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学年人教版高中英语选修八同步练习Unit 4 Pygmalion课时跟踪训练42 Word版含答案Word下载.docx

1、EMany rock bands were able to follow in the footsteps of the Beatles.FThey appeared in the films A Hard Days Night (1964)and Help!(1965)GThey performed their first concert in America at CBS televisions 53rd street studio.答案与解析语篇导读:本文是一篇说明文。文中讲述了披头士的发展和影响,引领了一种潮流趋势。1C第一段讲述摇滚音乐,根据空后的“At that time”可知前句

2、提到了时间,而且与rock music有关,选项中只有C 项讲的是摇滚音乐,并且讲述了其发展的时间,故选C。2B空前后都是讲述披头士的出名程度,根据空前“extremely popular in England”, 以及后文的“They became the hottest thing”可知此处描述了他们的影响,选项B (甚至他们的发型在那时也成为了一种潮流)符合文意,且关键词even是一个提示,故选B。3A根据空后“They were not sure how the Americans would react to the new type of music.”(他们不确定美国人怎样反应)

3、,可知他们首次来美国演出,所以A项(他们决定首次到美国开巡回演出)符合文意,故选A。4G根据空后“The concert was broadcast live.”可知前句中应该出现concert,选项G中的关键词their first concert 前后呼应。故选G。5E根据空前(由于披头士,市场上出现了很多机会),E项(很多新乐队(新面孔)都是模仿披头士),符合逻辑。故选E。.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I still remember my kindergarten teacher Mrs.White, alth

4、ough I dont remember much about what we learned in her class. My mother once told me that we used to_1_a lot. And I would bring back what I wrote and she could see there were so many_2_. But no red corrections. And always a star. Sometimes_3_a “Good”,which would make my heart soar (高涨)with_4_. But i

5、t worried my mother, so one day when she met Mrs.White, she asked her why she never_5_the wrong spellings of words.Mrs.White replied,“The children are just beginning to get_6_about using words, about forming sentences. I dont want to_7_that enthusiasm with red ink. Spelling and grammar can wait. The

6、 wonder of words wont.”Maybe she didnt say it_8_like that. It was long ago. But I did grow up learning to use words with loving_9_like that.I_10_now and think Mrs.Whites was a rather_11_teacher. She encouraged the joy,_12_and excitement of expressionhowever faultilylike that. I used to_13_“beautiful

7、” a lot. Never could I quite remember that the “e”went _14_the “a”,which_15_my teacher in high school very much._16_eventually the es and as settled into their_17_places. I am glad I didnt_18_on them though. “Pretty” is _19_to spell but it doesnt hold as much as you mean sometimes. And thanks to Mrs

8、.White, I had no_20_about writing what I meant even if I couldnt quite spell it out. Because life isnt Pretty. Its Beautiful.1A.listen BspeakCwrite Dread2A.marks BstarsCwords Dmistakes3A.even BnaturallyCespecially Dparticularly4A.happiness BsadnessCdiscouragement Ddisappointment5A.found BcorrectedCi

9、gnored Dremembered6A.worried BexcitedCanxious Dnervous7A.keep BcreateCstop Dmake8A.really BcarefullyCtotally Dexactly9A.fear BconfidenceCpride Dcontent10A.look forward Blook afterClook back Dlook for11A.extraordinary BstrictChardworking Dcareless12A.delight BwonderCrelief Dsatisfaction13A.mistake Bm

10、isuseCmisunderstand Dmisspell14A.behind BafterCbefore Dbelow15A.annoyed BpleasedCfrightened Dconfused16A.So BButCAnd DOr17A.right BwrongCgood Dbad18A.stand BkeepCwait Drely19A.funnier BharderCnicer Deasier20A.interests BhopeCworries Dsadness这是一篇记叙文,讲述作者在幼儿园阶段在老师Mrs.White帮助下,逐渐纠正写作错误,不再畏惧写作,从而不再畏惧生活中

11、的任何困难。字里行间体现出了作者对Mrs.White的感激之情。感恩老师让自己认识到生活是美好的。1C考查动词词义辨析。listen 听; Bspeak 说; Cwrite 写; Dread 读。由下文wrote可知,妈妈告诉我我们曾经经常写作。我都会把自己所写的东西带回来给妈妈看,故选C。2D考查名词词义辨析。marks 分数; Bstars 星星; Cwords 话语; Dmistakes 错误。由下文but(表示含义转折)但是她从不做任何红色的订正,她总是给我一个星星。可知妈妈会看我的写作并看到里面的许多错误,故选D。3A考查副词词义辨析。A.even 甚至; Bnaturally 自然

12、; Cespecially 尤其; Dparticularly特别。本句but(表示含义转折)可以推测出,老师甚至还会给我评一个优秀,故选A。4A考查名词词义辨析。A.happiness开心; Bsadness 悲伤; Cdiscouragement 沮丧; Ddisappointment失望。由于老师总是给我星星,还批示优秀,这让我无比开心。因此作者对自己得到这样的赞美表示开心。故选A。5B考查动词词义辨析。A.found 发现; Bcorrected 纠正; Cignored 忽略; Dremembered记得。句意:但是这使我母亲担心了,妈妈询问老师为什么不纠正孩子的错误。母亲对于作者的

13、骄傲自满表现出担忧。故选B。6B考查形容词词义辨析。A.worried 担心的; Bexcited 兴奋,激动; Canxious 焦虑的; Dnervous紧张的。孩子们刚刚开始对用词感到兴奋。Mrs.White认为学生刚刚对写作有所感觉,拼写及语法错误可以等等,故选B。7C考查动词词义辨析。A.keep 保持; Bcreate 创造; Cstop 停止;D.make制作。我们不能用一支红笔中断了那份兴趣。Mrs.White认为红笔的批改可能会对学生写作兴趣有阻碍作用。阻碍,停止:stop,故选C。8D考查副词词义辨析。A.really 真正地; Bcarefully 小心;C.totall

14、y 完全; Dexactly准确。尽管有时孩子用词不精确,故选D。9B考查名词词义辨析。A.fear 恐惧; Bconfidence 信心; Cpride 骄傲; Dcontent满意。那是很久以前的事了,然而,我从小就学会用像那样的爱和自信的语言,故选B。10C考查动词短语词义辨析。A.look forward 向前看; Blook after 照顾; Clook back 回首; Dlook for寻找。我回首过去,因为是妈妈给自己讲述的Mrs.White老师对自己写作的帮助,故选C。11A考查形容词词义辨析。A.extraordinary 卓越的; Bstrict 严格的; Chardw

15、orking 努力的; Dcareless粗心,联系后一句描述,可知我回首过去,我真的相信她就是这样一位极好的老师,故选A。12B考查名词词义辨析。A.delight 高兴; Bwonder 好奇; Crelief 轻松; Dsatisfaction 满意。我认为Mrs.White就是这样一位极好的老师:尽力少用红笔,而把快乐、惊奇、激动留在孩子的心间,故选B。13D考查动词词义辨析。A.mistake 错误; Bmisuse 误用;C.misunderstand 误解;D.misspell错误拼写,由下文可知,我以前总是写错beautiful“美丽的”的拼写,记不住字母e和a的位置,故选D。

16、14C考查介词词义辨析。A.behind 后面; Bafter 后面; Cbefore 前面; Dbelow下面。由上文可知,我以前总是写错beautiful“美丽的”的拼写,记不住字母e应该放在a前面的位置,故选C。15A考查形容词词义辨析。A.annoyed 恼火的; Bpleased 开心的; Cfrightened 害怕的;D.confused 困惑的。我以前总是写错beautiful“美丽的”的拼写,可以推断出这让我的高中老师很恼火,故选A。16B考查连词词义辨析。A.So 因此; BBut 但是; CAnd 并且; DOr 否则。但是最终这两个字母摆在了它们正确的位置,推断出作者最

17、终拼写对了这个单词,故选B。17A考查形容词词义辨析。A.right 正确的; Bwrong 错误的; Cgood 好的; Dbad坏的。beautiful当中e 和a两个字母摆在了它们正确的位置,推断出作者最终拼写对了这个单词,故选A。18C考查动词词义辨析。A.stand 站立;B.keep 保持; Cwait 等待; Drely依靠。我很高兴自己拼写正确了,庆幸自己做到这一点没有等太久,故选C。19D考查形容词词义辨析。A.funnier 更好笑; Bharder 更难的; Cnicer 更好的; Deasier 更容易。结合语境可知此处指的是pretty更容易拼写。但是又不能表达出你想

18、表达的意思,故选D。20C考查名词词义辨析。A.interests 兴趣; Bhope 希望; Cworries担心; Dsadness悲伤。多亏Mrs.White, 我不用担心在表达自己内心真实想法时,自己会拼写错误,故选C。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Eileen Taylor had something sweet on her mind in the drivethrough line at Heavnly Donuts. Just the day before, a stranger ahead of her in line ha

19、d _1_(generous) paid for her coffee. “The good deed made such _2_ big difference in my day,” says Eileen. She had recently lost her job as a physicians _3_ (assist), and money was tight. But Eileen _4_(inspire) to pay the $12 bill of the family in the car behind hers. _5_she didnt know was that her

20、kindness would set off a chain reaction. In two and a half hours, fiftyfive drivers paid for the order of the person behind _6_(they). The doughnut shops employees _7_ (see) this before. This Heavnly Donuts, in fact, is known as a special place, the customers of _8_ are considered as “the best in th

21、e world”. But, even so, the workers were _9_ (amaze) that the shop had more than doubled its previous record by the end of the day.Now _10_ (work) as a chemist, Eileen visits Heavnly Donuts every Saturday morning, picking up a coffee and paying for the order of the customer behind her.本文是一篇记叙文。艾琳在经济

22、困窘之际,陌生顾客帮她付单的行为产生了连锁反应,很多人效仿这一行为。1generously空处修饰动词,应用副词形式。2amake a difference意为“起作用”,是固定短语。3assistant此处指“作为一个医生的助手”,故用名词assistant。4was inspired本处叙述的是过去的事情,应用一般过去时;Eileen与inspire之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态;结合主语Eileen可知,填was inspired。5What句意:她不知道的是她的善行引起了连锁反应。主语从句中know缺少宾语,故用what引导主语从句。6them空处作介词behind的宾语,应用人称代词的宾格形式them。7had seen根据语境并结合时间状语before可知,此处指的是“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。8which先行词place在后面的非限制性定语从句中作介词of的宾语,故填which。9amazed主语为workers,指人,应用amazed。10working分析句子结构可知,空处应用非谓语动词作状语。因为work与句子主语Eileen之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词形式。

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