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语言学练习题Chapter 2 LinguisticsWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、9) Comparative historical linguistics vs contrastive linguistics2. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1) ( ) Prescriptive linguistics is more popular than descriptive linguistics because it can tell us how to speak correct language.2) ( ) Competencce and performance re

2、fer respectively to a language users underlying knowledge about the system of rules and the actual use of language in concrete situations.3) ( ) The antithesis of langue and parole was created by Chomsky. 4) ( ) Cockoo in English is onomatopoeia. 5) ( ) Synchronic linguistics is concerned with the s

3、tudy of language development through time.6) ( ) Prescriptive linguists are concerned with how languages work, not with how they can be improved. 7) ( ) Linguistics tries to answer the basic questions” what is a language” and “How does a language work”. 8) ( ) Onomatopoetic words are found in almost

4、 all human languages, which shows the arbitrary nature of languages. 9) ( ) Each language contains two systems rather than one, a system of sound and a system of meaning. 10) ( ) Cultural transmission refers to the fact that the details of the linguistic system must be learned a new by each speaker.

5、 11) ( ) Phatic function refers to language used to exchange information and ideas. 12) ( ) Speakers of all languages are capable of producing and comprehending an infinite set of sentences, which accounts for syntactic universality. 13) ( ) Hallidays linguistic potential is similar to the notions o

6、f parole and performance14) ( ) By diachronie study we mean to study the changes and development of language.15) ( ) Langue is relatively stable and systematic while parole is subject to personal and situational constraints.16) ( ) In language classrooms nowadavs the grammar taught to students is ba

7、sically descriptive, and more attention is paid to the developing learners communicative skills.17) ( ) Saussures exposition of synchronic analysis led to the school of historical linguistics18) ( ) Applied linguistics is the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and

8、 learning.19) ( ) Semantics is the study of the meaning of words and sentences.20) ( ) A diachronic study is concerned with the historical development of a language over a period of time.21) ( ) A paradigmatic relation is a relation between a linguistic element in an utterance and linguistic element

9、s outside that utterance, but belonging to the same sub-system of the language.22) ( ) General linguistics aims at developing a theory that describes the rules of a particular language. 23) ( ) English linguistics is a kind of descriptive linguistics. 24) ( ) Competence is more concrete than perform

10、ance. 25) ( ) Descriptive linguistics attempts to establish a theory which accounts for the rules of language in general. 26) ( ) Langue is more abstract than parole and therefore is not directly observable.27) ( ) General linguistics deals with the whole human language. 28) ( ) All the English word

11、s are not symbolic. 29) ( ) All sounds produced by human speech organs are linguistic symbols. 30) ( ) Descriptive linguistics studies one specific language.31) ( ) Morphological knowledge is a native speakers intuition about how a sentence is formed.32) ( ) Phonetics is the science that deals with

12、the sound system.33) ( ) A diachronic study of a language is concerned with a state of a language at a particular point of time.3. Multiple Choice1) _ made the distinction between competence and performance.A. Saussure B. Chomsky C Bloomfiled D. Sapir2) Findings in linguistic studies can often be ap

13、plied to the solution of some practical problems, the study of such applications is knowns as _.A. anthropological linguistics B. computational linguisticsC. applied linguistics D. mathematical linguistics3) _ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of speech community.A.

14、Parole B. langue C speech D. writing4) Which of the following is not the major brach of linguistics?A. phonology B. pragmatics C. syntax D speech 5) _ deals with language application to other fields, particularly education.A. Linguistic geography B. SociolinguisticsC. Applied linguistics D. Comparat

15、ive linguistics6) Which branch of linguistics studies the similarities and differences among languages?A. Diachronic linguistics. B. Synchronic linguistics.C. Prescriptive linguistics. D. Comparative linguistics. 7) _ has been widely accepted as the forefather of modern linguistics. A. Chomsky B. Sa

16、ussure C. Bloomfield D. John Lyons8) The study of language as a whole is often called -.A. general linguistics B. sociolingyusticsC. psycholinguistics D. applied linguistics9) The study of language meaning is called-.A. syntax B. semantics C morphology D. pragmatics10) The description of a language

17、at some point in time is a study.A synchronic B. diachronic C descriptive D. prescriptive 4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:1) refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. 2) is the actual realization of ones linguistic knowledge in utterances.

18、 3) Modem linguistic is in the sense that the linguist tries to discover what language is rather than lay down some rules for people to observe.4) The description of a language as it changes through time is a study.5) Saussure put forward two important concepts, refers to the abstract linguistic sys

19、tem shared by all members of a speech community.6) Linguistic potential is similar to Saussure s langue and Chomsky s .7) The four principles in the linguistic study are (1) (2) (3) (4) 8) Morphology is the branch of linguistics which studies the form of words. 9) The branch of general linguistics w

20、hich is named studies the internal structure of sentences. 10) In Saussures view, the relationship between signifier (sound image) and signified (concept) is .11) is an umbrella term which covers a variety of different interests in language and society, including the social functions of language and

21、 the social characteristics of its users. 12) The distinction between langue and parole is made by the Swiss linguist F. de Saussure. The distinction between competence and performance is made by the American linguist . 13) The writing system.of English is. known as the sound writing system while th

22、at of Japanese as _writing system.14) According to John Lyons, _ linguistics_ deals with language in general and _ linguistics is concerned with one particular language.15) In de Saussures term, _ refers to the system of language and _ refers to the speakers speech.16) _ is the science that deals wi

23、th the sound system.17) Syntax studies two kinds of rules: _ rules and rules18) Langue or competence is _ and not directly observed, while parole or performance is _ and directly observable.19) A _ relation refers to the sequential characteristic of speech.20) _ _ knowledge is a native speakers intu

24、ition about the sounds and sound patterns of his language.21) _ knowledge is a native speakers intuition about how a word is formed.22) _ knowledge is a native speakers intuition about whether a sentence is grammatical or not.23) _ knowledge is a native speakers intuition about the meaning of langua

25、ge, including meaning of words and meaning of sentences.24) _ is the study of speech sounds of all human languages.25) _ examines word formation and the internal structure of words.5. Answer the following questions.1) What is the difference between general linguistics and descriptive linguistics?2)

26、What is the difference between synchronic and diachronic linguistics? Is it easy to draw a sharp line between them if we look at language closely? 3) What distinguish prescriptive studies of language from descriptive studies of language? Comment on the merits and weaknesses of descriptive grammar an

27、d prescriptive grammar.4) What are the four principles for the scientific analysis of language?5) Point out three ways in which linguistics differs from traditional grammar. 6) What are the main differences between “competence” and “performance”?7) What is the major difference between Saussures dist

28、inction of langue and parole and Chomskys distinction of competence and performance? what should be studies in linguistics in your opinion and why?8) Explain “speech and writing”, and cite two ormore examples. Key to Chapter Two1)syntagmatic relation vs paradigmatic relationEssentially the relations

29、 between linguistic elements are of two dimensions, usually syntagmatic and paradigmatic. syntagmatic or sequential relations are those holding between elements forming serial structure, or “strings as they are sometimes called. In syntax, the horizontal relationship between elements shows how a for

30、m (X) combines with others (W + X + Y) in a serial combination. It refers to the linear ordering of the words and the phrases within a sentence. Paradigmatic relations are those holding between comparable elements at particular places in structures. The vertical or substitutional relationship shows how other different forms (Xa, Xb, Xc) can function in the same place in structure in a paradigmatic relation.

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