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1、 (7) For my part, I prefer Western parenting. Compared with highly strict Chinese parenting, the Western way (8) exerts more positive influence on childrens mental health. Many Chinese parents now (8) focus too much on childrens IQ development but little on their mental health. That is mainly to bla

2、me for rising child psychological problems in recent years including attention deficit disorder, behavior problems and conduct disorders. 范文二 (1) An essay Why Chinese mothers are superior by Amy Chua has sparked a heated online debate. (2) Many people share her view, claiming that strict Chinese par

3、enting is best for kids. (2) In the Chinese parenting model, there are numerous restrictions in life: no television, nothing but As, no swearing, etc. (2) This model ensures that children concentrate on study and behave themselves, which would better prepare them for harsh future competition. (3) So

4、me people, however, dont agree with Chuas strict Chinese parenting. (4) They think a Western style of parenting is obviously superior. (4) Western parents respect childrens choices and give them more freedom. (4) They allow children to try to build confidence on their own by allowing them to achieve

5、 in subjects (5) about which they are passionate. (4) This style of parenting motivates children to be the best. (6) Personally, I think the Western parenting style sometimes is too soft on children. (7) For example, Chinese mothers can say to their daughters lose some weight, but Western parents ti

6、ptoe around the issue, talking in terms of health and never ever mentioning the word fat, and their kids still end up in therapy for eating disorders and a negative self-image. (8) Therefore, in firmly stopping childrens bad habits, strict Chinese parenting is obviously better.解析 分析标题和提纲可知,应该写一篇说明文或

7、者议论文,也可说明和议论相结合。根据提纲,写作时首先引出如何教育孩子的话题,然后给出第一种观点:中式教育更好,并说明原因;其次给出第二种观点:西式教育更好,并说明原因:最后给出“我”的观点,选择其中一种观点,并充分论证。 思路一 第一段:简述人们对如何教育孩子看法不同,有人认为中式教育更好,原因:中国父母严格的教育能激励孩子,更能带出成功的孩子,证据:中国父母养育出来的孩子比西方的孩子在学业、音乐和职业方面更胜一筹。 第二段:转折,指出有人认为西式教育更好,原因:西方父母给予孩子自由和快乐的童年并鼓励孩子,能养育出聪明、有创造力以及身心健康的孩子。 第三段:我的看法:更喜欢西式教育。原因:西式

8、教育更有利于孩子的心理健康,中式教育下的孩子容易产生心理问题。 点评 (1)引出下文 (2)抛出观点:中式教育更优越 (3)进一步解释原因 (4)对比,突出中式教育的优势 (5)“养育出”的多种表达,富于变化 (6)引出另一些人的观点。better与上段的superior对应 (7)给出自己的看法 (8)亮点短语:“施加积极的影响”“过于关注” 思路二 第一段:蔡美儿的文章“为什么华人母亲更牛”引发人们的热议,有人赞成她的观点,认为严格的中式教育最有利于孩子。家长管得严让孩子能集中注意力学习,行为端正,能更好地应对将来激烈的竞争。有人不赞成,认为西式教育更好,原因:西方家长给予孩子更多自由,鼓

9、励孩子做自己喜欢的事情,孩子更自信,能激发他们成就最好。西式教育有时候过于软弱,不利于纠正孩子的一些坏习惯。 (1)通过热点现象引出下文,有吸引力 (2)采用“观点句+支撑句”形式 (3)“但是”,自然过渡 (4)采用“观点句+支撑句”形式 (5)定语从句使句子更紧凑 (6)给出自己看法时的常用句式 (7)举例使观点有说服力。“小心翼翼地避开”,非常形象 (8)小结观点,自然收尾 Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the pas

10、sage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Food Inflation Kept Hidden in Tinier Bags Chips are disappearing from b

11、ags, candy from boxes and vegetables from cans. As an expected increase in the cost of raw materials looms for late summer, consumers are beginning to encounter shrinking food packages. With unemployment still high, companies in recent months have tried to hide price increases by selling their produ

12、cts in tiny and tinier packages. So far, the changes are most visible at the grocery store, where shoppers are paying the same amount, but getting less. For Lisa Stauber, stretching her budget to feed her nine children in Houston often requires careful monitoring at the store. Recently, when she coo

13、ked her usual three boxes of pasta for a big family dinner, she was surprised by a smaller yield, and she began to suspect something was up. Whole wheat pasta had gone from 16 ounces to 13.25 ounces, she said. I bought three boxes and it wasnt enoughthat was a little embarrassing. I bought the same

14、amount I always buy, I just didnt realize it, because who reads the sizes all the time? Ms. Stauber, 33, said she began inspecting her other purchases, aisle by aisle. Many canned vegetables dropped to 13 or 14 ounces from 16; boxes of baby wipes went to 72 from 80; and sugar was stacked in 4-pound,

15、 not 5-pound, bags, she said. Five or so years ago, Ms. Stauber bought 16-ounce cans of com. Then they were 15.5 ounces, then 14.5 ounces, and the size is still dropping. The first time Ive ever seen an 11-ounce can of corn at the store was about three weeks ago, and I was just floored,Its sneaky, b

16、ecause they figure people wont know. In every economic downturn in the last few decades, companies have reduced the size of some products, disguising price increases and avoiding comparisons on same-size packages, before and after an increase. Each time, the marketing campaigns are coy; this time, t

17、he smaller versions are greener (packages good for the environment) or more portable (little carry bags for the takeout lifestyle) or healthier (fewer calories). Where Companies cannot change sizesas in clothing or appliancesthey have warned that prices will be going up, as the costs of cotton, ener

18、gy, grain and other raw materials are rising. Consumers are generally more sensitive to changes in prices than to changes in quantity, John T. Gourville, a marketing professor at Harvard Business School, said. And companies try to do it in such a way that you dont notice, maybe keeping the height an

19、d width the same, but changing the depth so the silhouette (轮廓) of the package on the shelf looks the same. Or sometimes they add more air to the chips bag or a scoop in the bottom of the peanut butter jar so it looks the same size. Thomas J. Alexander, a finance professor at Northwood University, s

20、aid that businesses had little choice these days when faced with increases in the costs of their raw goods. Companies only have pricing power when wages are also increasing, and were not seeing that right now because of the high unemployment, he said. Most companies reduce products quietly, hoping c

21、onsumers are not reading labels too closely. But the downsizing keeps occurring. A can of Chicken of the Sea albacore tuna is now packed at 5 ounces, instead of the 6-ounce version still on some shelves, and in some cases, the 5-ounce can costs more than the larger one. Bags of Doritos, Tostitos and

22、 Fritos now hold 20 percent fewer chips than in 2009, though a spokesman said those extra chips were just a limited time offer. Trying to keep customers from feeling cheated, some companies are introducing new containers that, they say, have terrific advantagesand just happen to contain less product

23、. Kraft is introducing Fresh Stacks packages for its Nabisco Premium saltines and Honey Maid graham crackers. Each has about 15 percent fewer crackers than the standard boxes, but the price has not changed. Kraft says that because the Fresh Stacks include more sleeves of crackers, they are more port

24、able and the packaging format offers the benefit of added freshness, said Basil T. Maglaris, a Kraft spokesman, in an e-mail. And Procter B解析 food; are beginning; packages 定位处 第二段 解析 该段提到,自夏末以来,由于(商家)预料到原材料的成本可能上升,消费者们开始买到包装缩水的食品。由此可知,食品公司之所以改变食品包装是因为他们认为原材料的价格可能会上涨,故答案为B。D中提到的plunge(下降)与文中提到的increa

25、se(上涨)相反,故排除。 设题分析 因果处设题。本题首先需要理解顾客买到包装缩水的食品与食品公司改变包装之间的同义转述,再由why与As之间的对照关系即可确定答案。2. After inspecting the things she purchased, Ms. Stauber found that _.A.the prices have droppedB.they have shorter shelf lifeC.they are of worse qualityD.their sizes have decreasedD解析 inspecting; purchased;Ms. Staube

26、r 定位处 第六段 解析 该段首先提到Ms. Stauber.began inspecting her other purchases,然后举例介绍她的发现:许多罐装蔬菜都从16盎司减少到13或14盎司;盒装婴儿纸巾从80盎司降到72盎司:每包糖的分量也变成了4盎司,而不是5盎司。由这些具体的数字变化可知,产品的分量减少了,故答案为D。 设题分析 举例处/数字处设题。本题解题的关键是对Ms.Stauber所举例子中的具体数字变化进行概括总结。3. What do businesses tend to do in economic downturn?A.Bring down the prices

27、 of some products.B.Use more healthy materials for the packaging.C.Hide price rises by downsizing products.D.Make their products attractively packaged.C解析 economic downturn 定位处 第八段首句 解析 该句主要介绍了经济下滑时商家的惯常做法,C中的Hide price rises与该句提到的disguising price increases对应,downsizing products与reduced the size of some products对应,故答案为C。该段末句提到this time,the smaller versions are. (fewer calories), 由此可知,more healthy materials for packaging并不是商家经常的做法,故排除B。 设题

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