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1、15、 使某人做某事16、 一些另一些17、 种蔬菜18、 照顾19、 让某人长大成人20、 花费时/钱在某事上21、 在某人一生中22、 发展兴趣23、 掌握新的技巧24、 在夏令营里25、 一直,总是26、 鼓励某人做某事27、 作为一种结果28、 写.(内容29、 出版;问世30、 在某人业余时间中31、 用完,耗尽32、 不仅而且单词拓展1) v.收集_ -n.收藏品,收集物_-n.收藏家_2) v.弄整齐_adj. 整洁的_n.整洁_3) n.价值_adj.有价值的_4) n.兴趣_v.使感兴趣_ adj.有趣的(形容事物)_adj.感兴趣的(形容人)_5) v.航行_n.航行;航海

2、_6) v.请;取悦_adj.高兴的;满意的(形容人)_adj.愉悦的(形容事物)_/_n.愉悦_7) n.成功_-adj.成功的_v.成功_-adv.成功地_ 重点句型剖析1. People often give me fans as presents because they know I like them. / Ill show you my stamps too. a. 双宾语 give vt. “提供;给”。 give sb sth = give sth to sb show vt. “出示;把给别人看”。 show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. e.g.

3、 She give me a dictionary. = She give a dictionary to me. 拓展: 类似的用法 同义句转换: (1)She gave me a cup of tea.=She gave a cup of tea _ _. (2)Can you pass him the pen?=Can you pass the pen _ _ ? (3)I want to send some books to her.=I want to _ _ some books. (4)My father brought a model plane to me.=My fathe

4、r _ _ a model plane. (5)Helen showed her new pencil box to me yesterday. =Helen showed _ yesterday.b. as的常见用法分析:as此处用作介词,意为“ ” She works as a doctors. as还可以作副词,组成词组 像.一样/还 You are as tall as your father. as 还可以作“ ” She may need help as she is new here. 练习: 根据汉语意思完成句子1) 我把你当作我的朋友。I treat you _ _ _.2)

5、 她演奏得不如她的姐姐。She doesnt play _ _ _ her sister.3) 他和他的朋友们都喜欢踢足球。He _ _ _his friends _ playing football.2. I remember some wonderful places. remember vt. “记住;记得”常用于三种结构: (1)remember sb./ sth. 记得某人/某事 (2)remember doing sth. 记得做过某事(事情已经做) (3)remember to do sth. 记得去做某事 (事情还没有做) 拓展: 类似用法 忘记去做某事 忘记做过某事 停下来去

6、做某事 停止做某事 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. I cant remember _(say) any such thing. I have a bad memory. 2. My father is sleeping. Please stop _(make) any noise. 3. Sorry, I forget _(take) my passport. I will go home and bring it here. 4. Remember_(call) me when to get to Beijing. 5. I remember _(see) you in Shanghai.3

7、. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are active. 一些爱好让人放松,而另一些爱好能使人积极向上。 relaxed adj. “感到放松的”常用于修饰人 relaxing adj. “轻松的,令人放松的”常用于修饰事物用relaxed/relaxing 填空:(1) I want to have a _ weekend. (2) The bus trip was _. We had a good time. (3) John looks very _ after a _ vacation.(4) After listening to _ cou

8、ntry music, I felt so _. “其他”的表达1. My family has two puppies. One is white, _ is black.A. other B. another C. the other D. others2. There are 10 people here. Four are girls, _ are boys.A. other B. others C. the other D. the others 3. Please give me_ chance.A. other B. the other C. others D. another4

9、. - How many more peaches can I have? - You can have one more. _ are for Alice.A. The other B. Another C. Others D. The others5. You must cross the road very carefully to get to _ side of the street.A. another B. the other C. other D. the others 6. In nature, if an animal dies, itll become _ animals

10、 food. A. other B. another C. others D. the others 7. Jam is taller than _ boy in his class. A. other B. the other C. any other D. the others 8. The color of this shirt is too dark, could you show me _?A. another B. the other C. other D. others 4. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your

11、interests and help you learn new skills. make的用法make在此作使役动词,意为“使”,后面可以接省略to的动词不定式、形容词或名词作宾补。常用结构: 1) 这个故事把我们都逗笑了。This story _.2) 音乐可以使我快乐。Music can _.3) 我们选他当班长。We _.5. Which hobby do you think takes up the most space? 你认为哪种爱好占用最多的空间? take up意为“占用;占据”。指时间上的“占用”,也可指空间上的“占据”。拓展: 与take搭配的词组 根据句意填入与take

12、相关的词组1) This table _ too much room.2) You can _ school activities when you are free.3) My mothers ill and I have to _ my little sister.4) The work _ all of my Sunday.综合练习:( ) 1. My mother gave me a camera _ my birthday present last year. A. to B. at C. from D. as ) 2. These books are very _ and I wa

13、nt to collect them. A. value B. valuable C. thank D. thankful ) 3. The old man has collected a lot of _, like pounds and dollars. A. stamps B. pictures C. notes ) 4. Lisa has many friends. Some like fruit and vegetables, but _ like junk food. A. the other B. others C. another D. other ) 5. H

14、ello, boys and girls. I have _ to tell you. A. exciting something B. exciting anything C. anything exciting D. something exciting ) 6. There _ fifty students on the playground at that time. A. are B. is C. were D. was ) 7. Does the film make you _ happy or sad? A. to feel B. feelingC. felt D. feel )

15、 8. The teacher encouraged the children _ loudly in front of the people. A. spoke B. speakC. speaking D. to speak ) 9. My grandpa _ much time _ his pet dog every day last year. A. spends; to look after B. spends; looking after C. spent; D. spent; to look after ) 10. The man looked around. He wanted

16、to find somewhere _. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed ) 11. Do you know when the book _? In 1994. It is still very popular now. A. sat down B. closed down C. came out D. went out ) 12. We have made a mess in the room. Mum asked us _. A. tidy it up B. tidy up it C. to tidy it up D. to tidy up

17、it ) 13. The red coat doesnt cost _ that blue one. Ill buy the red one. A. so many B. so much C. as many as D. as much as ) 14. Susan visited Beijing last month and took a lot of photos. She showed _ _ yesterday. A. me for the photos B. me the photos C. the photos for me D. the photos me ) 15. Ouch,

18、 I cant move my leg. _ It doesnt matter. Stand up and move slowly. A.Thats the problem! B. Let me have a look. C. How can I help you?D. Are you all right?【目标二:重点语法-五种句子结构】. 句子的种类按交际功能可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。按结构可分为简单句、并列句与复合句。. 句子成分句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有主要成分和次要成分;主要成分有主语和谓语;次要成分有表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语和同位语

19、。. 各词类的作用和语法功能每一类词都有其特定的作用,在句子中的功能也各不相同。它们各自的作用和句法功能列表如下:词类缩写作用例词句法功能实义词名词n.表示人或事物的名称schoolworker主语、宾语、表语等动词v.表示动作或状态study, see, be谓语形容词adj.表示人或事物的性质和特征new, good定语、表语等副词adv.说明动词、形容词或其它副词quickly, very状语代词pron.代替名词或数词we, some数词num.表示数量或顺序one, first主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语等结构冠词art.表示名词的泛指或特指the, an, a帮助构成名词短语介词p

20、rep.表示名词或代词与其它词的关系in, from, on, to, about帮助构成介词短语连词conj.连接词与词,短语与短语,句子与句子and, or, but感叹词interj.表示说话时的感情oh, hello. 基本句型句子结构简单句是由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成,其陈述句的肯定式有以下几种 【主语(S)、谓语(V)、表语(P)、宾语(O)、宾语补足语(OC)】序号结构讲解例句1SV该句型中的谓语为不及物动词。谓语动词的前面可加情态动词或助动词。如果多个谓语动词并列,可用and,but等并列连词将它们连接起来。谓语动词在人称和数上须与主语保持一致。The

21、 first book came out in 2003.He is running fast.2P此句中的动词为连系动词,连系动词常用的有be,become等,部分行为动词在某些时候也可以用作连系动词,如:get,keep,turn,grow等。有些感官动词也可以作连系动词,如:look,sound,taste,smell,feel等。Trees are green.Mrs. Smith is a doctor.They are interested in P.E.3O此句中的动词为及物动词。动词后接宾语时应该用及物动词,若为不及物动词则须在动词后加上合适的介词。He saw a film.

22、Jim may visit his parents tomorrow.4OiOd此句型中的谓语动词是及物动词,后面接两个宾语,间接宾语一般指人,直接宾语一般指物。一般是“主谓间宾直宾”,也可以是“主谓直宾介词间宾”。可接双宾语的常见动词有:ask,give,send,buy, sell,bring,pass,tell,show,teach,promise等。I will give you a book.She bought a present for her parents.5C该句型中的“宾语 +宾语补足语”又叫做“复合宾语”,其特点是宾语与其补语之间是逻辑上的主谓关系。可接复合宾语的常见动

23、词有:ask,tell,find,help,like,take,make,let,call,watch,see,have等。The news made everyone happy.He wants me to help him.练一练1:请判断下列句子的结构类型。1. He is running.2. The loud voice from the upstairs made him angry.3. The little boy is asking the teacher all kinds of questions.4. She seemed angry.5. My father bou

24、ght me a beautiful present.6. Why do you keep your eyes closed?7. Will you tell us an exciting story?8. We must keep our classroom tidy and clean.9. I heard the baby crying in the sitting room.10. Can you push the window open?练一练2:翻译并说明句子结构。1. 我的爱好是种菜。 结构:主语+ 2. 太阳从东方升起。3. 我父亲每天早上都看报纸。结构:4. 我伯母昨天为我的

25、生日买了一辆自行车。5. 这条新闻让每个人都很开心。一、单选题:( )1. Your room is a bit of a mess. Please _ now. A. tidy up it B. tidy it up C. take up it D. take it up ( )2.Whichdoyouthink _theleastspace?A. takes up B. takes off C. takes care of D. takes part in( )3. - May I _ your book? - Mine is missing. A. have a look B. have a look at C. look ( )4. He began to teach in that school _ a math teacher in 2000. A. at B. as C. in D. on ( ) 5.Is there _ in todays newspaper?A. new anything B. anything new C. something new D. new something( )6. Itssnowi

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