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1、7(2014四川绵阳第一次诊断)The School Art Festival has set up a stage _ students can show their talents.Awhich BwhereCthat Dwhen8(2014湖南五校十市第一次联合测试)What she would like to discuss with me was _ while everybody said she was a lazy person, she did not think so.Awhat BthatCwhy Dwhether9(2014安徽芜湖三校一模)_ you do will

2、be right because you are a wise and responsible man.AWhat BWhichCWhichever DWhatever10(2014皖北协作区高三第一次联考)It is still under discussion _ English should be called off in the college entrance examinations.Awhether BwhenCthat Dwhere11(2014潍坊高三一模)Id like to place things _ it is convenient to get them.Ain

3、which BwhatCwhere Dthat12(2014山东青岛一模)The problem is _ we can improve our reading skills in such a short time.Awhen BwhatChow Dthat13(2014安徽马鞍山第一次教学质量检测)It is unknown to the public _ the air crash occurred in the mountainous area yesterday.Awhen BwhereCthat Dhow14(2014宁波一模)When you are reading, make

4、a note of _ you think is of great importance.Cwhere Dwhat15(2014杭州五校第一次联考)His promise _ he would give away half of the years income to the disabled turned out a lie, _ made the public feel cheated.Awhich; what Bthat; whichCwhat; which Dwhich; that湖南十三校5月联考)I wish my house would be built _ we can enj

5、oy beautiful scenery with mountains and rivers.山东临沂5月质检)_ they looked, they saw nothing but ruins after the terrible earthquake.AWhichever BWhateverCWherever DHowever山东青岛二模)We need some more facts and data _ we make the final decision.Asince BbeforeCafter Duntil福建莆田5月质检)Of the twochild policy,_ some

6、 see the bright side, others worry about a baby boom in China.Awhile BwhenCsince Donce长沙重点中学二模)Ive always been a writer, but I didnt figure out it was possible _ I was in my early thirties.Awhen BuntilCafter Dunless湖南省怀化市二模)Keep yourself open _ we can experience the great joy that friendship can bri

7、ng.Aas if Bso thatCeven though Dever since福建莆田4月质检)Between the lectures is 20 minutes break, _ the students can get relaxed.Athat BwhichCwhere Dwhen福建泉州第二次质检)Nowadays, it is common to see people staring at their mobile phones instead of reading a real book, _ many experts are worried.Awhen Bfor whic

8、hCwhere Dabout which江西重点中学盟校二联)Intelligence, perseverance and confidence are _ it takes to make a good scientist.Cwhich Dwhere四川成都毕业班第二次诊断)Robert Johnson was an American singer and musician,_ records reached a wider audience after his death.Awhom BwhichCwhose Dwhere湖南常德四校二模)_ is widely accepted, in

9、the Middle East Arabs greet each other by touching noses, but this is not a polite way of greeting in other cultures.AIt BAsCWhich DWhat皖西四校第二次考试)The old man is so hardworking a gardener _ quite a few gardens want to hire as a fulltime worker.Athat BasCwhich Dwho湖南长沙重点中学二模)China is developing fast.

10、Thats _ I think those of my colleagues who deal with China affairs should visit China.Abecause BwhyCwhen Dhow合肥第二次教学质量检测)The bridegroom and bride gave _ attended their wedding some gifts to share their happiness.Awhomever BwhoeverCwhom Dwho安徽黄山高三二模)Some place names have been changing over the years.

11、 For example, Jinling in ancient China refers to _ is now called Nanjing.Cwhat Dwhether1There is a popular view _ in city strangers are less likely to help an elderly person.Athat BwhetherCwhy Dhow2The police went to the suspects house and searched for _ they could find to prove him guilty.Awhoever

12、BwhereverCwhichever Dwhatever3Boys seem to do better in science subjects like math and physics.Thats _ I dont agree. There are many examples to show girls can do as well as boys.Awhat Bwhere4As the spokeswoman said,_ we should take action against them depends on what they will do.Awhy BifCwhether Dt

13、hat5Something should be done to improve the worsening air quality.Yes. _ pollutes the air shall pay a high price.AWhoever BNo matter whoCWhomever DAnyone6My friend Julia brought out all her dresses and told me to take _ suited me best.Awhichever BwhateverCwhenever Dwhoever7The Internet is widely use

14、d nowadays, _ speeds up the appearance of some new industries.Cwhich Dhow8Last year, Chinese tourists made 83 million overseas travels, _ Thailand and South Korea were their favorites.Aamong that Bamong whichCof whom Dof whose9I cant find Mr. White. Where did you meet him yesterday?It was in the cin

15、ema _ we saw the movie Enders Game.Athat BwhereCwhich Dthere10Playing basketball is a sport _ working as a team matters more.Awhere BthatCwhich Dwhat11Her performances on the stage were perfect,_ made a lot of people admire her.Athat BitCwhat Dwhich12_ the numbers of such developments are relatively

16、 small, the potential market is large.AWhen BSinceCAs DWhile13_ you choose to settle down, you should attempt to fit in with the local people.AWhatever BWhicheverCHowever DWherever14Sleeping pills should never be taken _ suggested by a doctor because they will do great harm to peoples health.Aeven t

17、hough Beven whenCexcept when Deven so15People often dont appreciate what they have, do they?No,_ they lose it.Aif Bafter答 案一模题组1选B考查连词。句意:既然你总是乐观、自信,我迫不及待地想和你交朋友。though“尽管,虽然”;since“既然,由于”;while“当的时候,尽管”;so“所以”。根据句意可知应选B。2选A考查状语从句。空气污染越来越严重,所以我们必须趁现在还来得及的时候采取行动。根据句意可知,应用before,表示“在以前”。3选D考查连词。你有时甚至过

18、着孤独的生活,既然这样又怎么能够指望出人头地呢?根据句意可知,这里应用when引导并列句表示“既然”。本题要注意下面几点:句中的get ahead in ones life表示“出人头地”,live to oneself表示“过孤独的生活”,when在这里引导的是并列句而不是状语从句,表示“既然”。4选D考查非限制性定语从句。这门关于中国饮食的课程每年都吸引100多个学生,其中一半是留学生。of表示“的一部分”,关系代词whom指代100 students,在从句中作介词of的宾语。5选C考查定语从句。两年前我读过的一个故事,它的名字我记不清楚了,改变了我对教育的看法。whose作定语,修饰n

19、ame,引导非限制性定语从句,该从句修饰先行词a story。6选D考查定语从句。最近我们社区在所有居民中发起了一项运动,这项运动号召我们做力所能及的事来阻止环境的日益恶化。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a campaign,且从句中缺少地点状语,故选关系副词where,相当于in which,即in the campaign。7选B考查定语从句。学校艺术节搭起了一个同学们可以展示他们才华的平台。先行词是stage,关系词在定语从句中充当地点状语,故用where。因此选B。8选B考查名词性从句。她想要和我讨论的事是这样的虽然所有的人都说她是一个懒惰的人,但她自己不这样认

20、为。What she would like to discuss with me是主语从句,was后面是一个表语从句,这个表语从句句意完整,故用that引导。9选D考查名词性从句。无论你做什么事都是正确的,因为你是一位有智慧且负责的人。分析句子结构可知,空处引导一个主语从句,在从句中作宾语,再结合句意可知此处应用whatever。10选A考查名词性从句。英语是否应该从高考中取消,这个问题还在讨论中。本空需要用连词引导主语从句,根据句意可知,这里应用whether引导主语从句表示疑问,因此选A。11选C考查状语从句。我想把东西放在方便拿的地方。此处where引导地点状语从句。故选C项。12选C考

21、查表语从句。问题是我们如何能在这么短的时间内提高阅读能力。“_ we can improve our reading skills in such a short time”作系动词“is”的表语。根据逻辑,可知设空处表示“方式”,故用how引导。13选D考查主语从句。人们不知道昨天在山区的这起飞机坠毁事故是怎么发生的。It为形式主语,后面的从句为真正的主语。根据句意可知,此处应使用how表示事故发生的方式。14选D考查名词性从句。在阅读时,记下你认为很重要的东西。分析该句结构可知,介词of后缺宾语,所缺的词作宾语从句中think的宾语,故选what。15选B考查名词性从句和定语从句。他会捐赠


23、“无论如何”。look为不及物动词,故排除A、B两项;根据句意可知设空处表示地点而非方式,故答案为C项。3选B考查时间状语从句。在作出最终决定之前,我们需要更多的事实和数据。since“自从”;before“在之前”;after“在之后”;until“直到”。4选A考查连词。关于二胎的政策,一些人看到了光明的一面,而另一些人却对中国的婴儿潮感到担心。while在此处作并列连词,意为“而,却”,表示两者之间的对比。when“当的时候”;since“既然”;once“一旦”。5选B考查状语从句。我一直是一名作家,但是直到我三十出头,我才看到这种可能性。引导时间状语从句,与前面的否定词构成not .

24、until .结构,意为“直到才”。6选B考查状语从句。敞开你的心扉,以便我们能够体验友谊带来的巨大快乐。so that表示“以便,为了”,引导目的状语从句,符合句意。as if“好像”;even though“即使”;ever since“自从”。7选D考查定语从句。在两场演讲中间有20分钟的休息时间,在这期间学生们可以放松一下。先行词为20 minutes break,将先行词代入定语从句后为:The students can get relaxed during the 20 minutes break.由此可见关系词在定语从句中作时间状语,故用when引导。8选D考查定语从句。现在,人

25、们总盯着手机而不读真实的书的现象很普遍,这使得很多专家很担心。先行词为前面一句话,表示“事物”,先行词作be worried about的宾语,介词about提前,其后只能与which连用。9选A考查名词性从句。聪明、坚韧不拔和自信是成为一名好的科学家所需要的。“_it takes to make a good scientist”为表语从句,该从句中的动词take后缺少宾语,且表示“事物”,故用what引导。10选C考查定语从句。此处whose在定语从句中修饰名词records,该定语从句修饰先行词an American singer and musician。11选B考查定语从句。在中东,阿拉伯人通过碰鼻子互相问好,但在其他的文化中这并不是一种礼貌的问候方式,这一点已得到广泛认同。as引导一个非限制性定语从句,指代后面整个句子的内容。12选B考查定语从句。分析句中的“quite a few gardens want to hire”可知,该句中缺少宾语,因此空处引导一个定语从句,又因为先行词有so修饰,故关系代词用as。13选B考查表语从句。中国在飞

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