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1、高口真题答案199831998.3上海市英语高级口译资格证书第一阶段考试参考答案:SECTION 1:LISTENINGTESTPart A: Spot Dictation 1. formal committee meetings 2. several reasons3. feel more committed to 4. imaginative and informed decisions5. have drawbacks 6. more group pressure7. seem to be ideal sizes 8. from the floor9. the style of its

2、leader 10. let everyone speak11. take a vote 12. seconded and discussed13. a consensus of members 14. circulated in advance15. a list of points 16. is to speed up17. in logical order 18. the meetings function19. structured and planned 20. chance conversationsPart B: Listening comprehension1-5 B D C

3、C B 6-10 C C C D B11-15 D B A C B 16-20 D A C B DSECTION 2: READING TEST1-5 B C D A C 6-10 D B B D A11-15 C B A A D 16-20 D B A C CSECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST“责任”、“荣誉”和“国家”这三个神圣的词庄严地责成你们应成为怎样的人,能成为怎样的人,将成为怎样的人。这三个词要求你们在失去勇气时鼓起勇气,在失去信念时恢复信念,在失去希望时产生希望。我认灾,这些词教导你们在真正失败时要自尊和不屈不挠,在成功时要谦和,不要以言代行,不要寻求安逸,而

4、要面对困难和挑战的压力;要学会在风浪中傲然几立,而对失败者应该予以同情;要有纯洁的心灵,要有崇高的目标;要能笑会哭;要走向未来,但不可过去;要为人持重,但不可自命不凡;要谦虚,这样就会记住真正的伟大在于纯朴,真正的智慧在于开明,真正的刚毅在于温柔。简而言之,这些词教导你们在成为一名勇猛之士的同时,也要成为一位谦谦君子。SECTION 4: LISTENINGTESTPart A: Note-taking and Gap-filling1. Ten 2. adult / adolescent3. egocentricity 4. receive5. object/target 6. attach

5、ment7. loses 8. father9. differences 10. unconditional11. Net/fulfilled 12. expectation13. relationship 14. natural15. law 16. adventure17. world 18. conditional19. positive 20. withdrawnPart B: Listening and Translation. Sentence Translation1. 就我所知,妇女几乎在所有岗位上比男性同事受到的压力小,也更善于应付。2. 我们采访了300多位来自试图实施办公

6、自动化的不同机构的人,但是看来成功的实例很少。3. 政治分析家说,在这个非洲国家,暴力已达到一个危机点,对该国刚产生的民主体制构成了重大威胁。4. 暴风雨使城里大片地区数千居民的电力供应中断,使学校和许多工厂关门。5. 一位叫约翰逊的先生从洛杉矶打来长途电话,说他们还未收到我们寄出的样品。他们等得心急了。. Passage Translation1. 外出度假时,明智的做法是把家里的钥匙交给一位邻居或亲戚,一旦发生紧急情况可以入内。请他们把信箱中的邮件取走,别忘记取消订的牛奶和报纸。把你住的旅馆的电话号码留给他们。到达后,打电话告诉他们你的房间号,如果他们需要和你联系,找你就不会发生问题。2.

7、 我们60的雇员在欧洲以外的地区,在我们的了公司和联营公司工作。这可以向你们表明我们公司的国际化的程度。我们还在美国新开设了一家研究机械,考虑到过去三四年里我们在那个国家的经营规模和市场份额的扩大,这是不可避免的。SECTION5:READINGTEST1. According to the passage, the major task of MASSPIRG and other watchdog groups is to protect consumer rights and to advocate environmental protection/conservation. They w

8、atch/ observe the situation of environment pollution, supervise the operations of industries and government agencies related to such issues and make suggestions on measures of environment protection.2. The recycling of used paper can save trees and other natural / raw materials, reduce the use of ha

9、rmful chemicals, save energy and reduce pollution / contribute to the conservation of environment.3. The expression / phrase “virgin material” refers to unused / natural material (s) such trees and plants. The expression “phenomenal growth” means extraordinary / outstanding / significant development

10、 / increase.4. The teachers oppose the governments education reforms because they think bill 60 is not democratic and deprives them of their rights. They think / hold that teachers should be involved in school / education policy decision-making.5. The government is not satisfactory with the current

11、situation, mainly the declining of students peformance on international test scores, the doubling of school expenditure over the past ten years and less teaching time teachers spend in the classroom. The government is planning to adopt some measures of reform.6. The author tries to show different at

12、titudes of students towards teachers strike. Although many students are on the teachers side, for students preparing for college / university study, they can be the victims of the teachers strike, and the example of Sarah Wright shows such dissatisfaction.7. Because a large number of women have stop

13、ped taking contraceptives. The warnings about the possible link between the contraceptives and the fatal disease thrombosis has led them to the conclusion that taking such pills would be very dangerous / harmful to their health.8. CSM stands for the Committee on the Safety of Medicine. It was critic

14、ized by the WHO for its improper way of releasing the information about the possible link between contraceptive pills and thrombosis, which has aroused great panic among women.9. Both of them hold the view that the general practitioners and family planning professionals should be informed of the war

15、nings and proper recommendations first.10. The word “culprit” originally means an offender / one in fault / a guilty person, here it is used to refer to someone who is responsible for something. The phrase “spell out” means “give explicit / clear explanation of something / make clear the meaning of something.”SECTION 6: TRANSLATION TESTFor a very long period of historical development, mankind could only pass on music though performance and oral instruction. When mankind invented musical scores, music started to break away

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