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1、一、一般过去时态定义 表示在过去某个时间发生的动作、情况或存在的状态,也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。(注:行为动词(即实义动词)的过去式没有人称和数的变化!) 结构:主语+动词过去式+过去时间状语 He liked collecting stamps a few years ago.二、一般过去时谓语动词的构成 be动词的过去式be动词(或系动词be)am, is was, arewere。情态动词过去式的构成cancould(注:有时情态动词过去式不表示过去,表示委婉的语气。三、知识总结 知识、方法技能四、知识的延伸和拓展(变式训练)五、布置作业 教导处签字: 日期: 年 月 日六、目标完

2、成情况030% 31%50% 51%75% 76%80% 81%90% 91%100% 教学过程中学生易错点归类作业布置学习过程评价学生对于本次课的评价O 特别满意 O 满意 O 一般 O 差教师评定学生上次作业评价 O好 O较好 O 一般 O差学生本次上课情况评价 O 好 O 较好 O 一般 O 差家长意见 家长签名: be动词(或系动词be)规则行为动词动词过去式的构成行为动词的过去式,其变化分为规则和不规则的两种。 规则动词过去式的构成1、一般词尾加-ed。如: staystayed help - helped ask - asked looklooked watch - watched

3、2、e结尾的只加-d。hopehoped love - loved dance - danced livelived live - lived 3、 辅音字母结尾词,重读闭音节先双写,然后才能加-ed. 如:stopstopped plan(计划) planned drop - dropped beg - begged4、“辅音字母+y”尾,y改为i, 再加 -ed。 carry - carried study - studied hurry - hurried 过去式加 -ed 的读音1、在清辅音后,读清辅音 / t / 。 worked / kt / helped / pt / passe

4、d / st / washed / t / watched / t /2、在浊辅音和元音后,读浊辅音 / d / 。 played / d / carried / id / answered / d / lived / vd / used / zd / called / ld /3、在 / t, d / 音后面, 读 / id / 。 wanted / tid / needed / did / 巧记不规则动词过去式1.中间去e,末尾加t keepkept, feelfelt, sleepslept,sweepswept2.结尾d变t buildbuilt,lendlent, sendsent,

5、spendspent3.遇见i改为a ringrang,sitsat, drinkdrank, singsang,swimswam,beginbegan, givegave4.“骑(马)”“开(车)”“写(字)”把i变o如:riderode,drivedrove,writewrote5.“想”“买”“带来”“打仗”ought换上如: thinkthought,buybought, bringbrought,fightfought6.“教书”“抓住”aught切莫忘 如: teachtaught,catchcaught7.ow/aw改为ew是新时尚 如: knowknew,growgrew, t

6、hrowthrew,drawdrew8.“放”“让”“读”过去式与原形一样 如: putput,letlet,readread/red runborrowgrowwatchwritesmileopenbeginswimcarrystudyfinish练习:写出下列动词的过去式3. 一般疑问句 did + 主语 +行为动词原形 was / were + 主语 +其他成分 eg. - Did you go shopping yesterday? -Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. -Was she 15 years old last year? He went to the h

7、ospital yesterday. 改为一般疑问句并回答_4. 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 +did + 主语 +行为动词原形 特殊疑问词 +was / were + 主语 +其他成分 When and where were you born?三、一般过去时基本用法 1.表示在过去时间里发生的动作或存在的状态Liu Jie got up at 7: 10 this morning. He was a student three years ago. 2表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。Zhang Yuan always went to school by bike last year.3表示已故人所

8、做的事情。 Lei Feng helped lots of people in his life. (雷锋一生帮助了许多人。4.表示过去所发生的一系列动作,用一般过去时。 Miss Liu got up at seven oclock this morning, dressed, had breakfast, and went to work. 四、一般过去常用时间状语一般过去时一般都有明显的时间状语,它们可以是单词/短语或从句。1.yesterday, yesterday /morning/afternoon /evening,the day before yesterday等;2. las

9、t night (week,month,winter,year,Monday,Tuesday)等;3. “时间段+ago”:a moment / two days/a short time ago, an hour ago等;4. 由“介词+一时间名词”短语:on Friday, on Monday morning, on April 15, on the night of Oct. 1, in 1998,5.频度副词:often, always ,但是句中必须有last year等修饰;6. 其它:then, just now, once,以与由after或before构成的介词短语等7.

10、由某些表示过去时态的从句等。 e.g. I got up at five yesterday, but I didnt get up so early this morning. Did he watch TV last night? I was in Grade One last year.Compare them:比较下列各句He is 15 now.We are having a class at the moment. He was 14 last year. He was born on January 12,1991. She will be 16 next year. She o

11、ften goes to school on foot.小结:时态,时态,时间、“状态”;不同时间, 不同“状态”,不知时间, 难定“状态”!三、教学课后练习(一)用动词的正确形式填空。1My mother_(is) born in 1960.2The lion _(bite) the net two days ago.3He _(make) a big hole last week.4The cat _(catch) a mouse yesterday.5What did he do? He _(try) to change China.6He _(become) a doctor in 1

12、995.7She_(sit) under a big tree and_(read) books yesterday morning.8Did you_(learn) English at school?9They didnt_(go) go the zoo an hour ago. They_(go) to the park.10He_(play) football on the playground and _(drink) a lot of water yesterday afternoon.11_ you _ (drive) a car to get there yesterday m

13、orning? No. I_(drive) a bus.12I thought he _(forget) everything.13She _(fall) over before she got the baton.14I _(feed) the dog an hour ago.15I_ _ (not feel) well this morning.16The bird _(fly) high two days ago.17Yesterday_(is) my birthday. My parents _(give) me a doll.18Last year, the plants _(gro

14、w) well.19We _(have) a music lesson yesterday morning.20When I _(is) a baby, I _(have) no hair. But now I_ (have) long hair.21.They _(put) the young trees into the holes and _(fill) the holes with earth after they dug the holes.22.Last year, a car _(crash) into the tree. It _(is) broken. I_(am) sad

15、when I_(see) that.23.I_(clean) the house yesterday.24.She _(not go) to school yesterday because she _(is) ill.25._ Tom _ (water) the trees yesterday?26.We _(plant) many trees this Sunday.27.He _(is) a teacher two years ago. But now he _(is) a doctor.28.There _(be) many houses here four years ago.29.

16、The bedroom_(be) messy before.30._ the cat _(catch) a bird yesterday?31._ you _(move) the plants last week?Yes, we _(move) them to the garden.32.Who _(put) the seeds into the pot yesterday?My grandpa _(put) them into the pot.When _he_(put) them into the pot?He_(put) them into the pot yesterday after

17、noon. (二) 按照实际情况回答问题。 1When were you born?2Where were you born?_ 3When did you begin to study English?4Who was the first president of the PRC?5Who was the first premier of the PRC?6Who was the father of modern China?7What did you do yesterday?8Did you do well in class last week?9What day was yesterd

18、ay?10What was the date yesterday?11Did your father go to Beijing last year?12How did you go to school last year? 13. Did you get much luck money during 2010 Spring Festival?_二选择正确的选项。( ) 1. I_ to Disney Park last week. I _ excited. A. went, was B. go, was C. go, is( ) 2. I_ in China in 1997. A. is B

19、. am C. was( ) 3. Do you know where he_ from? A. is B. are C. was( ) 4. He said that he_ tired. A. is B. feels C. was( ) 5. What did you do? I_ football. A. play B. plays C. played( ) 6. I want to know how to_ trees? A. plants B. plant C. planted( ) 7. They_ here at seven last night. A. leaved B. le

20、ave C. left( ) 8. Did you help them_ an experiment? A. do B. does C. did( ) 9. Where did you_ books? A. bought B. buyed C. buy( ) 10. I thought this_ not good news. A. was B. is C. are三根据括号中的要求改写句子。1Mike didnt go to work last week.(特殊疑问句)_2Did you do your homework last night?(否定回答)3She went to the c

21、inema yesterday. (特殊疑问句)4I got up later this morning. (特殊疑问句)5They caught birds in the garden. (否定句)6The man has a lot of money. (一般疑问句)7Tom read many new story books. (一般疑问句)8My brother was sick yesterday. (否定句)四.翻译下列句子。1她今天早上听了音乐。2昨天下雨了。3我们上周去野餐。4Sarah和Amy在教室里打扫卫生。5Mike昨天去了XX。五时态转换1. 引出动词:阅读文章My Weekend,找出动词。My WeekendI get up early on the weekend. Then I play sports. I usually have milk and bread for breakfast. On Satu

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