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1、概述:腰腿痛是指下腰、腰骶、骶髂、臀部等处的疼痛,可伴有一侧或两侧下肢痛、马尾神经症状。颈肩痛是指颈、肩、肩胛等处疼痛,有时伴有一侧或两侧上肢痛、颈脊髓损害症状。临床表现多样化,病因复杂化,故诊断、鉴别诊断困难,“病人腰痛,大夫头痛”。第一节 腰 腿 痛1、 疼痛容易发生在活动与不活动的交界处,如腰椎与骶椎结合部下腰痛。腰椎骨折、脊柱结核易发生在胸腰椎结合部T12, L1处。2、 腰椎依靠椎间盘、关节突关节、前后纵韧带、黄韧带、棘上韧带、棘间韧带、横突间韧带等连接,骶棘肌、腰背肌、腹肌等协助增加稳定性。骨骼、肌肉、筋膜、韧带、神经、血管任何组织的病变(外伤、炎症、退行性变、肿瘤、结核、发育不良

2、等)的排列组合能产生许多疾病。另外内脏的疾病向腰部传到、放射、牵涉痛。3、 看书873页表 腰腿痛病因分类。4、 注意疼痛性质:局部疼痛,牵涉痛,放射痛5、 压痛点:表浅组织压痛点特定,深部结构(如小关节、椎间盘、椎体)深处压痛,病人往往指不明确。 (15分钟)最多见的原因腰椎间盘突出症(30分钟)Lumbar disk herniation一、 是椎间盘变性,纤维环破裂,髓核突出刺激或压迫神经根、马尾神经所表现的综合征,是腰腿痛的最常见原因之一。2050岁多见,男多于女。长期坐位工作(办公室、汽车司机等),近年年轻化,增多化。二、 病因 (简略讲)三、 分型 1、膨隆型(膨出) 2、突出型

3、3、脱垂游离型(脱出) 4、休莫结节及经骨突出型四、 临床表现 (重要,掌握) (一)症状1、 腰痛2、 坐骨神经痛 (Sciatica) 坐骨神经( sciatic nerve)的组成(1,2,3,4,5,的含义),为什么坐骨神经痛? (L4,5 L5S1)占90放射痛( radicular pain)3、 马尾神经症状 大小便障碍,鞍区感觉异常。(二)体征1、 腰椎侧突 代偿性,为缓解疼痛。2、 腰部活动受限3、 压痛及骶棘肌痉挛4、 直腿抬高试验及加强试验 (Lasegue sign The straight leg-raising test) positive above 90% )5

4、健腿抬高试验(Fajersztajn sign)The cross straight leg-raising test positive 5、 神经系统检查 感觉 肌力 反射(踝反射 (the ankle jerk reflex is decreased or absent)肛门反射,肛门括约肌张力低(三) 特殊检查1、X-RAY plain film 2、CT computed tomography4、 MRI5、 其他 肌电图 五、 诊断 (熟悉)六、鉴别诊断 对口腔专业只作了解提醒:注意与腰椎肿瘤、结核鉴别,不要误诊。七、 治疗(一)非手术治疗1、 卧床休息2、 牵引3、 4、 理疗、推

5、拿、按摩5、 椎管注药6、 化学溶核(二)手术 仅作了解本次课主要外语词汇 见打印的短文教具:1、 腰椎骨骼标本,2、腰椎解剖挂图,3、多媒体幻灯片思考题: (5分钟)1、 什么腰椎间盘突出压迫坐骨神经?2、 不作CT MRI 如何从查体进行定位诊断?参考教材 胡有谷 主编 腰椎间盘突出症第二节颈 椎退行性疾病(50分钟)一、颈椎病概念 因颈椎间盘退行性变及其继发性改变,刺激脊髓、神经、血管和食管等组织,并引起症状或体征者称为颈椎病。(Cervical degenerative disease occurs as part of the nomal aging progress and is

6、often asymptomatic. Commonly occurring symptoms include neck pain, radiculopahy, and myelopathy) 5分(一)复习颈部解剖 边讲边提问 15分钟1、7个颈椎 第一颈椎叫 第二颈椎叫 横突孔(17有)内走的什么(第16) 什么是钩椎关节(下一椎体的钩突与上一椎体的斜坡) 2、颈椎之间的连接 五个关节 后纵韧带的特点(中部厚,故两侧突出) 项韧带钙化3、颈丛 : 颈14神经的前支组成,支配颈部肌肉、膈肌、颈、枕、面部感觉 后支组成颈后丛 颈2发出的枕大神经(枕下痛,同侧头皮感觉异常)4、臂丛的组成 5,6

7、,7,8,1的含义(二)病因与分类除与腰腿痛相似外,椎动脉、交感神经受到刺激引起的头、胸、心、肺、眼、耳等全身症状,因此难以区分。1、病因 (Pathogensis) 了解 退行性变(degenerative changes ) 损伤 先天性椎管狭窄 (12毫米相对,10毫米绝对)2 分型及各自的临床表现 掌握 15分神经根型颈椎病脊髓型颈椎病(重点讲授) 颈脊髓病功能评估JOA17分法 交感神经型颈椎病椎动脉型颈椎病 症状多,体征少,症状不特异,常与其它病的症状相似混合型或复合型颈椎病三诊断 熟悉 以下10分四鉴别诊断 了解 五 治疗( Neck pain and radiculopathy

8、 usually resolve with nonoperative modalities.)(一) 非手术治疗1 牵引2 颈托、颈围3 按摩 强调强行推拿的危害4 理疗5 自我保健 特殊职业 会计、伏案、电脑6 药物(二)手术 (aims : decompression and stability) 了解1、 前路 (anterior diskectomy )2、 后路 (posterior surgical procedures)重点 颈椎病的分型 ,各型的临床表现 。 了解治疗原则主要外语词汇 见复印短文 颈椎骨骼标本 多媒体幻灯片二、 颈椎管狭窄症( the cervical cana

9、l stenosis) 矢状径临界值13mm,小于13为椎管狭窄三、 颈椎间盘突出症(cervical disc herniation)四、 后纵韧带骨化(ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament)1、脊髓型颈椎病为什么发生在下颈椎?参考教材 如有精力,可阅读7年制外科学教材。 第三学时 前20分钟讨论,结合X线片,CT,MRI 片回答同学提出的问题20分钟时间集体阅读讲解英文短文,材料每人1份最后5分钟,本次课总结。 Cervical spondylosisCervical spondylosis is defined as a

10、generalized disease process affecting the entire cervical spine and related to chronic disk degeneration. In about 90% of men older than 50 years and 90% of women older than 60 years, degeneration of the cervical spine can be demonstrated by radiographys. Initial disk changes are followed by facet a

11、rthropathy, osteophyte formation, and ligamentous instability. Myelopathy, radiculopathy(神经根病),or both may be seen secondary. Pathophysiology gave the first account of a “spondylotic bar”. Subsequent work revealed that disk degeneration and osteoarthritis could lead to cord and root impingement. The

12、 most frequently involved levels are the more mobile segments C5-C6,C6-C7,and C4-C5. The sagittal cervical canal diameter was appreciably smaller (3mm on average)in the myelopathic spodylotic spine than the nor mal spine.Clinical findingA. Symptoms and Signs: Headache is commonly located in the occi

13、pital region and radiates toward the frontal area. A painful, stiff neck.1. Cervical spondylotic radiculopathyThe chief complaint is radiation of pain into the interscapular area and into the arm. Typically, patients have proximal arm pain and distal paresthesias.2. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy -

14、 Patients often present with paresthesias,dykinesias, or weakness of the hand, the entire upper extremity, or the lower extremity. Deep aching pain of the extremity, broad-based gait(步态), loss of balance, loss of hang dexterity(技巧), and general muscle wasting are found in patients with advanced myel

15、opathy. Impotence(性无能)is not uncommon in these patients. Deep tendon reflexes can be either hyporeflexic or hyperreflexic。The presence of Hoffmann,reflex or Babinski reflex indicate an upper motor neuron lesion。High cervical spondylosis(C3-C5)leads to complaints of numb and clumsy(拙)hands,while myel

16、opathy of the lower cervical spine(C5-C8)present with spasticity(痉挛) and loss of proprioception本体感觉in legs。 BImaging studies:X-ray films may show single or multilevel disk space narrowing with or without osteophytes。C5-C6 and C6-C7 are the two most commonly involved segments。MRI permits visualizatio

17、n of entire cervical canal and spinal cord by showing the spinal cord and nerve roots in 2 planes。CT:The average anteroposterior diameter of the spinal canal measure 17mm,the space required by the spinal cord averages 10mm。An absolute spinal canal stenosis :less than 10mm,relative sterosis is 10-13m

18、m。 Treatment Conservative Treatment Anti-inflammatory agents; physical therapy ; mild traction Surgical Treatment If the patient does not respond to a conservative treatment protocol or shows evidence of deteriorating myelopathy or radiculopathy。The anterior approach and the posterior approach are the two basic approches。Diskectomy,vertebrectomy,foraminotomy,fusion with tricortical iliac crest(嵴) bone grafts or strut(支柱) graft Gong Mingzhi April, 3,2007

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