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1、 并且,不同的调制方法也提高叶片的自然芳香。 More than a third of the executives said carbon reduction would enhance their image. 逾三分之一首席执行官表示,降低碳排放将提升其企业形象。 Rules on capital will be overhauled to reduce leverage and enhance the systems resilience. 资本管理规则将被彻底修改以减少资本杠杆作用,提高系统的抗灾能力。 Finally, I created a serie

2、s of experiments examining whether thought and behavior can enhance good fortune. 最后,我建立了系列实验,用它们来仔细查看是否思想和行为能增加好运程度。 The sites aim to enhance transparency and improve coordination of long-term international support to the region. 这些网站的目的是增加透明度以及促进该地区长期国际援助的合作。 But the second winter I have had in Be

3、ijing changed my belief Scarf does enhance prettiness and bring warmness . 但在北京的第二个冬天改变了我的看法,其实戴围巾很漂亮,也很温暖。 Use your power of observation and your ability to obtain information to enhance your safety and chances of success. 利用你的观察能力和搜集信息的能力,来增强自己的安全和成功的机会。 Experiments prove that the method can effec

4、tively suppress background clutter and enhance ship detection results greatly. 实验结果表明,该方法可有效地抑制背景杂波,提高对船舶目标的检测能力。 The Bear funds had borrowed to enhance returns, and in doing so had to post collateral with lenders, known as prime brokers. 该基金用提高负债来提高回报,这样做就要向出借者,也就是大宗经纪人提供担保。 With further research w

5、e may be able to make the two approaches work together to enhance the effectiveness of cancer therapies. 随着进一步的研究,我们可以通过两种方法的组合使用来提高癌症治疗的效果。 These helped to ensure that fire prevention measures met the required standards and to enhance public awareness of fire safety. 这些措施有助确保防火措施符合指定的标准,以及提高市民的消防安全

6、意识。 It encourages Americans to consume rationally to protect the environment, enhance the quality of life, and promote social justice. 它还促使美国人进行理性的消费,注重环保,提高生活质量及促进社会公正。 So Im hoping that adoption of some of my research findings could ultimately enhance both employee welfare and customer s

7、atisfaction. 因此,我希望通过采用我的一些研究成果,最终既可以提升员工福祉,也能提升客户满意度。 These extras typically cost a few cents, but some are much dearer: Changyou sells a virtual gem, which can be used to enhance a virtual sword, for $180. 这些有偿的道具一般只需几美分即可,但有些却贵得多:比如畅游卖的一种用来增强某虚拟宝剑的宝石,其售价达180美元。 Therefore, it is extremely importan

8、t to further enhance the general quality of the citizens and to encourage them to participate in the Olympic Movement. 提高全体市民的综合素质,积极动员广大市民参与奥林匹克运动,是一项十分重要的工作。 It is known from in vitro fertilisation research that high levels of glucose can enhance the growth and development of male embryo

9、s but inhibit female ones. 高水平的葡萄糖能提高男性胚胎的生长和发育但是抑制了女性胚胎,这在体外受精的研究中广为人知。 At the change of the year, in the dead of winter, flowers can enhance our celebrations and remind us to savor the opportunities a fresh new year will bring. 旧的一年结束和新的一年开始的时候,正是隆冬季节,鲜花能够增添我们的喜庆并提醒我们抓住新的一年带来的机会。 And in the emergi

10、ng economies, deeper and more efficient financial markets will enable better intermediation of savings and enhance investment productivity. 而在新兴经济体,更深入、更高效的金融市场将有助于改善储蓄中介,提高投资效率。 We are looking forward to related actions can enhance global further attention about road traffic safety, which make traf

11、fic safer, as well as more comfortable. 我们希望有关活动能进一步提高各国民众对道路交通安全问题的重视,让人们的出行变得更加安全和舒适。 Within the scope of rules prescribed by the WTO, support should be granted to some trades, particularly to agriculture, so as to enhance its competitive capacity. 他说:“在世贸规则允许的范围内,应对一些行业予以支持,特别是对农业要给予必要的支持,提高它的竞争能

12、力。” But in an age when the power of independent agencies (including Catholic ones) is growing by the day, mightt the Vatican enhance its authority by clarifying its own status? 但是,在独立机构(包括天主教会的)的力量正日益增强的这个时代,难道梵蒂冈不应该通过澄清自己的身份来加强自己的威信么? To realize the destination, the macro-measure are: to adjust the

13、 allocation, to enhance the research and application of sericultural techniques, to reform the management system. 实现进一步发展目标的宏观对策是:调整蚕桑生产布局,加强技术开发和应用,改革蚕茧经营管理体制。 If we would just make good use of the national ID cards (we have) - and improve themwe could enhance our safety, avoid discrimination and n

14、ot spend millions on another system. 只要好好使用大家已持有的全国通用的身份证,并加以改进,就可以增强安全,避免歧视,而不必在另一个系统花上数百万美元。 Considering that no such traits have been identified, the simpler and more plausible explanation is that light to moderate alcohol drinking does indeed enhance cardiovascular health. 但是因为还没有发现这样的特质,比较简单且比较

15、可靠的解释就是:少量或适度的饮酒,的确可以增进心血管的健康。 This research promises to enhance our understanding of the ancient Puebloans and perhaps shed some light on the mysterious calamities that engulfed their society about 700 years ago. 这个研究会提升我们对古代普布罗人的理解,甚至对于700年前吞噬了他们社会的那些神秘灾难,也能透露一些线索。 Recently Australia announced in

16、its White Paper that it will enhance its weapon system, including submarines, and claimed that the most important trend in defence is the rise of China. 前几天澳大利亚在白皮书中宣布要增强它的武器系统,包括潜水艇等,并称最重要的防务发展动向是中国地位的上升。 White House officials say that the emerging deal to enhance bilateral clean energy co-operatio

17、n will top the list of deliverables of Mr Obamas first state visit to China as president. 白宫官员表示,逐渐成形的加强双边清洁能源合作协议,将是奥巴马作为总统对中国首次国事访问的首要“成果”。 Only if EU member states aggregate their hard power and enhance their readiness to make joint decisions about its use will Europe emerge as the more capable p

18、artner that Washington is seeking. 只有欧盟各成员国将硬实力汇集起来,并更乐意就其使用做出联合决定,欧洲才会成为华盛顿寻求的那个更具实力的合作伙伴。hinder: 阻碍打扰成为阻碍后面的 The grave would hinder me. 坟墓会将我阻止。 They can detect factors which may hinder learning. 他们能够找到妨碍学习的因素。 This will hinder high-level and sustainable development. 这将妨碍高水平、可持续的发展。 Failing this,

19、children are more likely to help than hinder. 若非如此,孩子更可能是带来帮助,而非妨碍。 Critics responded that the proposals would only hinder banks. 评论家回应称这些提议只会阻碍银行业。 Politics within the government can help or hinder deficit reduction. 政府的内部政治可以促进也可以妨碍赤字的减少。 But do such accords help or hinder the cause of f

20、ull liberalisation? 但是这些究竟是帮助还是阻碍完全自由贸易呢? This unfortunate incident may hinder the progress of the peace talks. 这一不幸事件可能会妨碍和平谈判的进程。 Vacancies at Treasury hinder the oversight of the vast government bailout of Wall Street. 财政部的空缺妨碍政府对华尔街大救援的监督。 Officials say Williams death could hinder the work of no

21、n-government groups in the country. 有关官员表示,威廉斯的遇害可能会妨碍非政府组织在阿富汗的工作。 To be competitive or selfish in this situation would only hinder or even cause the project to fail. 在这情形下,互相竞争或表现自私可能只会造成阻碍,甚至使这计划失败。 They oppose communism, purge those who hold different views, hinder progress and fa

22、vor retrogression . 宣传反共,排除异己,反对进步,鼓励倒退。 First, the Central Advisory Commission has to be careful not to hinder the work of the Central Committee. 顾问委员会要注意的第一件事情,就是不要妨碍中央委员会的工作。 The Tories relative honesty over the coming fiscal squeeze will help and hinder them in roughly equal measure. 保守党对即将来临的财政

23、紧迫性相对诚实,这将帮他们保持在较公平的水平上。 You seem to have taken a rather immediate dislike to a face, which is only trying to help and not hinder your life. 你似乎对那个只是想要帮助你而不是阻碍你生活的人采取了一种直接的不喜欢态度。 These problems hinder not only the development of pretrial preparation but also the reform on the whole trial

24、 system. 这不仅制约了民事审前程序的发展,还同时牵绊了整个审判制度改革的步伐。 Negotiations in Basel have slowed as Europeans fret that stiffening standards may slow lending and hinder economic recovery. 由于欧洲人担忧僵硬的标准可能会放缓贷款和阻碍经济复苏,巴塞尔的谈判已经放慢。 They not only aggrieve the parties legal procedural rights, but also hinder our countrys con

25、struction of a socialist legal state. 这不但侵害了当事人合法的程序权利,而且阻碍了我国社会主义法治国家的建设进程。 The difference of language is a visible wall, while the estrangement between people are invisible walls that hinder the communication. 如果说语言不通是阻碍交流的一面有形的墙,那么人们之间的隔阂就是一面面无形的墙。 We will carry out industrial restructuring and u

26、pgrading to resolve the prominent problems and conflicts that hinder their development. 着力解决这些行业发展中存在的突出矛盾和问题,推进结构调整和优化升级。 Strict rules could also hinder the development of new services that depend on being able to distinguish between different types of traffic. 并且这种严谨的制度也将会妨碍一些依靠识别不同类型传输数据的新型服务的发展。

27、 The forwardness in legislation and the retardation in law-consciousness contradict each other, only to hinder the development of the system. 法律制度的超前和法律意识的滞后之间的矛盾阻碍法律在司法实践中的顺利实施。 The key to catch this opportunity is to find a way to break the factors that hinder its development, And the breakthrough is human resources. 抓住机遇的关键是能否找到一个冲破制约云南私营企业发展因素的突破口,而这个突破口就是人力资源。 This plant is a healthy situation, but as long as the character is not difficult to control and hinder communication, we can get to save time. 这对工厂来说是一种健康的形势,而且只要个性不是难以控制和妨碍沟通,就能获得节约时间的方法。 The business s

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