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本文(unit 6《enjoying cycling》单元教案仁爱湘教版八年级下初中英语Word格式文档下载.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

unit 6《enjoying cycling》单元教案仁爱湘教版八年级下初中英语Word格式文档下载.docx

1、Ss: Good morning, Miss/Mr.! We learnt the words about feelings in Unit 5. Do you remember them? Volunteers!S1: Sad, happy.S2: Upset, exciting. Well done! We know that different colors, environments or other things can cause different feelings. Could you tell us what can make you happy?S3: Swimming c

2、an make me happy.S4: Going to Beijing can make me happy. Id like to go to Beijing.(学生们流利地回答问题,说出能使自己快乐的事。) Do you know what can make me happy? Going on a field trip can make me happy. Id like to visit places of interest. Would you like to go on a visit? Yes. Now, here are some pictures about places

3、of interest. Please look at them. (把图片分发给学生,让他们轮流看,激发学生的学习兴趣。过一会儿拿回图片,然后出示泰山的图片。 Mount Tai is very wonderful. If Im free, Id like to go on a two-day visit to Mount Tai. Would you like to visit it with me? Yes, of course. OK. Lets go on a two-day visit to Mount Tai. But how can we go there? (板书并教学,要求

4、学生掌握field。 a field tripgo on a visit a two-day visit toStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 12分钟)呈现1a,教学生词和动词不定式。(教师呈现含有交通工具的图片或玩具,让学生用by表示。 (出示自行车的图片或玩具。)Look at this picture. We can go there by By bike.(用同样的方式分别呈现火车、公共汽车、飞机的图片或玩具。 By train./By bus./By plane. Great! We call them vehicles. Here,“by plane”

5、 we can also say“by airplane”.(板书并教学生词,要求学生掌握vehicle和airplane。 by bikevehicles by train by bus by plane/airplane2. (用小黑板幻灯片出示下列句子。让学生先观察这些句子,然后听1a的录音并完成句子。There are other vehicles for us .Do you know the best way there?Its hard .Id love by airplane.We will decide on the best way on our field trip. L

6、ook at these sentences, listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.3. (核对答案,教师用彩笔给出答案。4. (让学生观察这些句子,并找出共同点。 Look at these sentences again. Pay attention to the underlined parts. They(教师总结并简单解释动词不定式。 Nice work! We call them “Infinitives”.(教师板书动词不定式的结构)to+v.5. (读1a,找出新单词和短语,并根据上下文的语境猜测词义。 Read 1a and f

7、ind the new words and phrases.(教学下列生词和短语,要求学生掌握。find out, task, airline, decideStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 10分钟)巩固1a,讲解动词不定式的用法。1. (跟读1a的录音,注意语音语调。 T: Follow the tape, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2. (让学生自读1a并找出含有动词不定式的句子和疑难点。 Read 1a alone. Find out the sentences with in

8、finitives and difficulties.3. (鼓励学生读出含动词不定式的句子,教师解决疑难。 Please read out the sentences with infinitives.(板书并解释) It takes sb. some time to do sth.the best way to do sth.the cost to do sth.decide on4. (小组活动。五人一组分角色朗读,鼓励小组表演。完成1a。 Please read 1a in groups of five, and then Ill ask several groups to act i

9、t out.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 13分钟)练习动词不定式,完成1b、2和3。1. (让学生观察1b图片,四人一组讨论去泰山的最好方式。完成1b。 Please look at the pictures in 1b carefully. Discuss the best way to Mount Tai in groups of four.(学生们观察图片和信息并讨论。 How much does it cost to go there by airplane? It costs ¥700. How long does it take to reach Moun

10、t Tai by airplane? It takes one hour to reach there. How much does it cost to go there by train? It costs ¥145. How long does it take to reach Mount Tai by train? It takes 7 hours to reach there. How much does it cost to go there by bus? It costs ¥200. How long does it take to reach Mount Tai by bus

11、? It takes 8 hours to reach there. Which is the best way to go to Mount Tai?G1: By train.G2:G3: Very good.(板书重点结构,教学生词并要求学生掌握total。totalIt costs/takes to reach there.2.(师生示范。请一个学生扮演A,老师扮演B,讨论2中的图片。 I have some pictures of places of interest. Well make conversations about them. First, Ill give you an

12、 example. S1, you will be A and I will be B. Lets discuss one of the pictures. Are you ready? Go! Hello, I plan to visit Harbin. Can you tell me something about it? What do you want to know? Whats the best time to go there? I think the best time to go there is in November. Which is the best way to g

13、o there? I think the best way to go there is by train. Its not expensive and it doesnt take much time. How long does it take to get there? About 8 hours. How much does it cost to go there? Im not sure. But I can find it out on the Internet. Then I will tell you the cost. Thank you! My pleasure. Have

14、 a good trip!(板书)I plan to visitWhat do you want to know?Whats the best time to go there?Which is the best way to go there?How long does it take to get there?How much does it cost to go there?3. (让学生观察2中的图片,两人一组,进行对话练习,注意动词不定式的用法。完成2。 Now, Look at the pictures in 2, and ask and answer the questions

15、with your partner. Pay attention to the usages of infinitives.4. (让学生运用动词不定式回答3中的问题,然后两人一组练习对话3,正确使用所给词组中的动词不定式。教师对第二幅图给予指导。如Her wish is to do sth.。掌握raise;理解sunrise。 OK. Now work in pairs and talk about the pictures in 3.(学生练习几分钟后,叫几名学生到讲台前表演,其他学生注意听。 Now, lets check the answers.Step 5 Project 第五步

16、综合探究活动(时间:利用图片探究拓展本课语言知识。The Great Wall the Ming Tombs the Palace MuseumThe Heaven Temple Hongkong Shenzhen1. (拿出课前准备的图片,让学生讨论自己想去的地方。 Please look at the pictures. Talk about the places you want to go to. You can use the following sentences:Where do you want to go?How would you like to get there?How

17、 long does it take to go there?What is the best time to go there?(学生讨论一会儿,然后每组选出一名学生向全班学生汇报结果。 Now I will choose one student from each group to report their results.Example: Li Lei wants to go to Mount Tai. He wants to get there by plane. It costs ¥700. It takes only one hour to go there. He thinks

18、the best time to go there is in spring. Fangfang wants to go to2. Homework:(1) (使用It costs和It takesto两个句型造句。Make sentences using the patterns of “It costs” and “It takesto”(2) (复习不定式的用法。Review the usages of infinitives.Section BSection B needs 1 period. Section B需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and

19、2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。1. Learn some new words: cinema, hotel, refrigerator, standard, single, condition, comfortable, person2. Go on learning the usages of infinitives:Yes, Id like to book some tickets to Mount Tai on March 13th.Good morning, I want to make a room reservation.3. Learn how to book tickets a

20、nd make hotel reservations.4. Offer help:Can I help you?/What can I do for you?录音机/小黑板/幻灯片/相关的图片复习动词不定式。导入新课。1. (鼓励学生说出含有动词不定式的句子。 We learned infinitives yesterday. Could you give us some examples?2. (复习并谈论交通工具。 Lets talk about the vehicles. . We know going by bus is too slow, and it takes too long;

21、 going by plane is fast, but it is too expensive; going by train is comfortable, and it doesnt cost so much. Which is the best way for Marias class to travel? Yes, the best way to go to Mount Tai is by train. Now, what will they do? They will book tickets.(由此导入新课。呈现1a,教学生词。1. (让学生听1a的录音并回答问题。 Marias

22、 class want to visit Mount Tai and they decide to go there by train. They ask Kangkang to book the tickets. Now, lets listen to 1a and answer the following questions: When does the train leave Beijing?How many tickets does Kangkang book?(师生核对答案。2. (学生自读并猜测生词的意思。(板书生词,要求学生理解。book, sleeper3. (再听1a的录音,

23、让学生跟读,注意语音语调。 Please listen to 1a again and follow it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.巩固1a,完成1b和1c。1. (学生再读1a,独立完成1b表格。 T: Please read 1a again and fill out 1b alone.2. (让两名学生读出他们的答案,全班学生核对,完成1b。3. (让学生分角色表演1a。 Who can act out 1a?4. (给学生一些时间完成1c。 Very good. Now, lets do 1c. Suppos

24、e you worked in a cinema, your deskmate wanted to book tickets.(教学生新单词 cinema,要求学生掌握。) Make a dialog in pairs. Begin!5. (选12组学生展示对话,完成1c。 Which pair would like to act it out? Come on! 15分钟)练习动词不定式,完成2和3。1. (设置情景,导出生词。 When you go out for traveling, where do you live? In my aunts house. In my good fr

25、iends houses. You know there are twenty people. Do you think which is the best place for them to live in? Its a hotel. Right. I have lived in a hotel. Its very comfortable. The conditions are very excellent. There are two kinds of rooms .They are standard rooms and single rooms. There is a refrigera

26、tor and air conditioning in the room. Making a room reservation is very important.(教师边叙述边出示与单词相符的图片,并板书生词)(板书并解释单词。hotel comfortable condition standard single refrigeratorair conditioning reservation(教学生词,要求学生掌握:hotel, refrigerator, standard, single, condition, comfortable。理解reservation和air conditioning。2. (让学生独立完成2。 Now, complete the conversation in 2 alone.(核对答案,并用小黑板幻灯片呈现已经准备好的问题。How many rooms with two single beds does s

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