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1、group occulting light klti 联名暗光single occulting light 明暗光(亮的时间等于或长于暗的时间)dock 码头,船坞forecastle deck fuksl 艏楼甲板go aground 搁浅fire extinguisher ikstiwi灭火器first aid kit 急救箱air bottle 压缩空气瓶breathing apparatus bri:i preits 氧气呼吸器CO2 extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器(CO2 是carbon dioxidek:bn daiksaid的缩写foam extinguisher fum

2、 泡沫灭火器water fog (消防)水雾dry chemical 干粉general alarm 全船警报fire alarm 火警fog bell 雾钟emergency bell im:dnsi 应急钟poop deck pu:p 船尾甲板bridge 驾驶台engine room 机舱on fire 起火under attack tk受到攻击flood 进水aground raund搁浅的gyro compass repeater dair kmps ripi:t陀螺罗经复示器 hand flare fl(救生)手持火焰信号SART(Search and Rescue Transpo

3、nder) trnspnd搜救雷达应答器EPIRB(Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) bi:kn应急无线电示位标engine control room 主机控制室helm helm 舵(轮)communication center 通信中心isophase light aisfeiz 等明暗光telescope teliskup望远镜sextant sekstnt六分仪leading light 导航叠标灯registered length redistd 登记长度overall length=Length Overall(LOA) uvr

4、:l le总长the greatest length 最大长度general cargo vessel 杂货船container ship 集装箱船Ro-Ro ferry 滚装渡轮oil tanker 油轮passenger ship psind客船bulk carrier blk 散装货轮capstan kpstn 绞盘cargo winch wint 起货机windlass windls 起锚机anchor chain 锚链shackle kl 卸扣chronometer krnmit天文钟gyro compass 陀螺罗经protective clothing prtektiv klui

5、防护服overalls 工装裤工作裤immersion suit im:n 浸水服ahead 向前astern st:n 向后abeam bi:m正横aloft lft 向上helmet helmit头盔fire station 救火位置muster station mst 集合地点embarkation station emb:kein登艇位置boat station 救生位置life buoy with light and smoke 带灯和烟雾信号的救生圈lifebuoy with line 带救生索的救生圈lifebuoy with light 带灯的救生圈radar transpon

6、der 雷达应答器portable radio p:tbl 便携式无线电line throwing appliance plains(救生)抛绳设备rescue boat 救助艇survival craft svaivl 救生艇(筏)evacuation slide ivkjuein 撤离滑梯emergency ladder 应急梯子davit launched liferaft l:ntt 吊艇柱释放救生筏pilot ladder 引航梯survival craft distress signal distres 救生艇遇险信号rocket parachute flares pru:t(遇险

7、)火箭降落伞信号childs lifejacket 儿童救生衣sprinkler system sprikl自动喷水灭火系统smoke detector ditekt烟雾探测器powder extinguisher 干粉灭火器二、单句Superintendents sju:printendnt监督Greece ri:s 希腊Greek ri:k 希腊人Canada knd 加拿大Canadian kneidjn 加拿大人Africa frik 非洲African frikn 非洲人America merik 美国American merikn 美国人Britain britn 英国Britis

8、h briti 英国人date of birth 出生日 born 出生的Please read 请说明I want to know 我想知道galley li 厨房storeroom 贮藏室next to 紧邻的beside 在-旁边;挨着hospital 医院to the right of the Pilots.在引航员房间的右边on the same deck as the Pilots.和引航员在同一甲板Between-and-在-之间on the right 在右边pump room pmp 泵房ratings mess-room reiti 船员餐厅take over the wa

9、tch 接班washing machines 洗衣机laundry l:ndri 洗衣房steward stjud 船上服务员bin 船员房间offices mess room 驾驶员餐厅radio room 无线电室,报房turn right 向右转go up these stairs one level stz 上一层楼梯next to the hospital 紧邻医院assemble sembl 集合in case of emergency 如果发生紧急情况the major cities in my country 我国的大城市be familiar with fmilj 熟悉shi

10、ps particulars ptikjulz 船舶资料ships safety features fi:tz 船舶安全装置三、对话seamans book and passport p:sp:t海员证和护照Genoa(热那亚), Italy denu意大利热那亚Berlin Germany b:lin d:mni 德国柏林Immigration office mirein 移民局办公室Immigration officer 移民局官员crew list 船员名单dining room 饭厅galley 厨房in order 状况良好chart room 海图室safety video vid

11、iu 安全录像ISPS: International Ship and Port facility Security Code国际船舶和港口设施保安规则 fsiliti sikjuriticomedy kmidi喜剧action movies 动作片Rambo movies 好斗的电影fire alarm 火灾报警器on the wall of the laundry 在洗衣间的墙上life jacket 救生衣cupboard kbd 碗橱life buoy 救生圈fire extinguisher 灭火器First Aid equipment 急救器材deck railings reili

12、z 甲板栏杆corridor krid: 走廊Rio de Janeiro ri(:)u d dniru 里约热内卢(巴西港市,州名)Bogota bgt 波哥大 (哥伦比亚首都)Buenos Aires bwensairiz布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)Caracas krks加拉加斯(委内瑞拉首都)Lima li:m利马(秘鲁首都)La Paz l: pz 拉巴斯(玻利维亚西部城市)calm sea 风平浪静的海面souvenirs su:vniz纪念品open market 自由市场ready to order 准备点菜/定货Latte 牛奶(意大利文)cafeteria kfitiri

13、自助餐厅;咖啡馆vegetable 蔬菜cabbage kbid 卷心菜20 men consumption knsmpn 20 人用量frozen chicken fruzn 冻鸡lamb lm 羊羔肉loaf luf 块(面包)jacket 短上衣,夹克port 港口book shop 书店bank 银行restaurant restrnt 餐馆,饭店railway station 火车站shopping mall m:l大型购物中心hotel 旅馆cinema sinm 电影院land (指船舶)靠岸to declare dikl 向海关申报应纳税物品customs hall kstmz

14、 海关申报厅pay duty 纳税duty-free allowances launsiz 海关免税限量visa vi:z 签证hotel clerk kl:k旅馆服务员set dinner 套餐a la carte : l: k:t照菜单点菜,有别于套餐foreign exchange department 外币兑换部parcel p:sl包裹surface mail s:fis水陆路邮寄air mail 航空邮寄rank=position 职位martial status m:l steits婚姻状况第二章 进出港业务 一、单句quarantine ground 检疫场地pratique

15、入港许可quarantine inspection 检疫检查health clearance 健康检查pratique signal 检疫信号信号字母表示意义如下G: I require a pilot 我申请引航员H: I have a pilot on board 我船有引航员在船Q: My vessel is healthy and I require free pratique. 我船健康申请免疫 P: All persons to report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea 船舶将要开航,所有船员回船。lower=

16、let down 降下vaccination list 接种名单yellow book 黄皮书Bill of Heath 船舶健康证书sanitary inspection=quarantine inspection 检疫检查 passenger list 旅客名单infected area 疫区living quarters 住舱disinfect=sanitize 消毒inoculated against 接种预防injected against 注射预防infectious disease 传染病epidemic=plague 瘟疫;瘟疫流行last port of call 上一个挂靠

17、港fumigate 熏舱make germ free 消除生物和细菌hydrocyanic gas 氰化氢气体openings-hatches 舱口vaccinate=inoculate 接种 预防接种rat guards 挡鼠板mandatory=compulsory 强制的De-ratting Exemption Certificate 免除鼠证书joint inspection 联检unnecessary 不必要的tally with 与 相符manifest 舱单general cargo 杂货bulk cargo 散装货explosive cargo 爆炸性货物flammable c

18、argo 易燃货物dangerous cargo 危险货物fill out=fill in 填写customs declaration 海关申报表shore passes 登陆证landing card=shore pass 登陆许可 in duplicate=two copies 两份application form 申请表the validity of the landing cards 登陆证的有效期observe=obey 遵守declare 申报foreign currency 外币shifting order 移泊指令package of mail 邮件包裹declaration

19、( 货物) 申报cargo list 装船清单stowage plan 积载图overtime pay 加班费damage report 损坏报告hold space 舱容broken space 亏舱charterer 承租人fuel oil 燃油diesel oil 柴油二、对话patient 病人provisions list 供应品清单food supplies 粮食、食品food store 食品库store list 物料清单customs allowance of cagarettes and spirits 烟酒的海关限量dunnage planks an mats 垫舱木板和

20、席子viscosity 粘度technician 技术员、技师to victual our ship 给船舶储备食品ship chandler 船舶供应商settle the accounts for 与 结清账目departure formalities 离港手续clearance permit 出港证书violate 违犯deck stores 甲板物料agent 代理paint and ropes 油漆和绳索wire brushes and scrapers 钢丝刷和刮刀cut down the price 压价come to a decision 做出 决定bilge pumps 船底

21、排水泵submerged pump 潜水泵beans 青豆discount 打折bonded stores 保税物品by the dozen 按打销售purser 船舶管事invoice 发票bill 账单import manifest 进口舱单第三章 靠离与锚泊业务一、 单句relative north-up (雷达)相对运动北向上显示relative course-up(雷达)相对运动航向向上显示forecastle 船舶首喽post (在指定位置)派设;贴布告bow 船首look out 了望人员port wing 上甲板的左侧let go=cast off 解缆,抛锚stand by=

22、get ready 准备好walk back 倒转绞盘,以便松出锚链ease 送出hawse pipe h:z 锚链筒shackle 链节,是锚链长度的基本单位,等于27.5米dredge dred 拖(锚)anchor position 锚位foul=cross faul (锚)回到锚链筒towing lines 拖缆make fast 挽牢fairleads fli:d 导缆孔quarter 船侧后部;尾舷centre lead 中央导缆孔heaving lines hi:vi 撇缆slack away slk (绳子等)放松,松弛heave away 向外拉on each bow 在船首

23、两舷on each quarter 在船后部两舷dolphins dlfinz 系缆桩linesmen 系缆工shackles 卸扣pick up 收紧slacks 松弛be made tight 拉紧 check (=ease away)使绳缆有控制地慢慢溜出停止slack away 放松pilot ladder 引航员梯(供引航员上下船用的绳梯)leeside 下风舷above water 水面上aft 向船尾;在船尾clear of 离开discharge=outlets 排水孔accommodation ladder kmdein 舷梯in combination with kmbin

24、ein 与-结合gangway wei 舷梯hoist hist 升降机,起重机alongside 在-旁边boarding speed 登船速度embark imb:k 登船disembark 离船clear 离开;消失;通过,穿过,不接触get away 离开heave to 顶风停航quay ki: 码头vacant berth veiknt 空闲的泊位searchlight/projector prdekt 探照灯suspend sspend 暂停,其反义词是resume恢复discontinue diskntinju 停止,其反义词是continue 继续transfer trnsf

25、: 转乘(指引航员从引航艇登上大船)single up 单绑diesel di:zl 柴油机turbine t:bin 涡轮机be manned 有人操纵的the bridge-engine room controlling system 驾驶台机舱控制系统engine particulars 主机参数in an emergency 在紧急的时候extra power ekstr 额外动力variable/controllable pitch propeller vribl prpel可调螺距螺旋桨fixed pitch propeller 固定螺距螺旋桨right-hand propeller 右旋螺旋桨left-hand propeller 左旋螺旋桨bow thruster 船首侧推器propulsion system prpln 推进系统turn inward or outward (螺旋桨)内旋或外旋the diameter of the turning circle daimit 旋回圈的直径the advance and transfer distance 旋回纵距和横距crash-stop 急停车operational 操作中的;能使用的be

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