will be presenting awards later. , Sue: I could have done the entries, times and scoring but without your invaluable patience and help I would have been upto my ears in pig sh1t. You have taught me how to use spread sheets including what the tool/format/insert icons do

12、although still not certain about times. If not for your help our members would still be waiting for their prizes. To all of you, Thank you. Are there any Questions? (none) Via an open letter to you all I have made my views clear as to why Area 4 should not be split I think it prudent to allow the ne

13、w Team time to settle and steer the Organisation in the way the committee wishes therefore Denise do we have any nominations for the post of Chair? There was one nomination and Margaret Smith was duly elected as Chair for the Area 4 liaison group. This left the post of training officer vacant and no

14、minations for that post were invited. , Competitions report. 2014 had been a difficult year; Richard deserved a big thank you for ensuring the Summer Show ran after losing our venue at the last minute. However this did result in a net loss of expenditure over income. The DTM was ran separately for t

15、he first time and although popular with competitors, it also lost money. Lisa Fieldsend gave results for the ROR series. (Copy of Lisas speech) Rosettes and a trophy were presented for the ROR Area 4 riding club challenge. The winner of the trophy was Kathy Boothman who competed in the ODE and came

16、2nd in the 100+ and also went on to come 3rd at the championships on her ex racer Save the Pound (aka Buzz Lightyear) who competes for Malton Riding-Club Well done Kathy. Rosettes were also presented to members who have represented Area 4 at competitions this year and they are (in club order). Johan

17、na Booth on Supreme Piper for Calderdale Claire Jackson on Zauber for Darrowby Marie Spillane on Prince of Love for Ebor Vale Samantha Dexter on Jimmyling for Ebor Vale Lisa Fieldsend on Dalby of York for Ebor Vale Micky Roberts on One Foot in Front for Malton Riding Club Sharon Mawson on Nobbler fo

18、r Nidd Valley Claire Sutcliffe on Snow Kaddy for Northallerton Kerry Harston on Resolute Defender for Northallerton Anna Bulmer on Glenshee for Scarborough Riding Club Well done everyone and the rosettes are winging their way to you. If your name is not down and you have an ex racer please contact m

19、e lisa for more information thanks. , Treasurers report. (copy of Janns speech and hand out of finances) The draft accounts show a loss on the year of ?(1,425). They have not been audited as there still some receipts to come in, but do not expect there will be any significant changes. 2013 P & L by

20、event: 2014 Entries down ?150 ?393.00 Winter Dressage ?(18.00) Judges up ?200, Catering up ?60 Entries up ?480, Venue up ?235 ?(175.00) Novice Indoor SJ ?20.00 Combined Entries up ?1,180 (68.00) Training ?315.00 Venue up ?500, Judges up ?280 480 (230.00) Show Cross ?(909.00) Radios up ?180, Judges u

21、p ?1,780, Sec/bib nos up ?300 3,547.00 ODE ?1,131.00 Toilets up ?190, Catering up ?150, Summer and DTM together entries down ?130 Venues up ?1,350, Catering up ?1,553.00 Summer SJ / D ?(241.00) ?100 Judges up ?150 (saved ?350 first 0.00 DTM ?(40.00) aid didnt turn up) 5,020.00 Total shows ?258.00 Of

22、fset against 2013 loss ?(553.00) Training ?420.00 Mainly due to catering done by BB ?3,093.00 Camp ?87.00 Running costs for Area Officers (2,165.44) Secretarial ?(2,190.27) travel/site visits Profit/ (Loss) 5,394.56 for year (?1,425.27) I propose that as we have a healthy bank balance of ?26,600 tha

23、t the Area affiliation fee is waived for the forthcoming year. This fee (last applied year end September 2003 at 50p per member) is a contribution made by clubs to the running costs of the Area. The waiver was offered to the floor and accepted. The high secretarial costs were queried by White Rose,

24、but it was explained and accepted that visits to sites by officers prior to and for events was ?0.45/mile , Training officers report:Sparse year for demos. The Camp was well received; most people had a good time. Next year is proposed to be 18-22 Aug for Seniors, Juniors will have 2 days. More detai

25、ls to follow, but will be a similar format to this year. The haylege issues have been sorted out. There will be 2-3 Demos in the evenings. Closing date for booking will be final. No late entries and no late payments will be accepted. Late payers of fees can expect to be cancelled without return of d

26、eposit. Margo will do a training/demo for Style Jumping and Riding Test training/judging. Expected date is end May or beginning of June. Its hoped that there will be a Tim Stockdale Demo for late spring or early autumn with lessons. There may be another camp at Summerford, late Feb/early March. Deta

27、ils to follow. Harewood will be doing a camp at Summerford 26-29th March. , Area Rep Report Mary has a meeting at HQ, on Thursday to discuss congestion of some areas. A full report on that is to follow. Lydia pointed out that HQ get a lot more prelim entry fees from our area in comparison to smaller

28、 areas. The general feel of the meeting is that we are being penalised in the amount of qualifiers we get compared to entries taken. Mary reminded us that Championships too are run by volunteers and a longer day at Championships is unlikely to be popular. It was asked that qualification could be pro

29、-rata, but with most areas sending only 1 team, it would lead to a longer day. The Official stewards training is 14/15th Feb in Banbury. Details to follow. Hat Cams are now banned at all RC events. Some clubs have not had the stabling fees from the FOH returned. They should email HQ at the earliest

30、opportunity But Mary will chase things up. . , AOB Richard was presented with a bronze statue of huntsman and hound, with a bunch of flowers for his long suffering wife. Training Officer role Mandy Chan was proposed by Nicky and seconded by Richard. Welcome. Dates for the meetings in 2015 26 Jan 27 Apr 27 Jul 26

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