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1、19. with their whole being 20. match their wordsPart B: Listening Comprehension15 DD A B A 610 AA C B D1115 D B C A B 1620 A C D A CSECTION 2:READING TEST15 BB D B A 610 DD B A D1115 C B A C D 1620 B D A C DSECTION 3:TRANSLATION TEST 国会经过将近一年的激烈争论,但未通过新的联邦法律后,关于克隆人的未来的全国性辩论已转移到各个州。六个州早已禁止各种形式的克隆,仅今年

2、一年,就有22个州提出了38项反克隆措施。 在克隆问题上持各种立场的人都说,由此拼凑起来的法律,会使全国性立法复杂性,而关于是否要限制及如何限制克隆或者彻底禁止克隆的科学问题和伦理问题,已经使全国性立法变得扑朔迷离。 自1997年科学家宣布第一只克隆的哺乳动物多利羊出生以来,人们对克隆的婴儿这一在本质上是成年人基因的复制模样感到恐惧一直萦绕要在公众的心理上和立法者的头脑里。 今天,广泛一致的意见是,用于繁殖的克隆技术是不安全的,应当禁止。现在辩论已经从制造婴儿的伦理问题,转向为提取可用以治疗疾病的细胞和级织而克隆胚胎是否合乎道德。这一争论形成互相对立的两大阵营:一方是认为胚胎是新生的人的生命的

3、宗教保守派和堕胎反对派,另一方是患者群体、科学家和生物技术行业。SECTION 4: Note-taking and Gap-filling1. reasonexplanation 2. immaturity3. behavioural 4. overestimated5. unconsciously 6. bodies7. revealingtelling 8. Clothing9. status 10. mind11. aspirations 12. ornaments13. convictions 14. membership15. achievements 16. architectu

4、re17. nature 18. watchingobserving19. attitude 20. language Listening and translation. Sentence Translation1. 我真不知道这工作需要什么资格,但我认为取得现代语言、政治科学或经济学的学位明显有用。2. 今天发表了最新的通胀率是7.5%,比去年高一个百分点。3. 总而言之,我们可以看到,每家企业无论大小,不管生产什么产品,都依靠广告吸引和留住顾客。4. 简而言之,我建议政府应该采取行动制止吸烟,完全禁止烟划公司的赞助活动和香烟广告,甚至在销售点也是如此。5. 这是30年该国遭受的最严重的地

5、震,数千居民连续第二夜在公园和花园里露宿。. Passage Translation1. 最近政府公布的数字表明,我们的生活标准正在提高,但是他们没有考虑现代社会里的污染、犯罪和紧张等因素。人们最需要的是安全,一种孩子能成长为健康成年人的环境。过去,工资低得多,但是人们外出不必回头张望,母亲让孩子在街上玩不必提心挨打或有人提供毒品。2. 企业家的定义是“组织和经营一家新企业者。”今天的大多数成功企业家是年轻人,有的出身富家,有的家境贫寒。有的受过很多教育,有的从未读完大学。你们可以看到,企业家背景各异,然而所有企业家有一个共同点:他们不怕冒险。我们可以说他们都是赌徒。美国历史上著名企业家比比皆

6、是。这些人成为新的文化英雄,就如篮球运动员和电影明星那样。SECTION 5: READING TEST (答案要点)1. located in Dartmoor Parkwith 954 sq km of hills covered by Torsan event starting from 1959young people walking over a distance of 55 mile trek in two daysin Spring (May) a kind of outdoor physical training2. environmentalismthreatening of

7、 some internationally rare bird speciesbreeding seasonnesting seasondestroying eggsfrightening birdsdeclining of birds3. if moved to autumnchildren on holiday during the training periodmajority unwilling to change the timeif moved earlier: lambing seasonwinter: too harsh and cold4. Mike and Adamones

8、 liver failing, Mike donated half of his liverAdam survivedMike, the healthy brother, due to the complication developed in the operation, dies after the successful transplant5. when there is a risk of donors dying from organ transplant between family members1 in 100 riskhigher or lowershall such ope

9、rationtransplant be encouraged?different viewpointsheated argument6. when transplant is from adult to child, only part of the liver is transplantedrisk less heavier; when transplant is from adult to adult, half is donated, keeping both alive is a much heavier task7. medical rule: to do no harm (to d

10、onors)an intricate moral and medical issuesome special regulations to be establishedan open issuepersonal views encouraged8. law suits for compensation from companiesstock market lossescompanies missing profit forecastsfrom a group of peoplemainly from stockholdersa law-firm dealing more than 5% of

11、last years class action lawsuitturning it into an industry and making more than $20 billion9. allegations that it paid plaintiff on lawsuitsmaking money by foul meansbecomes the primary purpose of the law firm not upholding justice10. an example showing criticism of Lerachs practicetreatment of laws

12、uit not based on law justicebut on the money paid by the participantsuse media as a major means to threaten defendantsmade the law a joketheir behavior ethically immoralSECTION 6: TRAMSLATION TEST Currently, Asia faces both new opportunities and new challenges in its development. Economically. Asia

13、remains the most dynamic region in todays world, which shows great potential for development. The ever-advancing development of economic globalization and the rapid progress of science and technology help Asian countries utilize international capital, import advanced technology, explore the internat

14、ional market and promote the development of their respective economies. However, the environment of certain areas in Asia is not quite safe. where the fight against terrorism is yet to be carried forward. While economic globalization has brought about opportunities for development, it has made the i

15、nternational economic environment more unstable, and made it more difficult for the developing economies in this region to undergo restructuring and made such economies more vulnerable to adverse impact from the outside world.听力测试题录音文字稿:SECTION 1:LISTENING TESTDirections: In this part of the test, y

16、ou will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your answer booklet. Remember you will hear the passage only once. Now lets begin Part A with Spot Dictati

17、on. (Woman) Research shows that we make up our mind about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them. Consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions, ranging from comfort to fear. Think

18、about some of your most unforgettable meetings: an introduction to your future spouse, a job interview, and an encounter with a stranger. Focus on the first seven seconds. What did you feel and think? How did you read the other person? How do you think he reads you? You are the message. For 25 years

19、 Ive worked with thousands who want to be successful. Ive helped them make persuasive presentations, answer unfriendly questions, communicate more effectively. The very secret has always been that you are the message. Others will want to be with you and help you if you use your good qualities. They

20、include physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, expressions through eyes, and the ability to hold interest of others. Others form an impression about you based on these. Think of times when you know you made a good impression. What made you successful? You wer

21、e committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment that you lost all self-consciousness. Be yourself. Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities. They instruct you to greet them powerful handshakes and tell you to fix your eyes on

22、the other person. If you follow all this advice, it is most likely that youll drive everyone crazy-including yourself. The trick is to be consistently you. at your best. The most effective people never change from one situation to another. Theyre the same whether theyre addressing their garden club,

23、 having a conversation, or being interviewed for a job. They communicate with their whole being; the tones of their voices and their voices and gestures match their words. Is this part of the test, there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. Th

24、e talks, conversations and questions will be spoken only once. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your answer booklet. Now lets begin Part B with Listening Comprehension.Que

25、stions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.(Man) Im really scared about this talk Ive got to give next week. D you think you could help me? Youve had loads more experience of that kind of thing than I have.(Woman) Yes, yeah, sure, If I can help, I will. Whats it about and whyve you got to

26、 give a talk, anyway?(Man) Well, Ive applied for this job. You see, its with an advertising company and theyve asked all the applicants to give a talk as part of the selection process. I do want the job, so Ive got to try and do something good.(Woman) Well, whatve you got to talk about?(Man) We can

27、choose our own subject. I think that makes it harder. We just have to talk for twenty minutes. And we can use an overhead projector if we want. (Woman) Right, then the first thing to do is to decide what youre going to talk about. Pick something that you feel strongly about. Thatll make it easier fo

28、r you to sound enthusiastic and interested yourself which is very important if you want to hold your audiences attention.(Man) So how on earth do I manage to sound enthusiastic and interested when Im feeling scared out of my mind?(Woman) Well, I suppose the first to do is to prepare your talk well s

29、o that you know exactly what you want to say and in what order. Dont just read a script, thats very dull for the listeners. Talk from brief notes-you can write them on cards, perhapsso that it sounds a bit more spontaneous than reading a prepared script and your eyes are free to make contact with th

30、e audience. If you feel really scared just before the talk, take tem deep breaths; that should be enough to calm you down. It its not enough. I once heard someone suggest imagining the audience with no clothes no. But Ive never tried that myself. I dont know if itd work not!(Man) Anything else about how I should speak? I mean, slowly or fast?(Woman) Well, you must talk clearly of course and not too fa

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