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1、1. To learn about the following words: will team control badly really catch fantastic and some phrases: catch the ball well run fast play football well jump high 2. To learn about how to do the self-assessment , how to confirm and how to encourage others.Teaching Aids:Words cards tape some phrase ca

2、rds color chalk a ballTeaching Steps:.Warm-up activities: Greetings:T: Class begins.S: Stand up! All the students stand up, turn back and say,“ Good morning teachers, welcome you!” Then they turn back and say, “Good morning ,Lily!” Good morning , children ! Sit down , please! Assessment : Today Ill

3、divide you into four groups ,you are Running / Jumping /Football / Basketball Team. Teacher shows the card of “team” to students. Then teacher teaches them to read the word. Here is the Sun, if you obey the rules, you answer my questions quickly and correctly, your group can match on one step to the

4、 Sun.3. TPR game: T: I say, you do. “stand up / sit down / run / swim / jump / run fast / jump high / play football / play basketball/ play table tennis” I do, you say. Teacher does the actions, students look and describe the actions. Presentation: Teacher says, “Were going to have a sports day, I w

5、ant to know you. Who can run fast? Teacher chooses a student and asks the student “Can you run fast ?Can you jump high?” Let the student answer with “Yes, I can well” or “No, I cant. I badly. ”Teacher shows the cards, gestures and expressions , teacher says and writes down the word “well/ badly ” on

6、 the blackboard. Teacher helps all the students to understand the meaning of “well/ badly”. Then teacher says, “He/ She can well/ badly” and write down the two drills- Can you ? and He/ She can well/ badly on the blackboard. Teacher says we are going to have a football team in our class. Who can gue

7、ss the meaning of “team”, students guess, then teacher shows them the word card of “team”. Teacher writes down the word “team” on the blackboard.4. Teacher says, ”We need a student , he can control the ball” , teacher does the actions and let the students guess the meaning of control , and then teac

8、her shows the card of “control”. And teacher writes down the phrase “control the ball ” on the blackboard . Teacher asks students “Can you control the ball?” Helping students answer “Yes, I can , I can control the ball very well / very badly.”5. Teacher asks another one “I can play basketball and I

9、can catch the ball very well.” “Can you catch the ball ? Can you catch the ball well?” Teacher does the actions to helping students understanding it. Teacher shows the card of “catch”. Teacher writes down the phrase “catch the ball ”. Students follow to say.6. Teacher says “ YaoMing can jump high, h

10、e can control the ball well, he can catch the ball well , he is a fantastic basketball player.” Teacher doesnt say the word “ fantastic ” louder, teacher shows the card of “fantastic”, teacher writes down it on the blackboard. And then teacher divides the word into three groups, let the students pro

11、nounce it part by part. Teacher helps them at last and give them the correct pronunciation.Listening practice: Students listen to the tape and try to find out the new word, if they can find it ,please put up their hands and repeat the words or the phrases.(Assessment) Teacher chooses two students co

12、ming to the front, others put theirs hands under the desk. Teacher plays the tape again to see who is the winner to find the new words with the hammer.(Assessment).Listening and reading practice: Students read the new words and phrases in whole class . Teacher gives them the assessment of reading. T

13、eacher shows the word cards , students read them group by group . Teacher says the word or the phrase without the sound , students look and guess. Teacher reads the words in different sound, students follow to read. Teacher plays the tape again, students listen , circle the new words and phrases ,th

14、en try to follow to say . Speaking practice: Teacher chooses a student standing in front of other students, teacher shows the card or the phrases , others look and ask the student “Can you ?” The student must answer with “Yes, I can. I can well / No, I cant. I badly.” Other students coming to the fr

15、ont to be the teacher and does the action.Extending practice:1.Students practice as the news reporter, they ask and answer in pairs with the drill “Can you ?2.Choosing some pairs to demonstrate their conversations. .Homework: Copy the new words for five times and have a dictation. Listen to the tape

16、 and follow to read. Summing up the assessment: Teacher asks “Can you catch the sun? ” Students may answer “No , I cant.” Then teacher points the assessment and says “Yes, you can . Look, if you do , you can.” Class is over. Blackboard DesignNew words New phrases Main drills Assessmentteam Can you?

17、Sunwell Yes, I can.control catch the ball No, I cant. badly play football I canwell. 1 2 3 4really run fastcatch jump highfantasticYou can play football well.一、教学内容Can you run fast?Yes, I can . No, I cant.二、教学目标1.知识目标:通过学习使学生能听说、认读单词well, team, control, badly, really, catch, fantastic;能了解字母p, pp, b,

18、 t, d在单词中常见的读音/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/;能朗诵诗歌How well do you play?;2、技能目标:学会使用恰当的句型来评价他人,如You can jump really high. You can catch the ball well.等。3、情感目标:使学生能主动表达自己,学会正确地评价自己和别人;培养学生良好的语言学习习惯,让英语课堂真正生活化。三、重点难点:重点: 1.can在陈述句和一般疑问句中的用法。2.课文中表示play football的一些动词短语。难点:正确运用badly,well评价自己和别人。在真实情景中灵活运用新知识进行自我评价,相互评价

19、,肯定与鼓励。四、教具单词卡片 教学PPT 足球一个 篮球一个五、教学过程:. Warm-upGreetingGame:听口令做动作,教师TPR学生说短语。复习有关活动和运动的词组:play football play basketball play table tennisjump jump high jump farrun run fast run slowwalk walk fast walk slow教师根据学生知识储备,复习M1-3中的动词短语,如:go home go to the park by bikeHave an ice cream run to the bus 等.Pre

20、-task1LeadFree talk: Talk about football/basketball.Do you like football/basketball.? Can you play football/basketball?Can you play it well? (教授well)教师说:有关运动的动画片,如灌篮高手、足球小子。问学生是否喜欢看,喜欢片中哪些运动明星?为什么?(出示图片) They are so cool. They play basketball/football very well.(教授well) Can you play football? Can yo

21、u play football well? Yes, I can./ No, I cant.Can you play basketball ? Can you play basketball well?2. Presentation (组建足球队)Today, Were going to set up a football team. What can you do? Do you want to be in our school team? (教授team).While-task1)open the book,听课文录音第一遍,整体感知。2)阅读问题,再听录音,让学生自己感知个体3)学生提出

22、自己的疑惑,其他同学帮助解答(或者小组交流疑惑,后再教师解答)E.g. football team really goalkeeper fantastic跑: Can you run ? Can you run fast? 学生比赛跑步,最慢的学生badly(教授badly)No, I cant.Can you control the ball? Can you controlthe ball well?跳: Can you jump? Can you jump high? 学生跳高比赛,高的学生well引导该生回答Yes,I can.其余学生回答,Yes, he/she can. 矮的学生b

23、adly 引导该生回答No, I cant.其余学生回答,No, he/she cant.守门员goalkeeper.: Can you catch the ball?教师丢出一个篮球或足球,抓到的well.回答Yes,I can.没抓到的badly.回答No, I cant.(练习同上)拉拉队: Can you sing a song?Can you sing a song well?学生唱歌比赛,好的well,差的badly(练习同上)4)听录音第三遍,手指课文,并跟读,再次感受语言的魅力5)自我阅读,自我感受6)分角色表演.post-task1.SB活动3,同桌俩人合作,找几组同学展示。

24、StudentA: catch the ball well/badly. play football well/badly.StudentB: run fast well/badly. jump highwell/badly. 2.组建足球队:调查表 Well badly Run fast Jump high Control the ball Catch the ball 3.拓展练习,展示刘翔照片 Who is he?He is Liuxiang. 让同学描述刘翔,老师总结 He is good at running. He can run fast. He is a fantastic runner. 4.四人小组合作为足球或其他的俱乐部(如:音乐、艺术、蓝球、电脑等)设计一份海报,并向全班表演展示,评选出最佳海报。如:Can you control the ball well?Can you catch the ball well? Please join us.V. Homework1.根据本节课所学的“CAN”的用法,对自己的好朋友进行调查,并作记录。2.向同学介绍自己做的、会做的事

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