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全新版 大学英语 快速阅读第一册 Unit6素文整理Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、 For example, Nicholas Senn High School in Chicago, Illinois, is one of these schools. It has received national honors for its service-learning program. Students there were not doing well in their studies back when the program began in 1997. Teachers say doing community service has led many students

2、 to work harder in school. School officials say mathematics and reading skills haveimproved. Wilkinson Junior High School in Middleburg, Florida, also has received national honors for its service-learning program. Its twelve- and thirteen-year-old students work on two major projects. They are helpin

3、g to find the best ways to restore (使复位) trees to an area of land that was used for mining titanium (钛). They also test water from the nearby Saint Johns River and report the results to local water officials. Teachers try to link their classroom material with current community needs. For example, a

4、history teacher talked about the issue of hunger in some American communities. After that, students helped at a food center for poor people. Students at some schools come from many other countries. They speak different languages. Even students who have just arrived from other nations perform communi

5、ty service. Public schools are not the only ones that require community service. Bishop Ireton High School is a private Roman Catholic school. In one project, students there organized programs for people who lived in a retirement center near the school. (Words: 347)1. What is the main idea of the pa

6、ssage? A) American service programs are gaining popularity now. B) Service programs help American students win college acceptance. C) American schools involve students in community service. D) American service programs have helped many people.2. The example of Nicholas Senn High School mainly sugges

7、ts that _. A) it offers the best service-learning program nationwide B) students there didnt work hard back in 1997 C) students there have improved their math and reading D) service involvement contributes to study improvement3. How do American schools help students better serve their communities? A

8、) They call on students to improve the environment. B) They train students to aid the community. C) They provide students with extracurricular activities. D) They link school courses with student needs.4. Students from Wilkinson Junior High School help to _. A) restore trees to an old titanium-minin

9、g land B) test water from a local fiver C) report test results to local water officials D) All above.5. Which of the following claims would supporters of service-learning programs in schools make? A) It is good for growing youths to be physically active. B) Students should learn how to make a living

10、. C) Students should contribute to the communities in which they live. D) Students should help pay for school taxes.Passage 25分40秒When I come across a good essay in the newspaper, I often cut it and keep it. But just as I am about to do so I find the article on the opposite side of the page just as

11、interesting. It may be a discussion about a way to keep in good health, or advice about how to behave and conduct oneself in society. If I cut the front essay, the other one on the back of the page will suffer damage, leaving out half of it or the text will be kept but missing the subject. As a resu

12、lt, my scissors (剪刀) would stop before they start, or only halfway done when I find out the regrettable consequence. Sometimes, two things are to be done at the same time, both deserving your attention. You can only take up one of them, the other has to wait or even be given up. But you know the fut

13、ure is unknown- the changed situation may not allow you to do what is left behind. Thus, you are caught in a fix and you may feel sad. How come that nice opportunities and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once. It may happen that your life changes dramatically on your preference of one al

14、ternative over the other. In fact, that is what life is like: we are often faced with two choices that are equally desirable, just like what happens during newspaper-cutting. It often occurs that our attention is drawn to one thing only after we are engaged in another. The latter may be more importa

15、nt than the former and thus giving rise to a divided mind. I still remember a philosophers remarks: When one door shuts, another one opens in life. So casual passive choice may not necessarily be bad one. Whatever we do in our lifetime, wherever lifes storms toss (抛) us, there must be something we c

16、an achieve, some shore we can land on that opens up new vistas (景色) for us. Dont forget there is always an alternative door open for every one. While the first door is closed, there must be another that is open for you.360)1. What annoys the writer when it comes to newspaper-cutting?A) There is a qu

17、ite limited number of good essays.B) It takes too much time and effort to do it.C) Some of the articles will be inevitably damaged.D) He cant cut out the good articles on the opposite side of the same page.2. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?A) There are often two good things both deserv

18、ing our attention.B) Life is just like newspaper-cutting.C) Good opportunities and ideas often come to us at once.D) One has to decide on ones preference.3. Life and newspaper-cutting are alike because _.A) in both cases we have choices to makeB) newspaper-cutting is an important part in lifeC) ther

19、e is always a door openD) casual choice is always bad4. “When one door shuts, another one opens in life.” (Para. 4) means “_.”A) When we shut one door, we have to open anotherB) There is always a way for us whatever happensC) There are many doors in our livesD) Keep all doors open is important5. The

20、 author believes that _.A) one has to be educated to make choicesB) one will feel regretful if one chooses one thing instead of the otherC) a casual choice may turn out to be a good oneD) newspaper-cutting needs patienceII. Directions: Read the following passages, and then decide whether the stateme

21、nts are true (T) or false (F).Passage 35分24秒When my athletic career as a baseball player was on track in 1960, I was diagnosed with sarcoma (恶性肿瘤) in my fight shoulder, which sent me to the hospital. The All-Star Team went to Hawaii, and I went to the hospital. I was really bitter and angry and hurt

22、 and outraged, but we didnt have any therapy (治疗) in those days that said you needed to grieve (悲伤) a loss. I was denying it fight away by saying I could handle it. Whats this? I said. Just a mastectomy (乳房切除术) and the loss of an arm. It was about thirty-five years ago. Then, about twenty-five years

23、 ago, I went through another very difficult time. Job loss, loss of a relationship. You know, Loss, loss, and loss. I went to a counselor (心理顾问), Ray Chapman who took me through a grieving process, because I had never grieved the loss of my athletic career, the loss of my physical wholeness, any los

24、ses, and he said that goodness could come out of this. After my second meeting with Ray Chapman, I got a job as a mechanic, and I became kind of famous. I was the One Armed Mechanic, installing engines and such. It really came back to me then that had I not gone through the cancer, I wouldnt have be

25、come a mechanic and later a hot racer. I also later met a wonderful woman with whom I had a ten-year relationship which led to the birth of my son. I found that for me, goodness and beauty have come out of deformity (畸形). I still use the words ugliness and crippledness (残废). My friends try to tell m

26、e that I am not crippled. But what they dont understand is that I am, and what I have done is in spite of whats been done to me. I try to remind them that were all crippled in some way. I say, I cant see what cripples you. I cant see what youve been through. I have an advantage over you, because I s

27、ee it every day. 337)( ) 1. There was no counseling twenty-five years ago to help a person recover from a loss.( ) 2. According to the passage, the narrator suffered two losses in his life.( ) 3. The narrator discovered that the setbacks he had turned out later to be blessings.( ) 4. The narrator sh

28、owed extraordinary courage in handling all the losses.( ) 5. The narrator believes everybody is crippled in some way, only that others cant see it.Passage 46分44秒Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, we accept these failures as a necessary part of the learning process. But all too often as parents and teachers we deny this same right to our children. We convey either by words or by actions that failure is something to be ashamed of, that nothing but top performance meets with our approval. When I see a child subject to this kind of press

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