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初中英语《Unit 7 Whats the matterSection B 2a2e》优质课教案教学设计Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、1. 能掌握以下重点词汇和句子:【词汇】rock, climber, take risks,accident free situation bandage knife, blood, decision, control, spirit, death【重点句子】A: As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risksB: Aron tells of the importance of making gooddecisions, and of being in control of ones life.2. 能通过教师的示范,尝试运用“事件发生的

2、顺序”、“查词典,结合上下文理解新单词”等阅读策略,读懂有关意外伤害的文章。 3.通过完成阅读的各项任务,理清语篇的框架结构,并能复述。4. 在生活中遇到意外或困难时,能够给出自己的建议,做出明智抉择。【教具准备】多媒体 词典【Teaching Procedures】Step 1. Before reading 环节一: Free talkTeacher : (放幻灯片 1)“Do you like doing homework?” “Do you like doing sports?”这一环节引导学生回答,激发学生兴趣。 (放幻灯片 2)When we do sports, sometime

3、s, something terrible will happen, for example, if we play soccer, we may fall down, get hit by a ball. If we climb a mountain, what may happen? Canyou tell me? 叫二至三名同学回答。Teacher: Sometimes doing sports is dangerous. If somethingterrible happens, what should we do ? Face it or run away from it.引导学生回

4、答“face it.”环节二: Deal with some new words Teacher: (放幻灯片 3)My friend Aron Ralston face it , too. He comes from America.Is he cool? 在做好铺垫的基础上,引入 Aron Ralston. (放幻灯片 4)What is he doing? Whats this? Its a rock.Aron likes climbing mountains. He is a mountain climber. He likestaking risks. Risk means doin

5、g something dangerous.通过图片学习词汇 rock, climber, risk. (放幻灯片 5)Look at this picture. Whats the matter with him? Does he have half his right arm? Yes , he lost half his right arm in anaccident. Accident means something terrible. 学 习 词 汇accident. Why did he lose half his right arm? Lets read his story. T

6、urn to P53.设计意图:引导学生对课文的题目、图片等进行仔细观察,在学习部分词汇的基础上,让学生利用已有的知识结构,生活经历对课文内容进行预先猜测. 这不仅极大地激发了学生的阅读兴趣,同时也为下一步更有效地阅读铺平了道路。Step 2 While-reading环节一: Skimming: (放幻灯片 6)Read quickly and answer the questions:1. What is he interested in?2. Why did he lose his arm?3. Does Aron go on mountain climbing?引导学生找出答案。 le

7、arn how to use a dictionary. Teacher: (放幻灯片 7)There are some new words in the passage. They aredifficult for us. A dictionary can help us. If we have new words, we canlook them up in the dictionary (放幻灯片 8)For example, in the sentence “Because he could not freehis arm, he stayed here for five days ”

8、, what does “free”mean? In the dictionary, there are some meanings, but onlyone is the best for the sentence. 引导学生找出答案。 (放幻灯片 9)Do you know them? Please work in groups and use yourdictionary to find out the meanings and how to read them.帮助学生学习掌握 situation bandage decision spirit 的读音及用法。环节三 Careful-r

9、eadingTask 1 Deal with Para 1 and Para.2 Teacher: (放幻灯片 10)WhenWhereThere are four paragraphs in the passage. Please read paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 carefully, and fill in the chart. Aron had an accident. When is it? Where is it? What happened? How did he do?WhatA fell on his arm. He couldnt his ar

10、m. He there for days and hopedsomeone would him.His water He would do something to his own life.HowFirst, he used his knife to half his right arm. Then, he himself with his left arm. After that, he down the mountain to findhelp.引导学生找出答案,并核对。Task 2: Deal with Para 3 and Para.4 Teacher: (放幻灯片 11)Read

11、para.3 and para.4 carefully and answer the questions.1. What did Aron do after the accident?2. What does “Between a rock and a hard place” mean ?Step 3 After-readingTask 1: Practice (放幻灯片 12)Put the sentences into the correct order. Sentence B is thefirst. A :On April 26,2003, he had a serious mount

12、ain climbingaccident. B: Aron loves mountain climbing and doesnt mind takingrisks. C:Aron did not give up after the accident and keeps onclimbing mountains today. D:He wrote a book about his experience. E:Aron lost half his right arm from the 2003 accident. Retell the passage Teacher: (放幻灯片 13)Lets

13、retell Arons story . Please finish it.Aron Ralston is an American mountain c who likes taking r . On April 26, 2003, when he was climbing, a big r fell on him and he couldnt f his arm. He had to c off half his right arm to save his life. His l for mountainclimbing is so great that he kept on climbin

14、g mountains. We should learn from his s .Task 3: Groupwork (放幻灯片 14)Accidents and problems often happen in our life. Please discuss in groups. If we are caught in fire in a room, what should we do?Task 4: Summary (放幻灯片 15)Summarize what we have learned?Task 5: Homework (放幻灯片 16)Please write down your advice when we are caught in fire.

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