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1、然而现在受全球变暖的影响,世界最高峰上的冰川开始融化,海拔明显降低。中国科学家们将于今年3月对珠穆朗玛峰进行勘测,以检查海拔是否如预计那样降低1米多。无论珠峰的海拔到底下降了多少,它的海拔高度不太可能保持不变。地球板块的活动使喜马拉雅山不断升高,据称珠穆朗玛峰每年升高l厘米左右。 答案China Fears Mt. Qomolangma Is ShrinkingChina is to re-measure the worlds tallest peak, Mount Qomolangma, because of fears it maybe shrinking. A recent survey

2、 found the summit had dropped by l.3 m (4 ft) because of global warming. The height of the mountain, which lies on the border between China and Nepal, has long been a subject of controversy. It was first measured in the 1850s, but a more accurate Indian survey 100 years later calculated the mountain

3、 to be 8,848m tall. In 1999, American scientists re-measured the mountain using global positioning satellite technology. They - and the National Geographic Society - concluded that the peak was two meters higher. But now global warming is melting glaciers on the worlds highest mountain, apparently c

4、ausing it to shrink. Chinese scientists will map Qomolangma in March to check estimates that it is more than one meter shorter than before. No matter how big it really is, Mount Qomolangmas height is unlikely to stay constant. The movement of the earths tectonic plates is forcing the Himalayas upwar

5、ds, reportedly causing Qomolangma to grow by about one centimeter every year.2019年翻译资格考试catti初级笔译试题二农业加工业帮助提升中国农业发展过去二十年,农产品加工业始终是中国农业发展的引擎,它使农民的腰包鼓了起来。在改革开放的年代中,尤其是在20世纪最后五年,农业加工在国民经济中的重要性一直在稳步上升。国家统计局数字显示,农产品加工业已成为最具活力的产业,其增长率名列国民经济中各产业之首。过去十年中,农产品加工业平均年增长达到9.2%,高出当前国民经济的增长,该产业的增加值攀升到84.6%。国家经贸委副主


7、来拓展农业改革和农村经济的结构重组。根据农业部乡镇企业局局长刘增胜的分析,建立以上五个体系将有助于逐步改变加入WTO后中国农业面临的严峻形势,并且提高中国农产品的竞争力。我们相信,到2005年,农产品加工业将在国民经济中发挥更加重要的作用,随着区域资源的不断优化,中国一定能够以新的活力参与国际竞争。答案Farm Products Processing Industry Helps Chinas Agriculture ProsperIn the past two decades, the agricultural processing industry has been the engine

8、fueling the development of Chinese agriculture and filling farmers wallets.The importance of agricultural processing in the national economy has been steadily rising during the reform years, typically the last five years of the 20th century.According to figures released by the National Bureau of Sta

9、tistics ( NBS) ,the farm products processing industry has become the most dynamic industry with a growth rate topping all industries in the national economy.In the last 10 years, its average annual growth reached 9. 2 percent, higher than the current growth of the national economy and the value adde

10、d by this industry hit 84. 6 percent.Ou Xinqian, vice-minister of the State Economic and Trade Commission, said the fast growth of the agricultural processing industry had boosted the market for Chinese agricultural products, and promoted the upgrade of agriculture generally. He added that the huge

11、leaps in the industry created the power to propel the national economy.Processing farm products also brings Chinese farmers better incomes. More and more township enterprises are forging a relationship that shares benefits with local farmers, which ensures business profits and also cuts risks for ag

12、ricultural producers.So far, the agricultural processing industry has created more than 15 million job opportunities for Chinese farmers throughout the country.The industry is also speeding up the restructuring of Chinese agriculture.Minister of Agriculture, Du Qinglin, revealed government targets f

13、or setting up a secured system for farm products supply, a system of processing industries, a system of quality control and safety, a system of technical innovations and a system of policy support to conform with WTO rules.Du said China had to rely on these five systems to broaden agricultural refor

14、ms and economic restructuring in rural areas.According to the analysis drawn by Liu Zengsheng, director of the Bureau of Township Enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture, setting up the above five systems will gradually help change the severe situation facing Chinese agriculture after the WTO ent

15、ry and will increase the competitiveness of Chinese farm products.We are confident that, by the year 2005, farm product processing will play a more vital role in the national economy and with the continuous optimizing of regional resources, China is sure to participate in international competition w

16、ith new vigor.2019年翻译资格考试catti初级笔译试题三中国加入WTO对国内汽车工业的影响中国的汽车工业大致可以分为两部分:中方独资公司和跨国公司控股的中国公司。中国汽车工业有以下优势:首先,中国在21世纪将成为世界上最大的消费市场。其次,中国已建立起完整的汽车工业体系,某些产品已达到20世纪90年代国际技术水平。再次,某些进口车型已高度本土化。最后,廉价的劳动力是中国战胜外国竞争者的武器。中国加入WTO将对国内汽车工业产生重大积极影响。第一,加入WTO可以加快汽车市场的发展。第二,加入WTO可以降低用于汽车工业的某些产品的价格。第三,贸易自由化将刺激国际贸易的发展并刺激汽车

17、出口。最后,随着个人成为汽车的主力,加入WTO将加速私有汽车市场的发展。中国加入WTO也将产生消极影响。第一,来自日本、美国、德国、法国、意大利以及其它国家的大型汽车公司将显示出他们的优势并利用其技术、营销以及运转资金方面的优势。第二,加入WTO后,市场的快速自由化将使中国的汽车制造商的税收和利润大幅下跌,这将迫使汽车制造商解聘许多雇员。1992年年末,中国汽车工业在岗人数约为185万人。第三,税收和利润的萎缩将大幅减少政府征自汽车工业的税收。1992年,汽车工业的总产值占全年国内工业总产值的12 010。1997年,汽车工业缴纳利税200亿人民币,占国民生产总值重要部分。进口的减少将造成关税

18、及其它从国外进口的汽车相关的产品税收的显著下降。最后,一旦跨国公司在中国建立起销售网络,他们将能够在国内市场上推出许多产品和服务。答案Influence of Chinas WTO Accession on Domestic Automotive IndustryChinas automotive industry can be roughly divided into two factions: purely Chinese companies and Chinese companies working under multinational automotive groups. The C

19、hinese automotive industry is strong in several aspects. First, China will become the worlds largest consumer of automobiles in the 21st century. Second, China has established a complete automotive industrial system, with some car products reaching international technological levels equivalent to th

20、ose of the 1990s. Third, some imported models have been highly localized.Finally, cheap labor is a weapon that China can use to fight against foreign competitors.s WTO entry will have a good deal of positive influence on domestic automotive industry. First, WTO accession may advance the growth of th

21、e auto market. Second, entering the WTO may lower the prices of products used in the automotive industry. Third, trade liberalization will spur the development of international trade and stimulate automobile exports. Finally, the WTO entrance will accelerate the development of the private auto marke

22、t, as individuals will be the major force behind auto purchases.s WTO will also have some negative impact. First, giant automotive companies from Japan, the US, Germany, France, Italy and other countries will be able to fully flex their muscles and take advantage of their superiority in technology,

23、marketing and working capital. Second, excessively rapid liberalization of the market after WTO entry will lead to plummeting revenues and profits for Chinas auto makers, which may force car makers into laying off some of their employees. At the end of 1992, Chinas automotive industry employed rough

24、ly l.85 million people. Third, the shrinking revenues and profits will also significantly decrease the taxes that the Chinese government can levy on the industry. In 1992, the auto industrys total production value accounted for 120/o of the total domestic industrial production value of the year. In

25、1997, the auto industry paid RMB20 billion in taxes, accounting for a crucial portion of the GDP. The decrease in imports will lead to a significant drop in customs taxes and other taxes on automobile-related products imported. Finally, once multinational companies establish sales networks in China,

26、 they will be able to launch many products and services onto the domestic market.2019年翻译资格考试catti初级笔译试题四1.中国是个大国,百分之八十的人口从事农业,但耕地只占土地面积的十分之一,其余为山脉、森林、城镇和其他用地。2.此时此刻,通过现代通信手段的奇迹,看到和听到我们讲话的人比整个世界历史上任何时刻都要多。3.从她的文字看来,她是一个亲切而慷慨的朋友,又不失敏锐的头脑和绝佳的幽默感。4.我是1929年8月17日在阿巴拉契山脉煤矿区中心的肯塔基州出生的,父亲叫奥利弗鲍尔斯,母亲叫埃达鲍尔斯,我在他

27、们的六个子女中排行老二。5.他的眼睛格外大,却少了原本该有的那份天真无邪,看着陌生人时尤其显得老成。6.每个人都有各自的长处与缺点,应该互相学习,才能取人之长,补己之短。7.他点点关,喉头发紧,一句话也说不出来。8.中国执行改革开放政策,争取在五十到七十年间发展起来。9.另外一些人可以在工厂农村住几个月,在那里做调查,交朋友。10.胡先生背着手,似乎在很有兴趣地“欣赏”这幅作品。1.China is a large country with four-fifths of the population engaged in agriculture, but only one tenth of t

28、he land is farmland, the rest being mountains, forests and places for urban and other uses.2. At this moment, through the wonder of telecommunications, more people are seeing and hearing what we say than on any other occasions in the whole history of the world.3. Her writing revealed her to be a kin

29、d and generous friend with a sharp wit and marvellous sense of humour.4.Born on August 17, 1929 in Kentucky, in the heart of the Appalachian coal-mining country, I was the second of six children of Oliver and Ida Powers.5. His eyes are too wide yet not as innocent as they should have been, especiall

30、y when catching sight of strangers.6. Everyone has his own strong points as well as his shortcomings. They should learn from each other, so that each can adopt the others strong points, offset his own weaknesses.7. He nodded, unable to say anything through the tightness of his throat.8. By pursuing

31、a policy of reform and opening to the outside world, China is striving to become developed within a 50-70 years.9. Others can stay for a few months in the factories or villages, conducting investigations and making friends.10. Mr. Hu, with his hands resting behind his back, seemed to be appreciating the picture with great interest.2019年翻译资格考试catti初级笔译试题五英译汉1.Jefferson believed that gover

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