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1、Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc.CPU: PC PENTIUM3Version: VxWorks5.5.1BSP version: 1.2/3Creation date: Oct 13 2005, 18:37:29ZZ Boot Version : 1.08 Boot Build : 43 Boot BSP Ver : 0302.0700 Creation date:23Press any key to stop auto-boot. 2 快速按下任意键,进入串口调试模式BSP BOOT Menu Operation Monitor Ta

2、sk Starting (MAX: 120 Second). +-+ | B O O T P A S S W O R D N O T I C E | |-| | 1. Password String: 3GPLAT (CASE NOT SENSITIVE) | | 2. Input Timeout : 120 Seconds, or else Reboot the Board | | 3. Max Input Retry: 5 Times, or else Booting bypass boot menu | Boot Password(3GPLAT or 3gplat)-3gplat 输入b

3、oot的密码BSP Kill Monitor Task tBootMoni Successfully!BootMode Selection as follow: 0 - Auto boot(boot and get version from omp) 1 - Config MP net parameters(only for Omp and Cmp) 2 - Initialize flash (load flash device and init file system) 3 - Erase all flash (all data on flash will be lost) 4 - Clon

4、e flash (clone flash to host image file) 5 - Restore flash (Restore flash from host image file) 6 - Download from pc (down vxworks from pc to flash) 7 - Download selftest program (down test program from pc to flash) 8 - Run release (run the vxworks on flash down by operaion 6) 9 - Run the selftest p

5、rogram on flash down by operation 7 r - Return to the original vxworks menu ? - Print this help list3GPlat Boot: 1 进入配置OMP参数模式 *Init* This is two cascade 32M DiskOnChip Millennium Plus Chip - G2 Creat tffs device for DOC/DOC0/ - disk check in progress . initialized.dosChkLib : CLOCK_REALTIME is bein

6、g reset to FRI OCT 28 08:38:54 2005Value obtained from file system volume descriptor pointer: 0x36a9ccThe old setting was THU JAN 01 00:00:01 1970Accepted system dates are greater than THU DEC 27 00:00 1990/DOC0/ - Volume is OK total # of clusters: 31,929 # of free clusters: 13,861 # of bad clusters

7、: 0 total free space: 27,722 Kb max contiguous free space: 25,595,904 bytes # of files: 39 # of folders: 5 total bytes in files: 36,070 Kb # of lost chains: total bytes in lost chains:Flash Ver Dir /DOC0/VER/ already exist!Config selection: 1 - Set Omp(or Cmp)s Omc Ip and Mac! 2 - Set Omp Boot Paras

8、! 3 - Set OMP Boot Type ! 4 - Set Net_Element Bureau No.! 5 - Quit config, return to bootmenu! 6 - print this help listEnter your selection(1/2/3/4/5):1 进入模式1,设置OMP的IP和MAC位置Please enter Ip(may include netmask) in dotted notationas ,such as!Enter OMPs OMC Ip address: OM

9、P IP位置,和iOMCR的设置保持一致OMPs OMC Ip netmask is set default value 0xFF000000!s OMC Ip is :!s OMC Ip netmask is :0xFF000000!0x81001f0c!0xff000000!Write flash bootcfg.ini file succ!Please enter Mac in dotted decimal notationas ,such as!s OMC Mac address: 直接回车,使用缺省MAC位置Input is

10、null, nothing done!Please enter Gateway Ip(Not include netmask) in dotted notationas,such as!s Gateway Ip address: 直接回车Input is null, 0 is set!Please enter OMC Server Ip (Not include netmask) in dotted notationas,such as!Enter OMC Server Ip address: 直接回车2 进入模式2,设置OMC服务器的IP位置Please en

11、ter Ip in dotted decimal notationas ,such as!Enter OMC Ip address: Ip is :!OMC FTPSVR IP is :Write flash /DOC0/VER/ompboot.inf file succ!Enter OMC FTPSVR User Name: uep 输入登录OMC服务器的FTP用户名OMC FTPSVR User Name is :uep!Enter OMC FTPSVR PassWord: uep 输入登录OMC服务器的FTP密码OMC

12、FTPSVR PassWord is :Enter OMC FTPSVR FilePath:/tmp/ftp/version/bsc12 输入OMC服务器上ompcfg.ini的实际路径(格式是/tmp/ftp/version/bscX ,注意tmp前有“/”)。Input is null, OMC FTPSVR FilePath is tmp/ftp/version/bsc12!Enter OMP CFGINFO FileName: ompcfg.ini 输入配置文件名OMP CFGINFO FileName is :ompcfg.ini!3 进入模式3,选择本次调试的OMP boot启动类

13、型Please Set OMP Boot Type:(0 is Boot From OMC; 1 is Boot From Local Flash)Enter Select: 0 选择从OMC服务器加载文件You Set is :0!4 进入模式4,设置交换局号Please enter Bureau No.(0255) :!Enter Bureau No.: 12Bureau No. is :12!5 进入模式5,快速退出OMP配置模式Quit config and return to BootMenu! 0 进入自动启动模式BSPmemCheck 0x00408000 to 0x024080

14、00.OK!BSPmemCopy 0x3e000000 to 0x00408000 Size 0x02000000.DONE!BSPmemCheck 0x3e000000 to 0x40000000.OK!BSPmemCopy 0x00408000 to 0x3e000000 Size 0x02000000.DONE!5 OMP自动启动之后会从OMC服务器上下载版本文件和FPGA文件。OMP正常启动后,MPX86单板上对应的“RUN”灯应慢闪;在超级终端提示符-下输入“SCSShowMcmInfo”后回车,出现如下提示:SCSMCProc: End all 69 base process po

15、wer on sucess. Current Proc InnerState is MASTER Current MCM State is WORK value = 1 = 0x1 说明打印显示的单板状态为:“MASTER”和“WORK”,表示OMP单板处于正常工作状态,否则为不正常。上传ZXG10.cfgZXG10.cfg是前台变量配置文件,其内容举例如下:NOT SEND CIRCUITPOOL = 0 ;是否不向MSC上报CircuitPool字段,;缺省为0,表示上报,1则表示对接的是贝尔的MSC,不上报该字段USERPRIENABLE = 0 ;斯里兰卡EGSM/PGSM信道分配策略

16、,0: 不启用; 1: 启用CELL ID CFG = 0 ;CELLID类型,0: CELLID_LAC_CI, 1: CELLID_CGICBC OMCR USED = 1 ;是否使用FBI接口的CBC功能, 0: 不使用FBI接口, 1: 使用FRONTEND IP = ;前置机IP位置ZXG10.cfg应通过ftp上传到OMP、CMP单板的 /DOC0/CFG 目录下,上传后需要复位OMP、CMP才能使配置生效。当OMP、CMP上缺少该配置文件时,也能正常运行起来,此时前台变量使用缺省值。所以上传操作也可以在OMP、CMP运行正常后再进行。ZXG10.cfg随

17、版本一起发布,位于MP版本所在目录下,比如:iBSCV6.00.100aReleaseMPX86_2MP。常用调试命令在超级终端或telnet上可以输入一些调试命令,查看单板运行情况。telnet登录时用户名和密码都是:zte。输入调试命令时要注意大小写。(1)SCSShowMcmInfo功能:显示主控进程上电过程的相关信息,用于判断单板版本是否运行正常。用法:输入SCSShowMcmInfo输出:主控进程上电状态。如果显示如下信息,表示单板上所有进程上电成功: End all 119 base process power on success. Current Proc InnerState

18、 is MASTER 单板主备状态 Current MCM State is WORK “WORK”表示进程上电成功如下信息则表示有的进程上电不成功: Base process pZDB_Startup power on failed. Current Proc InnerState is MASTER Current MCM State is WAIT_PROC_POWER_ON(2)SCSShowVerInfo显示单板版本信息。输入SCSShowVerInfo单板版本信息。举例如下:PLAT_VERSION_ID : ZX3GPF V05.03.30PLAT_PATCH_DATE_LIST

19、 : 2007081000PLAT_PATCH_DATE_URGENT :CPU VerInfo is :wLgcBrdType is 20!wPhyBrdType is 69!wVerType is 1!wFuncType is 1!dwVersionNo(Hex) is 6000A40!wCpuType is 65535!dwPCBNum(Hex) is FFFFFFFF!dwFileSize is 4914848!dwVerCheckSum is 826659844!acVerFileName is IBSC_MPX86_2_MP_P4_V6.00.102A_Z.BIN!FPGA Ver

20、Info is :wLgcBrdType is 65535!wVerType is 2!dwVersionNo(Hex) is 3006A!dwFileSize is 73632!dwVerCheckSum is 315893148!acVerFileName is MPX862_03_040703_FPGA_106.rbf!(3)NfsShowState显示刀片服务器(前置机)当前状态。输入NfsShowState刀片服务器当前状态。刀片服务器运行正常,并且和OMP通信正常时,显示如下:NFS SVR IP: SVR State: ONLINENFS SVR

21、Mount State: OKLocal Device Name: /nfsDev刀片服务器和OMP通信中断时,显示如下: OFFLINE, HeartBeating Timeout UnMounted(4)reboot复位单板。输入reboot无。常见问题分析在OMP安装调试过程中,有可能出现运行不正常的情况,下面列出了一些可能出现的问题,并给出了相应的排查方法。(1)超级终端上无显示,不能输入故障现象:在超级终端上无显示,输入回车时,不出现shell提示符“MPX86_2-”。分析解决:当单板CPU版本运行起来后,会禁止串口输出,解决方法是输入3gzte,再输入回车,看是否出现提示符。检查串口线两端插的是否正确。手工复位单板,看串口上是否有打印,如果没打印,可能串口线有问题。(2)背板拨码开关不正确RUN灯快闪(5Hz),ALM灯常灭。超级终端上不停地打印:Boot Task send to msg succ! 注意IP位置是128.0.31.1Boot Task send to msg succ!Master OMP Req Mag Send times is 8!Timer Task

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