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1、(8)We have some now wordssentences5提起注意(Directing attention)(26)Ready?Are you ready?/ One two three go !(27)Did you get there?Do you understand?/Did you copy ?(28)Is that clear?(29)Any volunteers?(30)Do you know what you gonna do?(31)Be quiet,pleaseQuiet,please(32)Listen(33)Listen carefully,please(3

2、4)Listen to the tape recorderthe recording(35)Look carefully,please(36)Look over here(37)Watch carefully(38)Are your watching?(39)Please look at the black-boardpicturemap(40)Pay attention to your spellingpronunciation6课堂活动(Classroom activities)(41)Start!Start now(42)Everybody togetherAll together(43

3、)Practise in a groupPractise one by oneIn groups,please(44)Get into groups of threefour(45)Every body find a partnerfriend(46)In pairs,please(47)One at a timeLets do it one by one(48)Now , your turn ,pleaseHis turn(Students name)(49)Next,pleaseNow you do the same,please(50)Lets actLets act outdo the

4、 dialogue(51)Who wants to be A?(52)Practise the dialogue,please(53)Now Tom will be A,and the other will be B(54)Please take(play)the part of(55)Whose turn is It?(56)Its your turn.(57)Wait your turn,please(58)Stand inlineLine up(59)Standard in a line from big to small .5 (60)In twosIn pairs(61)Dont s

5、peak out(62)Turn around7请求(Request)(63)Could you please try it again?(64)Could you please try the next one?(65)Will you please help me? Give me a hand please .8鼓励(Encouraging)(66)Can you try? Would you want to have a try ?(67)Try,please Try and try , never say died I .(68)Try your bestDo your best(6

6、9)Think it over and try again , you can do it . You can get it .(70)Dont be afraidshy9指令(Issuing a command)(7)SayRead after me,please(72)Follow me,please(73)Do what I do(7)Repeat,pleaseRepeat after me(75)Once more,pleaseOne more time,please(7)Come here,please(77)Please come to the frontCome up and w

7、rite on the blackboard chalkboard(78)Come and write it on the blackboard(79)Please go back to your seat(80)In English,please(81)Put your hand up,pleaseRaise your hand,please(82)Put your hands down,pleaseHands down,please(83)Say itWrite it in ChineseEnglish(84)Please take out your books(85)Please ope

8、n your books at pageFind pageTurn to Page(86)Please answer the questionquestionsPlease answer my qllllst1On(s)(87)Please read this letterwordsentence out loudPlease readout this letterwordsentence(88)Please stop nowStop now,pleaseStop here,please(89)Clean up your deskthe classroom,please(90)Its clea

9、nup timeTidy up your deskthe classroom(91)Put your things awayClean off your deskPick up the scraps(92)Clean the blackboard(93)Plug in the taperecorder,please(94)Put the taperecorder away(95)Put the tape in the boxcassetteTurn forward (back)the tape .(96)Listen and repeat Take a scan reading .(97)Lo

10、ok and listen(98)Repeat after me(99)Follow the words(100)FastQuickly!Be quick,please(101)Hurry!Hurry up,please(102)Slow down,please(10)Do it slowly and softly(104)Bring me some chalk,please10禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning)(105)Stop talkingStop talking now,please(106)Dont talkEverybody quiet,please(10

11、7)Dont be silly/ Be a good student .(108)Settle down/ Calm down and say it tenderly .11评价(109)Good,thank you/ Good indeed .( 10)Goodvery goodGod jobGood workGood example(111)A good answerNice work/ Wonderful / Fabulous .(112)ExcellentGreat!Well doneery goodI like the way you . / Terrific !(13)Thats

12、Interesting!(114)Dont worry about ItNo problem(115)OK!Thats OK ,just take it easy (116)I dont think so(117)Thats not quite right,any other answers?Thats closeThats almost right(118)Not quite,can anyone help himher?try again(119)A good tryAngles hand !12布置作业(Setting homework)(120)For todays homework(

13、121)Practise after classPractise at home(122)Say it out loud,before you write it down(123)CopyPrintWrite each word twice(124)Remember(Memorize)these wordssentences and try to say it out by your own mouth (125)Learn these wordsthese sentencesthis text by heart(126)Do your homework clearly and tidy6 1

14、3下课(Dismissing the class)(127)Hand in your workbooks,please(128)Time is up/ Take a (coffee)break for a while (3 minutes)(129)The bell is ringing/ You are free to go .(130)Theres the bell(131)There goes the bell(132)Lets stop here/ For a fun time .(133)Thats all for today(134)Class is over (135)Good

15、byeByeSee you next time/ You are free to go .课堂常规用语 一、 打招呼(Greetings) Good morning, class. Good afternoon, class. Good morning, eerybody. Good afternoon, eeryone. Good morning, boys and girls. Good afternoon, children. How are you all today? Are you all well this morning?打招呼之后,可以增加一两句(Beginning a ch

16、at) Well, did you hae a good weekend?Well, did you enjoy the holiday?Well, what did you do yesterday evening?Tell me what you did at the weekend?谈谈学生衣着发型也可以:Oh, youve got a new dress on. Its very nice. Oh, youve got a new hair style hair cut .二、考勤(Checking attendance) 1点名 Right ! Im going to call th

17、e row. OK ! Listen while I call your names. Now !ll take the register. Quiet from now, please. Listen while I see if youre all here. 2问缺席情况 Lets see whos absent. s see if anyones away. Is anybody absent?Is everybody here?3. 关照新生 Let me see , are you new?All right , are you a pupil?You have just come

18、 to this class (school), havent you?Where do you come from?Whats your name?Do you like the school?Welcome to our class. 4. 谈缺勤 Wheres Wang Hai?Does anyone know where Li is?Can anyone tell me where Liu has gone?Who knows when he will be back?Han Meimei is ill today, isnt she?5. 关照病愈者 You were absent

19、for three lessons last week. Did you catch a cold?Oh, Im sorry. Youll catch up , wonDont worry. ve been absent for days, havenYou were away last lesson, weren What was the matter?Why were you away?Are you better?How are you feeling now?Do you feel better?Well, Jane, ask your friends to help you. OK,

20、 youd better ask your neighbour to tell you what weve done. Come and see me after the lesson, OK?三介绍 Now, let me introduce myself. Ill just tell you a bit about myself. My name is. ve been teaching in the school for 1O years. I come from Shanghai. I worked for a newspaper until last year. And what a

21、bout you?Will you introduce yourself?四开始谈话 T: I went to the Summer Palace (引出话题) Yesterday. Did any of you go?No?. Well, (无人回答,问某一学生) What did you do, -. er. Zhang Hong. Zhang:. er. I-. - er. -. in home. (学生响应断断续续) Oh, you stayed at home. (“搭救“说话的学生 ) Yes, I stay at home. OK, you stayed at home. (暗中

22、纠正时态) What did you do then?. T. Oh, you watched teleision didn Which programme?(若继续问下去困难,可就此打住 ) 有关用语还有:Tell me what you did 1ast night. Will you te11 me a bit about your weekend?Could you tell us more about the programme?How did you like yesterdays party?五建议 (Suggesting) Lets go through the text. C

23、ould you open your textbook and find part 5 on page 45?Could you take out the cards?Will you all think of some questions to ask each other?Will you get together in groups and discuss the idea?Try to think it out for yourself. s work out how you could plan your piece of writing. Now youve answered al

24、l the questions in full. You need to say a bit more about that. d better get that right. 六提起注意 (Directing students attention) Quiet, now, please. Lets work in pairs. Will you face the people in front of you?Right. Look again carefully. Are you ready to listen?Are you all listening? OK, then. .Now, t

25、hen., something new!s change the topic. That was quite good, lets do it once more. 七请求(Making polite requests) Could you possibly plug the cassette player in for me?Can you check the tape for me ?Will you go and fetch some chalk?Will you find the wall charts?Has anybody seen the stick/tape/pins?Could you put it up here? / Would you mind cleaning the board?八指导 (Instructions) 1. 纠正语音 d better listen again. Will you listen carefully?Now listen to the sound a:.Not a , like this - you try. t forget its a: not a in and. Now listen. Theres something different, Whats the different? List

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