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1、Sometimes I can tthefindthings that I put 7 a moment ago Yesterday I had to take ataxi home, for I lost the key to my car Why not find another way out instead? You may consider having sports, and Chinese Tai Chi (太极拳) could be a 8 I ve beenpracticing it for a few months and now I feel moreenergetic

2、Would you like to have a try? I m afraid it s difficult to learn as I have got 9littleabout it In most cases, things are not just as what you see from the outsideTai Chi is not sohard as you imagine but you need to be10 enough I seeI will start to learn it and never stop in half way二、短文填空。 用下面方框中单词的

3、适当形式填入短文空格内,词限用一次) 。将答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。 (共 10 back bad express feel luck simple sweet thank使短文 意思正确、 通顺(每小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)it loudtwo warOnce upon a time, a young man came across a spring(泉水) of clear water while crossingthe desert The water was very sweet, and he filled his leather container (皮革容器) so

4、 that hecould bring some 1 to his teacher After a four-day journey, he presented the water to histeacherThe old man took a deep drink, smiled 2 and thanked his student very much for thesweet water The young man returned to his village with a happy heart After a while, theteacher let a 3 student tast

5、e the water He spat (吐) it out, saying it was terrible It wasclear that the water had become no longer fresh sweet because of the old leather container Thestudent questioned his teacher,“ Master, the water tastedWhystrangedidyou still like it?” Theteacher replied,“ 4Youtasted the water while I taste

6、d the gift The water was the containerfor an act of love and kindness and nothing could be5 ”After reading the story, we can understand that when we receive a chocolate as a gift from achild, we get more than the chocolate6 What we should do properly is to express7naturally to him or her because we

7、love the idea within the gift Gratitude(感谢) doesn alwayst come naturally 8, most children and manygrown-ups like only the thing givenrather than the9shown init We should remindourselves and teach our children about the beauty of feelings and10of gratitude Afterall,gifts from the heart are really gif

8、ts of the heart 12345678910三、阅读理解。(共10 小题,每小题1 分,计10 分)A根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,并将选 项的编号字母依次填入题号后横线上。(共 5 小题,每题 1 分,计 5 分)Have you ever taken photos by using mobile phones with selfie sticks(自拍杆) ? 1However, a pair of US artists from New Mexico, Arie Snee and Justin Crowe believe they haveinvente

9、d a better one and they call it “ selfiearm ”_2 It makes those people in the pictures seem to be holding handswith a loved one The pair say it offersa far better experience than using a straight stick The selfie armmakes people feelthey are not alone whenthey take photos 3They thinktheir inventionso

10、lves the main problemthat the selfie stick haspeople lookalone whilethey are takingpictures of themselves with great interests The product, at present, just an art project and amodel, conveniently provides you a welcoming arm 4 The pair say they are fascinated bythese new ideasThe“ selfiearm”is made

11、 of fiberglass 5The project that they work on shows thegrowing selfie stick Phenomenon(现象)directly and the increasing need for narcissism(自恋) and Internet agreementA It is lightweight and easy-taking B Thousands of “ selfie arms ” havemadebeenC It seems that they are together with their friends D Fo

12、r better or worse, they have taken the world by storm E This new invention is a small, useful and cleverly-designed toolFAnd better yet in the future, it ll talk in a friendly way andangryneveror upsetgetB阅读下面短文,根据其内容,补全表格中所缺信息。请将答案按编号依次填入表格内的题号后横线上。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分;计 10 分)Have you ever noticed that

13、 you seem to learn faster in certain classes but slowly in others?Maybe you think it s because of the different difficulties of subjects, but the real reason is that ourlearning types are different Now, you may wonder what a learning type is and how to find yours There are mainly three different lea

14、rning types: Visual, Auditory and KinestheticYou canbe a combination (混合)of learningtypes, but most people have one main typeVisuallearners learn best by seeing If you seem to easily remember information from pictures, chartsand videos, you are likelya visual learnerAuditorylearners learn best by he

15、aring If youseem to remember things by hearing them, then you are likely an auditory learnerKinesthetic learners learn best by doing If you seem to learn best by workingwith yourhands or testing out what you are shown, you are likely a kinesthetic learner So now that you know your personal learning

16、style, the trick is to find out how to use yournew-found knowledge to help you in your classes Tips for Visual Learners Pay attention! For visual learners, this is very important! If your teacher uses a PowerPoint,watch the pictures carefully and find out what they might include and their hidden mea

17、nings Take notes by drawing charts and connecting ideas instead of just copying down alist This way, your brain will easily connect the different concepts(概念)You can evendraw pictures if you find that works better for you Mark your notes or your note cards in different colors This will help your bra

18、in inkeeping all of the information separate Different colors show different types of information orimportance Download the PowerPoint if your teacher puts it on QQ This way, you can review thembefore an examTips for Auditory Learners Again, pay attention! If you aren listenin g while the lecture is

19、 happening, then as anauditory learner, you re missing the easiest way forlearnyouto If your teacher allows you to record the lecture, record it for future listening If you find that talking notes stops you from listening, ask a friend if you can borrow his orher notes or write down everything you r

20、emember right after the lessonTips for Kinesthetic Learners The first point is paying attention once again! For kinesthetic learners, it sespecially important to take notes either by writing or typing, in order to actively get information as youreceive it Make use of laboratories and other class act

21、ivities Focus on what yourelearning fromthe experience and pay close attention to the process that you go through Visualize! That is to imagine yourself picking up information and putting it into a category(类别) This may sound silly, but in this way youre“doing ”something without actuallyphysically d

22、oing it Rewrite notes and reread information Try to translate the information intoexamples This can help kinesthetic learners remember what they need to know 2The writer3learn best by seeing s writing purpose:adviceIn class:watch the pictures carefully and try to 4them completely Draw charts or pict

23、ures onyour notebook After class: Use different colors as 5 ofdifferent kinds of information on your notes ornote cards Downloadand review yourlearn best by hearingteacher s PowerPoint 6 and6ifyour teacherallows Don t take notes if it stops you fromlistening Borrow your friend snotes orwrite down ev

24、erything according to 7right after the lessonKinestheticlearn best by doing Take your notes by writingortyping Takeof learning in laboratoriesand other class activities Focus on learning9 Visualize yourlearning Writedown the information in your notebook and tryto put it in the form of10 and read the

25、notes again四、书面表达(计 15 分)请根据以下交通事故因素( factors)统计图表,以 “Major causes of traffic accidents 为”题,用英语写一篇简短的分析报告,向学校英语报投稿。注意:1报告需逐条陈述下面 pie chart 和 bar chart (柱状图) 中呈现的主要内容。 (至少 5点)2提出你对交通安全总的看法。(至少 2 点)3词数: 100 词左右,所给标题不计入总词数。一、1、 awake:前文说金夫人很难入睡,可由此推测出:她甚至有时整夜都 “醒 着 ”。2、 matters:第二句建议金夫人看医生,并说明睡眠对人的身体健康

26、真的很紧要,加上睡眠在此做主语,故matter要用第三人称单数形式matters。3、 influence :此句在说医生警告金夫人晚上睡眠问题对她的 “影响 ”。4、 troubles :第 4,5 空联系很紧密, little, 一词告诉我们药物和数数都收效甚微,因此金夫人就为此烦恼。5、worked :此处的成现在完成时,故填little 非常重要,直接说明药物和数数收效甚微,再worked 。加上要和have构6、 admit :本句意思是金夫人不得不承认既定事实,她正慢慢开始丢失记忆。7、 just/away:第 6,7 空联系紧密,互相支撑逻辑,前文说金夫人已经承认开始丢失记忆,后文更举例说她有时会找不到刚放不久的东西。8、way:原词复现,前文说可以找“ another way”另一个办法,解决睡眠问题,后文就说太极可能是一种办法,故填 way。9、 knowledge :此句说金夫人担心太极很难学,因为她知道太

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