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1、在实践中,我从以下几方面去挖掘引导,创设情境,帮助学生找准练笔的入手。 一、休味语言,仿写迁移。小学作文教学遵循的是“由仿到创”的基本途径。人教版课文中一些精彩的片段描写,非常适合学生仿写。只要抓住文本中生动、经典的句式,如:比喻句式、拟人句式、反问句式,排比句段、承接句段等一些形式感较强,表达效果独特的句段进行反复体味语言,从形式模仿上入手,就能收到事半功倍的效果。 如:三年级上册的花钟一文,第一自然段描写了各种不同花儿开放的时间。学完这一段后,可让学生写其它花儿的开放;富饶的西沙群岛第四自然段对西沙群岛海底各种各样的鱼儿的形态进行了描写。学了这一段后,让学生想象一下西沙群岛海里还有哪些不同

2、形态的鱼儿,然后再挑几种 1 写下来,这样不仅达到了与文本的对话,又内化了学生能力。 又如金色的草地(人教版三年级上册)结尾处有这么一段话:“多么可爱的草地!多么有趣的蒲公英!从那时起,蒲公英成了我们最喜爱的一种花。它和我们一起睡觉,和我们一起起床。” 这是一段充满童趣和诗意的文本语言,对它进行形式上的仿写训练,不仅有帮助学生体验包含在句式中的情趣,而且对于丰富学生对相对贫乏的抒情语言范式具有一定价值。因此,我安排了如下仿写练句: 家是温暖的港湾,多么的妈妈,多么爸爸,每当看到他们的身影,我便会。 这个训练结合学生的生活经验穿插进行,既是语言训练,又为学生表达感恩的情怀提供了语言训练平台。 当

3、然,言语形式之所以具有生动的表现力,是因为它与语境相适切,如果将其与语境剥离,那就会训练枯燥,学生难以接受不说,也失去了体味语言、积淀语感的意义。好的随文练笔能够与课文阅读融为一体,与文本理解相辅相成,在课文语境中进行语言实践,既能深化文本理解与言语感悟,又能积累形式,迁移运用,达到学以致用的目的。 二、抓住空白,激发想象。文本是一个召唤读者参与的意义空间。有些课文的中间或结尾嘎然而止,耐人寻味,这些地方正是作者没有言尽,情感表达最为强烈、深沉、含蓄的地方。教师要善于捕捉文本的空白点,让学生体会到空白背后的“烟波浩渺”,化空白为练笔点,让学生写写作者没有言尽的话,把课文情节跳跃的空白处补上,使

4、文章内容更加具体、完整。如黄山奇石中有这么一段:“黄山奇石还有很多,像天狗望月、狮子抢球、仙女弹琴.那些叫不出名字的奇形怪状的岩石,正等着你去给他们起名字呢!”教师可以出示一组黄山奇石的图片说:“同学们,老师想请你们当一回小作家,挑选一块你最喜欢的石头来写一写,好吗?学生将会个个跃跃欲试,好的作品便跃然纸上。 以上练笔,教师可通过让学生看一看图片,把他们带入写作境地(转载请注明来源:WWenon/ issue/ problem of? has been brought into focus./ aroused public attention/ become a heated topic/ b

5、een in the limelight. with ?, there arises a heated debate as to? with the steady/ rapid/ amazing development of?, people begin to? in the past? years, many? have been faced/ troubled/ confronted with? nowadays/ recently, one of the hottest/ most popular topics/ problems many people complain/ concer

6、n about/ talk about/ discuss is? nowadays, our society is/ we are witnessing more and more? in the past? years, there has been a sharp/ dramatic increase/ growth/ rise/ decline in ? according to an official report/ survey/ poll, ? in recent?years, ?has experienced an alarming increase/ growth/ rise/

7、 decline in? 【例13】 nowadays, one of the hottest problems many people complain about now is piracy. books, tapes, vcds and other high-tech products have been pirated. for instance, when a new product comes onto market, most probably, its pirated version will soon show up in the market, too. 【分析】本段文字是

8、关于如何解决盗版问题的文章开头,运用了现象法,段首句使用了句式。 2)对立法 所谓对立法,就是引出人们对要讨论问题的不同看法和观点,然后提出自己的看法或者表明自己偏向哪一看法。这种开头方式方式一般用于有争议的主题,主要适用于对比选择型作文。 【常用句式】 when asked?, a great/ vast majority of people/ most? say that? but i think/ view quite differently. / but in my eye/view,? when it comes to?, some people believe that?, but

9、 some others argue/ claim that? (the opposite/ reverse is true). there is probably some truth in both arguments/ statements, but ?(i tend to agree to/ would prefer the former/ latter.) now, it is commonly/ generally/ widely believed/ held/ acknowledged that?. they claim/ believe/ argue that? but i w

10、onder/ doubt whether? nowadays there is no agreement among people as to?. some people focus on/ advocate/ favor ? while others may think?. (from my point of view, ?) when faced with/ in the face of? quite a few people claim that? but other people argue? there is much discussion/ public debate/ contr

11、oversy nowadays as to the problem of? some people say that? others hold that? there is a general debate over the phenomenon of ? people who are against/ object to it claim/ hold ? but people who advocate it, on the other hand, claim/ argue ? the value of this form of? is now being questioned by?/the

12、re is growing skepticism toward? 【例14】 nowadays there is no agreement among people as to the best measure of a countrys success. some people focus on rich economy while others may think it is the quality of life that has nothing to do with money 【分析】本段文字是关于什么是社会成功的标准的文章开头,运用了对立法,段首句使用了句式。 3)观点法 所谓观点

13、法,就是开门见山,直截了当地提出本文要论证的观点或要解决的问题。这种开头方式主要适于观点论证型作文和问题解决型作文。 now there is a growing awareness/ recognition of the necessity to?/now people are becoming increasingly aware/ conscious of the importance of? it is true that? no one can deny ? ?, which has been generally accepted. the truth of it is deep a

14、nd profound/ self-evident. now people in growing/ significant numbers are beginning/ coming to realize/ accept/ be aware that? nowhere in? / never in history has the issue/ change/ idea of? been more evident/ visible/ popular/ serious than in? perhaps/ maybe we should/ it is time to rethink/ reexami

15、ne/ have a fresh look at the idea/ value/ attitude/ wisdom/ desirability that? 【例15】 now there is a growing awareness of the necessity to protect our natural resources form being exhausted. having realized that natural resources cannot be reproduced if they are exhausted, people are turning to other

16、 things for replacement of natural resources. 【分析】本段文字是关于如何保护自然资源的文章开头,运用了观点法,段首句使用了句式。 4)比较法 所谓比较法,就是通过对过去、现在两种不同的倾向、观点进行比较,从而引出文章要讨论的观点。一般来说,对过去的观点都只是一笔带过,而将写作的重点放在现在的即文章要讨论的观点上。这种开头方式主要适用于观点论证型作文。 for years, ?had been viewed as? but people are taking a fresh look noent of?, people? people used to

17、 think that? (in the past, ?) but people dont share this view no/ practice/ traditional way? but now/in recent decades things have changed. 【例16】 people used to think that children should be obedient. if they were obedient, their parents would be very proud and very pleased, and consequently, they w

18、ould be the favorite ones of their parents among other children. but people do not share this view noportance that their children have their own thoughts. 【分析】本段文字是关于孩子应该有独立的思想和观点的文章开头,运用了比较法,段首句使用了句式。 5)问题法 所谓问题法,就是先将要讨论的问题进行设问,然后在解答的过程中引出观点。这样开头的好处在于从一开始就能引起读者的兴趣,但需要注意的是,如果问题设计不好,就会导致首段中心不突出,主题句表达

19、苍白等负面效果,因此使用时要慎重。这种开头方式主要适用于对比选择型作文和现象解释型作文。 should/ what? opinions of/ attitudes towards/ answers to? vary widely/ greatly/ from person to person. some? are favor of/ view/ regard/ think of? others believe/ argue/ claim? “why do/ have ?” many ? often ask/ pose the question like this. one of the bas

20、ic/ hot topic facing our society is: what/why ? how do you think of the problem of ? in seeking answer to this q why is there a ? in society? it is no easy task to identify the causes for it. 【例17】 should euthanasia be legalized? answers to this question vary greatly from person to person. some peop

21、le are in favor of the idea of euthanasia. others argue that the legalization may bring about some problems. 【分析】本段文字是关于安乐死是不是该合法化问题的文章开头,运用了问题法,段首句使用了句式。 6)引用法 所谓引用法,就是在文章开头引用名人名言、箴言、谚语或有代表性的看法,来引出文章要论述的观点。这种方法通过引用切合主题的名言警句,一方面可以突出主题,另一方面也能为文章增加文采,容易给人留下深刻的印象。但是这种开头要求考生必须有一定知识储备,对所使用的名言警句等要应运自如。另外,

22、所引用的名言警句一定要为中心服务,不能单纯为了增加文采而引用。 one of the great/ early writers/ philosophers/ scientists said/ wrote/ remarked, “?”if this is true/ the case, then the present/ current view/ value/ attitude/ situation should make us wonder whether?/ ponder over? “?” the same idea/ complaint/ attitude is voiced/ ech

23、oed/ shared by? “?” how often we hear/ we are used to hearing/ many people have heard(such) statement/ words/ complaint like/ as this/ those. there is an old/ popular saying/ proverb which goes that?. the truth of it is profound and significant./ under its simplified cover, a truth is ironically poi

24、nted out, that is, ? one great ? had ever said/ once remarked, “?”now it still has a realistic/ profound significance./ now it is still working in our modern society./ now more and more people share this belief./ the remark is still confirmed by people in todays society./ the remark has been shared

25、by generations./ the view has been echoed by many 【例18】 there is an old proverb which goes that the grass is always greener on the other side of the valley. under its simplified cover, a truth is ironically pointed out, that is, people are not contented with the already blessing situation. on the contrary, we always think that there are people around us who are much more fortunate than us. in fact this kind of opinion is very dangerous. 【分析】本段文字是关于成功是靠运气还是靠努力奋斗的文章开头,运用了引用法,段首句使用了句式。

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