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1、汉英翻译第八讲谓语动词的处理汉英翻译第8讲调整谓语(动词)美感再造开讲引言1看门人惊呆了,喘着气,摇摇晃晃地走下楼梯。 Translation: (1)The janitor was so surprised that he turned to be foolish, gasped and went down the stairway unsteadily. (2)The janitor staggers down the stairway, stunned and gasping2他到了家,发现父亲已经走了He arrived the home, only to find that his

2、father has gone.(only to do表意想不到的结果)3他坐在沙发上听音乐He sat on the sofa, listening to music(伴随状语)4这个穷人去世了,没有给他儿子留下任何东西The poor man died, not having left anything for his son动名词)1) 阿德莱德(Adelaide)属地中海型气候。 Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate.2) 九寨沟风光,却又是另一番景象了。 Jiuzhaigou presents another view. 3) 南京有层出不穷

3、的风流人物和彪炳千秋的不朽业绩。 Nanjing has witnessed the continuous emergence of many distinguished talents and noble hearts as well as monumental achievements. 4) 这面铜镜与普通铜镜一样,背面有图案,还有铭文。 Like ordinary bronze mirrors it bears patterns and inscriptions on the back. 5) 寺前有一溶洞,寺后有一石碑。 A karst cave lies before it, an

4、d a stone tablet was erected behind. 6) 北海公园的总面积共有68.2公顷。 Beihai( North Lake) Park covers an area of 68.2 hectares.7) 热腾腾的晚餐已摆好在桌上。 Hot meals were served on the dinner table. 如译成: hot meals were put on the dinner table 就显得过于呆板。而 serve 和 meals 联用最符合英语的宾搭配习惯。8) 冬天如果你怕冷的话,可以到昆明来居住。 不能译成“fear, be afraid

5、 of”。 ? If you dislike the cold in winter, you can live in Kunming. 9) 花坛北面有一株腊梅花,南端是一丛南天竹。 ? A winter plum stood on the northern end of the terrace, and a nandina erected on the southern end. ? 译文运用“化静为动”的手法,将原文中“有”、“是”等静态动词翻译成 stand 和 erect 等动态动词,使译文更加生动活泼。宾搭配习惯。10) 他咳着从祖父的房间里慢慢走出来。Coughing, he st

6、rolled out of the room of Grandpa.11) 妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷糊糊哼着眠歌。In the room, my wife was patting the son, Run-er, sleepily humming a cradle song. 12) 王夫人提了暖壶下席来。13) (红楼梦) Lady Wang rose from her seat, with the wine pot in her hand.14) 我悄悄地披上了大衫,带上门出去了。三个并列谓语,也是时间先后关系。在翻译时可将“出去”作为主要动词,其他两个动词可处理成分词短语。 Putting

7、 on an overcoat, I made my way out, closing the door behind me. 15) 后来,青蛇精在深山中修炼,习武多年,终于砸烂了那座塔,救出白 蛇精。For many years afterwards, the Blue Snake Spirit hid in deep mountains and trained herself in martial arts and various supernatural powers. Eventually, she rescued the White Snake Spirit by smashing

8、 the tower.课堂练习 比较汉语句子和英语译文句子,看谓语的处理1、你最好打个电话跟他约个时间见面谈谈。 Youd better fix an appointment with him over the phone to meet for a talk. 2、一到星期天,他就蒙头大睡打发光阴。 On Sundays he always whiles away his time by tucking himself up in bed, sleeping like a log.3、我们听到这个喜讯,都高兴地跳了起来。 Hearing the good news, we all jumpe

9、d with joy. 4、看门人惊呆了,喘着粗气摇摇晃晃地走下楼梯。 The janitor staggered down the stairway, stunned and gasping.5、他已经请了假,坐火车回老家探亲去了。 He asked for leave to go home by train to see his family. 6、他说完拔剑准备刺虎。 Having said this, he drew his sword, getting ready to stab the tiger.课堂讨论比较汉语句子和英语译文,注意谓语的表意的准确性1) 中央政府不干预香港特别行

10、政区的事务。 a. The Central Government has refrained from intervening in the affairs of the HKSAR. b. The Central Government has never intervened in the affairs of the HKSAR. 2) 中国的经济将融入世界经济的大潮。 a. The economy of China will merge into the tide of the world economy. b. The economy of China will converge wi

11、th that of the world economy. 3) 这事到了现在,还是时时记起。 a. Even now, this remains fresh in my memory. b. Even now, I still often think about it. 4) 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。 a. The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena. b. At the turn of the century, China is very active in its diplomatic

12、 activities. 5) 在同新闻界谈话的时候,上海人使用越来越多的最高级形容词。 a. When they talk to press, the Shanghai citizens use more and more adjectives of the superlative degree. b. You can hear Shanghai people using more and more adjectives of the superlative degree when they talk to the press.6) 我又闲了一个多月了啦! a. Ive been idle

13、for another month now. b. Another month now and Ive had no work.7) (颐和园)1900 年遭八国联军破坏。 a. The palace was reduced to ruins by the allied forces of the eight foreign powers. b. The palace suffered ravage in the hands of the allied forces of the eight foreign powers. 8) 她们逐渐地镇定下来,有了自信。 a. They graduall

14、y calmed down, restored self-confidence. b. Gradually, they calmed down and regained self-confidence. 9) 封建社会代替奴隶社会,资本主义代替封建主义,社会主义经历一个过程发 展后必然代替资本主义。 Feudal society replaced slavery society, capitalism supplanted feudalism, and, after a long time, socialism will necessarily supercede capitalism. 10

15、) (一个世纪以来, 中国人民在前进道路上经历了三次历史性的巨大变化) 第一次是辛亥革命,第二次是中华人民共和国的成立,第三次是改革开 放 The first change was represented by the Revolution of 1911The second change was marked bby the founding of the Peoples Republic of ChinaThe third change was featured by the reform, opening-up policy 谓语确定应该基于构句(语法)的需要,判断其中的错误。 1) 农

16、业搞好了,农民能自给,五亿人口就稳定了。 a. If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants self-supporting, then the 500 million people will feel secure. b. If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants are self-supporting, then the 500 million people will feel secure. 2) 关于如何改进市民的居住条件问题市政府给予了充分重视。 a. Full attention has been paid by the municipal government to the improvement of the

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