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1、For example,6 represents the first molar permanent teeth in the left part of the mandibular teeth.Landmarks of the teeth The crowns of the incisors and canines have four surfaces and a ridge. The crowns of the premolars and molars have five surfaces. Those surfaces of the incisors and canines facing

2、 toward the lips are called labial surfaces, those surfaces of the premolars and molars facing toward the cheek , buccal surfaces. All surfaces facing toward the tongue are called lingual surfaces. The surfaces of the teeth which come in contact with those in the opposite jaw during the act of closu

3、re are called occlusal surfaces.The surfaces of the teeth which are presented toward or lie against adjoining teeth in the same dental arch are called proximal or proximate surfaces. Those proximal surfaces which are faced toward the median line are called mesial surfaces, and those most distant fro

4、m the median line are called distal surfaces. Other landmarks A cusp is an elevation or mound on the crown portion of a tooth making up a divisional part of the occlusal surface. A tubercle is a smaller elevation on some portion of the crown produced by an overcalcification of enamel. A cingulum is

5、the lingual lobe of an anterior tooth. A ridge is any linear elevation on the surface of a tooth and is named according to its location or form: buccal ridge, incisal ridge, marginal ridge, etc.Marginal ridge are those rounded elevations of the enamel which form the margins of the occlusal surfaces

6、of premolars and molars, mesially and distally, and the mesial and distal margins of the incisors and canines lingually.Triangular ridges are those ridges which descend from the tips of the cusps of molars and premolars toward the central part of the occlusal surfaces. When a buccal and a lingual tr

7、iangular ridge join, they form a transverse ridge, the union of two triangular ridges crossing transversely the surface of a posterior tooth.The oblique ridge is a variable ridge crossing obliquely the occlusal surfaces of upper molars; it results from the junction of two triangular ridges.A fossa i

8、s an irregular, rounded depression or concavity found upon the surface of a tooth. Lingular fossae are found upon the lingual surface of incisors. Central fossae are found upon the occluusal surface of molars, and are formed by the converging of ridges terminating at a central point in the bottom of

9、 the depression where there is a junction of grooves. Triangular fossae are found on molars and premolars on the occlusal surfaces mesial or distal to marginal ridges. A sulcus is a notably long depression or valley in the surface of a tooth between ridges and cusps, the inclines of which meet at an

10、 angle. A developmental groove is a shallow groove or line denoting evidence of coalescence between the primary parts of the crown or root.Fissures are linear faults in the enamel covering of crowns.New Words and Expressions1.deciduous adj. 每年落叶的, 非永久性的 2.incisor n.门牙3.canine n.解剖犬齿 adj.犬的, 似犬的, 犬科的

11、, 犬齿的 4.molar adj.磨碎的, 臼齿的 n.臼齿, 磨牙5.premolar n.前臼齿 6.mastication n.咀嚼7.laniate v.撕裂, 撕开 8.saliva n.口水, 唾液 9.quadrant n.象限, 四分仪10.perpendicular adj.垂直的, 正交的 n.垂线11.occlusal adj.医(上下齿)咬合(面)的12.occlusal surface牙合 面13.maxillary adj.上颌骨的 n.上颌骨14.mandibular adj. 下颌骨15.ridge n.嵴,脊16.labial adj.唇的, 嘴唇的, 语音

12、唇音的n.唇音, 风琴管labial surface 唇面17.buccal adj. (面)颊的, 口的, 口腔的18.lingual adj.舌的,舌状的;语言的 lingual surfaces舌面 19.proximal pr (proximate pr ksimeit) adj.最接近的20.medianm dj n adj.中央的,中线的 n.中部, 当中, 数学 中线, 中值 21.mesialm zj l adj.中央的, 中间的22.distaldistl adj.末梢的,远中的23.elevation elivei n隆突24.moundmaund耸起,小丘25.divis

13、ionaldivi n adj.分割的, 分区的26.tubercletj b (:)kl结节27.overcalcificationou kei n 过度钙化28.cingulumsi gjul m带, 扣带;舌面隆突29.mesiallym zj li近中地30.distallydist li 远中地31.oblique bl k斜的32.fossa f s (复 fossae f s )窝,凹33.converge k nv d v.聚合,会聚, 集中于一点34.groovegr v沟35.sulcuss lk s沟36.coalescencekou lesns n.合并, 接合, 联合

14、37.linear lini adj.线的, 直线的, 线性的 参考译文牙的分类人一生有两副牙齿,第一副为乳牙,第二副为恒牙。乳牙共20个,恒牙共32个。乳牙分为乳切牙、乳尖牙和乳磨牙三类;恒牙分为切牙、尖牙、前磨牙和磨牙四类。切牙和尖牙位于口角之前,称之为前牙;前磨牙和磨牙位于口角之后,故称为后牙。牙的功能咀嚼:食物进入口腔后,经过切牙的切割、尖牙的撕裂、前磨牙的捣碎和磨牙的磨细等一系列机械加工过程,同时与唾液混合,唾液中的酶对食物起部分消化作用。发音和言语:牙、唇和舌与发音和言语的关系密切。牙的位置以及舌与唇、牙之间的位置关系,对发音的准确性与言语的清晰程度有着重要的影响。保持面部的协调美

15、观。临床牙位记录目前最常用的牙位记录方法有四:部位记录法,palmer记录系统,通用编号系统及国际牙科联合会系统。部位记录法以两条相互垂直的直线将牙弓分为A、B、C、D个象限,竖线代表中线,区分左右;横线表示牙合 面,横线以上为上颌牙,以下为下颌牙。乳牙用罗马字表示;恒牙用阿拉伯字表示。乳牙临床牙位记录如下:例如 I表示右上第一乳切牙。恒牙临床牙位记录如下:例如 6表示左下第一恒磨牙。牙冠表面解剖标志切牙和尖牙的牙冠有四个面和一个切嵴,前磨牙和磨牙的牙冠有五个面。切牙和尖牙向着唇部的面叫唇面,前磨牙和磨牙向着颊部的面叫颊面。所有向着舌部的各个面都叫做舌面。上下颌牙齿的接触面叫牙合 面。在同一牙

16、弓中,牙齿面向或紧靠邻牙的面叫邻面。靠近中线的邻接面叫近中面,远离中线的叫远中面。其他标志:牙尖:是牙冠高起的部分,它构成牙合 面的一部分。结节:是牙冠一些部分的较小突起,由于釉质的过度钙化所形成。舌面隆突:是前牙的舌叶。嵴:是牙面上任何一种长条形的突起部分,按照它的位置和形状来命名:颊嵴、切嵴、边缘嵴等等。边缘嵴:是釉质的圆形隆起,它形成前磨牙和磨牙牙合 面的近远中边缘,切牙和尖牙舌面的近远中边缘。三角嵴:起于磨牙和前磨牙牙尖顶部,向牙合 面的中央部分延伸。当颊尖三角嵴和舌尖三角嵴相连,就形成一个横嵴;二个三角嵴的连接部分横贯于后牙的表面。斜嵴:是斜向横贯上颌磨牙牙合 面的变异性嵴;它由二个

17、三角嵴连接而成。窝:牙面上呈不规则圆形的凹下部分叫窝。切牙在舌面有舌窝。磨牙在牙合 面有中央窝,这是由嵴的末端在凹下部分底部中央聚集而成,并有沟连接。磨牙和前磨牙牙合 面边缘嵴的近中侧或远中侧可有三角窝。沟:是牙面上嵴与牙尖间的长条形凹陷或谷,斜面集合成角。发育沟:是一线性沟或线,显示牙冠和牙根发育期连接的痕迹。裂隙:是牙冠面上釉质呈细条状的断裂层。Supplementary materialUseful Questions to PatientsIs it getting worse at night or by day? How long have you had the pain?Hav

18、e you had any pain in the temple or the ear? Where do you feel the pain most?Do you feel the pain when you touch your tooth with your tongue?Do you get more pain with cold or warm water? Do you bleed a lot after extraction?Is the pain more severe when I press here or here? How long does the pain las

19、t?Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Have you a feeling of weight in your tooth?Have you been in hospital for anything? Are you taking any medicine? Have you ever had rheumatic fever, kidney disease, chest or lung diseases?Have you any allergies-particularly penicillin allergy?Terms Used

20、in DentistryTo apply a clamp.To arrest bleeding.To brush teeth.To cap a tooth.To cauterize.To drill.To extract a tooth(pull out, remove).To file.To fill.To kill a nerve.To plug a tooth.To polish.To put a gag in the mouth.To remove the saliva by a pump.To rinse the cavity.To scale.An impacted tooth.T

21、o scrape.Premature teeth.Dentures/artificial teeth are not my own teeth.To take an impression.To take the bite.To grind off the artificial tooth until there is a perfect fit.You must have a full/top/bottom set.Lesson 2 Oral and Maxillofacial HistologyThe mucous membrane surrounding the necks of the

22、teeth is the gingiva or gum. The gingiva is firmly attached to the tooth in a cuff-shaped manner, but the arrangement of the tissues is such that a shallow sulcus formed. This gingival sulcus tends to collect food and debris, particularly in the absence of adequate oral hygiene, and this provides a

23、favourable situation for bacterial growth. Even in gingivae that appear completely normal clinically, at least a sparse infiltration of macrophages and lymphocytes can be noted in the subepithelial connective tissue in region of the gingival sulcus. The epithelium is normally keratinised, though often in otherwise normal tissues keratinsation is lacking, or there may be parake

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