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1、 Age:The Summer Fun Holiday Club is designed for 1116yearolds. Prices:10 per half day,20 per day and 80 per 5days. Arrival & Parking:All people should arrive at the College main reception 15 minutes before the start time.We have a large dropoff and pickup area.Parking on site is for disabled visitor

2、s onlypublic car parks can be found a few minutes walk from site. Lunch & Breaks:You will need packed lunch for the 30 minutes lunch break. Vending machines(自动售货机)are available for drinks and snacks. Collection:Children should be collected within 15 minutes of the finish time. Refund Policy:Refunds

3、will only be given with a minimum of 48 hours notice.To cancel,call 01227811259 or email summer Clothing:Some activities may be messy,so please ensure that your child brings clothing suitable for their activities and ensure sensible footwear is worn. First Aid & Losses:Cante

4、rbury College has a devoted first aider at all times,but will not be liable(负有偿付责任)for the loss or damage of personal belongings.Please note that we are currently finalizing our list.Please email summer to receive the finalized leaflet of the event. 【语篇解读】本文是一个夏季俱乐部的招生广告。1Wha

5、ts the main purpose of the text?ATo attract customers. BTo ask for advice.CTo present schedules.DTo introduce an activity.解析:A写作意图题。根据第一段的“DonJoin the Summer Fun Holiday Club at Canterbury College”可知,本文是一篇广告类文章,旨在吸引顾客。2If you want to cancel an activity,you may have to _.Ago to the main reception Bfi

6、ll in an application form Cprovide a credit card number Dcontact the club at least 2 days in advanceD细节理解题。根据倒数第四段“Refund Policy: Refunds will only be given with a minimum of 48 hours notice.To cancel,call 01227811259 or email”可知,要取消活动至少要提前两天联系该俱乐部。3The Summer Fun Holid

7、ay Club offers participants _. Atimely first aid Bfree drinks and snacks Cbreakfast and lunch Dan Internet connectionA细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“First Aid & Losses: Canterbury College has a devoted first aider at all times”可知,该俱乐部会提供及时的紧急救助服务。干扰项分析:根据“Vending machines(自动售货机)are available for drinks and snacks”可

8、知,饮料和小吃是自己购买的,并不免费提供,B项错;根据“You will need packed lunch for the 30 minutes lunch break”可知,午餐是自己带的,俱乐部并不提供,C项错;D项文章中并没有提到,故排除。B甘肃第一次诊断)The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics is shared by three scientists, the Royal Academy of Sciences announced in Stockholm on Tuesday. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 was div

9、ided, with one half awarded to David J. Thouless, the other half to F. Duncan M. Haldane and J. Michael Kosterlitz “for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter (物质拓扑相变和拓扑相)”Haldane said he was “very surprised” at the news, adding that he was glad tha

10、t their discoveries found something previously unnoticed by many, and that they revealed “more possibilities for looking for new materials.” He particularly pointed out that a lot of work was still ongoing.The years prize amount is 8 million Swedish krona, and will be split properly between the thre

11、e winners.The winners are given a sum of money when they receive their prizes, in the form of a document confirming the amount awarded. The amount of prize money depends upon how much money the Nobel Foundation (基金会) can award each year. The purse has increased since the 1980s, when the prize money

12、was 880,000 SEK per prize. In 2009, the monetary award was 10 million SEK. In June 2012, it was lowered to 8 million SEK.If there are two winners of a particular prize, the award money is divided equally between the winners. If there are three, the awarding committee can choose to divide the money e

13、qually, or award onehalf to one winner and onequarter to each of the others. It is common for winners to donate prize money to benefit scientific, cultural, or charitable causes.【语篇解读】本文介绍了2016年诺贝尔物理学奖的归属以及诺贝尔奖的相关知识,包括奖金的金额、来源和分配。4How much prize money does Thouless get?A8 million Swedish krona.B6 mi

14、llion Swedish krona.C4 million Swedish krona.D2 million Swedish krona.C推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 was divided, with one half awarded to David J. Thouless.”及第三段“The years prize amount is 8 million Swedish krona.”可知,2016年的奖金是800万瑞典克朗,而索利斯获得了一半的奖金。5According to the passage, Haldane

15、thought that his work _.Awas far from endingBwas based on many previous studiesChad perfectly been completedDhad surprised the whole world根据文章第二段最后一句“He particularly pointed out that a lot of work was still ongoing.”可知,霍尔丹指出还有很多工作仍在进行,即远远没有结束。6The amount of prize money _.Ahas been ever increasing si

16、nce the 1980sBhas been ever decreasing since the 1980sCremains 880,000 SEK each year after 2012Ddiffers according to the Nobel Foundations affordability根据文章第四段可知,诺贝尔奖的奖金金额并不是固定的,而是根据每年诺贝尔基金会所能奖励的金额而决定。7What does the last paragraph talk about?AThe purpose of the award money.BThe number of winners per

17、 prize.CHow the winners are selected.DHow the award money is dealt with.D主旨大意题。最后一段讲了诺贝尔奖奖金的分配及获奖人如何利用这些奖金。C黄冈检测)On Christmas Day, 2003, a woman named Nancy Sue Brown took her daughter and grandchildren to see a movie at an AMC theater. When the movie was over, the crowd made for the exits. A theate

18、r employee had just finished mopping the hallway and dutifully placed the “wet floor” sign in the slippery area. No one slipped due to the wet conditions, but someone did manage to knock over the sign. And by the time Ms. Brown got to the area, the sign was lying on the floor. And shortly thereafter

19、, so was she. Her foot got caught in the sign, in a bad way, and she fell. Unfortunately Ms. Brown had undergone a back operation, and the fall caused more damage than it otherwise would have. So she and her husband sued (提起诉讼)AMC argued that the entire point of the “wet floor” sign above was to war

20、n of danger, and therefore, courts should encourage the use by not allowing Browns case to proceed (继续进行). AMC referred to a case about a December, 1998 incident, where a “wet floor” sign, not in use, fell to the floor causing another tripandfall. In that case, Georgias Court of Appeals ruled in fav

21、or of the store, but didnt go so far as to say that “wet floor” signs couldnt give rise to legal liability (责任) in tripandfall accidents. In the Brown case, the Supreme Court therefore rejected AMCs argument that the former case applied.But the Browns argued something surprising that the “wet floor”

22、 sign was, itself, dangerous, because “using this type of sign in areas passed by lots of customers creates an unreasonable risk of foreseeable harm to the public in the form of tripping hazards (危险)” Thats right the safety sign, used in the way it was designed, was itself dangerous. The court thank

23、fully didnt accept that argument, at least not entirely. But it did conclude that Browns case could continue to a jury (陪审团) “a merchants selection and use of equipment designed to warn customers of one danger that has the potential to expose them to a different one”【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了布朗夫人在美国一家AMC影院看完电影离开

24、时,被“小心地滑”的指示牌绊倒受伤后,向法院提起诉讼的原因以及法院的审判结果。 8According to the text, Ms. Brown _.Aslipped on the wet floorBtripped over a warning signCknocked over warning signDwas knocked down by the crowdB细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“. Ms. Brown got to the area, the sign was lying on the floor. And shortly thereafter, so was she.

25、Her foot got caught in the sign, in a bad way, and she fell.”可知,布朗夫人被“小心地滑”的指示牌绊倒了。B项中的tripped over意为“被绊倒”,与文章表述相符,故选B项。C项中的knocked over意为“打翻;撞倒”,不符合文意。9AMC mentioned the 1998 case in order to _.Aaccept its legal liability for Ms. Browns lossBprove Ms. Brown had some physical problemsCstress that it

26、 had no legal liability for the accidentDprove other customers were responsible for the accident根据文章第二段第一句AMC argued that. encourage the use by not allowing Browns case to proceed.可知,AMC影院认为布朗夫人的控诉不成立,法院应该鼓励使用这样的警示牌,接着第二句AMC影院举出1998年的案例来支持自己的观点。由此可推测,AMC影院提到这一案例是为了强调自己不应该承担本次事故的责任。10What can we lear

27、n about the Browns case from the last paragraph?AIt would be judged by jury.BIt would not be allowed to proceed.CThe court would rule in favor of AMC.DThe court accepted all the arguments of the Browns.根据文章最后一段中的“But it did conclude that Browns case could continue to a jury.”可知,法院提请陪审团来审理此案。故选A项。11T

28、he underlined word “one” in the last paragraph refers to “_”AdangerBcustomerCbusiness ownerDequipment in public placesA词义猜测题。根据文章最后一段最后一句可知,一个商人选择和使用某一种设备来警示顾客某种危险,而这种设备本身就可能将顾客置于另一种危险中。由此可猜测,one指代上文中的danger。D安徽高三阶段性测试)Chinese car makers have narrowed the quality gap with their foreign rivals in 201

29、6 in the worlds largest vehicle market to the smallest level in seven years,according to research. But the improvements have not been enough to see an obvious increase in the market share for local car companies this year,raising questions about their ability to be global competitors. The annual quality survey of Chinas car market by JD. Power,a Californian market research company,tracks the number of mechanical and design problems reported per 100 vehicles by more than 21,000 Chinese drivers. It documented 131 problems per 100 domestic(国内的)vehicles,compared with 95 pe

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