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本文(河北省保定市届高三毕业班模拟演练英语试题 含答案 精品Word文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

河北省保定市届高三毕业班模拟演练英语试题 含答案 精品Word文档格式.docx

1、3. Where will the party be held next week? A. At Mikes house. B. At Annes house. C. At a cafe.4. What does the man think of the film?A. Quite inspiring. B. Very boring. C. Frightening.5. What will the speakers probably do next?A. Order some boxes. B. Go home and rest. C. Continue working.第二节(共15小题,每

2、小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What are the speakers talking about?A. Choosing their transportation. B. Paying a visit to China. C. Going shopping.7. How have they decided to go?A

3、. By air. B. By bus. C. By train.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What major does the man like?A. Chemistry. B. Medicine. C. Chinese literature.9. What does the man advise the woman to do?A. Follow her mothers advice. B. Talk with her mother again. C. Stick to her own opinion.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What is the mans

4、problem?A. His passport is missing. B. He cant find his travelers check.C. He has lost his credit card.11. What did the man buy in the department store yesterday?A. A sports suit. B. A pair of sunglasses. C. A pair of trainers.12. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In the bosss offi

5、ce. B. At the Lost and Found. C. At the police station.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What will Rebecca do on October 16?A. Go on a business trip. B. Organize a trade exhibition.C. Meet the people Head Office.14. What will happen on October 3?A. The meeting arrangement finishes. B. The trade exhibition finish

6、es.C. Alex starts his business trip.15. What is John preparing for the meeting?A. A speech. B. A time table. C. A sale report.16. When do the speakers decide to have the meeting?A. On October 15. B. On October 16. C. On October 17.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What kind of English lessons does the speaker r

7、ecommend?A. Listening and speaking. B. Reading and writing. C. Examination skills.18. How can a leaner take the lessons when he is not online?A. By making conversations. B. By using the downloaded sound files.C. By reviewing words, phrases and idioms.19. What is the great advantage of the speakers o

8、nline course?A. It improves learners listening and speaking skills quickly.B. It offers learners new helpful advertisements.C. It is free of charge for the learners.20. Whats the speakers idea about learning English?A. Learning English little by little.B. Its neccessary to set a clear learning goal.

9、C. Its very important to find a new method.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AIn an effort to keep a little poetry in my life long after National Poetry Month passed, I decide to read at least one poem a day after scanning the newspaper over breakfast. Thank

10、s to the free online poetry-in-your-inbox services, its been an easy resolution (解决办法) to keep.Poem-a-Day was started during National Poetry Month in 2016, and it focuses on new and previously unpublished poems by contemporary poets on weekdays and classic poems on weekends.Ted Kooser offers a simil

11、ar service through his American Life in Poetry Series, though its a weekly, rather than a daily. Kooser briefly introduces each weeks poem, offering a little bit of information about the selection, the writer, and books where readers can turn to if they want more work from the featured poet.Reading

12、at least one poem a day has been like an intellectual vitamin, giving me a small dose (剂量) of literature even on busy days when I cant get to the novels and non-fiction on my desk beside the bed. Another benefit has been connecting with a lot of talented poets I wouldnt otherwise know about. Poetry

13、being what it is, even the best talents in the style can work in relative obscurity (朦胧). Maybe the biggest benefit of reading a poem every morning has been the chance to see the familiar in new ways.Last April, I wondered if I could remind myself to read a poem each morning. Now, deep in summer, I

14、wonder if I could ever do without it.21. The author intends to read a poem every morning by means of .A. scanning the newspaper over breakfast.B. the free online poetry-in-your-inbox servicesC. starting Poem-a-Day during National Poetry MonthD. focusing on new poems and contemporary poets on weekday

15、s22. What is Ted Koosers American Life in Poetry Series about?A. A daily online newspaper.B. A weekly for publishing poems.C. A free online service for reading lovers.D. A social online platform for poem lovers.23. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?A. The best way of reading poems.B. The poems

16、 that the author likes best.C. The author enjoys reading poems on busy days.D. The benefits from reading a poem a day.24. We can infer from the last sentence of the text that .A. the author starts to love reading a poem in the morningB. the author reminded himself to read a poem each morning C. the

17、author didnt like reading poems last AprilD. the author decides to give up reading poems in summerBBrown bears have stopped eating salmon (鲑鱼) in favor of elderberries after being forced to make a choice due to climate change. Warming temperatures mean that the berries are ripening earlier than usua

18、l, at exactly the same time as the freshwater streams on Alaskas Kodiak Island are over flowing with salmon.The islands brown bears typically feed first on salmon in early summer, followed by elderberries later in the season, in late August and September.“What you have is a scrambling of the schedul

19、e,” said William Deacy, a biologist at Oregon State University that studied the phenomenon.“Its essentially like if breakfast and lunch were served at the same time and then there is nothing to eat until dinner. You have to choose between breakfast and lunch because you can only eat so much at a tim

20、e.”The study found that during the unusually warm summer of 2014, the bears, which would traditionally kill up to 75 percent of the salmon, were nowhere to be seen near the streams. Instead, they were in the hills busy munching on berries, which contain less protein and therefore take less energy to

21、 break down, causing them to gain weight more quickly.Biologists warned that changes caused by a warming planet were behind the bears unusual behavior and could affect the entire ecosystem.The researchers found that the forests around the streams suffered because the bears fish carcasses (残骸) were n

22、o longer there to enrich the soil.“Bears switched from eating salmon to elderberries, disturbing the an ecological link that typically fertilizes the ecosystems and generates high death rates for salmon,” the study said. On average, red elderberries are said to be ripening two and a half days earlie

23、r every decade. If the pattern continues, they will regularly overlap (重叠) with the salmon by 2070.25. Brown bears have begun to favor because of the climate change.A. salmon B. elderberries C. warm temperatures D. fresh water26. What does William Deacy mean by saying the underlined sentence?A. Brow

24、n bears eat their breakfast and lunch at the same time.B. Were facing a hard problem with choosing the meals.C. Climate change is disturbing the bears eating habits.D. Peoples biological clocks are changing regularly.27. Which of the following words can best describe the phenomenon?A. Natural. B. Un

25、usual. C. Amazing. D. Typical.28. The finding of the study shows us that .A. brown bears may become bigger and bigger B. there will be a higher death rate for the salmon C. red elderberries will probably be ripening in summer D. the changes of bears behavior could affect the entire ecosystemCExamini

26、ng the classroom practices of National Teacher of the Year winners and finalists, the study, by Michigan State University scholars, suggests successful educators arent afraid to push the boundaries by adding real world, cross-disciplinary (跨学科的) themes into their lessons.The study, published online

27、in the journal Teachers College Record, is one of the first in depth investigations of how teachers use creativity in the classroom.“The best teachers are taking their own creative interests from rap music to cooking to kickboxing and are finding ways to include these into the curriculum,” said Dana

28、h Henriksen, lead author of the study. “Theyre bringing together different subject matters and finding areas of connections so students can learn both in interesting ways.”Americas test-driven educational policy, Henriksen argues, has impeded creativity in teaching and learning. Many teachers today

29、struggle to balance high-stakes (高风险) testing and responsibility to act flexibly and independently in their classrooms. “I think that there s a lot of fear.” one of the award-winning teachers says in the study, “And when teachers are teaching in fear, they take few risks, for they have to consider e

30、xams and academic performance.”The findings have major implications (含意) for teaching and learning. Teachers unique creative interests should be brought into classroom lessons, along with arts and music across varied academic content. Teacher education programs and professional development courses should include a focus on real world. Administrators and policymakers should support opportunities for teachers to take creative and intellectual risks in their work.“If we want teachers to be c

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