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七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip第6课时SectWord格式文档下载.docx

1、 Yes, I saw quite a lot.Were the strawberries good? Yes,they were./ No,they werent.二、语言功能: 能模仿3a,用日记的形式描述自己的上一次学校旅行。三、学习策略1.能根据标题和插图预测短文的主要内容。2.了解时间顺序是讲述故事的主线。3. 模仿范文写日记。四、情感态度 合理安排时间。(设计意图:目标引领,表述了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标。)Step1 Revision 1. Write the past forms of the following words:am/is are do have/has go

2、 see take buy make study sit tell get look can sing fly run say visit Anwers:was were did had wentsaw took bought made studiedsat told got looked couldsang flew ran said visited2. Preview:translate the following phrases into English. 1)参观动物园 2)乘公共汽车去那里 3)拍一些照片 4) 买一些礼物 5)我和我的同班同学也去了礼品店,并买了一些礼品。6)我没有

3、买任何东西,因为它们太昂贵了。Answers:1.visit the zoo 2.get there by bus 3.take some photos some gift5.My classmates and I also went to the gift shop and bought some gifts.6.I didnt buy anything because they were very expensive.Then check the answers together.4. Pair work:1. Look at the following pictures an

4、d ask and answer in pairs. A: What did you do last weekend? B: I . Ask some pairs to make conversastions in front of class5. Self Check 2Ask the students to look at the pictures carefully, then fill in the blanks and ask some pairs to act it out.通过本环节复习了本单元的重点词组、句型和话题,为后面写作奠定了基础)Step2 While-writingI

5、.3a Look at the pictures and complete the passage.1. Let the students fill in the blanks and then check.2. Ask students to answer the following questions: How to write a diary?1.write in a timeline. 2.Use the past tense. 3.write about the feelings. 4. the topic sentence. How to describe your last sc

6、hool trip?It was really+adj. What is the topic sentence of the passage?Yesterday my school visited the zoo What is the detail sentence?We went there by bus. At the zoo, I saw a lot of _ and I took some photos. My classmates and I also went to the _ and bought some _. 3. Retell the passage according

7、to the pictures.June 23rdYesterday my school _ the zoo. It was really _. We _there by bus. At the zoo, I _a lot of animals and I _ some photos. My classmates and I also _ to the gift shop, and _ some gifts. It was a great day.visited ,intresting ,went , saw , took ,went ,boughtII. Group workGet the

8、students to work in groups and complete Lindas diary. And then check the answers.通过范文3a,3b 的学习帮助学生建构写作的支架,为3c的写作奠定了基础,降低了难度。III. 3c Write a diary about your own school trip. 1.Lets discuss : How to write this diary? (The students works with the teacher together to find the answer)1) write in a timel

9、ine.2) Use the past tense.3) write about the feelings.4) the topic sentence.2.Get students to write, pay attention to the key points while writing. Ask a student to write on the blackboard. May 1first My school went to Guishan.The trip was really great.On the top of Guishan,I saw lots of trees and I

10、 took some photos.We also went to the gift shop,and bought somegifts.I was a great day.3.Check with the students according to the following checklist:Checklist:1. Did he / she write in a timeline?2. Did he / she use the past tense?3. Did he / she use the past forms of the verbs correctly?4. Did he /

11、 she write about his / her feelings?5. Is there a topic sentence?6. Are there any spelling mistakes?7. Is his / her handwriting good?4. Get the students to check each other according to the checklist.5. Correct the writing.Step3.Writing Practice:3. 制定评价量规:Did she / he write in a timeline?Did she / h

12、e use the past tense?Did she / he use the past forms of the verbs correctly?Did she / he write about his / her feelings?Is there a topic sentence?Are there any spelling mistakes?Is his/ her handwriting good?4. Get the students to write by themselves, ask two students to write on the blackboard.Step4

13、 Post-writing1. Teacher-student CheckCheck the writing on the blackboard with the students with the following table.2. Student-student Check 1. Check the writing each other with the table. 2. Ask some students to read the writings.( 写作意图:通过范文制定了评价量规通过师生评价,生生互评对学生的写作进行评价。评价量规的制定使得写作评价有章可循。 Homework: Look at the pictures below. What happened yesterday? Then write a diary.提示词:couldnt fish found the way to fish fish the fish亮点 1.本节课全面复习了本单元的重点单词、短语、句型以及话题,为写作活动的有效开展做好了铺垫。 2. 对于self check 部分做了调整到复习之后进行练习更合理。 3. 有效地指导学生写作,并制定评价量规进了全面的评价。使用建议: 1. 采用分组教学。 2. 写作对于学生来说较难,鼓励他们大胆写。

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