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1、Yes,there is./No,there isnt.Was there (a)in your school many years ago ?Yes,there wasnt./ No,there wasnt.2.Pair workStep3 Practice1.Look at the pictures and say:There was my old school many years ago. Now there is/ my new school. 2.Talk about changes in our school .3.Talk about changes i

2、n our city.There was no park in our city many years ago. Now there is a big park in our city.There was no tall building in our city many years ago. Now there are many tall building in our city.There was no supermarket in our city many years ago. Now there are many supermarkets in our city.Step4 Grou

3、p work1.Look at the picture on P35, find out the mistakes in the picture.2.discuss:There be 句型的一般过去时和一般现在时结构是什么?Step 5 summaryA: What did you do on your holiday ? I _.Step 6 Test 用be动词的适当形式填空:1.Beijing_the capital of China.2.They_young,then.3.Who _they,Mike ?4.She _short before. Now she_tall.5.I_tal

4、ler than Sam.6.This girl_better.7.What_Amy doing ?8.What_you going to do ?9.There_a ball in the classroom a month ago.10.Before,there _no computer or Internet in my old school.11.Now ,there_many computers in our new school.教学反思:本节课主要学习第四单元Part A Lets learn,进一步学习一般过去时,学会运用There be句型的一般过去时和一般现在时,描述学校过

5、去和现在的变化。通过过去和现在的对比,让学生感受生活的变化,从而珍惜现在的美好生活。学生能掌握一些基本知识并能根据实际情况做练习。知识内容联系生活实际,学生兴趣浓厚,通过背记、互查、质疑、检测、纠错、评价 ,学习效果较好。不过,个别学生堂清效果不理想,今后加强训练,达到活学活用。 Unit 4 Then and now(P34)第2课时导学案主备人:姬东风 审核人:一、学习目标: 1.能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中恰当运用句型及相关词汇。There was/were(no) years ago. Now there is/are谈论或描述某个地方的今昔.2.能够理解对话大意并能正确朗读所学对话

6、,在情景中运用There be.3.了解人类首次登月的一些信息。二、教学重难点 :Aims 1 and 2.:三、复习导入:1. Review:一般过去时Where,how what引导的特殊疑问句和Lets learn.2、Free talk: There was no gym in my school twenty years ago.B: Now there is a new one in our school.四、自学提纲:1. Listen and answer:What was Grandpas school like?(2). Read the text and turn the

7、m into Chinese.2. Read and find:There was only one small building on a hill.There was no library in my old school.There were no computers or Internet in my time.三、Practice: 1.从处理局部语言到呈现完整对话。(1)从网上收集世界各地不同风格、不同时代的学校的图片引导学生谈论,了解新旧学校的变迁,对比学校的今昔变化。(2 )用There be 句型进行描述。The School Now The school in the Ol

8、d TimeThere are many trees. There were few trees.There is a playground. There was no playground.(3)对话听前预测。组织学生口头描述,并记录下来。 让学生预测吴一凡一家人在酒店的遭遇。(4)呈现课文对话。2. Listen and answer the questions. 3.回答问题后,学生自主朗读,并圈出描述学校的句子.渗透人类首次登月的信息.4.学生分角色朗读并表演对话.四、合作交流:1.Work in groups and translate.2.Check some students.3

9、. Lets play. Work in groups and practice.4. Let students explain the key points .五、达标训练:(一)汉译英。 (1) 我以前的学校里没有图书馆。 (2)请给我讲讲你的学校吧。(3) 以前 只有一栋很小的教学楼在山上。 (4). 晚上你能看见星星吗?(5 ).有朝一日我将要造访月球。. (6 )你怎么知道的?(7) 1969年,美国人花了大约5天时间到达了月球。. (8) 很简单,我上网查的。(9)我那个时候没有电视也没有网络。 (10) 你的学校5年前是什么样子的?像现在的吗? (二).Complete the

10、exercises, fill in the blanks.What have you learnt in this class?六、DiscussThere is /are 和there was/were的用法区别。七、当堂检测:一用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.There_(be) a TV in my classroom in my time.2.Grandpa_(can not) use computers then.3.There_(be) many trees on the hill five years ago.4._read) this story, please 5.It _(

11、take) me about one hour to finish my homework yesterday.(二) 汉译英。 (1)我以前的学校里没有图书馆。(3)以前 只有一栋很小的教学楼在山上。 (4)晚上你能看见星星吗?九、教学反思:本节课继续课学习了Unit 4 Part A Lets talk,先让学生自学回答问题,然后小组合作翻译短文,解决疑难问题。学生热情高涨,积极主动,合作探究意识浓厚,通过做试卷,发现学生对一般过去时掌握不够扎实,需进一步强化训练。今后应加大差生的检查力度,力争使基础知识人人过关。Unit4 Then and now 第3课时导学案关粉玲 审核人:1能够借

12、助图片,理解对话大意,并能够回答对话下面的问题;2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演;3.能够听、说、读、写,并能在情境中恰当运用以下句型:Before, I was quiet. Now ,Im very active in class. I was short, so I couldnt ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling every day. Aims 2 and 3. 1、Free talk Where did you go over your holiday? I went to Dalian.What did you do t

13、here? I took pictures and went fishing.1.Lets try(1)What are they talking about? A. Mikes hobby B. Mikes old photos(2)What grade was Mike in? A. Grade 1 B.Grade51.Listen and answer:(1)Where did Amy go last winter holiday?(2)How did she go there?2.Read and answer:How did Mike change?五、合作交流:3.Role pla

14、y the dialogue.4.Lets play. Work in groups and practice.5.Talk about your friends or family members. How did they change?六、达标训练:Workbook P41 ( 五、六大题)七、当堂总结:What have you learnt this class?八、当堂检测:(一)选择填空。( )1. There werent _gyms in my time.A. not B. some C. any( )2.Tell _about your school, please.A.u

15、s B. we C. our( )3.Before, I was quiet. Now, Im very_ in class.A.old B. active C. big( )4.There was no gym_.A. also B. too C. either( )5.I _ an interesting dream last night. A. have B. had C. having(二)描述一下过去和现在家乡生活中的变化。_ 本节课首先复习了第4单元的基础知识,学生对There be句型掌握较差,不会活学活用,需要进一步练习,加强专项训练。另外,今后在课堂上要多关注差生的学习状态。

16、Unit 4 Then and now 第4课时导学案 靳淑娥 审核人:一、学习目标 1复习单词和短语:1.能听说读写短语:go cycling, ice-skate, go camping ,Go fishing, play badminton years ago, months ago, cleaned the room, played football and visited grandparents。2.能够运用句型:Where did you go last Saturday?I went to a forest park.What did you do there? I rode

17、a bike. 内容并能在实际情景中灵活用。二、教学重难点 Aims 1,2,三、复习导入1. Free talk T:There was no gym in my school ago.Ss:There .2. Revisionshool Show pictures about parts of body, review the words:四、Recits:1.Recite the new words (35个)2. Read the phrases yourselves:go cycling, ice-skate, go camping , go fishing, play badmin

18、ton , years ago, months ago, cleaned the room, played football and visited grandparents。3. Remember the phrases , then check each other.4. Look at the pictures ,ask and answer :Was there no gym in my school ago?The students can answer correctly according to the pictures. 五、合作交流:Discuss:(1)一般过去时的句子与一

19、般现在时的句子有哪些区别?(2)动词发生了哪些变化?(3)Remember the phrases first, then check in pairs.(4). 自查、互查、质疑、检测、纠错、评价 六、达标训练1.写出下列动词的过去式:wash - watch- look- cook- use clean study play- visit want- 2. 用所给词的适当形式填空:(1)What _you _ Lask weekend?(do)(2) I _(watch) TV last weekend.(3) My mother_(wash) the clothes last weeke

20、nd.(4) I _(visit) my grandparents yesterday.(5)I _(clean) my room last Sunday.七、课堂总结: What did you do last weekend ? I watched TV/ washed clothes/ cleaned the room, I played football/ visited grandparents。(写出下列词组的原型和过去时)1、 go cycling 2. ice-skate, go camping 3.go fishing, play badminton 4.years ago

21、5. months ago 6. cleaned the room 7.played football 8.visited grandparents9.、你上个周末做什么了?我看望我的外祖父母了。10、他上个周末做什么了?他踢足球了。11、你在周末通常做什么?我做我的作业。本课复习了本单元Part A 部分内容,学生掌握了一般过去时的构成和基本用法,并能根据实际情况做练习,学生基本上会运用There was no 和There were no这两个句型。三班个别同学表现较差,需要进一步辅导。 Unit 4第5课时导学案(P34-37) 主备人:张晓平 审核人:一、教学目标:1能听、说、读、写3

22、4-37页单词和词组:PE class,computer room,a library,last year,last month,.years ago,.months ago,twenty years ago,at that time,by bus 2能听、说、读、写24-27页句型:“There was no library in my old school.Could you see stars at night?Tell us about your school,please.There were no computers or Internet in my time.”并能在实际情境中

23、熟练运用。二、教学重、难点:2能听、说、读、写34-37页句型: Ask and answer:A; How was your weekend? It was good Where did you go last Sunday? I went to. What did you do there? I went camping. How was your holiday?1. Look at the pictures and review the words: PE class,computer room,a library,last year,last month,.years ago,.mo

24、nths ago,twenty years ago,at that time,by bus 2. Check the words each other.3. Ask and answer :How was your holiday?It was OK.What did you do last holiday ?I .4.Pair work:五、Discuss- Group work 1.动词过去式的变化规则。2.Ask and answer: A:How was your weekend ? It was fine.What did you do last weekend ? B:I.Did you clean your room ?Yes,I did./ No,I didnt. Practice: Group work.七、课堂小结What can you learn today ?八、达标训练写出下列单词和句型:一、汉译英:1、有一个图书馆 2、上个月 3、去年

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