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1、例:Howuhis hirt?A. 1915 B .18 C. 95答案是C1. hat des th oman hi of themie? A. Is auing. Is ecitng.C. Its diappntng.2. HwwiSun sed m ofherie iac?A. Taveing oud B. Studyin at a shool. C. Lokng ate aut.3 Wat are th speaers talkn ab? A Ging ut. . Orderig drnks. . reparng for pary.hera th spakrs? A. I a clas

2、sroom B In a librry CIn abooktore. hatiste m gng o? A. Gon the Inere. . Make ahon cll. Tae a tritrp.第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分2分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。Whati thewomnlokingfor?. An infoaion officeB. A

3、 polic tation C. o rpai sop.7.hat ise Twn Gudaccoding toth ma? A.A brohur .A nwsaperC. A map.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Whadoes te manay about he rstaurant? A. Is ebiggst ne aroun. B. Iofrs anytty dses. . ts famous for is seaood. ha wil th omanpbly rdr? A. Fiedfsh . Roast chickeC.Beef sea听第8段材料,回答第10 到2题。0.

4、Whee wil Mr.White at11occ?A. At heffice. B. At the arporC. Attersaurnt.11. hat ill M.Whte pbbl do at one nte afernoon?A. ceie gest. Bave ameeting. C Rea reort.12.Whn will ss Wilson see A. Atlunch ti. .Latein taftenoon. C.Th nextnonn.听第段材料,回答第1到16题。1.Wh s Bll ing toGrmay? .To wok on a projct B.

5、 To studyGermn C. To tat e comany.14. What dth wma dsike aouGrmay? A.Th weath B. h foodCThehools.1. What does bill hope to d bothisfamil? . Brng hem t Germany.B. Leave thmi nglad. C. stthemin afew moths16.What is the pobable retosip bweente speake? A. Felow-trales. B. Cleag. C Clasmats.听第10段材料,回答第7至

6、0题。7. Wndiditranlast tienJurez? A. Three asag .A monh agoC.A yer go18. What seaso ist owin Je? A. Srig . ume are theeldrlyadsdto? A. ae a alk nte fternoon.B. Keep therme cool.Drnk pleny ofwter20. What i te seke doing? .tig a rdio rogram B. Cdtng aeminar. . oreating e eather.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,

7、满分5分)第一节(共0小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、和D四个选项中,选出选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。Benjai West, the father ofAmeian paitin, shwed isalt fr rt whenhe w ony sixears f age.Buthe didnot ow abut brushes efore a istor tolim he eed one. Ithoe dys , a brus as defr amels hair Ter wee noamel earby. jain ecidedthtca hairwo

8、uld wok ise.e u somefu frothe faly cat t ak a buTe brush id no st long. o Bejminneededmorefur. Befor log,theabegan lok aggd (蓬乱).His fathe sai a ht u b sick. ejamina forcd to admitwhat hehd en doin.heats lot as abutto poe. That ya,nofBenamins ousin, rPegton, came to vst. esipressewihBenjamns drawing

9、s. henh went home, heset Beamn box of antdome bruhes He loen s egraings(版画)b anarist Thee wereth frst pictures ad iral pant and brhes Bnmihad r seen. In14,wheBenjmin was nne ye old,Mrenningtn retured fr oter vii .H w aazd at what Benja ad done th his gift.e askedBenjamns parentsifhe migh take heoy t

10、o Philaelha for a vist In he city,r.Penningto gaveBejami material fo creatig oil pantngs.Th y began a andscae (风景) paintingWilas,a well-knwnpine,came to se mwork .Wliams a impreed with enjmn d gv himtwo classiokso pantng t akehome Thebos wer lng an dull.Bejamncold read onlyalittle,avig bn a oor stde

11、n.uthe latr said,”Those two boks e yompanos b a,and nder my pilow at ight.”While i s likely tat he undersood verylit the books,thewee his itrotion tolassical pinings.Thenne-year-l boyecided then ththewuld be anartist.21. ha is ttet maiy bou?A.Benamns viit to Piladepia. llmsinluec on Beamin.C. Te beg

12、inning of enjai life an artit. he fidsp betenBejin ndPenngton2. Watdoe e unrlied senencein paragrp 3 sgst?. The cat wold be closel wached.B. Thct wouldgso medicalar.C enjamin oud leae is hoe shorty.D. Bnja wou averel brsh oon.23. Wh ddPennngton do helpenan dvelop is tan?. H tokhm to see paintig exhi

13、bton.B. He rovided him wth pating maiasC. He sent hm to sho in Plaelpia. He ught him oto kengravings4.Willis tw boks helped Benjamn to _. aer euf paintsB. apreiate lndsca paitigC. geto no other aineDmake up his mnd to be a paitBetting ess slee hs become a bad hbt r mot Americnis. Acordin to e vey(调查

14、) byheNon Sleep Fondati, 51%o kids aed t18goto ed at 10 pm rler o hoonighs,ee tough thy have toge up ealyLt year teoudation reportedth nery 6% o - o -year-olds si ey t tird dung th day, nd 5%ai they ad fall aslep atschoolHo muh sleep you ne pends a ot onyur ag. Baie ed lot es: most fh leep aut 8 urs

15、 a day! Adultsnee ut eight hu. mot school-a clden, tenhoursi ide(理想的) t the ewNtionl SleFndtn surve ond tha35 o 10- t 12-yea-ls ge ol seven ight hur.And guesshat als hf o th rvedkidssaidthey d befe bedime? atch T.“e cildrenare goin be with s on,and therear oeoportunities(机会) osawake, wtmore omewk, t

16、heInteretand te phone,” sys rMaryCrskdon, aslee eseaher a rown Uniersty Medicl Schol. Shess thesactivies tdm nzxxk etkds all xcied andmake hr for them to al dow andslee. Otherxprts sy pat fteprobem s chmal. Caning levels boychemicalscld homones nt ly mketeegerboieevelopdult aractertics,but s mak i h

17、ard o teengrs to fall aslep efore 1 pm.Because leepines s su a poblem for eger, some shool drictshave eed tostarhigh school lasses ate thanthyuto Thre years ag, shoosinEdia, inea, canged he sartimefom 7:25 am 8:30am Stdets, paent an tacrs ae leawththereuls What isth nw Ntional Sep Fndio survey on? A

18、meria kids leeping hait. . Tenager slee-related iseasesC. Activiies toprevt sepessne .erngrblem ad ack sleep.26 o any ours slep do 11-ear-ls e evey da?A 7 hours.B. 8 s C. 1 hours D.18 hours7.Why dotenager o o seep late ccordn t Casao? They ar afected ycerta body chemica.B. Th td oo ings tat xciteheC

19、. hey olow therpats exape.D. Teydonnee o go hoolealy.CFOENCE, ItalySvtaa Coohru feel hurt.TheMldovan haslied eresvyas as caregivto Itaan kds nd teldery, t inrder to stay hes ha to proeher lnguge kills y takinatst wich requies he to wit aostcad o a iagnry rnd a answr a fictoal ob .Ialyis he latest es

20、trErpn counry tryin t controla growng imrant(移民) plionbydemanding lag sll n xchange fr wrk ermits,or in me ases, citizeship.Sme immigrant avcates worry th as hard finacia tsk it o dfcltfor nies tokee jobs,su meues willecom more avil forintlerae thntegration(融合) Oters say its on natral at ewomr lern

21、helangage f thirot nation,seei t a acndition to esur thecnctribt o ociety.Otr ropeancountrieslaidown siilar qurement frimmirants,nd soe erms reeven touhr. e govrnens arge ta hi wl hel foreignrs better join the socety aprote undetandngross cures.Ialy, wch has a much war traition of immigrati, as witn

22、esse a shrp inceae imigrao in ret yars. In 90, immirntnubredsome1.14 milioout of talysten 567millin peop, or aut2prcent. At he trt ofhis ear, freignrs ivng inIta utedto4. mlionof otal polo of 60 mllion,or 7.5 pcen, with mmgantcidren acouting forneven lagerpecentae of birh iIaly.Coocu, th Mldovan car

23、egier, hoped obtaini pernt resdence(居住权) wld hep her briger wo hlren tItal; tyli withherister in Mlva, here salaries re amn te lowest in Europ. he was keptical ta he nguaereqiremnt would encorag inegrt.talianaways “seea a foreger,”a usder, even tog he tayed intheoutry fo ea and can akth loaanguage fuetl,sh said.28. Why deojohrhavet tak a anuag st?ATo cotinueto sty inIta B. o eacehiren Itlian.T finda bter job in Itly. .To bettr mx it he Italians.29 Sme popleworryththe new lauage rquient my _.A. rdueItalspopultion qickly B cause conflicts aong peopleC. ledt finncial diic

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