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1、1 Warm congratulations on your success in passing the entrance examination to university. 热烈祝贺你考上了大学。2 Please accept our sincere wishes for your 请接受我们对您的衷心祝愿。3 I extend my best wishes for your success. 衷心祝愿你成功。4 May each new year bring you new hope. 愿每个新年都给您带来新的希望。二、道歉信(Letter of Apology) May 5Dear

2、Carole,I am very sorry that I missed your phone call yesterday. I shall be at home tomorrow morning. Would you please call me again? Sincerely yours, Lisa道歉信常用语句1 Please accept my sincere apologies. 请接受我们诚挚的道歉。2 Please accept my sincere apologies for the lateness of my birthday greetings.3 I am sorr

3、y I missed your 对不起,我错过了你的4 Ive to offer you an apology for not coming to your party. 未能参加你的庆祝会,我得向你道歉。5 Please accept my sincere apologies for 请接受我对诚挚的歉意。Ex. 就下述内容写一封道歉信:你的一位朋友昨天来看望你,你正巧外出未遇,对此你写信表示歉意,并约他明天再过来。Dear Tom,I am very sorry that I was out when you called on me yesterday. Could you come a

4、gain tomorrow evening as I have something important to discuss with you?更多例子:1. 因未能践约赴宴致歉 Unable to keep ones promiseDear Miss Nancy,Much to my regret I was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party last Saturday, owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken ill early that d

5、ay.Hoping to see you soon.Truly yours,亲爱的南希小姐:小儿上周六突然生病,因此未能应约赴生日宴,殊觉抱歉,希原谅,再见。祝好!2. 因迟复来信致歉 Because of answering ones letter late Dear David:I am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7, December sooner, but when I have told you the reason, I

6、trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. When your letter arrived, I was just in Hong Kong. As my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when I took it up. Now the first thing I have to hasten to do is to writ

7、e to you these few lines to express my deep regret.I enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. I shall be pleased to give you an account to of them when I see you next.Yours,亲爱的戴维:请原谅我收到您12月7日的来信后迟迟未复,现将原因告诉您,相信您一定会谅解的。您的来信到来时,我正巧在香港,家人无法及时转递。你的信一直放在我写字台上,直到我回到才看见,拖至今天才回信,深表歉意。这次出去旅行饱览了许多美丽景色,下次见

8、到您时,将告诉您一切。3. 因未能及时还书致歉 Unable to return borrowed book on timeDear Kate:Excuse me for my long delaying in returning to you your “Robinson Crusoe” which I read through with great interest. I had finished reading the book and was about to return it when my cousin came to see me. Never having seen the

9、book, She was so interested in it that I had to retain it longer. However, I hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will overlook my negligence in not returning it sooner.Thanking you again for the loan.Sincerely yours,亲爱的凯特:我迟迟未能归还您的那本鲁滨逊飘流记,请原谅。该书我读得津津有味。读完后,正预

10、备归还您时,我的表妹来访,见这本书也感兴趣,定要借去一读。为了让别人也能分享您那本书所给予的乐趣,我不能及时归还。我想再延迟些日子奉还,谅您不会介意的。再次感谢您的慷慨。4. 因遗失借书致歉 Because of losing a borrowed bookDear Frank:I am terribly sorry to tell you that I have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend me last week. I read it everyday and intended to finish it next mont

11、h. Last night when I came to my room, it was nowhere to be found. I will try to recover it as soon as possible. If I fail to find it, I will get a new book for you.But I am afraid it can never take the place of the old one. Old books are like old friends. Once lost, they can never be replaced. They

12、are connected with cherished associations which the new ones can never have. And for this irrecoverable loss, I am to blame. I was so careless with my things. This is a warning to me to be more careful in the future.Yours truly,亲爱的弗兰克:很抱歉,上星期您借给我的那本书竟遗失了。我每天都在看,准备下个月看完。昨晚我回到我的卧室,到处也找不到那本书。我将尽力找到它。万一

13、找不到,我只好买一本新的还您。但是,新书恐怕不能代替那本旧书吧!旧书跟旧友一样,一旦失去就不能再得。旧书与往事相连,这种不可弥补的损失,皆由我起。我对待一切太大意了,这次给我一个警告,叫我以后要小心。三、慰问信 慰问信应写得真切,注意措辞,对轻病或者小损失,慰问信应写得轻松一些。相反,对严重病情或重大损失,信就应该写得深沉一些。慰问信写时应注意:1. 写给受伤人的信要简短,中肯。信中不必问询事故发生的过程、原因、见证人等。2. 慰问信中应写一些被慰问者喜欢或熟悉的事物,如病人的爱好、兴趣等,以使病人得到宽慰。1. 向朋友问候 A letter of inquiring after someon

14、es healthDear John:I am extremely sorry to hear that your illness, which we had thought was clearing up, has become more serious, and that your have had to go into hospital. Let us hope that it will be for only a very short time, and that you will soon be out and about again. Everybody here sends hi

15、s best wishes to you for a quick recovery.With kind regards,Yours sincerely,亲爱的约翰:听说你病了,我深感不安。原来我们还以为您的病情有所好转,事实上却反而加重,而不得不住进了医院。但愿这是短时间的,很快不会恢复健康。这里每个人都祝愿您早日痊愈。特此问候2. 问候朋友的母亲 Inquiring after the health of a friends motherDear Mr. Wang,I felt very sorry indeed when I heard of your mothers illness, a

16、nd am anxious to know how she is of late. Under a separate cover I am sending her a box of assorted biscuits with my best regards.Sincerely yours亲爱的王先生:听说您的母亲身体欠安,深表忧虑。不知令堂近况如何,实为惦念。随信另寄上什锦饼干一盒,并致以最良好的问候。您忠诚的吴洋3. 祝贺朋友病愈 Congratulations on someones recoveryDear Jane:I learn, with very great pleasure,

17、 that the illness which has so cruelly caused great anxiety among your relatives and all those who know you has changed for the better and that you are now recovering, for which I therefore desire to congratulate you warmly.I hope that you will soon be completely restored to health.Yours sincerely亲爱

18、的简:在您患病的这一期间内,亲戚朋友无不为你挂虑,听到你的病已有好转,并已逐渐痊愈,十分快慰,特地向你祝贺。望你早日完全痊愈。4. 慰问丧偶的朋友 A letter of inquiring to those who lost their husband or wifeDear Mrs. Harper,I would like to express my sorrow at the recent death of your husband.In the long time it was my privilege to enjoy Professor of Harpers friendship.

19、 I found him a sincere and helpful associate, with whom it was a pleasure to work.The knowledge that my thoughts are with you at his time will, I hope, be of some comfort to you.Truly yours亲爱的哈珀女士:获悉你的丈夫最近逝世的消息,深表遗憾。长期以来,能与哈珀教授保持友谊是我的荣幸。哈珀教授是一位我最乐于与其一道工作的忠实而有帮助的朋友。但愿我此时的问候,能给您带来一些安慰。四、传真传真是通过传真机传递的信

20、函,大多为业务信函。企事业单位都有专用的传真纸,纸上面印有现成的传真格式,拟发传真时按格式填写即可。下面为一种常见的传真格式:发传真人单位名称、地址=电话和传真号码、电子邮件网址TO: (收传真人单位) DATE (发送传真日期)ATTN: (Attention, 收传真部门或个人姓名) FAX NO: (传真号)FROM:(发传真部门或个人姓名) PAGE(S): (所发传真页数)RE: (Regarding, 传真内容标题)(传真信函):称呼语:信体:客套结语:署名:五、请求信Example 1.1903 Huashan RoadShanghai 200030 July 8, 1995De

21、ar Sirs,I wish to enroll your intensive English program before I attend a university in the fall of 1996.Your sending me application materials at your earliest convenience will be greatly appreciated. Wang XiaopingExample 2.Shanghai 200030July 6,1998I want to pursue a Masters degree in Electrical En

22、gineering at your university. My intended date of entrance is Spring, 1999. Would you please send me the application forms for admission?Sincerely yours Wang Xiaoping 六、布告(Announcement):七、布告的写作和便条一样,也比较简单。只要注意以下几点即可:1 在正文上方的中间位置应该注明布告的性质。2 正文中简单明了地说明布告的事宜。3 正文右下方应该注明发布告的单位。4 发布告的日期可以省略。 Lost and Fou

23、ndA lady has picked a wrist watch in the shopping center and turned it over to our office.The owner of the wrist watch may come to claim it with his or her identification card. Lost and Found Office七、(Notice):英文通知的写作也可采用不同形式。有的是采用句子的形式予以陈述,而有的则只做以简单的罗列。一般应注意以下几点:1必须包括notice字样,而且每个字母都应采用大写。2 内容必须包括时间

24、、地点、事宜和通知对象等。表达须准确,措词也要较正式。3 必须包括写通知的个人或者单位的称谓,而且一般都放在通知的右下脚。4 必须包括写通知的日期。 NOTICE May 4, 2003Mr. Wang, the general manager of Shanghai Golden Palm Computer System Limited Company, will give a lecture on Modern Information Management Model at 6:30 p.m. on March 12. The one-and-a-half-hour lecture wil

25、l be held in the Multi-media Lecture Room. Students of Information Management are invited to attend the lecture. Information Management DepartmentExample拟一张请计算机系的学生于10月5号星期三下午1:30到系会议室听关于环境保护报告的通知。 NOTICE Oct. 2, 2004All students of the Computer Department are requested to meet in the department con

26、ference room at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October5, to hear a report on environmental protection. The Computer Department Office八便条基本写作格式便条内容和类型不尽相同,可以灵活变通。但各类便条必须包括以下几个基本要素;1)Date:便条日期2)Salutation:称呼3)Body:正文4)Signature:署名样例收条:即收到钱物之后,给交钱或送物人写张字据,说明已经收到某物,可留作证据。条据上需写明钱物名称和数量、立据人及日期。不得涂改。Jan.23rd,2003

27、Received from Student, Wang Zihao one hundred yuan only for this months tuition fee.Li ManFor the Finance Office ofForeign Language Institute欠条;留下字据,表示欠某人某物。Sept. 16th, 2002Borrowed from the Foreign Language Department Reference Library three books as follows:A copy of History and Anthology of Engli

28、sh Literature by Wu WeirenA copy of A Survey of American Literature by Chang YaoxinA copy of World Literature by Jiang ChengenWu ZhuoFor the Office ofSocial Science Department留言:用书面留下要说的话。留言涉及的方面很多,包括约会,通知,请求等任何可用便条留下的口信。TuesdayDear Li,As the Spring Festival is drawing near, Im very glad to invite you to come to a dinner party with several other friends of ours. Im sure we will have a very happy time and enjoy ourselves thoroughly.Would you like to come on time at 5:00 p.m. today, to Room 6 of Lijing Hotel?Yours always, Jiayang

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