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1、testing, trials, trips, guarantee work etc.周期表1由纤细资料和细节条款组成,该表不属于GM4000船体的任何明确的附带职责。比如:模型测试,试验,试航,保证作业等。It is the intent of this Technical Specification, Main Group 0 through Main Group 8 (inclusive) together with appurtenant drawings and documents,defined in the Shipyard Contract, to describe the r

2、equirements for the design,material, construction, outfitting, testing, Building, completion and delivery of the GM 4000 HULL. The Main Group 1 to 8 is the shipyard responsibility to complete.这是技术规格的主要目的,周期表0到周期表8(包含)和附带的画图以及文件,在造船合同应详细说明,用以描述GM4000的的设计,材料,结构,配备,试验,建造,完工和交付。周期表1到周期表8是完成造船任务的职责。Main

3、Group 0 is defining the design parameters for the GM 4000 HULL vesseland it is the Companys responsibility to furnish.周期表0规定GM4000的设计参数和公司应当承担的职责。If there should be any conflict between the terms of the Shipyard Contract and this Technical Specification, the terms of the Shipyard Contract shall prev

4、ail.如果造船合同的条款和技术规格有冲突,应当遵循造船合同的条款。If there should be any conflict between Main Group 0 and other Main Groups,(Main Group 1 through Main Group 8 (inclusive), in this TechnicalSpecification, then the Main Group 0 of this Technical Specification shallprevail. This Main Group 1 shall prevail in case of

5、conflict with the MainGroup 2 through Main Group 8 (inclusive).在技术规格书中,如果周期表0到其他周期表有冲突(周期表1到周期表8(包含),周期表0应当优先。如果周期表1与周期表2到周期表8(包含)都有冲突,周期表应当优先。If there should be any conflict between this Technical Specification and the appurtenant drawings and documents, this Technical Specification shall prevail.如

6、果技术规格书和附带的图纸和文件有冲突,技术规格书优先。Any alteration of this Main Group 1 and/or any appurtenant drawings anddocuments, shall be effective only after a mutual agreement in writing betweenthe Company and Builder and only if made in accordance with the terms of the Shipyard Contract.如果周期表1或者任何附带的图纸和文件有改动,只有在公司和承

7、建方双方的书面协定后或者在取得与造船合同条款一致后才能生效。Any item inadvertently specified more than once in this Main Group 1 shall be furnished or applied only once, unless the context clearly requires otherwise.任何条款在周期表1中不只一次地指出,除非上下文有明确做另外要求的,否则只能提供或则应用一次。1.2 DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS AND CONVERSIONS(定义,缩写和变换)1.2.1 Defini

8、tions(定义)“Install” and “Installation” shall mean providing an appropriate foundation or base plate, setting the equipment in place, aligning all rotating equipment with dial indicators and securing with chocks or dowel pins, securing the equipment to the foundation, and making all electrical and pip

9、ing connections required for operation of all equipment functions. This shall include all required isolation valves, electrical terminal tubes, cable trays, nuts, bolts, etc. for the service intended.“install”和”installation”应当意味着提供一个适当的底座和母板,安置设备,校准旋转设备的刻度盘指针和加上安全楔或者木钉,加上设备底座,并制作供设备运转所有的电器的和管路的连接线路。

10、这个应当包括所有需要的阀门,电路的接线端管子,电缆盘,螺母,螺钉,和其他工作之所需。 Regulatory body (调整人)“Regulatory Body” shall mean Approving/Certifying Institution of applicable rules, regulations, and statutory requirements, and other Authorities Bodies.“调整人”应当是适用规则,规章,和法定要求的批准/证明机构,和其他的权威机构。 Abbreviations(缩写)The followin

11、g abbreviations as used in this Technical Specification shall have the respective meanings specified below:技术规格书中以下的缩写应当按以下各自指定的意思AC Alternating Current 交互式电流AM Amplitude Modulation 振幅调制ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准协会AoC Application For Acknowledgement of Compliance 应用软件API Americ

12、an Petroleum Institute美国石油协会APV Air Pressure Vessel空气压力船ASTM American Society of Testing Materials美国原料实验协会AWS American Welding Society美国焊接协会bar Unit of pressure (100 kPa)压力单位cbm Cubic metres (m3)立方米CCR Central Control Room中心控制室CPU Central Processing Unit中心处理器DC Direct Current支流电Den United Kingdom De

13、partment of Energy英国能源部DnV/DNV Det Norske VeritasDoT United Kingdom Department of Transport英国交通部DFT Dry Film Thickness干膜厚度ECR Electrical Control Room电器控制室ESD Emergency Shut Down紧急关闭ESDV Emergency Shut Down Valve紧急关闭阀门ESSR Electrical Signal Slip Ring电流指示铃Ex Explosion Proof爆炸试验FAT Factory Acceptance T

14、est工厂试验FO Fuel Oil燃油FM Frequency Modulation频率调制ft Foot/Feet英尺FW Fresh Water淡水GI Gas Injection注气GL Gas Lift气体升华GMDSS Global Marine Distress Safety System全球海难安全系统GPS Global Positioning System全球定位系统GRP Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic玻璃纤维加强塑料HF High Frequency高频率Hg Mercury水银HP Horsepower or high pressure马

15、力或则高压HPU Hydraulic Power Unit水压力单位HUS Hydraulic Utility SwivelHSE Health and Safety Executive健康和安全管理人员HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning加热,通风和空气作用Hz Hertz赫兹IEC International Electro technical Commission国际电镀物技术委员会IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers电器和电子工程师协会IMO Internati

16、onal Maritime Organization国际海事组织In. Inch英寸ISO 9001 International Organization for StandardizationIso 9001国际标准化组织kg Kilogram千克kN/m2 Kilo Newton per Square Meter千牛每平方米kPA Kilo Pascal千帕kn Knot (one Nautical Mile per Hour)节(一海里每小时)kVA Kilovolt ampere千伏特安培LIR Local Instrument Room本地工具房m3/h Cubic Metre pe

17、r Hour平方米每小时mA/m2 Milliampere per Square Meter毫安每平方米MCB Moulded Case Circuit Breaker电路断路器模具MCC Motor Control Center发动机控制中心MDO Marine Diesel Oil船舶柴油MF Medium Frequency中段频率mlc Metre liquid column液柱尺mm Millimetre毫米m/min Metre per Minute米每分钟m/s Metre per Second米每秒MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit移动式海洋钻

18、井单元MOU Mobile Offshore Unit移动式海洋单元1.2.1.3 Conversion and specific gravities(变换和精确的引力)The following conversion ratios shall be utilized.以下的变换比率应当按:1 m = 3.28084 ft1米=3.28084 英寸1 cm = 0.39370 inch1厘米=0.39370英尺1 nautical mile = 1,852 m1海里=1,852米1 m2 = 10.76391 ft21平方米=10.76391平方英尺1 m3 = 35.31467 ft31立方

19、米=36.31467立方英尺1 m3 = 219.969 U.K. gallons1立方米=219.969英制加仑1 m3 = 264.172 U.S. gallons1立方米=264.172美制加仑1 m3 = 6.28981 U.S. bbls1立方米=6.28981美制1 long ton = 1.016047 metric ton1长吨=1.01047米吨1 kg = 2.20462 lbs1千克=2.20462磅1 m3/h = 3.66615 U.K. gal/min.1立方米每分钟=3.66615英制加仑每分钟1 m3/h = 4.40287 U.S. gal/min.1立方米每

20、小时=4.40287美制加仑每分钟1 kg/cm2 = 14.2233 psi1千克每平方厘米=14.2233磅平方英寸1 kcal = 3.96825 BTU1千卡=3.96825英国热量单位1 PS = 0.986322 HP1匹=0.986322马力1 knot = 1,852 m/h1节=1,852米/时The following specific gravities shall be utilized for all calculations.以下指定重力用于所有的计算Steel plates = 7.850 mt/cbm incl. steel mill. Tolerance钢板=

21、7.850米吨/立方米Sea water = 1.025 mt/cbm海水=1.025米吨/立方米Fresh water = 1.000 mt/cbm淡水=1.000米吨/立方米Diesel oil = 0.850 mt/cbm柴油=0.850米吨/立方米Lubrication oil = 0.900 mt/cbm润滑油=0.900米吨/立方米The English convention for decimal points and comma separators shall be used as follows:英国的小数点和逗号分离点应当按如下使用。1.000 = 1 (one)1.00

22、0=1(一)1,000 = 1000 (thousand)1,000=1000(千)1.3 GM 4000 HULL SPECIFICATION(船体规格书)1.3.1 GM 4000 HULL Description(船体描述)The GM 4000 HULL is a semi-submersible unit to be built for drilling and well intervention operations.GM 4000 是一只半潜船用于钻探和很好地介入作业The layout of the vessel shall be a semi submersible desi

23、gn with a centralmoon-pool for well related activities. There is also a smaller moon-pool aft of the main moon-pool for ROV activities.半潜船的布置应当是一个半潜的设计,伴随一个中央的月池以很好地协调活动。那里同是有一个小的月池在主月池的后面用以ROV活动。The hull of the GM 4000 HULL shall be made of steel and electric arc weldingshall be used throughout.GM

24、4000的船体应当钢板全部施以电弧焊作成。The hull is further divided into the following sections by transverse watertight bulkheads:船体被横向的水密舱壁进一步分割成以下的部件。􀁹 Two longitudinal pontoons, including the spaces for azimuth thrusters,tanks, pump room and access trunk.两个纵向的浮桥,包括方位推进器,舱室,泵房和通道的空间。 Four columns between p

25、ontoons and box girders with access trunks, tanks ,etc.四个在浮桥和箱形梁圆柱和通道,舱室,等。 Horizontal braces connecting the two pontoons.连接两个浮桥的水平吊带 Two longitudinal “box girders” containing engine rooms and facilities.两个包含轮机舱和工具的“箱形横梁”。 Two transverse “box girders” containing and supporting accommodation and faci

26、lities and deck/engine rooms.两个包含和支撑住舱,工具,甲板/轮机房的横向“箱形横梁”。 Deck area:- The forward deck area contain accommodation, and helicopter deck .The sides contain offshore cranes, , laydown area, and space forequipment skids etc. The aft deck area contains space for tubulars,pipehandling equipment, equipment, skids etc. The center deck areacontains a main moon-pool.甲板区域:升高甲板区域包含居住室,和直升机甲板。舷侧包括海上起重机,*区域,和制动设备空间等。艉部甲板区域包含管状,管状操作设备,刹车等的空间。中央甲板区域包含一个主月池。 Ballast tanks to be arranged in pontoons and columns.压载舱布置在浮桥和圆柱。The deck area to be capable of supporting loads as described in Main Group 0.甲板区域能够

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