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3D8 Using the TetraMesh Process ManagerWord文件下载.docx

1、Clean up the 2-D meshTetraMeshThe Process Manager is a step-by-step tool providing a checklist of procedures to allow the user to quickly organize and tetmesh a geometric model. Each step is provided in a hierarchal list providing the order in which the process needs to be performed and providing sp

2、ecialized tools at each step to simplify the process. These steps, while they can be done manually, can be performed in the TetraMesh Process Manager template in a much reduced timeframe.ExerciseStep 1: Initiate the Process Manager.1.From the Menu Bar, select Mesh, then Create, then TetraMesh Proces

3、s, then Create New to access the Process Manager. 2.Enter a session name or leave it as my_session.Note: Creating a session name and saving the session allows the user to stop the process before completion and then load it again at a later time, picking up the process at the point it was left off.3.

4、Select a working folder.4.Click Create.Step 2:Import geometry.At this point the TetraMesh Process tab will open in the Tab area and will automatically assemble the TetraMesh Process Flow. The first step, Geometry Import, is highlighted and the panel area has been configured with specific panels for

5、aiding the Tetramesh Process Manager template. You can switch back to the normal HyperMesh panel area using the Process Manager Task icon (). Right-click it and select the HyperMesh Panel icon. You can go back to the Process Manager panels again by instead selecting the Process Manager icon.In the p

6、anel area, change the Import Type to HM Model.On the toolbar, click Open .hm File () and select the file from tutorialshm.Click Import. The model will import and a green check will appear next to Geometry Import in the Process Manager indicating that step is now complete.Step 3: Clean

7、up the geometry.From the Geometry Color Mode selector () pick By Topo and click Shaded Geometry ().In the panel area, select the Edge Tools tab.Click Isolate. This will isolate the surfaces with free edges on them.Isolated Surfaces with free edges.Select the Free Edges tab and click Equivalence. Thi

8、s will fix all the free edges. If this did not correct all of the free edges, the Tolerance value could be increased until all free edges are equivalenced.5.Select the Edge Tools tab and click Isolate again. A window should appear with the message, “No edges found” This confirms all edges have been

9、fixed.6.Click Display All.7.Click ACCEPT. The Geometry Cleanup step has been completed and should have a green checkmark by it.Step 4: Organize and Clean up holes.This step will allow you to organize the surfaces that form holes in the model. The TetraMesh Process Manager can automatically sort and

10、organize holes into separate component collectors based upon their diameter. This will allow you to specify mesh type, circumference element count, and longitudinal element size for different hole groups.In the panel area, click the + () button. This will add a third line to the table.On the first l

11、ine, enter 3.3 into the D field. This will organize all holes with a diameter between 0 and 3.3 units, as indicated by the Range field, into a collector.Enter 5 into the second row and 10 into the third. This will allow HyperMesh to organize the holes into three collectors that will include holes ra

12、nging from 0 - 3.3 units, 3.3 - 5 units and 5 - 10 units collectively.Click Auto Organize.All of the holes in the model less than 10 units will now be organized into three component collectors, each with a different color. Click the Model tab and expand the selection. You will see three new componen

13、t collectors with the name solidholes followed by the numerical average of the diameter range of the holes organized.Transparent view of model showing all holes and bores organizedReturn to the TetraMesh Process tabIn the Num Circumference Elems field enter 12 for each row.8.In the Longitudinal Elem

14、 Size field enter 1 for each row. The Num Circumference Elems field governs the number of elements that will be meshed around the hole while the Longitudinal Elem Size field dictates the unit size of the elements through the length of the hole.9.The Organize & Cleanup Holes step is now complete shou

15、ld now have a green checkmark next to it.Step 5: Mesh holes.In the panel area you will notice that each hole diameter row has a Mesh Type field with a pull-down providing the options of R-tria regular and R-tria union jack. Verify that all are set for R-tria regular and click Mesh All. (The R-tria u

16、nion jack mesh pattern will be discussed in a later step.)You will notice this process provides a perfectly straight tria mesh down the length of the hole with no twisting.The checkmark in the Mesh Holes step will now turn green.Step 6: Organize and clean up features.This step allows you to highligh

17、t and organize features that require specific mesh controls beyond the overall mesh pattern that will be applied to the remainder of the part in a later step. This organizational tool will place the required surfaces into their own collector or collectors and allow you to set mesh size and pattern r

18、equirements for each.) button.In the Define New window that opens, type Faces and click OK. Select all five of the flat faces around the circumference of the part as shown in the following image. Click proceed.Faces that need to be pickedThe panel will switch to the Organize panel with your surfaces

19、 pre-selected to move into a new component called grp_Faces. Click move, then return.Click the + () button again. In the Define New window that opens, type TopHole and click OK.Rotate the model so you are looking at it from underneath into the center, and select the surfaces shown in the following i

20、mage. With this tool you need only select one of the two surfaces that make up a cylinder; when you click proceed HyperMesh will automatically select the other surfaces.10.In the Organize panel, click move, then return. Your model should then look similar to the following image, with the faces in on

21、e collector and the top hole in another. Your colors may vary slightly.11.Click ACCEPT.Step 7: Organize and clean up filets.Often a better mesh can be achieved if your fillets are split down the center. The step will allow you to automatically split your fillets based on minimum and maximum radius c

22、riteria.Click Components.Select the part in an area that has not been organized into a new component so that the large purple part is selected.Leave the Min Radius at 0 and the Max Radius at 5 and make sure the Suppress Fillet Tangent Edges option is active.Click Cleanup.You will notice that many of

23、 the fillets now have an edge running down the center and the original edges are suppressed.Step 8: Mesh features.In this step you will mesh the features that you organized in Step 6. The panel area will show a table with your organized features in it and will give you the option of selecting a mesh

24、 type and size for each feature.For the Faces feature, click the pull-down under Mesh Type and pick trias. In the field under Elem Size, enter 0.5. For the TopHole feature, select R-tria union jack for the Mesh Type.For Elem Size, enter 0.5. Click Mesh All.Note the distinctive Union Jack mesh patter

25、n () in the top hole area and the connectivity of the mesh to the previously meshed holes.Step 9: Organize and clean up.This step allows the user to organize and clean up the remaining portion of the model that will then fall under the global meshing parameters. As the remaining surfaces are already

26、 in the component you wish them to be in, there is no need for further organization.Step 10: Mesh/remesh.This step is where the remaining model will be globally meshed. Element size and type can be set for all remaining components that remain unmeshed.In the Element Size field, enter 1.Set Mesh Type

27、 to trias.Click Mesh.Step 11: Clean up elements.At this point the model should be entirely surface meshed. Proper adherence to the previous steps ensures a surface mesh that is properly connected and controlled by the previously entered values. This step will now allow the user to verify a proper me

28、sh and clean up any issues that are found.In the panel area, click Components.Select all of the components and click proceed.Leave all of the values at their default (Min Size 0.25, Max FeatureAngle 60.0, Normals Angle 150.0) and click AutoCleanup. The following message should appear.This indicates that all failed elements have been fixed and there are no further errors in the model.(Optional) The Manual tab allows the user to manually check the model for free edges and t-junctions and fix any that are found. There is also the option to display normals. Use these options to find and fix

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