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1、您愿意做个担保预订吗?(14)Id like to confirm your reservation. 我想再确认一下您的预订。(15)May I have your flight number, please?请告诉我您搭乘的班机号码好吗?(16)We offer free transportation to and from the airport. 我们提供免费的机场迎送服务。(17)We offer pick-up service at the airport. 我们在机场提供有接机服务。(18)Do you know your arrival time at XXX Airport,

2、 sir?您知道您抵达XXX机场的时间吗?(19)Do you mean local time?您指的是当地时间吗?(20)We look forward to serving you. 我们期待能为您服务。(21)Have a safe trip. 祝您一路平安。(22)What kind of room would you prefer?您想要什么样的房间?(23)Id like to reserve a room with sea view. 我想订一间看得到海的房间。(24)Id like a room with a very large bed. 我想要一间有大床的房间。(25)Do

3、es the price include breakfast?这个价钱包括早餐吗?(26)Shall we charge this to your company?我们是向贵公司收费吗?(27)Do you accept credit card?你们酒店接受信用卡吗?(28)Is this a new reservation or a confirmation call?您这个电话是新的预订,还是确认预订呢?(29)Id like to confirm a reservation. 我要确认一项预订。(30)Your room is confirmed. 您的预订已经得到确认。(31)Im a

4、fraid that we have no record of reservation for that date in your name. 恐怕我们没有您那天预订的记录。(32)Shall I make a reservation for you now?我现在为您预订好吗?(33)Youre lucky, we still have some room available for those days.您很幸运,我们那几天刚好有空房。(34)Id like to book 10 standard rooms for some visiting scholars.我想给几位访问学者预订10

5、个标准间。(35)Id like to extend my reservation for one more night. 我想将预订再延长一晚。(36)Well extend the reservation for you. 我们会为您延长预订的。(37)You can go to the Chinese restaurant in our hotel. 您可以去我们酒店的中餐厅用餐。(38)Well make the cancellation for you. 我们会为您取消预订。(39)We will inform your friend when he comes.您朋友回来时我们会告

6、知他。(40)Can you book me into another hotel nearby?可不可以在附近为我预订另一家酒店呢?(41)Can I leave my suitcase at the Bell Captains Desk?我能把手提箱放在行李部吗?(42)This cloakroom is open until 9:30pm. 本行李处开放到晚上9:30。(43)Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag?请问袋子里有没有贵重或者易碎的物品?(44)Whats your tourist groups name?请问

7、你们旅行团的名字是什么?(45)How many people in your group?你们团队有多少人呢?(46)Can you tell me your information in detail?您能详细地向我说说你们的信息吗?(47)Could you check that if everything is here?请检查东西是不是都在呢?(48)Just a minute please. Ill bring a luggage cart. 请稍等,我去推一辆行李车来。(49)Could you describe your bags?您能描述一下您的包是什么样的吗?(50)Ill

8、 collect it for you right away. 我马上去取。(51)Could you please show your luggage tag?您可以出示一下行李牌吗?(52)There are several top-class restaurants and bars here. 我们这儿有好几个一流的餐厅和酒吧。(53)Ill make an introduction about the hotel. 我会为您做一些酒店的介绍。(54)Dont worry, it will take you 30 minutes. 别着急,30分钟就能到。(55)Its slipper

9、y, please mind your step. 地很滑,请小心。(56) Please contact the front desk. 请联系前台。(27)Are you Li Ming from International Travel Agency?你是来自国际旅行社的李明吗?(58)Do you remember the tags number?能告诉我你牌子的号码吗?(59)There is a service charge of 15%.加收15%的服务费。(60)If you want to cash the check, please sign your name here.

10、 如果您想兑换支票,请在这里签名。(61)Would you like a wake-up call?请问您需要叫醒服务吗?(62)Would you like a second call?请问您需要二次叫醒服务吗?(63)It is $165 per night for a double room including breakfast. 大床房房价165美元每晚,含早餐。(64)Im afraid we have no vacancies this evening. 恐怕我们今晚没有空房了。(65)Thats the best rate I can offer you, sir. 这是我能

11、给您的最优惠的价格。(66)My room is very small, can you upgrade it to a suite?我的房间很小,你能给我升级到套房吗?(67)I am sorry, Mr White. Your room isnt quite ready yet. 对不起,怀特先生,您的房间还没有整理完毕。(68)May I suggest you a cup of coffee in the lobby bar?我可以建议您到大堂吧喝杯咖啡吗?(69)Ill ask Housekeeping to do your room as soon as possible. 我会叫

12、客房部尽快打扫您的房间。(70)Sorry madam. I didnt quite catch what you said. 对不起女士,我没有听懂您所说的。(71)Let me give you a map of the city. 我给您张城市地图吧。(72)Changan street is about five minutes walk away from our hotel. 长安街距离我们酒店步行五分钟。(73)Enjoy your stay, Ms Brown. 祝您入住愉快,布朗女士。(74)Good morning, this is Simon from Guest Ser

13、vice. 早上好,我是宾客服务中心的西蒙。(75)Please tell the taxi driver Ill be down in five minutes. 请告诉出租车司机我5分钟内下来。(76)I will order you a taxi for nine thirty. 我会给您安排9:30的出租车。(77)I need two rooms for two nights on December 5th。我需要订12月5日2间房,住2晚。(78)Could you give me a credit card number?您能给我您的信用卡号码吗?(79)I need your

14、credit card number to guarantee your reservation. 我需要您的信用卡号码做担保预订。(80)Could you tell me the expiration date, please?您能告诉我有效期吗?(81)We appreciate your suggestions to our hotel.请您对我们的服务多提宝贵意见。(82)Do you have the reservation number?您有预订号吗?(83)I have to cancel my reservation for next Tuesday. 我需要取消我下周二的预

15、订。(84)Would you like me to send a confirmation email?您需要我给您发一封确认的电邮吗?(85)Will there be any charge for the cancellation?取消预订会收费吗?(86)Ill put you through to the restaurant. 我给您转餐厅。(87)Ill send someone up from Maintenance. 我会叫维修人员上来。(88)Could you tell me which room Mr. Lee is staying, please?你能告诉我李先生住哪

16、间房吗?(89)I am afraid I cant give out our guests room numbers. 对不起我们不能透露客人的房号。(90)Would you like to call back later or leave a message?您是等下再打电话还是留言?(91)We will leave a message for him.我们会给他留个口信。(92)Could I have a room on a lower floor, please?请问我能要个楼层低一些的房间吗?(93)Would you mind repeating the number?您可以

17、再重复下号码吗?(94)Let me just read that back to you. 让我复述一下。(95)Please accept my apologies. 请接受我的道歉。(96)I will send somebody up to collect your bags. 我会叫人上来拿您的行李。(97)I will offer you a room on a higher floor. 我会给您一个楼层高些的房间。(98)The guest complains the room smells of smoke. 客人抱怨房间有烟味。(99)Do you need transpo

18、rtation to and from the hotel?您需要饭店接送服务吗?(100)Could you check your departure date please?请确认下您的离店日期,好吗?(101)Here is your card and invoice. 这是您的卡和发票。(102)You can make IDD call in your room. 您可以在房间内打国际长途直拨电话。(103)There is a mini bar in your room. 客房里有小冰箱。(104)You can use internet in the room for free.

19、 房间内上网是免费的。(105)There is a safe in your room. 房间内有保险箱。(106) This is your room key. Our bellboy will show you to your room. 这是您房间的钥匙。 我们的行李员会带您去房间。(107) If you have any problems, please let us know. 如果您有问题,请随时找我们。(108)Heres a letter for you, Mr Green. 格林先生,这里有您一封信。(109) Is it possible to rent a bike

20、here?酒店有自行车可供出租吗?(110)We will answer you as soon as possible. 我们会尽快给您答复。(111) Will you pay by credit card or in cash?您用信用卡还是现金结账。(112) There is a street where the local food is served. 有条街提供当地小吃。(113)How would you like to make your payment?您采用哪种结账方式。(114)I do apologize. 非常抱歉。(115) If you dont mind,

21、we can take care of your baggage. 如果您不介意,我们可以为您看管行李。(116) Im sorry, all the rooms are fully booked on that day. 很抱歉,那天的房间已经订满了。(117) You could try the Peace Hotel if you like. 如果您愿意你可以试一试和平饭店。(118) It is RMB 550 per night for a twin room. 双人间每间每晚550元。(119) We will confirm your reservation by E-mail.

22、 我们会通过电子邮件确认您的预订。(120) Thank you for calling. 多谢您打电话来。(121) We are expecting your arrival. 我们期待您的到来。(122) Id like to postpone my check-in time. 我要推迟入住时间。(123) Here is the tariff. 这是房价表。(124) Breakfast is included /excluded. 早餐是包含在内的/不包含在内的。(125) Whats your nationality?请问您的国籍是哪里?(126) Please pay the

23、room deposit in advance. 请您预付房费押金。(127) How did you make the reservation,by telephone or by internet?您是以什么方式办理的预订,电话还是网络?(128) I want to have an extension. 我想办理续住手续。(129) Let me give you a new card,please. 我为您办理一张新卡吧。(130) May I leave a message for her?我能可她留言吗?(131) Are there any letters for me?这儿有我

24、的信件吗?(132) How can I get there?我怎样去那里?(133) Did you sleep well last night?昨晚您睡得还好吗?(134) Did you use mini-bar just now?请问您刚用过房间里小冰箱中的食品吗?(135)Ill check it with the departments concerned right now. 我马上与相关部门核实一下。(136)Shall I draw up your bill for you?我把您的账单开出来好吗?(137) Item 3 refers to the room service

25、. 项目3是指客房送餐服务。(138) This item is laundry charge. 这项是洗衣费。(139) I am the hotel representative. 我是酒店代表。(140) we have shuttle bus to the airport. 我们有去机场的班车。(141) We offer parking service. 我们提供泊车服务。(142) Would you like to have a brochure of the hotel?您要酒店的介绍册吗?(143) May I lead the way, sir?先生,我来领路,好吗?(144) This is the emergency exit. 这是紧急出口。(145) Please leave your luggage out of your door. 请您将行李放在门外。(146) The business center is on the second floo

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