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1、录音机、单词卡片、教学挂图教学过程:一、 教师组织学生就主题情景图进行讨论,如:“Look! This is a classroom. What can you see in the classroom? Who are they? What color is Anns hair? 等等。在讨论的过程中,教师通过指挂图、做手势等方式,引导学生初步理解,学习生词及主句型。二、 Do Part A: listen and write down their names.1. First time listen and find which one is right.2. Second time li

2、sten and write.3. Third time check and correct the answers.三、 Practice Part B: Choose, ask and answer.1. First time listen and repeat.2. Second time teacher makes an example for the pupils.3. Third time pupils practice in pairs.4. Fourth time ask pupils to show their dialogues.四、 Do Part C: Draw, wr

3、ite and report.1. First the teacher asks the pupils to draw a picture of their friends on the left of the book.2. Second fill in the blanks.3. Third check and correct the answers.4. Fourth report the information 五、Homework: 1. Read the words and sentences2. Preview lesson2板书:课后回顾: Lesson 2 1-21、 词汇:

4、talkative, honest, careless, popular, hardworking, shy, lazy, quiet, helpful, friendly, funny.2、句型: (1) Tell me about your classmates. (2) Whats he/she like?抽象形容词的理解,如: hardworking, popular等。一、讨论主情景图,帮助学生初步理解、学习本课生词及主句型。教师可以用问话的方式导入新课内容,如:“How many photos can you see on the board? Who are these stud

5、ents? What does Bob look like?” 让学生通过观察画面做出相应的回答。二、Do Part A: listen and number.1.First time listen and find which one is right.2.Second time listen and number.3.Third time check and correct the answers.三、Practice Part B: Ask and answer.1.First time listen and repeat.2.Second time teacher makes an e

6、xample for the pupils.3.Third time pupils practice in pairs.4.Fourth time ask pupils to show their dialogues.四、Do Part C: Lets discuss.1.First let pupils to listen and repeat the dialogue.2.Second discuss in class.3.Third report to the whole class.1. Read lesson1 and lesson22. Preview lesson3 Lesson

7、 3 1-3 通过多种形式的语言活动,帮助学生复习Lesson1 and Lesson2的生词和主句型,使学生能够综合运用本单元的主要内容。1、 A项语篇的阅读理解。2、 C项语言交流活动的有效展开。一、教师组织学生就A项的五组画面进行讨论,如:“How many children can you see in these pictures? Who can tell us about Jim? What is he like? What color is Kellys hair? What color are Sues glasses?”等问题让学生来回答。 Read, think and

8、write.1.First time ask pupils to read and write in pairs.2.Second time. check and correct the answers.三、Do Part B: Lets make.1.First time fill in the blanks.2.Second time let pupils to say the sentences they have finished. Lets play.2.Second teacher makes an example for the pupils.4. Third describe

9、and guess friends.五、Do part D: Look and write. 六、Homework:2. Preview lesson4Lesson 4 2-11、 适当扩展本单元的主要内容,让学生运用本单元的词汇和句型,开展各种形式的运用活动。2、 字母组合wh在单词中的发音规则。1、A项语篇的阅读理解。2、字母组合wh在单词中的发音规则的掌握。一、教师组织学生就A项的画面进行讨论,如:“What can you see in the pictures? What is he doing? What is she doing? Are they good students?

10、Talk and tick.1. First let pupils to listen and repeat the dialogue.2.Second time let pupils to talk about the topics. Make a poster and report. Try to say1. Listen and repeat.2. Practice in pairs Lesson 5 2-2教学目的要求: 1通过故事教学,提高朗读,理解能力和积极参与故事表演的能力2 能够理解故事中出险的新词汇3 通过阅读训练,掌握基本的阅读技巧,策略,提高阅读速度和能力4 能够在积极表

11、达,与人的交流的实践中提高语言的感受,理解和运用能力,加强与人合作的意识配图故事的阅读初步复述,表演故事1 出示挂图,学生观察2 老师介绍人物名字,学生介绍人物外貌特征What can you see in the pictures?Where are they? What are they doing?What does tom look like? What is Ann like?3. 分小组初读故事,生词自己查字典4生把生词写在黑板上,请大家帮助解决,并带读。5将图打乱顺序,生听录音,并按顺序排列图。6检查排序是否正确7学生跟读故事录音8两人一组讨论,完成B项阅读练习,个别人朗读,全班

12、订正答案9。排练C项的故事作业:1 听录音,家长签字2 完成活动手册11,12题 Lesson 6 2-3教学目的:对本单元所学的生词和句型进行综合的复习和检测教学难点听力教学过程1复习单词:读单词卡片 选择卡片,并用所选的单词描述同学。3 Part A 1)讨论画面:两人一小组,讨论A项中的3个人会是什么样子的,用所给的词进行描述。2)听录音,选择适当的词和图片。订正答案。3. Part B1) 生默读对话2)生听录音,并跟读3)调查班里一个同学的情况并按照表格的要求填好4)描述介绍调查的同学4. Part C 1) 生独立完成表格2)小组讨论,订正答案3)齐读短文,请同学汇报,并订正答案P

13、art D1) 观察图片,口头完成句子2) 独立填写单词3) 订正答案1 读P13 的C部分2 完成活动手册改错Unit 2 Who is taller?Lesson 71. 正确理解形容词比较级的含义.2. 能够听懂比较两者不同的语句及比较级描述的语段。3能够简单的用比较级比较两个人,两个事物的不同。4能够积极踊跃的参加课堂教学。 1词汇:bigger, smaller, taller, shorter, longer, funnier, smarter, quieter, newer, 2. 句型:(1)两个人物之间的比较:“Max is bigger than Ann. Who is s

14、maller? Ted is smaller than Tom.”(2)两个事物之间的比较:“Maxs ruler is longer than Annas ruler.”1. 形容词比较级的变化形式和对含有比较级的句子的理解。2. 不同类别的形容词比较级Part A1帮助理解形容词比较级: 请两个学生到前面:T:Im short. is tall. is taller.Show two rulers: This is long. And this is longer.3 学生进行比较,体会比较级4 看主题图:Who is taller? Who is bigger? 5 听录音,写出人名字。

15、6 互相检查,订正答案。Part B 1 T:I am bigger than A. A is bigger than B.2 个别生模仿说句子。3 小组练习4 请两人到前面,大家对他们进行比较。重点练习:Maxs hair is longer than Annas hair.Part C1 生独立完成填空2 汇报3 书写规则1听书P14 录音,家长签字3 完成活动手册1,2 题4 预习第8 课课后小结:复 备Lesson 8教学目的要求1. 正确理解复词比较级的含义.教学重点1 词汇:better, faster, harder及其与部分动词的搭配2 句型:Who runs faster?

16、Betty runs faster than Jane.对于副词比较级的理解。1 Today, well have a match. First one is running match.请两个学生到前面比赛。帮助学生理解并回答,另外在请三组同学进行比赛,通过问答进行练习。2 同样的方法练习better,harder3 在同学中进行比较,生独立表达。4 老师找出两名同学,小组讨论他们的不同点,从外貌到性格特点,及在各方面的表现5 分组汇报讨论结果。6 听录音,完成填空,订正答案 Part B1 请同学表演,T: Who dance better?2. 小组练习,3人 两人表演,一人提问,大家回

17、答Part C 1. 独立完成填空2. 汇报1 听录音P162 完成活动手册3,4题3 预习9课教学内容Lesson 9课时第 节 共 节授课时间月 日目标1开放型造句练习帮助学生巩固所学内容。2. 通过观察、归类等探究学习形式,引导学生自主探究比较级变化规律。重点对形容词和副词比较级的理解难点借助实物、图片、动作等帮助学生理解比较级教具录音机,实物,图片。板书设计Jane is taller than Betty.New-newer tall-tallerShort-shorter long-longerOld-older small-samllerdraw better sing bett

18、er dance betterswim faster run faster study harder教师活动学生活动一、Greetings:T: Good morning boys and girls. How are you ?Im ok. Free talk.二、Leading in1. T: Who is your best friend? Who is taller, you or your friend? Who is older, you or your friend? Who runs faster, you or your friend? Who draws better, y

19、ou or your friend?2.Read and circle the differences.Let them to give out the answer.S: good morning Mr. Fan.Im fine and you? answer my question. is my best friend. Im taller than him. He is older than me. He runs faster than me. I draw better than him.1.Ss do part B in pairs.2.Ss do exercise A3.Lets

20、 play a guessing game. I have a friend, he is taller than me, his hair is shorter than my hair. He runs faster than me. Who is he?4.To do part D:1.Find, write and report.2. To fill in the blanks.三、Sum up:Let Ss summarize the structures of this lesson.四、Homework for today:Part C:Is he To do the pair

21、work.Part D:Ss check the answers.课后反思Lesson 101.进一步强化本单元所学内容的同时,拓宽文化视野。2.通过听和读掌握字母组合er的发音规律。1. 适当扩展本单元的主要内容,让学生运用本单元的词汇和句型,开展各种形式的活动。2. 字母组合er在单词中的发音规则。1 A项语篇的阅读理解。2 字母组合er在单词中的发音规则的掌握。Big Cities and Countrysideer: older farmer bakersinger dancer teacher. How are you? Who is shorter, you or your fri

22、end? Who sings better, you or your friend?T show the pictures of partAI like cities. Which do you like, the cities or the countryside? Why? OK, lets listen to the tape. Which do people like, big cities or the countryside?2.Do part B.Compete in speaking sentences.Which group gives more sentences, whi

23、ch group can win. Im shorter than him. I sings better than him. Say some sentences about the pictures.Ss discuss in groups.Ss listen to the tape and repeat.Then look at their books.Ss read the passage quickly and try to answer the question.Then read again and fill in the blanks.Some Ss give the answers.1.Ss do part B in g

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