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1、 (切题论证,有观点,)综合写作忌多综合作文不是语言的综合 -Writing based on listening and reading Summarize how the listening cast doubt on / support the points in the reading. Compare + Connect + Conclude!高分关键Clear+ Loyal !独立写作忌散 独立作文是论据的独立 -Writing based on (your) knowledge and experience discuss around a specific topic -Pos

2、ition 观点 + Support 支持 高分关键Specific !托福写作策略 -we can & we cant If we do not think clearly, we cannot write clearly! 托福强化写作的三不原则 不要为了凑字数而写文章! 320370400450 不要被字数牵绊 添加剂总是trouble maker 文字是信息的载体 字数不是问题,时间才是关键 !不要翻译思想! -写作不是翻译 不要陷入先入为主的想法 不要太依赖字典 英汉未必有一一对应 Say a word in heart, I think welcome the challenge

3、is very ok and delicious for both the single person and the planet. Let me tell you, I disagree this opinion because it is stupid and any one with brains will turn against it. It is useful to let the old pass away. Today, there has been a heated discussion with the problem about who has more effects

4、 on children: friends or TV. 不要追求真理! -写作不必面面俱到 表达观点而不是写真理。 观点 (perspectives) 是种角度和姿态。 观点不是真理。 作文不是免责声明。滴水不漏才是最大的疏漏 -and / or The successful individuals or people are the males or females who have achieved and accomplished or even have been regarded to get great deeds or contributions. He or she, in

5、the past of history, in modern society and in the future of tomorrow, was, is or will be admired or worshiped by all of us or at least the majority of the public. 托福独立写作的五要原则1. 题目要分析 脱离题目而空谈思路是危险的。 Do you agree or disagree: The rising up rate of juvenile delinquency in major cities primarily results

6、 from the influence of the media. The best way parents can help their teenage children prepare for future life is to encourage them taking part-time jobs. Tip: 在GT写作中,请考虑题设的合理性。Agree or disagree: A city should destroy the old, historic buildings and replace them with modern buildings Eg. historic bu

7、ildings Building vs structure The Great Wall The Forbidden City The Uffzi Palace The Summer Palace The Pyramid The Triumphe Arch The Stonehenge The Statue of Liberty 2.系统要建立 连接词是加强文章系统性的重要手段 # First of all, # In addition, # What is more, # Other than that, # To carry the idea further, # Moreover, #

8、Nevertheless, # On the contrary, # By contrast, Heading Position Body 1. First of all, / To begin with, / Initially, 2. What is more, / In addition,/ Nevertheless, 3. At last, / Finally, Ending To sum up, .3.核心概念要解释 用自己的话解释题目中的核心概念是思考的体现。 解释/定义可以不专业/有偏差,只要是原创original就好试试给如下核心概念下定义它是什么 # Education Ed

9、ucation on any layer serves as an opportunity through which the horizon is broadened and expertise or skills sharpened. #leader Leader on any layer serves as an catalyst(催化剂)which contributes to streaming the cooperation and maximizing the efficiency. Leader of any type serves as a godfather. Leader

10、 serves as a shepherd. Homework:请简单定义如下核心概念 # challenge # media # friends # government # TV programs # competition #the advance of science and technology 4. 论证要细节 主体论证段(body)内部的基本发展原则是 from general to specific *关于internet 话题的论证段: There is no point to claim that the introduction of the internet is ha

11、rmful. + Under many circumstances, the popularization of the on-line services contributes to a higher efficiency in work and more convenience in life. To be exact, a simple click can bring us whatever we need, ranging from the current news, a live talk with a partner across the Pacific Ocean to a fr

12、esh pizza. 请用2-3个更加具体的词/短语替换下列事物:#Museum #PC games #college education #environmental protection #taking challenges # TV5. 文章要完整 Ending(总结段)不可不写 (详见篇章规划文档ending 部分)Heading 段落规划原则: -无悬念立场明确 It is good, I think. But other people may disagree. Say, sometimes it is good, sometimes bad. That depends on th

13、e reality and peoples mind. So it is really difficult for me to tell you whether I should agree or disagree with this opinion. Well, I would like to discuss my point of view from following paragraphs. Heading 写作四原则 Straight forward 开门见山Position= Question response -clear tendency 倾向明确 -有倾向的agree / di

14、sagree 题目把握避免跑题 Centralize 立场核心化 No detail / No example 独立写作行文篇之 - Hot keys for Heading好的开局是成功的一切 分类task 判断类:agree or disagree Do you agree or disagree? It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life. improving schools is the most important factor in the successful deve

15、lopment of a country. Agree or disagree: The most important characteristics of a good political or business leader is an ability to accept the responsibility of the mistakes. working at home with a computer and a phone is better than working at a companys office Do you agree or disagree,一个聪明的朋友比一个幽默

16、的朋友重要 Agree or disagree 做富有挑战性的工作比作简单工作更让人觉得快乐。 Do you agree or disagree, it is better for students at university or in college to choose difficult classes even if they cannot get top grades. Do you agree or disagree? It is important for families to regularly eat their meals together. Grades encoura

17、ge students to learn Do you agree or disagree, technology make peoples lives simpler in turn to make peoples lives more complicated. Renewable resources of energy (Sun, wind, water) will soon replace fossils fuels such as gases, oil, and coal. Do you agree or disagree?To solve the problems present a

18、nd future, is it necessary to understand the past? the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide . people spend more time on personal enjoyment ratherthan what they should do Do you agree with the following statement: nowadays people spend too much time on personal enjoyment-things they l

19、ike to do- rather than the things they should do. 因为环境问题是复杂的,所以个人没有什么可以做。 it is more important to have the rules about the types ofclothing that people are allowed to work and school. 你是否同意:如果每年上课11 个月以上,学生会得到更有效的教育。 Agree or disagree, Technology cause children show less creative than they werein pa

20、st. 是应该放更多的钱在access internet 上,而不是public transportation 同意还是不要? Do you agree or disagree: Governments should spend more money in support of artsthan in support of athletics such as state-sponsored Olympic teams Do you think children should play computer games?精确方案 凸显主题Currently, / In contemporary so

21、ciety, (Today, / Nowadays, )As is often the case, Under many circumstances,In many cases, (!As is known to all, There is no denying the fact that It is beyond doubt that)It is evident that +X/ the issue of X +is largely/ widely/greatly concerned. is widely discussed. is so much concerned that it has

22、 aroused a wide discussion./ 受关注而引发讨论 is much concerned to a point where a wide discussion has been aroused/ sparked. is much concerned at such a degree that a wide discussion has been aroused. / 讨论多而引发思考 is much/ widely discussed to a point where a deep contemplation has been aroused. Tip:写作高分素材*so

23、that The economic crisis was so destructive that over 98% of the companies were at the edge of bankruptcy. = subj. + v. + adj. / ved. + to a / the point whereThe economic crisis was destructive to a point where over 98% of the companies were at the edge of bankruptcy. = subj. + v. + adj. /ved. + at

24、such a degree that The economic crisis was destructive at such a degree that 引述观点against Some people maintain/ hold that it is that Someone argues that A few people hold the opinion that One point is that One perspective is that One conventional idea/ acceptance / view / notion is that for A common

25、belief is that A prevailing notion/ acceptance is that A widely accepted view is that 题目观点引述2不动原则1. 题目核心名词不动PC games Children Video games kids 2. 题目中观点的方向不动我的立场 As a coin, everything has 2 sidesthe good one, and the bad one. 程度+ 态度程度*to large extent, *at large degree, *on large scale, 态度* I agree wi

26、th this opinion. I am on the side of this claim / assumption / assertion I stand with this claim. I would nod in agreement with this claim. I lean toward this claim. I am in favor of this claim. * I disagree with this opinion. I am on the opposite side of this claim. I stand against this claim. I wo

27、uld cast doubt on this claim. I would frown on this claim. To large extent, I am on the side of this claim. To large extent, I am on the opposite side of this claim. 全局 Currently, the issue of X is much concerned to a point where a wide discussion has been aroused. Some people maintain that. To larg

28、e extent, however, I am on the opposite side of this claim. 方案2一分钟快捷法:Sb. hold / maintain that I reckon / deem that Some people maintain that To large extent, however, I would cast doubt on this claim and reckon that it assumes a distorted and narrow view. and reckon that it fails to be representative. and reckon that it would be counterproductive. and reckon that it is trapped in a dogma. for A common belief is that ,To large extent .I am in favor of this clai

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