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1、请将你觉得有趣、有效的记忆方法说出来,与大家共享。活动二:学习形容词比较级的构成1请打开课本到P8,比较一下左右两幅图画,找出它们的不同点。读一读图画下面的单词。(heavy/ hevI /),在小组内交流、讨论,找出它们在写法和意义上的不同之处。2听老师示范朗读:old older,比较读音,模仿朗读其它的词。3通过对比,写出你所发现的形容词比较级构成的规律。4找出P8这些单词中的反义词,并将它们写下来。活动三:学习形容词比较级的用法1请两人一组,完成P9的对话,并讨论它们的意思。2请根据老师提供的情境,(一个高个子和一个矮个子的学生)仿照例句,造句。例句:Im taller than yo

2、u . Youre shorter than me.【课堂反馈】1写出下列形容词的比较级(1) tall long short old young strong small (2) big fat thin (3) heavy 2写出至少5对反义词,看谁写得多。3请打开书到P10,听录音并填空,听两遍。将答案写在下面。参考结果1old young tall long short strong big small fat thin heavy light2鼓励学生交流记单词的好方法,教师也可以介绍自己的学习经验。告诉学生单词可以根据音标及其读音规则来记忆,本课单词最好的记忆方法是对比记忆法和形象

3、记忆法。1课本P8,左右两幅图画的不同点是:左边表示的是形容词的原形,右边表示的是形容词的比较级。图画下面的每组单词在写法和意义上的不同之处是,左边是形容词的原形,右边是形容词的比较级,在原形后加er。2老师示范朗读:old older,比较读音,让学生模仿朗读其它的词。3形容词比较级构成的规律是:在形容词原形后加er;如果是重读闭音节,需先双写最后一个字母,再加er;以元音字母加y结尾的单词,需先将y改成i,再加er。oldyoung, tallshort, longshort, bigsmall, fatthin。1 请两人一组,完成P9的对话,并讨论它们的意思。 (1) Whos tal

4、ler than David? Gao Shan is. 谁比大卫高? 高山。(2) Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine? Yours is, I think.谁的书包更重,你的还是我的?我想是你的。Im taller than you . Youre shorter than me. This ruler is longer than that one. That ruler is shorter than this one.(1) tall taller long longer short shorter old older young y

5、ounger strong stronger small smaller (2) big bigger fat fatter thin thinner (3) heavy heavier oldyoung, tallshort, longshort, bigsmall, fatthin, heavylight, blackwhite, (1)younger (2)uncle (3)older (4)taller stronger第二课时 形容词及其比较级的运用(A E F部分)1进一步熟悉形容词比较级的用法。2了解课文大意,并能用正确的语音、语调朗读课文。P67 A 部分A. 请根据小黑板上的

6、音标,自己拼读单词,比比谁读得又快又好。B. 请听A部分录音,回答下列问题。1. Who are they?2. Where are they?3. What did they do under a big tree?C. 请自读课文,判断下列句子的正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。( )1. Jack is Su Hais cousin.( )2. Su Hai has a twin sister.( )3. Su Yang is younger than Su Hai.( )4. Su Yang is taller than Su Hai.( )5. Jimmy is four yea

7、rs old.D. 请齐读课文第一部分(左边一半), 然后回答下列问题。1. Who is Su Hais twin sister?2. Do Su Hai and Su Yang look the same?3. Is Su Hai as tall as Su Yang?4. Whos taller, Su Hai or Su Yang?5. Whos younger?E. 请根据上面5个问题,说一说Su Hai的家庭情况。F. 请在小组内分角色朗读课文第二部分(右边一半),回答下列问题。1. Does Jack have any brothers or sisters?2. Is Jack

8、 the only child in his family?3. Whos Jimmy?4. How old is Jimmy?5. Whos younger, Jack or Jimmy?G. 默读课文第二部分,在短文空格处填上所缺的单词。Jack doesnt have any or . He is the in his family. But he has a , Jimmy. Jimmys . Hes one year than Jack.H. 请在小组内分角色再读课文,如果你还有不能理解的短语或句子,请先画出来,然后小组内请教同学,如果还不能解决,请举手问老师。I. 请朗读将下列句子

9、,然后将其译成汉语。1. Su Yangs twenty minutes younger than me.2. Hes one year younger than me.3. Are you as tall as your twin sister?4. Do you look the same?5. So youre the only child in your family.J. 请试着将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 她比你大两岁。2. - 你和我一样重吗? - 不,我比你重。3. 他们看起来一个样吗?4. 我是我家的独生子女。5. 他的妹妹比他胖5 千克。K. 请画出A中含有比较级的句子(在句

10、子前打),然后在小组内请说说你画的句子。L. 请齐读小黑板上的句子。M. 请自主完成P7的填空练习,然后在小组内展示你的答案。P11 E部分 A. 请根据黑板上的音标,自己拼读单词。B. 请打开课本到P11, 看看图画上面都有哪些人,他们在干什么。C. 请在小组内分角色流畅地读对话,看看谁读得好。D. 请用铅笔画出你不能理解的句子。E. 请试着模仿书上的句子,自己用asas 来造句。F. 请完成P11 T/F,注意将错误的题目改正确。然后在小组内展示你的答案。P12 F部分A. 请根据音标自己拼读单词。B. 请看P12 的图片,了解每个学生的年龄,身高和体重。C. 请和你的同桌读读对话,然后讨

11、论你不懂的问题。如果小组内解决不了,请举手问老师。E. 请选班上的某一个人进行描述,并请你的小组成员猜一猜。活动四:HomeworkA. 听磁带,熟读课文,背诵P7的小短文。B. 在书上P6 到P7用 “ ” 画出含有一般过去时的句子。C. 完成小学生英语作业本P4四P9九、十大题。A. 根据小黑板上的音标/gld/ / t t/twIn/ /mInIt/ /wn deI/ / nlI/tald/ /s /,学生自己拼读生词glad, chat, twin, minute, one day, only, child, so。B. 听A部分录音,回答下列问题。1. They are Ben, J

12、ack and Su Hai. 2. They are in a park.3. They sat down under a big tree and had a chat.C. 请自读课文,判断下列句子的正误。( F )1. Jack is Su Hais cousin.( T )2. Su Hai has a twin sister.( T )3. Su Yang is younger than Su Hai.( F )4. Su Yang is taller than Su Hai.( T )5. Jimmy is four years old.1. Su Yang.(is Su Hai

13、s twin sister)2. Yes, they do.3. No. 4. Su Hai is taller.5.Su Yang.(is twenty minutes younger than Su Hai) (1)Su Hai has a twin sister. She is Su Yang. They look the same. But Su Hai isnt as tall as Su Yang. She is taller than her. Su Yang is twenty minutes younger than Su Hai. (2)Su Hai and Su Yang

14、 are twin sisters. So they look the same. Su Hai is taller than Su Yang. Su Yang is twenty minutes younger than Su Hai. 以上两个只是教师提供的参考答案,学生可以各抒己见。1. No, he doesnt.2. Yes, he is.3. Hes / Its Jacks dog.4. Hes four( years old.)5. Jimmy.(Jimmy is one year younger than Jack.)Jack doesnt have any brothers

15、or sisters . He is the only child in his family. But he has a dog , Jimmy. Jimmys four . Hes one year younger than Jack.(短语:look the same, the only child 句子:I want to meet her one day. Youve got a brother. Su Yangs twenty minutes younger than me.)1. 苏阳比我小二十分钟。2. 他比我小一岁。3. 你和你的双胞胎妹妹一样高吗?4. 你们看起来一样吗?5

16、. 所以你是你家的独生子。1. She is two years older than you.2. - Are you as heavy as me? - No, Im heavier than you.3. Do they look the same?4. Im the only child in my family.5. His sister is five kilos fatter than him. (1) Are you as tall as your twin sister? No, Im taller than Su Yang. (2)Whos younger, you or

17、Su Yang? Su Yangs twenty minutes younger than me. (3)Hes one year younger than me. (1) Are you as tall as your twin sister? cousin, five, dog, youngerA. 学生根据黑板上的音标/ glki:p / /sentImi:t /,自己拼读单词goalkeeper和centimetre 。B. 打开课本到P11, 图上有Liu Tao和他的朋友们Wang Bing, Gao Shan, Mike和Ben,他们准备去踢足球,在争论由谁来担当守门员,每个人都

18、说出了自己当守门员的理由。C. 在小组内分角色流畅地读对话,看看谁读得好。教师指导数字“165”的朗读D. 用铅笔画出不能理解的句子。Ill be 我将成为 / 我来当E. 试着用asas造句。如:This ruler is as long as that one. My mother is as old as my father. (1) F 改为: Im older than Wang Bing. 或Wang Bing is younger than me. (2) T (3) T (4) F 改为 The ball is Liu Taos.A. 根据黑板上的音标/ ed / /het/

19、/wet/拼读生词age, height, weightB. 看P12 的图片,了解每个学生的年龄,身高和体重,试着用英语读一读数字。本题主要是人名Mary, Eddie, Gary, Jill Sally和Try again.的朗读指导;my friends =my friend is ,s 是is, 不是名词所有格“我朋友的”意思。E. 选班上的某一个人进行描述,并其他学生来猜一猜。活动四、Homework6B Unit 1 导学活动单(第三课时 一般过去时、练习的使用)1复习巩固一般过去时的用法。2熟练掌握一般过去时的各种句式。 在小组内说说去年春节期间你做的事情。复习一般过去时。A.

20、翻译下列句子。1. 苏海上周日上午去公园散步了。2. 他们昨天下午在树下聊天的。3. 那个女孩去年儿童节跳舞了。4. 我刚才在图书馆的。5. 她们非常高兴见到我们。B. 在小组内交流答案,并用红笔修改。C. 请将上面5个句子改为否定句和一般疑问句,并作肯、否定回答。 在小组内互相交换,用红笔订正。E. 对划线部分提问(对第2、3题中的动作提问,对第4题中的地点提问)。 2. 3. 4.F. 小组内互相交换,用红笔修改订正。自主练习本P9词形填空题P4 P9改写句子。请先自主完成,然后小组内交流订正。【课堂反馈】翻译下列句子,并按照要求改写句子。1. 我爸爸上周六下午去北

21、京了。肯定句:否定句:对划线部分提问:2. 刚才他们在操场上。一般疑问句: 否定回答:提问:活动三、Homework 1、预习Unit 2 的生词 2、预习Unit 2 的A,了解课文大意。(注意学生动词过去式的使用)I went to a party last Spring Festival. I visited my grandparents. I ate a lot of delicious food last Spring Festival. I played cards with my friends. I watched TV at home. I listened to musi

22、c. Su Hai went for a walk in the park last Sunday. They had a chat under the tree yesterday afternoon. That girl danced last Childrens Day. I was in the library just now.5. 去年春节她们非常高兴见到我们。 They were very glad to see us last Spring Festival.1. Su Hai didnt go for a walk in the park last Sunday. Did S

23、u Hai go for a walk in the park last Sunday? Yes, she did. No, she didnt.2. They didnt have a chat under the tree yesterday afternoon. Did they have a chat under the tree yesterday afternoon.? Yes, they did. No, they didnt3 .That girl didnt dance last Childrens Day. Did that girl dance last Children

24、s Day?4. I wasnt in the library just now. Were you in the library just now? Yes, I was. No, I wasnt.5. They werent very glad to see us last Spring Festival. Were they very glad to see you last Spring Festival? Yes, they were. No, they werent.特别注意第4题I was改为一般疑问句时要变成Were you? 避免Was you? 注意借了助动词did之后,行为动词要还原。 2. What did they do under the tree yesterday afternoon? 3. What did that girl do last Childrens Day? 4. Where were you just now?特别注意do不能少,要提醒学生对动词短语提问,可以分成三步来做:(1)先改为一般疑问句;(2)将划线部分

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