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三维设计高中英语 Module 3 Section Ⅲ Other Parts of the Module课时跟踪检测 外研版选修6Word格式文档下载.docx

1、Ain all Bin fact Cin short Din return选D。我们给狗时间、空间和爱,而狗回报我们的是它们的全部。in all“总共”;in fact“实际上”;in short“简而言之”;in return“作为报答”。由句意可知D项切题。3We _ Johns name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury.Awill put Bwill have putCwould put Dwould have put由but for可知题干为含蓄条件句,由yesterday可知此处表示与过去事实相反的情况,故句子

2、谓语的形式为should/could/might/would have done。4I regret _you that we are unable to offer you employment.Ato inform Bhaving informedCto be informed Dinformed选A。我很遗憾地通知你我们不能雇用你。regret to do sth.“遗憾地做某事”,此处表示主动关系,故选A。5I know it happened, but I cant _ it to mind.Abring BtakeCthink Dconsider我知道这件事发生了,但是我记不起来了

3、。bring . to mind固定短语,意为“想起,记起”,其余三项与句子不搭配。故正确答案为A项。6He is ashamed _ what he did, so he beg me to forgive him _ that mistake.Afor; about Bof; forCfor; for Dof; about选B。考查介词。他为自己所做的事感到羞愧,所以他请求我原谅他所犯的错误。be ashamed of是固定词组,意为“为某事感到羞愧”;forgive sb. for sth.意为“原谅某人某事”。因此正确答案为B项。7She is not on good _ with M

4、r.Smith; therefore even if invited she would not attend his party.Amoods BconnectionsCspirits Dterms她和史密斯先生关系不好,因此,即使受到邀请,她也不会参加他的聚会。be on good terms with为固定短语,表示“与(某人)关系很好”。8For many seniors in some universities, the final year can be an unpleasant experience,_ that ends the campus romance.Awhich B

5、the oneCwhat Done 分析句子结构可以看出,空格后面的句子不缺少主要成分,所以可以排除A、C两项;one在此是experience的同位语,后面跟的是定语从句,修饰one;不是表示特指,所以不选B项。9Father, you promised!Well,_But it was you who didnt keep your word first.Aso was I Bso did ICso I was Dso I did“so主语助动词/be动词/情态动词”表示主语对前面所提到的情况加以肯定。由动词promised可知,此处应用助动词did,故选D。10What you said

6、 just now _ me of that American professor.Amentioned BinformedCreminded Dmemorized你刚才所说的让我想起了那个美国教授。remind“使想起”,常用短语为remind sb. of sth.“使某人想起某事”,符合句意及句子结构要求。mention“提及”;inform“告诉,通知”;memorize“记住”。.完形填空Loving Kindness Is Twice BlessedI felt gloomy (沮丧的) the other day. The weather had been dark and ra

7、iny, and I just didnt feel so _1_As I was sitting at my desk, I _2_ it was the birthday of a dear longtime friend a single, middleaged woman who has devoted the past 30 years to nursing and loves her_3_Knowing that she doesnt have family in town, I _4_ to give her a call. Sure enough, she was on Bsh

8、ift, _5_ to work late into the evening, and wouldnt have _6_ of a birthday this year. As always, _7_ , she sounded cheerful and was happy that I _8_ . After I hung up, I couldnt _9_ the feeling that she would really appreciate a little attention on her special day. _10_ feeling a little gloomy mysel

9、f, I tried to put it out of my mind, but as the day passed I couldnt shake the thought. I _11_ gave in, and that evening set off for the hospital with a card, a cheese cake, and some balloons. My friends grateful smile and joyful surprise _12_ me Id done the right thing and were a generous _13_ for

10、the little effort it had taken. When I got home, I realized that not only had I cheered up a _14_ friend on her birthday, but my own gloomy feelings had also disappeared. Making her day had _15_ my own! Isnt that the way it is _16_ we take the time and make the _17_ to do something for someone else?

11、 Its like the little saying, “Loving kindness is twice blessed; it blesses him who gives, and him who _18_ .”Cheering up people on their birthdays isnt the only thing we can do to make their day. Life constantly presents us with _19_ to take an extra step or do a kind deed that will make a differenc

12、e to _20_ . And the wonderful thing is that as we do, it changes things for the better for us too.语篇解读:送人玫瑰,手有余香;帮助别人,快乐自己!帮助别人,使我们得到最美好的祝愿;帮助别人,使他人得到最美丽的微笑。生活让我们手牵手,沐浴在阳光下,帮助别人,快乐自己,让世界充满爱吧!1. Aspecial BpositiveCnervous Dproudpositive意为“积极的,乐观的”,此处的didnt feel so positive 与上文的felt gloomy相符。故选B。speci

13、al“特别的”;nervous“紧张的”;proud“自豪的”,均不符合语境。2. Aexplained BcomplainedCremembered Dinformed当我坐在椅子旁的时候,我记起我亲密的好朋友的生日。remembered“记起”,故选C。explained“解释”;complained“抱怨”;informed“告诉”,均不符合当时的情景。 BtrainingCwork Dschool从事护士职业30年,很喜欢她自己的工作。work“工作”,故选C。family“家庭”;training“训练”;school“学校”。此处护士是一种职业,这三项都不符合文意

14、。4 A.decided BcontinuedCagreed Drefused了解到她没有家人在镇上,我决定给她打个电话。decided to do“决定做某事”,故选A。continued “继续”;agreed“同意”;refused“拒绝”,都可以和不定式搭配,但不符合文意。5 A.surprised BdisappointedCbored Dprepared确定无疑地,她是B班,准备工作到深夜。prepared to do“准备做某事”,故选D。 surprised“惊讶的”;disappointed失望的;bored“枯燥的”,均与当时的情景不符。6A.much BmanyClitt

15、le Dfewnot much of a是“不是怎么了不起的;算不上好的”之意。7A.though BbesidesCtherefore Dotherwise根据上下文推出,虽然她没时间自己庆祝生日,但是好朋友打来电话,她是高兴的。此处though意为“不过”,表转折,故选A。besides“除之外还有”;therefore“因此”;otherwise“否则”,均不符合文意。8A.admitted BcalledCsucceeded Dapologized根据前文提到作者决定打电话,后文又提到的挂电话,故选B。admitted“承认”;succeeded“成功做某事”;apologized“道

16、歉”,均与文意不符。9 A.experience BimagineCshake Dunderstand我挂断电话之后,她一定会感激我在如此特别的一天给她打电话,这种感觉不会动的。此处shake为“动摇”,而且根据后面“.but as the day passed I couldnt shake the thought.”故选C。experience“经历”;imagine“想象”;understand“理解”,均不能表达当时作者坚信朋友一定会感激的情感。10A.Almost BEvenCNever DStill我仍然感觉一点沮丧,努力把它放在脑后。still“仍然”,与文章开头相呼应。故选D。

17、其余几项都不能表示作者当时还有一点沮丧。11A.luckily BfinallyCunhappily Dhardly我最终屈服了,那天晚上,我拿着贺卡、奶酪蛋糕和气球出发去医院。finally“最后”,此处强调作者虽然还有点沮丧,但最后还是决定给好朋友过生日去。luckily“幸运地”;unhappily“不高兴地”;hardly“几乎不”,均为副词,但不符合语境。12A.convinced BadvisedCpromised Dreminded作者朋友感激的微笑和那种惊喜让作者相信自己做对了。convinced“使相信”,故选A。advised“建议”;promised“允诺”;remind

18、ed“提醒”,均不能表示作者相信自己做对了。13A.response BcontributionCreward Dshare根据前文得知:“她的笑容和惊喜是对我慷慨的回报。”reward“回报”,故选C。response“反应”;contribution“贡献”;share“分享”。此处表示一点努力换得的是朋友的高兴,这应该是对“我”的“回报”。14A.careless BlonelyCweak Dcurious根据第三段第一句话可知,作者的朋友没有家人在镇里,所以她是孤独的。lonely“孤独的”,故选B。careless“粗心的”;weak“虚弱的”;curious“好奇的”,这几项均与上

19、文不符。15A.troubled BtakenCwasted Dmade让她高兴就是让我高兴。此处made my own与make her day 相符合,故选D。其余几项都与make her day 不相符合。16A.when BwhereCwhy Dhow句意为:难道那不是一种方式吗?当我们花费时间,努力为其他人做一些事情的时候,(我们也得到了相应的回报)。when“当时候”,故选A。17A.suggestion BfriendCeffort Dcallmake the effort to .为固定搭配,表示努力做某事。根据前文作者为朋友庆祝生日得知,应该是为其他人努力做事,故选C。其余几

20、项均不能和the effort to .相搭配。18A.tries BreceivesCexpects Dcares善良能得到双倍回报。它既祝福给予的人,也祝福得到的人。receives与gives相对应。其余几项都不能和gives相对应。19A.opportunities BdreamsCshames Dregrets此处表示生活总是给我们很多机会去采取行动做好事。opportunities“机会”,故选A。dreams“梦想”;shames“羞愧”;regrets“遗憾”。此处应是做好事的机会,故这三项都不符合文意。20A.someone BsomethingCeveryone Dever

21、ything生活总是提供给我们很多机会采取其他行动或做一件对某个人有重大影响的好事。someone“某个人”。本文提到作者给他朋友过生日,他朋友应该是“某个人”,故选A。山东、天津专用.阅读表达1Make your friendships deeper and stronger with this list of friendship tips for teens or “friendship rules”2Be Yourself.Many teens struggle not to lose their identity once they become part of a group of

22、 friends.Sometimes youre going to disagree or not be the most popular member of the group.However,_ you will always feel youve been true to yourself and that you havent become somebody elses clone3Avoid Gossip (流言)Friends dont spread rumours (谣言) about other friends.If youve heard something shocking

23、 about someone, find a considerate way of asking them about it personally.If youre not sure how to talk to them about it, seek the advice of one other trusted friend, but dont let the discussion turn into a free for all about everything you dont like about the person.You certainly wouldnt be happy i

24、f someone did that to you, so set a good example for others and for yourself.4_When a friend of yours is making notsogreat decisions about drugs, alcohol, or studying do your best to look out for them.This doesnt mean telling them what to do constantly, but you can offer gentle advice and guidance f

25、rom time to time.If you give advice in a caring way that shows your value to your friends and respect their feelings and wishes, theyre much more likely to pay attention.When somebody questions the honesty of one of your friends, its a good chance to show your friends that you have faith in them by standing up for their reputation.Whenever you can, emphasize (强调) that your friend is a good person who deserves the respect of others, even when they make mistakes.This is a good way to protect them.5Return the Favour.There are times when a friend will lend you a textbook or a shou

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