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1、 (3) I did not realize the importance of learning English well until then.(notuntil) (4) Not until then did I realize the importance of learning English well.(not until的倒装句) (5) It was not until then that I realized the importance of learning English well.(强调句) 3.使用高级词汇 巧用习语(idiom) 英语中有大量习语,如果运用得当,则

2、可大大增加文章的感染力。考生要在平时的学习过程中不断积累。 What she explained doesnt hold water. 她的解释站不住脚。 Many families struggle to make ends meet. 很多家庭只能勉强维持生计。 I dont know why she is always in low spirits. 我不知道她为什么总是情绪低落。 He turned a deaf ear to what I said. 他对我的话一点也听不进去。 This sentence doesnt make sense. 这个句子讲不通。 用短语代替单词 英语中

3、同义词众多,在表达的时候,尽量用短语代替单个的词。 I have made up my mind to study English better this term. (同义词:decide) I have no idea how to enlarge my vocabulary. (同义词:dont know) A burning cigarette end resulted in/led to the big fire. (同义词:cause) Since my childhood I have been fond of music. (同义词:like) We will take the

4、 matter into account(consideration). (同义词:consider) 善用小词 在写作中巧用、活用某些小词,常常会起到画龙点睛、四两拨千斤的作用。 书面表达专项突破动词:see find have take get strike run cover fail go make manage keep stay do(行,可以) help(有用) work(起作用) count etc. 例如: 2005 saw the successful launch of Shenzhou VI in China. China has a history of more t

5、han 5000 years. Saddam Hussin got hanged on the 30th of December 2006. How does Shenzhen strike you? I have to earn more than 6000 yuan if I want to cover my expenses in Shenzhen. When I received the news that I got the first place words failed me. This is how the story goes. After a few years train

6、ing she made an excellent teacher. Marys mother asked her to seize time to go over her lessons for the final exam but it didnt help. It is the ability to do the job well that counts. 书面表达专项突破名词、形容词、副词、介词等:a must a hit a success a better/best choice/seller arrival stay top new pretty(相当地) terribly ba

7、dly in(时尚的) out(过时的),beyond under on display/on second thought(s) at the news of/at the sight of etc. 例如: English is a must for us. Of all the 2006 films Zhang Yimous Curse of the Golden Flower(满城尽带黄金甲) was the best seller. I made lots of friends during my stay in France. Wendy Wang must be one of t

8、he top students in our school. This kind of work is quite new to me. I am going to find a nice apartment pretty soon. Doctors were badly needed in that area after the flood. Short skirts are in again. His lecture is beyond my understanding. Shenzhen Metro Line 3 is still under construction. 4.使用名词表达

9、动词意义 His failure in the exam again made his mother very worried. On arrival home I found the front door open. Living near the airport may lead to peoples loss of hearing. No one can enter the office without permission. The railway line is still under construction. 5.使用形容词(短语)做状语或者使用非谓语动词结构等 They ret

10、urned home safe and sound. Full of fear I walked in the darkness.While walking along the streets I met Jane. We started out very early in order to catch the first early bus. I arrived home really exhausted. 6.使用表示过渡的连接词 高考“基础写作”的评分标准中特别强调句子间的连贯性。之所以把衔接和连贯作为重要标准来要求,是因为衔接和连贯是构成语篇的最基本条件。常用的连接词有:and but

11、 so besides moreover whats more whats worse in addition however therefore suddenly finally while also too thus yet等等。 He thought he understood the problem; however he was mistaken. They cost a lot of money; thus you should use them carefully. I dont like the dress; moreover its too expensive. I was

12、late for the film; what was worse I left my ticket at home. 7.使用比喻、拟人等修辞手法 比喻性结构新鲜活泼,形象具体,能给读者留下较深刻的印象,具有强大的感染力。 The Great Wall runs across China like a huge dragon. To finish the work ahead of time I have been as busy as a bee recently. He is a lucky dog. 8.使用英语中的谚语 和汉语一样,英语中也有大量谚语。若能在写作中恰当运用,会给文章增

13、色不少。现例举几条励志类的谚语。 Where there is a will there is a way. Time and tide wait for no man. Practice makes perfect. A lazy youth a lousy age. Well begun is half done. No pains no gains. Look before you leap. It is never too old to learn. Failure is the mother of success. He who laughs last laughs best.高考写

14、作词汇和句型总结一、图画类常用句型1) It can be seen from the picture that.2) The picture indicates that./shows that./conveys the messages that.3) People find a/an rise (increase/decrease/decline/drop/fall) in4) This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.5) Compared with.6) In short we can say that.7) On

15、 the whole/ In conclusion it may be stated that.8) There is no doubt.9) We can say with certainty that.10) No one will deny the fact that.11) We cannot ignore the fact that12) As a result it can/may/might be concluded/inferred that.13) However,thats not the case.二、讨论、图表数据类1、The way sb. do(es) sth. c

16、hanged a lot from(年)to(年) 从年到年人们做事的方式改变了很多。2、The number/The rate of(年)doubled that of(年) 年的数字是年数字的双倍The number/The amount ofhas dropped from (数字)in 2008 to(数字)in 2010. 的数字已从2008年的下降到2010年的3、A spend twice as much time/money on sth. as B A花在上的时间/金钱是B的两倍The number of the people whowas ten times as larg

17、e as in(年) 人的数目是年的十倍。4、The figures show that 这些数字显示5 A would like to do sth.while B wants to do sth. A想而B想6. The reasons are listed as follows: 原因如下:7、Chart 1 shows that 表1显示As is shown on Chart 2 正如表2所显示的那样9、As is shown in the above diagram/table/picture 正如上面的表格/图片所展示的那样10、讨论类书面表达常用的的三段论模式:议题:Recen

18、tly we have discussed whether/had a heated discussion about whether/Yesterday we made a survey about观点: Many people (to be exact 70%) think it is right to /agree with this idea/70% of the students /people thinkThe students/those who are for/against it think 赞成/反对的人认为自己的看法:In my opinion /As for me I

19、think /Personally 11.go online 上网 surf the Internet 12.learn the latest information at home and abroad 获取国内外的最新消息13.make our life colorful and varied 让生活多彩多样 and around our school 校内外 class 培训班 .have a private teacher 请家教 weak in 在方面弱 do well in 在很好17.It all depends whether 是否那要

20、视情况来定18.Its every citizens duty to do sth. 干某事是每个公民的责任19.cut down the expenses on 削减的开支三、健康状况及看病治疗1. be in good/poor health 身体(不)健康 be in good condition 身体(状态)好2.have got a high/slight fever 发高烧/有点儿发烧have a slight/bad cold 有点儿感冒/重感冒3.have got a pain in ones throat/leg/back 嗓子疼4.take ones temperature

21、 量体温 take this medicine 吃这种药5.take one or two pills twice a day 一天两次,一次一到两粒 good for/do good to ones health 对某人身体有好处7.Its nothing serious. 没什么大不了的8.饮食与健康词汇短语keep warm注意保暖 green food绿色食品full of energy精力充沛have the habit of有的习惯 refresh振作精神 fashion时尚keep sb fit/healthy使某人保持健康go on a diet节食(动作)be on

22、a diet节食(状态)lose weight减肥 have a balanced diet均衡饮食avoid eating too much fat or sugarkeep off drink/cigarettes /drugs/fatty food不喝酒/不吸烟/不吸毒/不吃油腻食物benefit a lot from四课外活动、旅游1.take part in various/out of class activities 参加各种各样的课余活动 take computer lessons 选修电脑课2.We are enjoying a change from our busy li

23、fe in the city 我们想从繁忙的城市生活中变个花样3.get everything ready for 为做好一切准备4.gather at the school gate 在学校门口集中5.sign up for it at the Students Union 在学生会报名6.a summer camp 夏令营 go camping 去野营7. at Christmas 在圣诞节期间on New Years Eve 在除夕夜 in the Spring Festival 在春节 on May Day 在五一节8. compete in a contest 参加比赛9.congr

24、atulate sb. on sth. /congratulations to sb on sth. 祝贺某人10.put up a notice saying 张贴通知说11.the Summer Palace/the Great Wall 颐和园/长城12.pick flowers 摘花 pick up a wallet 捡起一个钱包13.a relay race 一个接力赛五、环保、污染与低碳生活 (1)词汇短语pollute sth污染某物 protect air from being pollutedsave energy节省能源 fresh air新鲜空气recycling pla

25、stic再生塑料reduce waste减少浪费make great contributions to protecting the environment为保护环境做出巨大贡献preserve natural resources保护自然资源environmental destruction环境破坏waste gas,plastic waste废塑料earthquakes/Hurricanes/ floods /storms/ typhoons /sandstormsdevelop renewable resources开发可再生资源(2)句子1)As a result,only quite

26、limited fresh water resource is available to human beings2)Some people throw rubbish anywhere as they like and even burn rubbishIt is known to all that burning rubbish will give off poisonous smoke and dust which in turn pollute air.3)People sometimes have to make their way through dusty winds as a

27、result of the pollution.4)As we all know the pollution of water does great harm not only to living things but also to human beings. Worse still it poses a threat to mans existing.5)Its high time that the government took effective measures to protect water resources stop pollution and save water.6)Mo

28、st importantly we should strengthen our awareness of environmental protection. Otherwise we cant survive on the earth.7)People havent realized the important part trees play in our daily life.8)They cut down trees at will which causes the soil to be washed away. Gradually more and more fields are becoming desert.9)In order to create

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