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少年宫英语口语社团教案 完整版文档格式.docx

1、)5、三组学生进行汇报演出。6、让全体成员选出最有表现力的学生,重新组合,并分配角色,进行更精彩的表演。第三课时 颜色表达2018年10月10日 I Can Sing a Rainbow Step2、Free talk。Hello, every body . How are you?Im fine, thank you. And you?Im fine, too.Whats your favorite sport?My favorite sport is Whats your favorite color?My favorite color isStep3、复习颜色单词。Step4、复习有关颜

2、色句型。What color is it?Its My favorite color is What color is the sweater?Who is wearing yellow/blue/pinktoday?Step.学生反以上问句进行整理,分四组编成对话,并汇报表演。第四课时 英语诗歌朗诵表演12018年10月17日Dreams 梦想Hold fast to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想, For if dreams die 梦想若是消亡Life is a broken-winged bird 生命就象鸟儿折了翅膀 That can never fly. 再也不能飞翔 Hold fa

3、st to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想,For when dreams go 梦想若是消丧Life is a barren field 生命就象贫瘠的荒野,Frozen only with snow 雪覆冰封,万物不再生2、Read a poem: Dream.Step2、Learn the poem.1、生听几遍教师范读的诗歌,试着理解大意。2、讲解诗歌大意,并教学诗歌中的生词。3、带读诗歌几遍,直至熟练。4、有感情地朗读诗歌。5、请生自由有感情地朗读诗歌。6、请个别同学进行朗诵表演。要求学生背诵诗歌。第五课时 英语诗歌朗诵表演22018年10月24日winter moon冬月evelyn

4、scott伊吾琳司科特a little white thistle moon初月如银沟,blown over the cold crags and fens: 吹过冰岩沼;a little white thistle moon如勾初月白, blown across the frozen heather. 吹渡寒郊草。 Dream.(最好学生能够背诵下来的)全班朗诵,分组朗诵,个别朗诵。6、请个别同学进行朗诵表演(可自己配上相应的简单动作)。第六课时 游戏Words explaining2018年10月31日 将学生分成四组,每组选四个成员上台释词,其余组员猜词,猜中一词得一分,分数最多的一组胜

5、出。另外释词能让组员猜中词数最多的个人奖前三名,即个人优胜奖。释词的个人可任意选择一组词 A组: 1.peopleteacher,sister,friend,boy,driver,classmate,nurse,daughter,policeman, player, Chinese2.animalstiger,monkey,rabbit,elephant,panda,snake,dolphin,duck,chicken,fish,horse,cat,dog,cow,sheep,bear,shark,bird,deer,fox3.sports and entertainmentfootball,

6、volleyball,climbing,singing,trip,dancing,swimming,walk,running,morning exercise B组: 1.time Sunday,moment,June,spring,week, date,noon,year,Tuesday,lunch, day,September, winter,birthday,evening,weekend,minute, midnight things pencil,blackboard, paper,clock,picture,dictionary,classroom,eraser,

7、 book,desk,ruler, exercise-book,schoolbag,playground,trees,computer C组:1.buildings cinema,school, zoo,shop,market,library,hotel, restaurant, bank,museum2.actionjump,sing,eat,drive,hear,swim,draw,dance,sit,drink,sleep,smell,knock,laugh,cut,read,cry,buy,run,fly第七课时 与同学们一起进行口语学习,培养同学们的口语学习兴趣及基本口语能力。201

8、8年11月7日(1)本组教师成员运用简单的英语口语与同学进行自我介绍,已达到既相互认识又增加同学兴趣的目的。(2)分点复习前面所学内容:A.复习部分常用称呼名词(grandfather/grandmother等)、周一至周日(Monday.Sunday)一月至十二月(January.December) B.运用简单口语进行自我介绍及引介(this is./that is.)其它人或事物;C.进行简单交流的常用语的介绍,如陌生熟悉的人们见面或道别常用语(I am glad to meet you。等),交谈中用于活跃气氛的一些用语(如天气weather介绍等);D.复习同学对自己所喜欢(like

9、/love.)的人或物的表达,主要介绍“喜欢”意义的口语表达方式。部分相关用语:(1)关于天气 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云Fair=晴 Fog=雾Heavy Rain=大雨Heavy Snow=大雪Light Rain=小雨Light Snow=小雪Lightening=雷电Mostly Clear=大部晴朗Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨Smoke=烟雾 Snow=雪Snow and Fog=雾夹雪Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天Windy=有风 Windy/Snowy=有风/有雪(2)交际用语(whats the weath

10、er like today? )第八课时 节选著名童话丑小鸭的英语剧本最后一段,教给学生们,并让他们进行表演,让他们在参与表演中学习。2018年11月14日1、先教他们节段中的英语对话,熟练后就请学生们进行角色表演,让他们能实际运用,使记忆更深刻。第三场丑小鸭变天鹅场景:春天,绿树,花草,音乐。构成一幅湖边春光图。画外音:Spring comes, the flowers are blooming. Ugly duckling fly to the lake, he sees some beautiful white swans over there. They have white feat

11、her and slender necks. Ugly ducking wants to play with them.(春天来了,花开了,丑小鸭扑扑翅膀,向湖边飞去。看见湖面上有几只美丽的白天鹅,雪白的羽毛,长长的脖子,美丽极了。他多想和他们一起玩啊!)丑小鸭:Ah! Beautiful birds, your feather is so white, your necks is so slender, your posture is so nice, you are most dignity bird in the world! (啊!美丽的大鸟,你们的羽毛是那样洁白,你们的脖子是那样修长

12、,你们的体态是那样优美,你们是世界上最高贵的鸟儿。)天鹅1:Hello, my lovely friend, come and play with us!(可爱的小客人,快来和我们一起玩吧!)众天鹅:Come on! Come on!(快来呀!来吧!You are so warm-hearted! But, dont you feel me ugly?(你们真是太好了!可是,你们不觉得我很丑吗?)天鹅2:No, you are a pretty swan!(你是一只漂亮的白天鹅呀!Look at yourself! 快看看自己吧!丑小鸭:(飞到湖边,对着湖面左顾右看)Oh, my god! I

13、s this me ?Im no longer an ugly duckling, I am a petty swan!啊,上帝!这难道是我的影子吗?原来我不是丑小鸭,而是一只漂亮的天鹅啦!(天鹅舞曲响起,4大天鹅和小天鹅共同起舞,跳出丑小鸭长成天鹅后的幸福快乐。)画外音:It is no matter to be born in a duckery if you are a swan egg. You ought to be the beautiful swan one day.(只要你是一只天鹅蛋,就是生在养鸭场也没什么关系;总有一天会变成一只美丽的天鹅。) 2、自己朗读 3、作业: 熟读

14、,分小组表演第九课 谚语、惯用语2018年11月28日教学内容:1、出示简单的谚语、惯用语,教师领读 Every dog has his day. (瞎猫碰上了死耗子。 Speak of the devil. (说曹操,曹操到。 Kill two birds with one stone.(一举两得。 Time flies.(光阴似箭。 Time is money.(时间就是金钱。 Seeing is believing.(百闻不如一见。 There is no smoke without fire.(无风不起浪。 Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧。 When it r

15、ains, it (always) pours.(祸不单行,福无双至。 Where theres a will, theres a way.(功夫不负有心人。2、学生自己读3、小组比赛第十课时 英文歌曲Jingle Bells2018年12月12日1、 跟读歌曲2、 听歌3、 唱歌英文:Jingle Bells Dashing through the snow, in a one moose open sleigh,oer the fields we go, laughing more the way. Bells on bobtail trail,made its staling cryin

16、g, Oh what fun it is to ride and sing in a one moose open sleigh, Hey!Jingle bells,jingle bells,jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ridein a one moose open sleigh!Hey!Oh what fun it is to ride-!译文:叮叮当,冲破大风雪, 坐在一只驼鹿拉的雪橇上, 奔驰过田野, 一路笑声多欢畅。在鹿尾巴上的铃铛,发出低沉的声音,坐在橇上唱滑雪歌, 今晚多快活!嘿!叮叮当,叮叮当, 铃儿一路响! 哦!坐在一只驼鹿

17、拉的雪橇上,精神多爽朗! 叮叮当,叮叮当, 铃儿一路响!! 齐唱第十一课时 英语童谣两首。2018年12月19日1、 朗读童谣2、 小组内比赛朗读He that lies at the stock, Bbb, baaa, black sheep,Have you any wool? Shall have a gold rock;Yes, sir, yes, sir, He that lies at the wall,Three bags full; Shall have a golden ball;One for the master, He that lies in the middle,A

18、nd one for the dame, Shall have a gold fiddle.And one for the little boy 睡在床边,Who lives down the lane. 有块金石头;咩咩咩,黑绵羊, 睡在海边,多少羊毛身上长? 有只金皮球;先生先生你来看, 睡在中间,三个口袋鼓囊囊; 有只金提琴。一袋主人面前放,3、比一比,看谁最棒第十二课时 游戏“Add on”看图说话2018年12月26日 教学过程: 1、游戏是训练学生英语描述能力与及短期记忆,将学生以班为单位分成若干组,以比赛的形式进行,展示图片,要求学生根据图片内容描述,每说出一个完整句子可得一分,

19、接下来必须在原句子的基础上添加新的内容,以抢答形式进行。例如: A: I see a living room. B: I see a living room and a beautiful box. C: I see a living room and a beautiful box. A cup is on the box. D: Part 22、 让学生根据图片说一段话,先个人演练,再选代表进行比赛。3、总结,发奖品。第十三课时 英语歌曲Round the clock2019年1月9日一复习导入What time is it?时间是怎么表达的?二歌曲激趣学习歌曲 Round the clo

20、ck1轻听旋律2理解歌词3学唱歌曲4小组比赛三歌曲欣赏我们还会唱有关时间的歌曲吗?歌词:Round the clock the hours go Sometimes fast and sometimes slow Tell me what the two hands say They will tell the time of day Nine oclock its time for bed Come with me you sleepyhead Round the clock the hours go Sometimes fast and sometimes slow Tell me wha

21、t the two hands say They will tell the time of day Twelve os time to eat Come with me well have a treat 英语口语社团教案(十四)时间:第十八周地点:五(2)班教室 内容: 学习故事1、复习动物类单词你学过什么动物类单词呢?2、故事导入今天,一只熊遇见了一只狐狸,发生了什么事呢?3、学习故事A bear used to boast of his excessive love for man.saying that he never worried or mauled him when dead

22、 .the fox observed .with a smile :I should have thought more of profession if you never eaat him alive . Better save a man from dying than slalve him when dead. 一只熊总喜欢夸耀自己很爱人,他说人死了之后,他从来不咬他或伤害他,狐狸笑着说:假如你从来不吃活人的话,我就会更重视你所说的话了。 拯救一个人使他不死,胜过在他死后说些安慰的话。4、说说故事心得5、讲故事英语口语社团教案(十五)第十九周英语谚语1、 读英语谚语,理解谚语的意思2、

23、 朗读谚语3、 小组内朗读A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。Do it now.机不可失,时不再来。Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌。 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。 Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。4、 比一比,谁最棒

24、!英语口语社团教案(十六)第二十周舞蹈室话剧表演“小猫钓鱼”角色: K: Kitty(小猫 曹煜青扮演)M: Mother Cat(猫妈妈 刘迦楠扮演)B: Brother Cat(猫哥哥 陈新宇扮演)L: Little brother Cat(猫弟弟 崔响扮演) F: Father Cat(猫爸爸 常浩哲扮演) Butterfly(小蝴蝶 多清源扮演)Rabbit(小兔子 沈子童扮演)旁白:The Kittys is going camping, Kitty wants to learn fishing .Can he learn fishing?小猫一家去野营,小猫想学钓鱼,他能学会吗?K: Hello! Im Little cat Mimi. Im going fishing. But(看见妈妈在)Hi! Mummy! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me

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