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1、Human trafficking is still an invisible crime. What we have here now is real impunity. An average of 1,000 persons a year are recruited in Brazil and sent abroad, the public prosecutors office said at a public hearing on Trafficking in persons: Prevention, repression, care of victims and (illegal) a

2、ssociations that it held in this city on Friday, May 17.The goal was to gather and share information about combating human trafficking and to organize joint action to prevent and crack down on the crime. The meeting focused on Brazils role as a source country of victims for other parts of the world.

3、Brazil is also a destination country for victims of human trafficking, and there is internal trafficking of Brazilians for exploitation within the countrys borders as well.Related IPS ArticlesIn the last three years, 3,000 Brazilians were transported abroad and subjected mainly to sexual exploitatio

4、n and slave labor, participants at the meeting described.“This is a significant number. A large group of people have been deprived of their dignity. The thousands of cases documented every year do not represent the total, because we do not know how many cases escaped our notice,” said federal deputy

5、 attorney-general Raquel Elias Ferreira Dodge.The actual number of victims sent abroad byhuman trafficking ringsis unknown, participants at the meeting agreed.“We have to work more effectively so that these crimes are condemned without delay. The crime of trafficking in persons injures human dignity

6、,” said Dodge, who is a member of the Higher Council of the federal public prosecutors office (MPF).She said, “Slave labour negates the personhood of the individual and converts the victim into merchandise that can be smuggled and trafficked.”But hindering the fight against human trafficking in Braz

7、il is the fact that it is only a crime when it leads to sexual exploitation or slave labor, Erick Blatt, the representative of the federal police in Rio de Janeiro, told IPS.“It is very hard to identify the crime; investigations can only be initiated on the basis of reports, without the certainty th

8、at illegality can be proved,” said Blatt, who is also the representative of Interpol, the international criminal police organization, for the state of Rio de Janeiro.Moreover, when it comes to international trafficking, “most people go voluntarily to the place where they are exploited: the majority

9、do not know that their passports are going to be taken away,” he said.The International Organization for Migration (IOM) defines human trafficking as “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, for th

10、e purpose of exploitation.”The forms of coercion cited are “abduction, fraud, deception, the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person.”People smuggling, on the other hand,

11、 is limited to profiting from covertly transporting migrants, at their request, from one country to another where legal entry would normally be denied at the border. This is illegal, but no deception may be involved.Article 231 of Brazils criminal code defines the crime of sexual exploitation, and a

12、rticle 149 describes subjection to slave-like conditions. Both crimes are punished relatively leniently, with lighter sentences than for other offences.The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, adopted in 2000 and ratified by Brazil in 2003, specifically identifies human t

13、rafficking crimes and proposes wide-ranging punishments, which Brazil has still not incorporated in its laws.“We are going against the flow of international legislation. In Brazil, the issue has been inadequately treated. Human trafficking is a crime against humanity that robs people of their human

14、dignity,” Judge Barros complained.He said the best measures for fighting human trafficking were those that block the assets of the trafficking rings, in order to attack their economic flank.Trafficking in persons is run by complex international crime syndicates that, in Brazil, recruit poor women wh

15、o have no opportunities for a better life, lawyer Michelle Gueraldi of the Trama Project, an umbrella group for NGOs that combat human trafficking, told IPS.These women emigrate voluntarily, often out of the desire to improve their lives, and end up being exploited in Spain, the United States, Portu

16、gal and Caribbean countries, among others, she said.Blatt added that Brazil, in turn, is a destination country for women victims of human trafficking from Eastern Europe, especially Hungary and Poland.“Trafficking in persons is a violation of human rights. The Trama Project is working on prevention

17、and on victim protection. We also receive denunciations of cases, and we find that the majority of recruiters are persons known to and trusted by the victims,” Gueraldi said.In February the Brazilian government established its Second Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons, but the challenge is to put

18、 these policies into practice, she said.Blatt admitted that tracing victims of human trafficking across borders is difficult for the local police and for Interpol.“If communications between the police and the prosecutors are slow here in Brazil, imagine what communications are like between police fo

19、rces internationally,” he said.Human trafficking is extremely lucrative. In Europe alone it generates some 3.2 billion dollars a year, according to speakers at the meeting.The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) says there are at least 2.5 million victims of human trafficking worldwide.

20、 A survey by UNODC found that 58 percent of respondents were victims of sexual exploitation and 36 percent of slave labor. 2. Brazil Announces New Anti-Human Trafficking MeasuresBrazil has announced a three-year plan to combat human trafficking, including tougher border controls and a revision of th

21、e penal code, in a country where forced labor is believed to affect tens of thousands of people.The Brazilian government plans to investalmost $3 million into creating ten new control posts in border towns, which will aim to provide victims services, and the training of 400 staff. The penal code wil

22、l also be reformed to criminalize the illegal adoption of children, organ extraction, and forced labor.Brazil does not want to seeits people trafficked, exploited, nor does it want to be a place where Latin American or African immigrants are exploited, said Human Rights Secretary Maria de Rosario.Th

23、e new project against human trafficking is the second national plan of the decade in Brazil and will last until 2016.The first national planwas implemented between 2008 and 2010.InSight Crime AnalysisOne question is whether by committing $3 million to new border checks, Brazil is investing enough re

24、sources to make a dent in the problem. The country sees a significant number of people trafficked abroad:a report released last yearby the Brazilian Ministry of Justice saidnearly 500 Brazilian victims of human trafficking were identified as leaving the country between 2005 and 2011, with more than

25、70 per cent of those cases being sexual exploitation. Most of the sexual exploitation cases were found in Suriname, which is used as a transit country for trafficking victims to the Netherlands.It is also worth questioning whether the reforms to the penal code will result in a higher number of succe

26、ssful prosecutions related to the crime.As noted by the US State Department, Brazilian laws already prohibit most forms of human trafficking - however, during 2011 there were no prosecutions of internal sex trafficking, and investigations into 67 reports of transnational sex trafficking resulted in

27、just two convictions.Meanwhile, just seven convictions were secured related to slave labor cases. Slave labor is a particular problem in Brazil, estimated to affect up to 40,000 people,according to non-governmental organization (NGO) Catholic Relief Services. While the new national anti-human traffi

28、cking plan is also intended to crack down on slave labor recruitment, again, one of the most significant challenges will be ensuring that slave labor cases actually end with convictions in court. Slave labor in Brazil is linked to powerful financial interests, and thus far the judicial system has no

29、t proved to be an effective tool in combating the problem. 3. Reports of Human Trafficking Rise Dramatically In Brazil The number of reports of human trafficking in Brazilhas risen 1,500 percent in 2013, according to government figures, indicating an increased awareness of a crime, which remains a m

30、ajor problem in the country.TheSecretariat of Womens Policies announceda dedicated government reporting hotline had registered 263 allegations of the crime during the first six months of the year, compared to 17 over the same period in 2012.Of those 263 cases, 170 were reports of international human trafficking, while 90 related to cases inside Brazil. Most of the international reports were of sex trafficking, while 42 were accusations of labor trafficking and 2 of organ trafficking. Of the domestic reports, 64 were of sex trafficking, 25 were o

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