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高中高一英语必修3 Unit3教案文档格式.docx

1、2. 教学难点(1) 了解百万英镑及其作者马克吐温的时代背景,提高学生的文学修养和培养学生的跨文化意识;(2) 学习语言交际中委婉请求、请求允许和点餐的表达法;(3) 学习怎样去写或编一个短剧和更难的比较长的戏剧。III教学计划本单元建议分六课时:第一、二课时:Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending第三课时:Using Language 第四课时:Learning about Language 第五、六课时:WorkbookIV教学步骤:Period 1 & 2 Pre-reading, Reading &Teaching Goals:1. To talk a

2、bout short stories and plays.2. To develop Ss reading skills.3. To arouse Ss interest in acting out a play and writing a play.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Pre-reading Purpose: To arouse Ss interest in learning about the attitudes of different people.1. Show some pictures and encourage Ss to get as mu

3、ch information as possible. Then ask them to answer the following questions.(1) When you get a large amount of money to use as you like, what will you do with it? Why?(2) Have you ever made a et with a friend? If so, what did you bet on? (3) How did you feel about the bet after it was won or lost?(4

4、) Have you ever read the story “The Million Pound Bank-Note”?(5) Have you seen the movie? If so, what did you think of it?2. Get Ss to talk freely with their partners about the value and use of money. After talking, ask Ss to present their opinions in class.For Your Reference:S1: Ill buy a big house

5、, a new car of my own and get married to a beautiful girl. In my opinion, the most important thing for a person is to enjoy the life. So, if I have a lot of money, Ill make full use of it to meet my needs for a rich life. S2: Ill give some money of the one million pound to the poor people in the wes

6、tern part of our country to help them live a happy life, especially the children. Because they really need help and they can learn more knowledge in order to develop the western part of our country. This way of spending money is meaningful.Step 2. Leading-in To stimulate Ss interest in reading the t

7、ext.Ask Ss to think about the following questions and talk about the answers.1. How did Henry get the Million Pound Bank-Note?2. Do you agree that the money can bring Henry happiness?3. What will Henry do with the note?4. How many characters are there in this scene?5. When and where did the story ha

8、ppen?Step 3. Fast reading To get the gist of the passStep 4. Intensive reading to get the students to learn the details of the text.1. Ask Ss to read the text again and finish Ex1 of Comprehending on P19.2. Ask Ss to talk in pairs and answer the following questions.(1) How did Henry Adams come to En

9、gland?(2) Where did Henry work before? How much did he have?(3) What did the two gentlemen give Henry?(4) When can Henry open the letter?Suggested Answers:(1) It was the ship that brought him to England.(2) He worked for a mining company before and he had no money at all.(3) They gave him a letter.(

10、4) He cant open it until two oclock.3. Ask Ss to read the text very carefully and finish the following table.TimeIt is the (1) _ of (2) _. Place(3) _Main charactersHenry Adams He is a/an (4) _. He is (5) _ in London. He wants to (6) _.Roderick and Oliver They are (7) _. They (8) _Henry to their hous

11、e. They ask Henry a few (9) _. They give Henry a letter with (10) _ in it.EventThe brothers are making a (11) _ on Henry.(1) summer (2) 1903 (3) London (4) American businessman (5) lost (6) find a job (7) brothers (8) invited (9) questions (10) a million pound bank-note (11) betStep 5. Language poin

12、t1. go ahead(1) 进行;发生The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned. 新桥的建设将会按照计划进行。(2) 前进;继续做Despite the bad weather, they still went ahead with their plans. 尽管天气不好,他们仍按计划继续前进。(3) 取得进展,取得进步He is always going ahead. 他一直在进步。(4) (祈使句) 做吧,请吧 May I start now?我可以开始了吗? Yes, go ahead.好,开始吧。2. as a

13、matter of fact 实际上,事实上As a matter of fact, he was blamed for his not handing in the homework. 实际上,他因未交作业而受到责骂。Many people think that he is an honest man. As a matter of fact, he is a cheat. 许多人认为他是个诚实的人,而实际上,他是个骗子。3. by accident 偶然I found him in the airport by accident. 我在机场里偶然发现了他。4. stare at 注视,盯着

14、看He stared at the word trying to remember what it meant. 我盯着那个词看,想要回忆起它的意思。Its rude to stare at other people. 盯着别人看是不礼貌的。6. spot (1) v. (用眼睛)挑出,察出,认出I spotted her in the crowd. 我从人群中认出了他。(2) v 使染上斑点;点上污点 The ink spotted her white shirt. 我把她的白色衬衫上弄上了污点。(3) n 斑点;污点;圆点 She had spots on her face when sh

15、e was ill. 她生病的时候,脸上出现了斑点。(4) n 地点;场所 This is a nice spot for a house. 这是一个建房子的好地方。7. to be honest坦白地说To be honest, I dont like the course, but I must take it. 坦白地说,我不喜欢这门课,但我不得不修。8. care about 在乎;在意I dont care if I never see her again. 即使我永远见不到她,我也不在乎。Step 6. ExtensionAsk Ss to talk about the follo

16、wing questions in pairs. Many people are crazy about buying lottery tickets (彩票). What do you think of it? What kind of role do you think money plays in our daily Step 7. Homework1. Ask Ss to use the new words to make some new sentences.2. Ask Ss to retell the story in their own words.3. Ask Ss to f

17、inish Ex2 of Comprehending on P19.Period 3 Using Language 1. To continue the story and give Ss the opportunity to act out the play or act an interview.2. To improve Ss abilities of listening and writing.Step 1. Reading and acting To let Ss understand Mark Twins humors and try to act out the story.1.

18、 Pre-reading Ask Ss to try to get the meanings of the new words and let them read Act One loud to recall what happened before Scene 4.Suggested Answer:Henry Adams, an American businessman, had some very bad luck. He was lost in London. He had no money and did not know what he should do. When he was

19、walking down the street, he was invited into a house. Two brothers asked him a lot of questions and promised to help him. They gave him a letter, which Henry couldnt open it until two oclock. In fact, they made a bet on him. Now, after leaving their house, Henry steps into a restaurant.2. Reading (1

20、) Ask Ss to form several groups six, five of whom will take parts in the play. The sixth person will direct the acting. Let Ss read the play and pay attention to their language, making the language sound authentic. (2) Let Ss answer the following questions.1 What does Henry get from the letter?2 Is

21、the bank-note a fake?3 What are the differences between the attitudes of the owner?4 Why do you think the owner trust Henry at last? He gets a million pond bank-note. No. Because, two notes in this amount have been issued by the Bank of England this year. When the owner sees Henrys appearance, he lo

22、oks down upon him. Then Henry takes out the bank-note to pay his meal. The owner is shocked by it. And he changes his attitude towards Henry. The owner is so sophisticated (世故的) that he just pretends to be 3. Acting After reading the play, ask two or three groups to perform in front of the class. An

23、d let others choose the best group. Then suppose a journalist in London heard this unbelievable story: A millionaire in rags had a meal in a restaurant. He thought it might make an excellent article. So he rushed to that restaurant and interviewed the owner, the hostess and the waiter. Let the group

24、s act out the interview.4. Language point(1) order n 叫/要的菜 May I take you order now? 您的菜点好了吗? n 顺序,次序 The books are arranged in order of size. 书籍按尺寸码放。 n 命令 Soldiers must obey orders. 军人必须服从命令。 We did it on his order. 我们奉他之命做了那件事。 v 命令 The officer ordered his soldiers to march. 长官命令他的士兵前进。 v 预订,订购I

25、have ordered a new computer from the shop. 我从商店里订购了一台新电脑。Ive ordered a steak. 我点了一份牛排。(2). take a chance 碰运气As for whether he will win the game or not, we must take a chance. 对于他能否取胜,我们只能碰运气。(3) manner n 方法;方式Why are you talking in such a strange manner? 你为什么用这种奇怪的方式谈话? 态度;举止He talked to her in a ve

26、ry rude manner. 他很粗鲁地和她说话。 礼貌,礼节;风俗,习俗Its bad manners to talk with a mouth full. 嘴里有食物时说话不礼貌。You should have good manners all the time. 你应该时时刻刻都讲礼貌。These are the manners and customs of the Chinese. 这些是中国人的风俗习惯。(4) genuine adj 真正的; 真实的;名副其实的We cannot make sure it is a genuine painting. 我们不能确认它是一幅真画。

27、辨析: genuine指物品的来历或性质同所说的是一致的。如:a genuine antique 一件真古董。genuine knowledge 真知;真正的知识 real adj 真实的; 真正的;指从外表看来不是虚假或伪造的 That is a real dog, not a toy. 那是一条真狗,而不是一个玩具。 true adj 意为“真实的;确实的;确切的” 指符合实际情况。It is true that he has won the prize. 他确实赢得了奖品。Is it true that he is rich? 他很富有,是真的吗?(5) in rags穿着破旧衣服;穿得

28、破破烂烂的(状态)The old man is in rags. 那个老人穿得破破烂烂的。(6) indeed adv 的确是;实在是;当然 Did you hear the explosion last night? 你昨晚听见爆炸声了吗? Indeed I did. 我确实听到了。 (表示惊奇、反语等)真是的;的确 I earn $1000 a day. 我一天赚一千美元。 Indeed? 真的吗?(7) from the bottom of ones heart 衷心地,真诚地;发自内心地It was a request from the bottom of my heart. 这是我发自内心的请求。 拓展:break ones heart 让某人伤心learn sth by heart 记住 heart and

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