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1、6. Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was _D_A.mature B.meaningful C.innocent D.deliberate7. The Space Age commenced in October 1957 when the first _B_ satellite was launched by the Soviet Union. A.beneficial B.artificial C.commercial D.financial8. Although these novels forcefully

2、 suggest that such reforms face much resistance, all clearly _A_ that eventually this resistance can be overcome.A.conclude B.confuse C.confine D.conduct9. Im not sick; _B_ , Im in the peak of be honest B.on the contrary my delight D.on all sides10. In 1681 the gentleman persuaded t

3、he King of England to _A_ him land for a Quaker colony in America, to be named Pennsylvania (meaning Penns forest).A.grant B.award C.present D.donate11. We can rest A that the talented young secretary has been able to confirm what he said in the original report.A.assured B.ensured C.insured D.reassu

4、red 12. _A_ for the job was very stiff. Only a few people were hired out of a hundred applicantsA.Competition B.Opposition C.Strife D.Debate13. Glancing D his shoulder the herpetologist noticed that he was being followed by a lizard.A.behind B.round C.back D.over14. We can hurt peoples feelings if w

5、e are too C A.tactful B.sensible C.blunt D.subtle15. Neil Postman did not write the essay “Euphemism” on the B of the momentA.point B.spur C.last D.present16. If you _D_ a nerve cell of your brain, it will never recover its function.A.ruin B.hurt C.impair D.damage17. Having tasted the bitterness of

6、poverty, he _B_ to create a better environment for his child.A.goes to extremes B.goes to great lengths C.goes to pieces D.goes to ruin18. The boy has a profound _D_ of the implication of his grandmothers dying words. A.realization B.memory C.thought D.grasp19. To some people in the west, marriage i

7、s an B institution. A.archaic B.obsolete C.extant D.ancient20. The journalist paused to _C_ his notes, and then proceeded with his B.contrast C.consult D.contest21. A dark suit is _D_ to a light one for evening wear.A.favorable B.suitable C.proper D.preferable22. When appreciatin

8、g Chinese poems, a wise reader should _A_. between the lines B.think through C.fumble with D.make sense23. After hurting in the Second World War, once during the rain season, he will get a _B_ headache.A.continual B.continuous C.continued D.content24. You are being thoroughly C in refusing to

9、 allow your son to be an apprentice to the stonemason. A.unpredictable B.unthinkable C.unreasonable D.undesirable25. Betty broke the school rules repeatedly so the principal had no alternative but to B her.A.export B.expel C.deport D.eject二、Cloze1. The dangers of scofflawry vary wildly. The person w

10、ho 1)i spits on the sidewalk 2)r disgusting, but clearly poses less 3)r to others than the 4)c_ that illegally buries hazardous chemical 5)w in an unauthorized location. The fare 6)b on the subway presents less threat to life 7)t the landlord who ignores fire safety statutes. The most immediately an

11、d measurably 8)d_ scofflawry, however, also happens to be the most visible. The culprit is the American driver, 9)w lawless activities today add up to a colossal public 10)n .1)illegally 2)remains 3)risk 4)company 5)waste6)beater 7)than 8)dangerous 9)whose 10)nuisance.2. So Grant and Lee were in com

12、plete contrast, 1)r two diametrically 2)o_ elements in American life. Grant was the modern 3)m emerging; beyond him, ready to come 4)o the stage, was the great age of steel and machinery, of crowded 5)c_ and a restless burgeoning vitality. Lee might have ridden 6)d from the old age of chivalry, lanc

13、e in 7)h , silken banner fluttering 8)o his head. Each man was the perfect champion of his cause, drawing 9)b his strengths and his weaknesses from the 10)p he led.1)representing 2)opposed 3)man 4)on 5)cities 6)down 7)hand 8)over 9)both 10)people3. “Never 1. p off till tomorrow,” 2. e Lord Chesterfi

14、eld in 1749, “3. w you can do today.” 4. T the elegant earl never got 5. a to marrying his sons mother and had a bad 6. h of keeping worthies 7. l Dr. Johnson cooling their 8. h for hours in an anteroom attests to the 9. f that even the most well-intentioned men have been 10. p ever.1. put 2. exhort

15、ed 3. what 4. That 5. around 6. habit 7. like 8. heels 9. fact 10.postponers4. The teacher as mountaineer learns, as E. M. Forster urged, to connect. The guide rope links mountaineers 1. t so that they may assist each 2. o in the ascent. The effective teacher does something similar 3. b using the or

16、al and 4. w contributions of the students as 5. i materials. The teacher also 6. m other connections, locating the text in 7. i historical setting, forging inter- and intra-disciplinary links 8. w plausible, 9. j the material of the course with the lives of the students, where possible, and 10. w th

17、e wider national life beyond the classroom where pertinent.1. together 2. other 3. by 4. written 5. instructional 6. makes 7. its 8. where 9. joining 10. with 5. We must keep in 1. m that things do not have “real” names, 2. a many people believe that they do. A garbage man is not “really” a “garbage

18、 man,” more than he is a “sanitation engineer.” And a pig is not called a “pig” 3. b it is so dirty, 4. n a shrimp a “shrimp” because it is so small. There are things, and then there are the names of things, and it is considered a fundamental error in all branches of semantics to 5 a that a name and

19、 a thing are one and the same. It is true, of course, that a name is usually so firmly associated with the thing it denotes that it is extremely difficult to 6. s one from the other. It would appear that human beings almost naturally come to identify 7. n with things, 8. w is one of our more fascina

20、ting illusions. But there is some 9. s to this illusion. For if you change the names of things, you change how people will regard them, and that is as good as changing the nature of the thing 10. i .1. mind 2. although 3. because 4. nor 5. assume 6. separate 7. names 8. which 9. substance 10. itself

21、 、Paraphrase in English the parts underlined in the following1. One of the major pleasures in life is appetite, and one of our major duties should be to preserve it. Appetite is the 1keenness of living; it is one of the senses that tells you that you are still 2curious to exist, that you 3still have

22、 an edge on your longings and want to bite into the world and taste its 4multitudinous flavors and juices.By appetite, of course, I dont mean just the 5lust for food, but any condition of unsatisfied desire, any 6burning in the blood that proves you want more than youve got, and that you havent yet

23、used up your life. Wilde said he felt sorry for those who 7never got their hearts desire, but sorrier still for those who did. I got mine once only, and it nearly killed me, and Ive always preferred 8wanting to having since.Besides, the whole 9toffee-ness of toffees was 10imperceptibly diminished by

24、 the gross act of having eaten it. 答案:1. Appetite is the keenness of living: strong desire to live on2. you are still curious to exist: eager3. you still have an edge on your longings: are still driven by strong desires4. taste its multitudinous flavours and juices: numerous5. I dont mean the lust f

25、or food: overwhelming desire6. any burning in the blood: any strong desire that you have7. who never got their hearts desire: were never satisfied8. Ive always preferred wanting to having: being in the state of wanting something to having something9. the whole toffeeness of toffees: appeal for a chi

26、ld to eat toffees10.imperceptibly diminished: unaccountably2. Just recently a committee meeting at the University of Colora5do was interrupted by the spectacle of a young man 1scaling the wall of the library just outside the window. Discussion of new interdisciplinary courses halted as we silently h

27、oped he had discipline enough to return safely to the earth. Hope was all we could offer 2from our vantage point in Ketchum Hall, the impulse to rush out and catch him being 3checked by the realization of futility.The incident reinforced my sense that mountaineering serves as an 4apt analogy for the

28、 art of teaching. The excitement, the risk, the need for 5rigorous discipline all correspond, though the image I have in mind is not that of the solitary adventurer rappelling off a wall, but that of a Swiss guide leading an expedition.I remember a mountaineer named Fritz who once led a group up the

29、 Jungfrau at the same time a party was climbing the north face of the Eiger. My own mountaineering skill was 6slender, and my enthusiasm would have 7faltered had I not felt Fritz was capable of hauling not only me but all the rest of us off that mountain. Strong, self-assured, calm, he radiated that solid authority that encouraged me to tie on to his rope. But I soon realized that my presence on his line constituted a risk for Fritz. Had I been so 8foolhardy as to try to retrieve my glove which went tumbling off a precipic

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