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1、5. A. develop B. to develop C. developing D. developed6. A. for B. of C. to D. as7. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few8. A. they B. their C. theirs D. them9. A. who B. which C. what D. when10. A. are asking B. asked C. are asked D. were asked11. A. complains B. complained C. is complaining D. wil

2、l complain12. A. join B. to join C. take part in D. to take part in13. A. student B. students C. students D. students14. A. also B. as well C. either D. neither15. A. meaningful B. more meaningful C. most meaningful D. meaningfully二、完形填空Two old beggars were sitting on a busy street corner of a big c

3、ity. They watched _16_ as a lot of people walked by without looking at them. Sometimes, a kind-hearted woman or a small child would drop a few coins in the _17_ in front of them.As it was getting dark, they started to _18_ their things. Just as they were getting ready to leave, they noticed a man wa

4、lking towards them. The man _19_, reached into his pocket and took something out. What looked like a piece of hard candy, wrapped(包裹) in white paper, hit each of their waiting hats. Then the man continued his way.“Why couldnt he leave us a few _20_ or a bill instead of the rock candy?” said the firs

5、t beggar angrily. With these words, he picked up the thing and _21_. Then he collected his things and left.The second beggar wanted to do the same, but a thought made him change his _22_. “I havent had anything like this for ages.” he thought. “How _23_ of that man to offer me something so sweet!” W

6、ith that, he opened the white paper. To his _24_, there was no hard rock candy inside. _25_, a shiny white pearl(珍珠) worth thousands of dollars fell into his hand.16. A. helplessly B. happily C. uselessly D. quickly17. A. bags B. boxes C. hats D. pockets18. A. sell B. hide C. place D. pack19. A. sto

7、pped B. ran C. went D. talked20. A. books B. coins C. sweets D. flowers21. A. carried it away B. ate it up C. opened it up D. threw it away22. A. habit B. way C. mind D. rule23. A. nice B. funny C. clever D. strange24. A. interest B. sadness C. surprise D. pity25. A. Besides B. Instead C. Though D.

8、Again3、阅读理解AMost of us have ever imagined the life on a desert island. We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise(天堂) where the sun always shines. Life there is simple and good. Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you are free to sit around without any work. This is really a beaut

9、iful picture, isnt it? However, the other side of the picture is quite the opposite. Life on a desert is awful. You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe, waiting for a boat which never comes.Perhaps there is some truth in both pictures, but few of us have had the chance to find out. W

10、e can only experience it in the story like the following.Many years ago, two men spent five days on a coral island and they wished that they could stay there longer. They were driving a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired. During the journey, their boat began to s

11、ink(下沉). They quickly put food, matches, and cans of beer into a rubber dinghy(救生筏) and rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island.There were hardly any trees on the island and there was no water, but this did not seem to be a problem. The men collected rain

12、water in the rubber dinghy. As they had brought a gun with them, they had plenty to eat. They caught lobster and fish every day, and they thought they lived just like a king. Five days later, a tank passed by and saved them. However, they felt sorry that they had to leave.26. What kind of life on th

13、e island was NOT mentioned according to paragraph 1?A. A simple and good life. B. a sort of paradise life.C. A terrible life. D. A common life.27. What did the two men put into the small rubber dinghy?A. Food, medicine and cans. B. Food, matches and medicine.C. Food, beer and matches. D. Food, fish

14、and cans.28. In what order did the following events take place?a. They collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy. b. They put necessary things into a small rubber dinghy.c. They arrived at a tiny coral island.d. Their boat began to sink.e. They were saved by a tank.A. d-b-a-c-e B. d-b-c-a-e C. c-a-d-

15、b-e D. c-d-b-a-e29. The underlined word “it” in the third paragraph means “_”.A. the boat B. the journey C. the picture D. the rubber dinghy30. What can we know from the passage?A. The two men were scared because of no water.B. The two men became the king on the coral island.C. The two men would sta

16、y on the coral island forever.D. The two men didnt want to leave the coral island.BLeonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Italy. He is best known as an artist today. One of his famous paintings is called Mona Lisa. However, Leonardo had man other natural abilities. He was also a great inven

17、tor. Many of his inventions have become important in modern daily life. Although Leonardo hated war, he invented many different machines used for wars. His most special invention was the machine gun, which was produced and used in wars many years later.By watching the way birds fly, Leonardo tried t

18、o find out the secret of flying. Among his sketches we can see several objects. We consider them as modern flying machines. Leonardo spent many hours thinking about how to make good use of time. He developed ideas or labor-saving machines like cutting machines.Leonardo was a strange man. He didnt ea

19、t any meat, which was unusual in those times. He never published his ideas and scientific discoveries. He usually used mirror writing, which looks like writing in a mirror, starting from the right side of the page and moving to the left.We have very little of his work today. Leonardo finished only a

20、 few of his paintings. He left many unfinished because he thought they were not perfect. No one in his life time knew how great Leonardo was. We now believe, however, that he was one of the cleverest men the world has ever known.31. According to the passage, Leonardo was not only an artist but also

21、_. A. a musician B. an inventor C. a writer D. an engineer32. _ was Leonardos most special invention.A. The mirror writing B. The cutting machine. C. The machine gun D. The flying machine33. Which of the following statements is true about Leonardo?A. He usually wrote in a mirror. B. He didnt eat any

22、 meat.C. He liked to publish his discoveries. D. He enjoyed drawing flying machines.34. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To let us know more about Leonardo. B. To introduce Leonardos great inventions.C. To discuss Leonardos famous paintings. D. To introduce a great artist to us.35. Where is the

23、 passage probably from?A. A science story. B. A picture book.C. An encyclopaedia. D. A travel booklet.CMonday8-10 a.m.TECHNOLOGY Information Technology(IT) - Using the Internet In this lesson, students learn to surf the internet safely and effectively. There will also be information about using diff

24、erent search engine. Finally, this lesson teaches students about the best websites to use continue their education online.10-12 a.m.ARTS10:00 a.m.DRAMAStudents learn the play that the teacher gave before class. During the lesson, students will have the chance to act out roles with other students.11:

25、PAINTING WITH WATERCOLOURSFor most of this term, students learn how to use watercolours properly to make pictures. If the weather is good, the lesson may take place outdoors.1-2 p.m.SCIENCE Biology/ChemistryStudents can choose which class to attendIn biology this week, the topic is Human Body. Stude

26、nts will learn about how it works.Altermatively(二者选其一), students can study chemistry. This class takes place in the science lab, and this week students learn about H2 and O2.2-4 p.m.SPORTS2:00 p.m.SKILLSStudents learn about the skills in a certain sport. We use video to see real action from past games.3:PRACTICEAfter we have picked teams, students will play a short match lasting 45 minutes. This week, the sports are football (for boys) and tennis (for girls).HOMEWORKIT-the teacher will give students websites to look up at h

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