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1、 On Ambition.In the first part of your writing you should state your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, o

2、rganization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.How to WriteI. Understanding the instruction of the assignmentRead the passage quoted in the instruction and boil down its MAIN PROPORSITION (and MINOR PROPORSITIONS if possible).II. Orga

3、nizing the ideasA. The MAIN PROPORSITION in the thesis statementThe MAIN PROPORSITION of the argumentative essay to be written is the response to the MAIN PROPORSITION of the quoted passage, e.g.:I agree (disagree) with Joseph Epstein and believe that . . . . B. Two or three MINOR PROPORSITIONS in t

4、he topic sentences The MINOR PROPORSITIONS should be built on the basis of the MAIN PROPORSITION. Sometimes they are the response to the MINOR PROPORSITIONS of the quoted passage. C. Refer to the following pattern: I. Introduction Here you give:a) the title of the quoted passage,b) the name of the a

5、uthor and / or the source of the quoted passage, (if there are,)c) the main idea of the quoted passage (a very brief summary) andd) YOUR main proposition (the thesis statement)II. BodyIn each paragraph, you give:a) The point you are to analyze,b) NESSARY details or direct quotes demonstrating that t

6、he point is made in the original (optional),c) Your response to this point (i.e. the TOPIC SENTENCE ), which states your agreement or disagreement with it, andd) The support for YOUR response from details or examples. III. Conclusion: You refer to the quoted passage and point out the essence of the

7、original main argument for emphasis. You bring up an idea you have proved in your essay, one that your essay leads to, or the one that deepens your main idea.Test SampleAgreementOn Ambition Nowhere is the word ambition so vividly and accurately defined than in Joseph Epstein s comment that In the en

8、d, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about. A cosmetic definition as it seems, however, Epstein s words can, on the whole, be interpreted and summarized into one sentence: to be ambitious is to strive for our own personal goals set upon our own values regardless of the possible outcome and

9、 controversy. In other words, the two indispensable parts of ambition include; firstly, making your own unique targets; secondly, persisting in achieving these aims without being distracted by others ridicule and scorn.To begin with, visualizing your personal goals instead of drifting among the mass

10、 is, undoubtedly, the very prerequisite of the fulfillment of your aims. The reason for this is simple. We ourselves are the best judges of our capabilities and potentials. And the same voice is echoed in Epstein s words that we decide, what is important and what is trivial in life. Madam Currie cou

11、ld never have achieved so many honors and breakthroughs in science and the discovery of Radium if she took the same path as majority of the women in her time. It was her decision to devote her time and energy to science not household chores that made her stand out so prominently. On the other hand,

12、she might have been just as plain and mundane as other women if she did not match herself with her personal aspirations and goals. Therefore, having your own goals is essential to the realization of ambition. Then there is the issue of how one should pursue these goals. Again Epstein gave a perfect

13、explanation that But no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these decisions and choices are ours to make. An excellent statement. There are times when we give up our beliefs and aims simply because of a different perspective of someone else, and there are definit

14、ely days when we feel frustrated and beaten in face of scathing scorn from the world. Yet Epstein shows us a higher path on which we are encouraged to stick to our ways and endure in spite of all possible criticism and indifference. And history has proved so many times that persistence regardless of

15、 hardship and ridicule wins us victory. Thus it is safe to say that persistence and a firm belief of self is an integral part of ambition. Of course, Joseph Epstein s quotation is definitely richer in content and intended messages than what I have illustrated and developed above, however, the essenc

16、e of his saying, that ambition is of our own choosing and that we ought to hold fast to it will make its way through close scrutiny and prevail. (457words) Score 20 此文被八级阅卷组评为满分,并有如下评语: 遣词造句准确,词汇句式丰富,结构合理。文章的开头开门见山,起首第一句就表明了作者的观点,并从分析Joseph Epstein的原话人手,导出下文论述的内容,显得非常自然。第二、三段的正文论述中,作者在恰当的地方顺势插入Josep

17、h Epstein的原话,文章的结尾再次归结到Joseph Epstein,以此来点题,从而使得文章紧紧围绕着题解的内容展开。文章的逻辑结构非常清晰,这表明作者充分理解了题解中说的Joseph Epstein那段话的含义。本文的语言运用尤其值得称道,不仅词汇句式丰富,而且行文流畅自然,显示出作者有着深厚的语言功底。这篇作文实属少见的优秀作文,值得大家学习和借鉴。A Students SampleDisagreementOn saying that our ambition decides our destiny, Joseph Epstein is just trying to establi

18、sh another definition of American Dream that those willing enough to choose their destiny will accomplish it. Maybe people as ambitious and innocent as “great Gatsby” will believe this, but on examining this belief carefully and checking the fate finally fell on those people, we are prompt to say th

19、at it is not true, simply for the fact that life does not naturally follow ones will and there is another mighty hand forming our destiny: the environment.Firstly, the reality of life and history tell us that how often our destiny has repelled against our ambition and how it despises our ambition. I

20、n history, it is reasonable to assume that more than hundreds of kings or conquerors, or other distinguished members of human beings have the ambition to conquer the whole world and let that conquest last forever, but in reality, only Caesar, Alexander and Napoleon have partly accomplished the first

21、 part of this ambition and as to the second part, it has yet been, until now, a “mission impossible”. No one will deny this ambition is strong, great and inspiring enough, but still many among those who possess this ambition has ended up as losers, tyrants or the worst, beggars. I wonder how queer w

22、ould Joseph Epstein found, that the same wonderful ambition could have produced so amazingly different destinies.On the other hand, no one will be as daring as Mr. Joseph Stein to ignore another decisive factor forming our destiny, our environment. If our ambition is the beacon, then our environment

23、 is the ocean we sail on. Only by staring at the beacon but ignoring and the roofs around our boat, we can hardly reach our destination, where the beacon stands. Ambitious Napoleon could conquer the Europe of his time, but if placed in the same environment of today, he could hardly force the people

24、there to accept simply an Eld constitution. So here Mr. Joseph Stein has to be, again, disappointed.Feeling deeply insulted maybe Sir Joseph Stein will give out his last presumptively fatal strike: where there is an ambition, there is a way; without ambition, one can hardly find his way. Under such

25、circumstances, I have to give my own “anti-presumptively-fatal-strike” There is always a way, but whether it leads to life or death, no none knows; “The way” does not usually mean the straight line collecting your ambition and your present location, and your ambition is not achieved by staring at it

26、 and deciding to reach it, nor is your destiny.So here comes our conclusion that our destiny does not come before us as we have planned it to be, for there is another unignorable element irresistibly forming our life, which is the environment we live in. To be, or to be what, that is a question; yet

27、 how to be, or what it is, that is another question, which is not only decided by our selves, but also by environment.After-Class Assignments (45 Mins)I. In his famous “Autobiography,” Benjamin Franklin prescribed “industry” as “lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnec

28、essary actions.”He went on to say that industry “freeing me from my remaining debt, and producing affluence and independence, would make more easy the practice of ” other virtues.Would Franklins precept of industry still work today? To what extent do you agree or disagree with him? Write an essay of

29、 about 400 words and elaborate your point by using your own or others experiences as evidence.You should supply a title to your essay.II. In his essay “Nature”, Ralph W. Emerson claimed his age “retrospective” and said: “The foregoing generations beheld God and nature face to face; we, through their eyes. Why should not we also enjoy an original relation to the universe? Why should not we have a poetry and philosophy of insight and not of tradi

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