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1、人教版pep英语六上u6单元课文翻译Main scene 主情景Hey, lets have some popcorn.嘿,咱们吃些爆米花吧。Yum! Im so happy.太棒了!我好开心。I love popcorn.我喜欢爆米花。Here you are.给你。Ill go and get some drinks.我去拿些饮料。Wait for me.等我!Hey, where is my popcorn?嘿,我的爆米花哪去了?Yum! It was so good.好吃。爆米花真好吃。What? How could you eat all the popcorn?什么?你怎么能把爆米

2、花都吃光了?We should share.我们应该分享的呀!Mum, if I feel angry, what should I do?妈妈,如果我非常生气,我该怎么办?Well, first, take a deep breath.啊,首先,深呼吸。Then you should count to ten.然后你应该从一数到十。After that.?然后呢?After that you wont feel so angry.之后,你会感觉不那么生气了。Mum, I feel ill.妈妈,我感觉不舒服。Should I count to ten, too?我也要数到十吗?No, dea

3、r. You should see a doctor.不,亲爱的。你应该看医生。Lets tryIts cold outside.外面很冷。Sam is talking with Sarah.山姆正在和萨拉聊天。Listen and circle.听一听,再圈一圈。Phew, its cold in January.啊,一月份好冷。Yes, but we can stay inside and watch films.是呀,但是我们可以待在室内,看电影。Great! I like cartoons.太棒了。我喜欢动画片。Yes, me too.是呀,我也喜欢。They make me feel

4、 happy.它们(动画片)令我开心。Where are they?他们在哪里?What will they do?他们会做什么?Lets talkWhats this cartoon about?这部动画片是关于什么的?Its about a cat.关于一只猫。The cat is a police officer.那只猫是一个警官。Cool.太棒了!He chases the mice.他追捕老鼠。Theyre afraid of him.老鼠们都害怕他。Why?为什么?Because the mice are bad.因为老鼠很坏呀!They hurt people.他们伤害百姓。Th

5、e cat is angry with them.猫对他们(的行为)很愤怒。Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now!可能我们的猫现在正在抓老鼠呢!Why is the cat angry with the mice?猫为什么对老鼠愤怒?Lets learnSarah is angry.萨拉很生气。The cat is afraid.猫咪很害怕。angry生气afraid害怕The cat is ill.猫咪生病了。Sarah is sad.萨拉很伤心。ill生病sad伤心Sarah and the cat are worried.萨拉和猫都很着急。worrie

6、d着急;担心They are happy.他们很开心。happy开心;快乐Lets tryIts seven oclock in the morning, and its time to get up.现在是早上七点整,该起床啦。Listen and circle.听一听,圈一圈。Achoo!啊欠!Bless you.上帝保佑你。Oh, no. You have a fever.哦,不。你发烧了。You should see a doctor.你应该去看医生。Oh, but what about the zoo?哦,但是去动物园怎么办?Its OK.没关系。I will tell the ki

7、ds.我会和孩子们说。Who is talking?谁在聊天?(Who are the people talking?谁在聊天?)What are they talking about?他们在谈论什么?Lets talkSarah, Sam, come here, please.萨拉,山姆,过来!Whats wrong?发生什么事了?Your father is ill.你爸爸生病了。He should see a doctor this morning, so we cant go to the zoo today.他早上得去看医生,所以我们今天不能去动物园了。Oh, no.哦,不。Dont

8、 be sad.不要难过。We can go next time.我们可以下次去。How does Dad feel now?爸爸现在感觉怎么样了?Not well.不太好。Lets go to the hospital.咱们去医院吧。How does Sam feel?山姆感觉怎么样?What should he do?他应该做什么?Lets learnYou should see a doctor.你应该去看医生。see a doctor看医生You should do more exercise.你应该多运动。do more exercise多做运动You should wear war

9、m clothes.你应该穿暖和的衣服。wear warm clothes穿暖和的衣服You should take a deep breath and count to ten.你应该深呼吸,数到十。take a deep breath深呼吸count to ten数到十Robin and the ant罗宾和蚂蚁It is a sunny morning.一个晴朗的早上。Robin is going to sit on the grass when hehears, “Wait!”罗宾正要坐到草地上,这时他听到一个声音:“等一等!”It is a little ant.是一只小蚂蚁。He

10、is afraid.他很害怕。“Please dont sit on me. One day I can help you.”“请不要坐在我身上。总有一天我可以帮助你。”“Dont worry,little ant. I wont sit on you,” says Robin.“别担心,小蚂蚁。我不会坐在你身上。”罗宾说。The next day, it is raining.第二天,下雨了。Robin is in the park.罗宾在公园里。He is stuck in the mud.他陷在泥坑里。He is worried.他很着急。Then he hears,”Let us he

11、lp you!”这时他听到:“让我们来帮助你!”It is the ant and all of his friends.原来是小蚂蚁和他的朋友们。They are strong.他们好强壮。They pull Robin out of the mud.他们把罗宾从泥坑里拖了出来。Everyone is happy!大家开心极了!Tips for pronunciation发音提示Listen and repeat.听一听,并重复。next day cant go第二天 不能去count to dont be数到 不要(这样)Look at the text on page 62.查看62页课

12、文。Find and say more like these.查找更多这样的短语并多说多练。Lets checkListen and match.听一听,连线。ONEMike, its snowing outside.麦克,外面在下雪。Thats great, John.太棒了,约翰。Really? The cold weather makes me sad.真的吗?寒冷的天气令我很难过。Why? Look at the snow, its so beautiful.为什么啊?看看这雪,太美了。Yes, I guess so.是呀,我想是的。It makes me feel so happy.

13、这让我感到很开心。TWOAre you OK, Yi fan?你还好吧,一凡?No, I feel ill.我感觉不舒服。Oh, dear.哦,亲爱的。Do you have a headache?你头痛吗?Yes, I do.是的。Um, you should see a doctor.嗯,你应该去看医生。THREEOliver, whats wrong?奥利弗,怎么了?Im so angry.我很生气。Oh, you should count to ten.哦,你应该数到十。Why are you angry?你为什么生气?Someone took me sunglasses.谁拿了我的太

14、阳镜。No, its on your head.没有,它在你头上。Oh, yes, ha ha.哦,是呀,哈哈。FOURAchoo!啊欠!Are you OK, Zhang Peng?你还好吧,张鹏?Yes, Im fine.是的,我很好。Wear warm clothes.穿暖和的衣服。Its cold outside.外面很冷。I will, thanks.我会的,谢谢。Listen again and circle the right answers.再听一遍,圈出正确答案。ONEMike, its snowing outside.Thats great, John.Really? The cold weather makes me sad.Why? Look at

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