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要要要要要标高二必修Book 5 Unit 4 Making the newsWord文档格式.docx

1、 research2.go on3.concentrate on4.on ones own5.tell the as to7.depend on8.have a good nose supposed to11.defend accident13.get/be absorbed on.从以下短语中选择合适的短语填空,并注意词的正确形式。so as toconcentrate ondepend onby absorbed ingo

2、onaccuse ofbe supposed toon ones own1.As a Senior 3 student,he has no time to think about anything else.He must his studies only. 2.They have decided to a visit to the seaside in Beidaihe for the summer.3.He was murder by the police. 4.I bought some beef and vegetables make a soup for dinner. 5.He h

3、ave arrived on the four oclock train. 6.I myself the dog with a stick. 7.He reading a book,so he didnt hear the doorbell. 8.All living things the sun for their growth. 9.Although her father is in the firm she got the job . 10.When I cleaned his room,I found a 100 yuan note .1.concentrate on2.go on3.

4、accused as to5.was supposed to6.defended;against7.was/got absorbed in8.depend on9.on her accident.单词拼写 1.Please state your name,age and (职业). 2.After he won the amateur(业余的)championship,he turned p. 3.I took many beautiful pwhile travelling in Hainan. 4.David used to be a (同事) of min

5、e. 5.Only after you (学得) a good knowledge of law,can you become a lawyer(律师). 6.I went to college mall my friends got well paid jobs. 7.She said it (故意地) to challenge me. 8.You must buy a good piano for your son,for he is a gpianist. 9.The restaurant has just efive new waiters. 10.Has the bill been

6、aby the committee(委员会)?1.occupation2.professional3.photographs4.colleague5.acquire6.meanwhile7.deliberately8.gifted9.employed10.approved.单句改错 1.Never before I had been asked to do that.1.答案:I hadhad I 提示:never放在句首时,要用部分倒装。 2.Only by shouting he was able to make himself heard. 2.答案:将was提到he之前 only在句首

7、修饰状语时,句子要用倒装语序。3.At no time he gets up late in the morning.3.答案:在he前加does,getsget at no time意为“决不”,含否定概念,在句首时,句子要用倒装语序。4.In the doorway did a man stand with a gun. 4.答案:将stand改为stood 并提到a man前面,把did去掉。介词短语在句首,且句子谓语是表存在的动词,句子通常用完全倒装语序。5.Down did the apples fall from the tree. 5.答案:didfell,去掉fall 副词do

8、wn放在句首时,句子通常用完全倒装语序。6.Nowhere found I better roses than these. 6.答案:在nowhere后加did,found II find nowhere放在句首时,句子通常用部分倒装语序。7.Hardly he had entered the office when he realised that he had forgotten his report.7.答案:将had提到he前面 hardly是否定词,将其置于句首时,句子要用倒装语序。8.So seriously he was hurt that he was sent to hos

9、pital at once. 8.答案:将was提到he的前面 so在句首修饰副词时,句子要用倒装语序。9.Late in the day did the news come. 9.答案:did the news comecame the news 介词短语在句首,句子用完全倒装语序。10.Patient as was he,he wouldnt wait for three hours. 10.答案:将was放到he后面 这是as引导的让步状语从句,从句要用部分倒装语序。我综合我发展.完形填空 Every day,the news of the world reaches people by

10、 over 300 million copies of daily papers,over 400 million radio sets,and over 150 million television sets.Additional news is 1bymotion(动作) pictures,in theatres and cinemas all over the world.As more people learn what the important events of the day are,2still only care for the events of their own ho

11、usehold.Nearly four hundred years ago the English writer John Donne said,“No man is an island.”This 3is more appropriate(恰当的)todaythan it was 4Donne lived.In short,wherever he lives,a man 5to some society;and we are becoming more and more aware(清楚的) that 6happens in one particular society affects,so

12、mehow,the life of mankind. Newspapers have been published in the 7world for about four hundred years.Most of the newspapers 8today are read in Europe and North America.However,9they may be read in all parts of the world,10to the new inventions that are changing the techniques of newspaper 11. Electr

13、onics and automation(自动化) have made it 12to produce pictures and texts far more quickly than before.Photographic(照相的) copying doesnt 13to use type(铅字) and printing machines.And fewer specialists(专家),14type setters,are needed to produce a paper or magazine by the 15method.Therefore,the publishing of

14、newspapers and magazines can 16more money.Besides,photocopies can be sent over great 17now by means of televisionchannels and satellites such as Telstar.Thus(因此),18can be brought to the publicmore quickly than before. Machines that prepare printed texts for photocopies are being used a great deal to

15、day.Film, 19 light and small,can be sent rapidly to other places and used to print copies of the text 20they are needed.Film pictures can also be projected(投影) easily on a movie or television screen. 1.A.taken B.shown C.seen D.knownB 根据句意“附加的新闻由动画展示”,故选B。show指“显示,展示”。2.A.fewer B.higher C.lower D.les

16、s A 通读可知两句之间有转折之意,又因为此词修饰people,故应选用来修饰可数名词的few的比较级。 B.argument C.knowledge D.idea D study学习、研究;argument论点、论据;knowledge知识;idea主意、想法。根据前后句意,D项恰当。4.A.that B.while C.when D.then C 此句意为“这种想法比Donne生活的时候更恰当”,故选when(当时)。5.A.moves B. goes C.belongs D.comes move to指“搬到,移到”;go to意为“到,去”;belong to指“属于

17、”;come to意为“共计,达到”。根据句意“一个人属于某个社团”,应选C。 B.whatever C.something D.anything whatever“无论何事”,作宾语从句中主语从句的主语。7.A.common B.modern C.ordinary D.usual 根据上下文推知,报纸只发行了400年,故应属于现代社会,故选B。8.A.bought B.printed C.found D.discovered buy买;print印刷,印制;find找到;discover发现。根据句意,应用printed过去分词作定语。 B.suddenly C.

18、immediately D.soon fast指“快速地”,强调动作本身的速度;suddenly意为“突然地”;immediately指“立即地、直接地”;soon意为“很快”。结合句意,此处指时间“很快”,用soon。10.A.has B.brings C.thanks D.imagines thanks to“多亏了,由于”。11.A.delivering B.making C.selling D.publishing11.答案:本段在讲报纸的出版、发行,故选D。12.A.clear B.possible C.bright D.successful 12.答案:make it+adj.+t

19、o do句型中it作形式宾语,不定式作真正的宾语,make it possible to (do)“使成为可能”。13.A.want B.need D.hope 13.答案:“电脑照排不需要使用铅字”,故选B。14.A.including B.besides C.such as D.except 14.答案:此句用来举例,故选C。15.A.advanced B.easy C.unusual D.suitable 15.答案:从题意可知,激光照排技术应为比较先进的技术。16.A.make B.earn D.get 16.答案:使用了先进的技术来出版报纸、杂志,必然会省

20、钱,故选C。17.A.places B.distances C.cities D.villages17.答案:great distances很远的距离,其余三项不合句意。 B.newspapers C.letters D.words 18.答案:从上文推知,通过电视和卫星传输的一定是画面、图片,故选A。19.A.becoming B.feeling C.turning D.being 19.答案:现在分词短语being light and small作原因状语。20.A.where B.there C.which D.because of20.答案:where在此引导

21、地点状语从句。1.阅读理解 ANo country in the world has more daily newspapers than the USA.There are almost 2000 of them,as compared with 180 in Japan,164 in Argentina and 111 in Britain.The quality(质量) of some American papers is quite high and their views are used all over the world.Excellent newspapers like th

22、e Washington Post or the New York Timeshave a powerful influence(影响) all overthe country.However,the Postand the New York Timesare not national newspapers in the sense that The Times is in Britain of Le Monde is in France,since each American city has its own daily newspaper.The best of these give de

23、tailed(详细的)accounts of national and international news,but many tend to limit themselves to state or city news. Like the press(报刊) in most other countries,American newspapers report news from the “exciting” and “relaxing” to the serious.They try to entertain people as well as give information,for th

24、ey have to compete with the attraction of television.Just as American newspapers try to satisfy all tastes,they also try to attract readers of all political parties.A few news papers support extremist(极端主义者) groups on the far right and on the far left,but most daily newspapers try their best to attr

25、act middle-of-the-road Americans who are mainly moderate(温和的).Many of these papers print materials by well known journalists of different political and social views,in order to give a balanced picture. As in other countries American newspapers can be either responsible(负责任的) or irresponsible,but it

26、is generally accepted that the American press serves its country well and that it has more than once exposed political scandals(丑闻),for example,the Watergate Affair(水门事件). 1.Which newspaper in the national?A. Le Monde. B. Washington Post. C. New York Times. D. The Times. 从文中第一段中间“However,.its

27、 own daily newspaper”一句可知。2.Most American newspapers attract readers by carrying . A.national news B.local news news D.political news 从第一段最后一句可知,大多数美国报纸只限于本州或本市新闻。此处应选地方新闻。3.In order to win the competition with television,American newspapers have to .A.give information B.give serious

28、 news C.give entertainment news D.give national news 从文中第二段可知,它们在提供信息的同时,也提供娱乐新闻。4.Most daily newspapers attract moderate Americans by . A.printing articles by well-known journalists of different views B.supporting extremist groups C.exposing political scandals D.serving the country well 从文中第三段最后一句可知,故选A。BShanghai has raised its charges for drainage(排水) fees this month in a move to encourage local residents to save water and recycle precious water.The effort is designed to reduce pressure from the citys seriousl

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