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Gossip Girl S03E15 中英台词剧本Word下载.docx

1、ll get hurt.|害怕某天她会受伤.how about some breakfast?|来点早餐啊?Waffles. Shocker.|还吃华夫饼No, im good. Thanks. Ill eat at school.|算了 我不饿 我去学校吃Ill see you at 4:15, on the dot.|4:50接你 要准时School, home, school, home. I get it. Thanks.|学校和家两点一线 明白了 谢谢啊That someday shell hate him.|又害怕某天她会恨他.Hi. Um, i need a car.|嗨 我需要

2、辆车Yeah, from d.U.M.B.O. To the smyth hotel.|曼哈顿大桥下到Smyth酒店Okay, thanks. Bye.|谢谢 拜And worst of all,|最糟的是ll grow up.|总有一天她会长大Chuck had an emergency meeting with his lawyer,|Chuck在和他的律师开紧急会议But he hoped we could all meet up for some shopping later.|但他希望我们一会能一起去购物That sounds lovely.|太好了This has been a w

3、onderful week.|这一周太棒了Chuck thinks so, too.|Chuck也是这么想的He mentioned what a great squash player you were.|他还说你的壁球打的非常棒And he likes a woman who knows her way around a haberdashery.|他喜欢对男装有见解的女人Actually.|实际上.i think theres something he wants to ask you.|他貌似有些事想问你Of course.|当然Call when youre in the lobby

4、.|到了大厅给我打电话Are you okay?|你还好吧?Several female employees at the empire are suing me.|企业里的几名女员工要告我.for sexual harassment.|性骚扰What?|什么?Obviously there were incidents with room service at the palace,|显然 酒店里的房间服务有问题But that was my fathers hotel. I was a kid.|但那是我父亲的酒店 那时我还是孩子I would never do that now, not

5、 in my hotel, not to you.|现在我绝不会那么做 不会在我的酒店 更不背叛你No. Of course not.|你当然不会Theyre scheming harlots Trying to get you to pay them off.|这群贱婊子只想要你赔钱We have proo that two of those girl Werent even in town on one of the alleged nights.|已经证明有两个女孩在事发当晚 根本没在城里So well fight it.|那我们就奋力抗争We have innocence, good

6、breeding and doug jarrett,|真理在我们这一边 我们有高贵血统 还有Doug JarrettOne of the best lawyers in new york, on our side. Its a slam dunk.|纽约最好的律师 无懈可击A court case would be a p.R. Nightmare.|法庭事件对公关业来说是个噩梦We have to settle.|我们息事宁人吧Youll take care of it?|你来打理吧?Settlements are for the guilty-|有罪的人才会用息事宁人的招数Celebrit

7、ies who run people over, the catholic church.Its not fair.|是不把别人当回事的社会名流 和天主教的专利 这对你来说不公平The historical society is honoring my father tonight.|历史协会今晚要授予我父亲荣誉t have this overshadowing the evening Or anything else.|我不能让它毁了今晚的事或是其他This way, the case will be sealed.|这样 这件事就会结束了The press wont know. No on

8、e will.|媒体不会知道 没人知道Elizabeth wouldnt have believed it, chuck.|Elizabeth不会相信的 Chuck- Thats not why im doing this. - But if it was, id understand.|- 那不是我的初衷 - 如果是 我也能理解You like her.|你喜欢她You want the first time She meets lily and the rest of your family to be perfect.|她第一次和Lily以及家里人见面 你希望一切尽善尽美What is

9、the point of having elizabeth in your life|如果你不对Elizabeth敞开心扉If youre not going to let her in?|她走进你的生活又有什么意义?Not everyones willing to wait 18 years for an i love you.|并不是每个人都能为 那句我爱你等上18年Lily, what are you doing here?|Lily 你来这儿干嘛?m just checking in.|来看看How are things going with jenny?|和Jenny怎么样了?Oh,

10、 we have an understanding-|我们达成了共识She goes to school, she comes home. mm.|她上学 回家.She does not date boys with bags of pills.|不再和搞毒品的小子约会了Oh, im sure shes furious.|她一定很狂躁The hulk was furious. Theres no word for what jenny is.|绿巨人才会狂暴 根本找不到 确切的词来形容Jenny的状态Rufus, i need to ask you something.|Rufus 我要问你点

11、事One sec, lil.|等下 LilHeadmistress queller, hi.|Queller校长 嗨I see. Thank you for calling.|好的 谢谢你Jenny didnt go to school this morning.|Jenny今早没去上学Apparently, shes been cutting classes all week.|她已经逃了一周的课英学网 - 电影天堂-双语电影网 在线双语字幕-英语学习视频 - Who needs coffee after a wake-Up like that?|这样的早晨 谁还需要咖啡提神?Whos te

12、xting this early?|谁这么早发短信?Rufus.|RufusHes freaking out. He cant find jenny.|他抓狂了 他找不到JennyHe thinks shes with damien.|他认为她和Damien在一起This is not good.|这可不妙Who, prince damien from the state dinner?|谁 晚宴上的王子Damien?I thought you thought he was dreamy.|你不认为他很迷人吗?Well, that was before he tried to kiss me

13、After i told him not to.|那是在我拒绝了他 他又强吻我之前Um, what? And now that creeps with Jenny?|啥? 现在这个变态缠上Jenny了?Yeah. You know whats most attractive about a bad boy?|你知道坏男孩哪点最吸引人?No, i really dont.|我真不知道Your parents refusing to let you see him.|父母阻止你们两人见面Rufus is driving jenny right into damiens creepy arms.|R

14、ufus正把Jenny逼向Damien的怀抱m not gonna let that happen.|我不会袖手旁观的Your dad has called, like, five times.|你爸爸打5遍电话了s obviously looking for you.|他肯定想找你I know. Im just not sure i want to explain where ive been.|我知道 我就不知道 该怎么解释我在哪里We agreed if this is gonna work,|咱俩不是说好了嘛We gotta- We gotta keep it casual.|随意一点

15、If my dad knows, then its suddenly gonna feel serious,|让我爸知道 一切就会变得很认真And you know how bad i am at lying to him.|你也知道我多不擅长对他说谎- You cant avoid him forever. - all right.|- 你又不能躲他一辈子 - 好吧Hey, dad.|爸Oh, um, its-Its 9:30.I have latin.|都 都9:30了 我有拉丁语课Its a dead language. Its not going anywhere.|那语言就快灭绝了

16、没发展Why dont you just ditch it and stay here with me?|你就不能翘课陪陪我?t. I have a quiz.|不行 今天有小考Come on, jenny.|拜托 JennyDont you think its a little coincidental The last time we got to this exact same spot-|上次也是这个时候你找借口 这是巧合吗?You know, the place right underneath your kilt-|一碰你裙子底下That you had to go dissecf

17、etal pig?|你说你要去解剖猪?I did.|的确是啊Come on, damien. You know i want to be here.|拜托 Damien 你知道 我想留下来Jenny.|Jennyt we just talk about it?|咱们谈谈吧?Whats there to talk about?|有什么好谈的?I think youre an amazing girl.|我觉得你是个非常棒的女孩I love spending time with you.But|我喜欢跟你在一起 但是when i date someone, sex is usually part

18、of the equation,|我在谈恋爱的时候 通常来说 自然会包括亲热这一部分And if youre not cool with that,|而 如果你介意这个的话its fine,But you need to say something.|也没什么的 但你要挑明啊You cant just shut me down every time were alone together|你总不能 每次我们单独在一起 的时候 就这样拒我于千里之外啊m not. I. its just not a good day.|我没有 我.只是今天不太合适啦I mean, i have a quiz, a

19、nd then i have that other class.|我是说 我要小考 然后 还有另外一门课要上re younger than me. I get it.|我很清楚 你比我小Could it be that youve never.|会不会是 你从来没有.No. Damien.|不 Damiens not like that.|不是这样的Look, i just dont like the first time with someone To be rushed.|你看 我只是不希望 跟某人 的第一次 会变成仓促了事And I have school.|另外 我还要上学Okay.|

20、好吧Well, how about tonight?|那么 今晚如何?After your father goes to sleep, we can sneak out.|等你爸睡了 我们可以溜出去No rush, okay?|绝不仓促 好吗?Nice and slow.|好好地.慢慢来.Yeah. Perfect.|好 很好Um, its on, dalgaard.I will see you tonight.|嗯 就这么定了 晚上见Theres always a moment A father cant even let himself fear-|然而 有一个时刻 是当父亲的 想都不敢想

21、的.The day his little j. Decides to lose her big v.|那就是他的小J决定 要献出自己初夜的时刻t believe the fuss they made over you At turnbull & asser.|我真不敢相信 刚在Turnbull&Asser 他们把你奉为上宾搞出那么大阵仗来 (Turnbull&Asser百年英国服装定制店)I should hope so. Prince william and i|我想也是这样Practically put the managers daughter through college.|我跟威廉

22、王子几乎是一路 保着经理的女儿读完了大学Well, i had a lovely time.|嗯 我过得很愉快Actually, theres something That chuck has been meaning to ask you.|实际上 Chuck有些事情想问您The historical society is Dedicating a gallery to bart tonight.|历史协会今晚将用一次画展来纪念BartI understand it might be awkward for you to go to an event|我明白 要让您去出席一个Where my

23、 fathers being honored.|纪念我父亲的活动 会很尴尬- Lily would be there and - Id love to come.|- Lily会去 而. - 我乐意去Charles, This is why im here.|Charles 这就是我留在这的初衷I want to be s much a part of your life as youll let me.|只要你愿意 我想要 尽可能多地融入你的生活Mr. Bass!|Bass先生!Mr. Bass, did you pay off women you sexually harassed?|Ba

24、ss先生 对骚扰过的女性 你真的以钱封口吗?Did you receive sex in exchange for promotions?Is it true?|你曾以升职为条件 要求 发生性关系是真的吗?Look, this is a lie. Ill explain later.|这不是真的 我稍后会解释Somebody must have leaked the story.|一定有人故意把此事透给了媒体Lets just go. Lets go.|我们走吧 我们走 Jack Bass|Jack BassI should have guessed.|我早该猜到的- Naughty neph

25、ew. - Uncle jack.|- 淘气侄儿 - Jack叔叔You wont believe what i just heard.Im shocked.|我是不会相信我刚听到的消息的 我很震惊Yeah, im sure you are.|是啊 我肯定你是很震惊Shes a teenage girl.|她还是个十几岁的小妮子Cutting school to be with her boyfriend Isnt exactly criminal behavior.|翘课去跟男友腻在一起 又不是什么犯法的事情I guess im still holding out hope|我想 我是还在固

26、执地期望.That somewhere underneath that|掩盖在那头金发下面的某处mop of blond hair Is my little girl.|仍然是我那宝贝闺女I know.|我理解Thanks for being here.|谢谢你能在这陪我m glad i could be.|哦 我很高兴你能让我来这And im willing to put the past in the past if you are.|还有 如果你同意的话 我愿意 让过去的事情就这么过去 既往不咎Rufus, we just need to talk.|Rufus 我们只是需要好好谈谈No

27、w?|现在?Well, the new york historicl society Is|纽约历史协会今天晚上dedicating a room to bart tonight.|用一间画廊来纪念BartI was hoping you could join me.|我希望你能跟我一起出席Lil, i think this morning Has been a step in the right direction.|Lil 我觉得今早上 我们的确 向着对的方向迈出了一步But im not quite in the mood to celebrate Any of your former husbands right now.|但 我现在没什么心情 为你 随便哪个前夫 举杯庆贺m gonna go try to get ahold of serena again.|我还是再试着找找Serena看看Hey, serena.|嘿 SerenaHave you heard from her yet?|你跟她联系上了吗?Thanks for texting me.|谢谢你一直给我发短信Of course. Parents can be such a pain.|应该的 父母是很麻烦的See, if he wasnt so contro

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