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大学英语综合教程二unit 8文档格式.docx

1、spiritualconservesimilarlyaccommodateconcerncall forin parton the grounds ofwork one waybe fond of come throughin the name ofto the point of in the long run Additional Vocabulary environmental sensitivity 环境意识 to apply a rule运用一条法则 polite society上流社会 the fundamental principle基本原则 the greenhouse effe

2、ct温室效应 skin cancer皮肤癌 to preserve nature保护自然 foreign aid海外援助 ecological change生态变化 the ozone layer臭氧层 a moderate accommodation适度调整 to give you a shrug对你耸耸肩 national Wildlife Refuge国家野生动物保护区 to conserve energy保护能量 the five largest oil fields五大油区 a nearly fifty-fifty chance 几乎有对半可能 the breeding ground

3、s 繁殖地 the next man 别人 choose man over reindeer 舍鹿取人 man-centered 以人为本的 a coral reef 珊蝴礁 the conch shells 海螺 the rock crabs 黄道蟹 the electric generators 发电机 the motor oil 机油 a divers breathing tube潜水者的透气管 in its escalation不断升级 the population explosion人口爆炸 the remote area偏僻的地方 the deserted beach荒僻的海滩 t

4、he power plant 发电厂 be covered in smog笼罩在烟雾中II. Vocabulary & Structure1. A childs character is greatly influenced by his home _.A. cause B. environment C. situation D. circumstance2. I am firm in my _ that he is a good teacher.A. behavior B. believe C. beloved D. belief3. Traffic lights are used to _

5、 traffic.A. adjust B. arrange C. command D. regulate4. The computer revolution may well change society as _ as did the Industrial Revolution.A. certainly B. insignificantly C. fundamentally D. comparatively5. By careful _ of his capital, he obtained a good income.A. investigation B. insurance C. inv

6、estment D. instruction6. The room has a stuffy _.A. atmosphere B. surface C. attitude D. altitude7. We thought they had come to repair the phone, but in _, they were burglars.A. reality B. addition C. future D. vain8. The rain was heavy, and _ the land was flooded.A. consequently B. however C. whate

7、ver D. but9. The _ rocks that erupted from the volcano were seen clearly at night.A. melt B. melted C. molten D. melting10. China is rich in natural resources, but they are not evenly _.A. dismissed B. contributed C. distributed D. disturbed11. She is a pretty _.A. animal B. beast C. creative D. cre

8、ature12. He was interested in politics long before he was old enough to _.A. vote B. choose C. elect D. register13. Although he was a strong swimmer, he was swept away by the _ and drowned.A. current B. motion C. pressure D. air14. They had a fierce _ as to whether their company should restore the t

9、rade relationship that was broken years ago.A. debate B. clash C. disagreement D. contest15. I stormed(怒气冲冲地走)out of the room in a _.A. anger B. temper C. hurry D. rage16. It is _ to borrow money from your uncle to settle your debt to your cousin. That is just robbing peer to pay Paul.A. absurd B. r

10、idiculous C. queer D. odd17. The police accused him of setting fire to the building but he denied _ in the area on the night of the fire.A. to be B. to have been C. having been D. be18. His speech was careful and _ but his words seemed to make no sense.A. distinguishable B. distinguished C. distinct

11、 D. distinctive19. We should make a clear _ between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our discussion.A. distinction B. discrimination C. deviation D. separation20. People who cant _ between colors are said to be color-blind.A. separate B. distinct C. distinguish D. divide21. What he said w

12、as beyond the _ of all the people present.A. reason B. suggestion C. wish D. belief22. His _ of dogs can be dated back to his early experience of having been bitten by a ferocious one.A. excess B. confusion C. worship D. fear23. What he had been told and what he had witnessed _ at that moment.A. har

13、monized B. conflicted C. combated D. combined24. The report will be submitted to the committee for deliberation in which some sound _ may be advanced.A. proposals B. mistakes C. discussions D. rumors25. Be careful enough to _ those two kinds of chemicals, or they may bring about disastrous results i

14、n the next experiment.A. confuse B. distinguish C. mistake D. connect26. _ moral principles are required to keep in your mind when you got on the bus.A. Fundamental B. Deep C. Complicated D. Initial27. The premier asked that governmental officials at all levels should _ corruption.A. cooperate B. co

15、mbat C. connect D. collide28. He was too careless to reconsider the serious _ brought about by his action.A. reality B. consequence C. comment D. condition29. Dont hurry yourself up, for it is not much of _.A. importance B. urgency C. value D. help30. For a time, moonlighting has been a _ practice a

16、mong those underpaid employees in that country.A. limited B. confined C. universal D. privileged31. Although he claimed himself to be a _ of the president at the middle school, the correspondent was not allowed to interview the president.A. associate B. colleague C. comrade D. contemporary32. His po

17、or health resulted from the _ of heavy work.A. excess B. want C. lack D. vacancy33. Pickle, the favorite _ vegetable of some Asian countries, is now declared by scientists to be harmful to our health.A. fresh B. perished C. preserved D. conserved34. The countrys _ of coal has dwindled due to the gov

18、ernments newly released restriction.A. communication B. consumption C. cooperation D. consultation35. Once a person _ 18, he will be entitled to vote.A. arrives B. gets C. attains D. accomplishes36. The physics problem is so difficult that it _ very careful thought.A. calls up B. calls off C. calls

19、for D. calls in37. Carelessness _ his failure to realize his dream of winning a gold in the Olympics.A. resulted B. led C. obtained D. caused38. Your plan should be _ to the general arrangement made by the preparation committee.A. conflicted B. yielded C. sacrificed D. accommodated 39. Students look

20、 _ to go to the party in casual clothes, such as blue jeans.A. rational B. normal C. ridiculous D. appropriate 40. _ cannot be achieved without the mass participation.A. Democracy B. Depression C. Hatred D. Crisis 41. _ the difficult economic situation, the government sticks to the reform. A. Since

21、B. Because C. Although D. Regardless of42. The green worker was forgiven _ his inexperience. A. on behalf of B. on the grounds of C. in that D. but for43. Without your encouragement and support, we _. A. should not be succeeded B. would not succeed C. would have succeeded D. would not have succeeded

22、44. My youngest brother _ is now working at the Chinese Academy of Science. A. that is 25 years old B. who is 25-years old C. who is 25 years old D. whose age is 25 years old45. The girl turned a deaf ear to _her mother said, _ annoyed her father very much. A. which; that B. what; which C. that; whi

23、ch D. how; that46. Yesterday, Mary _ a ticket for speeding. A. gave B. had been given C. was given D. was giving47. The student was scolded by the director because he left the office with the door _. A. unlocking B. not being locked C. unlocked D. not locking48. All the _ in that school will get a r

24、ise next month. A. women-teachers B. woman teachers C. women teachers D. teachers of women49. We came early and had to wait two hours before the dentist returned. We _. A. should not hurry B. must not have hurried C. need not hurry D. need not have hurried50. There are _ chairs in the living room A.

25、 dark three very comfortable blue B. three very blue comfortable dark C. three very comfortable dark blue D. very comfortable three dark blueCET 4 Vocabulary1. I would appreciate _ it a secret.A. your keeping B. you to keep C. that you keep D. that you will keep2. Mark often attempts to escape _ whe

26、never he breaks traffic regulations.A. having been fined B. to be fined C. to have been fined D. being fined3. No matter how frequently _, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.A. performing B. performed C. to be performed D. being performed 4. It is recommended that the project _ un

27、til all the preparations have been made.A. is not started B. will not be started C. not be started D. is not to be started5. I wish I _ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.A. could have slept B. slept C. might have slept D. have slept6. We didnt know his telephone number; othe

28、rwise we _ him.A. would have telephoned B. must have telephoned C. would telephone D. had telephoned7. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _ advertisements showing happy, balanced families.A. are often seeing B. often see C. will often see D. have often seen8. While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television _the newspaper completely.A. replaced B. have replaced C. replace D. will replace9. An Olympic Marathon is 2

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