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1、我们这里选编的主要是单独成文的描写文。一、描写方式所有描写都包含两个要素:一是对象,二是观察者。前者指看到的或听说的客观事物,后者指看或听的人,一般是指描写文的作者。根据二者之中哪一个要素处于支配地位,我们可把描写方式分为两种:1.客观性描写客观性描写独立于观察者的感知和感情,精确记录描写对象的面目。它是一种真实的报道,目的在于告诉不能亲眼看见描写对象的读者景物的真实情况。作者把自己当作是一部照相机,用词语如实摄制真正的照片。从其超然或公正的特点来看,客观性描写文作者很像是科学家,他要从自己的工作中严格排除个人意见和感情。例如,他在描写上楼时,不能写“I am going upstairs”,

2、而只能直接写“on the second floor”;也不能用反映个人意见内涵的词语,例如,要说“大楼”就要用陈述事实的“large building”,而不能用含有感情的表达“a magnificent building”。2.印象性描写印象性描写与客观性描写截然不同。它注视的是描写对象在观察者或作者心目中引起的情绪或情感,而不是描写对象本身的存在。就是说,它不是向读者传达信息,而是要激发读者的感情。它是让人们去感觉,而不是让人们去看。所以,感情交流是印象性描写的首要目的。交流的过程起始于作者,它必须来源于真诚的感情。作者要想使自己的描写成功,不仅感觉要深,而且要在自己的心目中明确那是什么


4、问题。一般来讲,英语描写短文总是按空间顺序来安排次序的。比如要描写一个房间时,要从先看到的部位写起,从上到下或从下到上。2.要选择好重点部位或内容来写。无论描写什么都不可能面面俱到,而要选择最能体现事物特征的一两点作细描处理,其他方面用白描手法一代而过。3.要把描写和叙述结合起来写。在实际写作中,描写多半与其他体裁结合起来使用,尤其是常与叙述交织在一起,二者“难分难舍”。一般来说,叙述是概括地显示行文进程,描写是具体细致地描述客观事物。好的描写总是把记事、写人、状物、写景紧密地揉合在一起,使其浑然一体,既突出重点,又有点有面,点面结合,创造出一种和谐的美。描写文写作指导1. 描写文概述描写文是

5、一种用生动、形象的语言对人物、景物、事物等特征和性质进行描述的写作形式。叙述与描写常常是结合的。因此描写文可分为主观描写与客观描写。主观描写是作者在描述人或事物时,把自己的看法、观点表达出来。而客观描写只限于就事论事。如:The mountain is beautifulThe mountain is almost 800 meters high2. 描写文写作技巧描写文的写作要注意突出主题,既要有想象力又要有观察力。在根据要点或图表写作时,要注意组织语言,可以先写衬托主题的内容,最后揭示主题。这样文章结构既紧凑又有层次感,同时也能顺理成章地表达作者的态度与观点。时态常用一般现在时或一般过去时


7、在比以前漂亮多了。参考范文Our school was built in 1957. Now there are 36 classes, more than one hundred teachers and nearly twothousand studentsIn our school,we all work hard at our lessons and take an active part in all kinds of activitiesWe help each other and learn from each otherThe teachers are strict in te

8、aching and very kind to usWe have built a classroom building,a lab and a small garden in front of the No1 Teaching Building in the past few yearsNow our school is much more beautiful than before简评作者用简洁的语言介绍了学校的概况,教学情况及近年来的变化,描写重点突出,没有不着边际的发挥。 请就你身边熟悉的一小动物为描述对象,写一篇描述性短文。Yesterday my fathers friend ga

9、ve me a dog,a naughty pet. I like him very muchThe dog is about one year oldI call him Congcong, because he is cleverHis two eyes are just like two big lamps,both big and bright. He has long and white hair,which makes him look like a white ballHis nose is like a triangle next to the eyesHe has a str

10、ong and cute lookWhen We have meals,he looks at us and barks at usHe seems to say,“Why dont you give me something to eat?”This morning,my father took him outWhen he saw other dogs,he ran after them and played with themHe was friendly to themHe showed his friendliness in a special way. Maybe they wer

11、e talking in their own languageWhat a lovely dog! I like him very much小作者极具观察力和想象力,写出了小宠物的顽皮与可爱,描写细致入微,值得模仿。以“My Hometown”为题写一篇介绍家乡的短文,要求写出特色,写出感情。My HometownMy hometown is a small village not far from Shijiazhuang. It is a beautiful place. I like it very much.The air here is very fresh because ther

12、e are no factories or cars. There is a river in the village, and there is abridge over the river. Near the river, there are many flowers in the green grass.The flowers smell sweet. Many trees are on both banks of the river. The birds in the trees sing in the daytime. There are cuckoos and many other

13、 kinds of birds. They sing so wonderfully.In the evening, I often enjoy the quiet view of the countryside. At night, it is so quiet that you can hear nothing. The animals are asleep. Everyone is fast asleep. It is really a world of quietness.What a wonderful world!本文先写了家乡的位置,然后写了家乡美丽的风景,包括清新的空气、清澈的河

14、流、美丽的花草、欢乐的小鸟,最后写了家乡宁静的夜晚。语言优美,抒发了作者对家乡的热爱。三、学生习作与点评请你根据实际情况,以“My School Life”为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文,来介绍一下你的校园生活。参考词汇:trees, flowers, air, playground, broadcast, library.My School LifeIm a middle school student, though our school is very usual, its beautiful in my heart. The school is covered with tall tr

15、ees and beautiful flowers.The air here is very fresh. In the morning, lots of schoolmatesgo to school early and do some exercises. Usually we have breakfast after the first class. All of schoolmates take exerciseson the playground after two classes. Then the school broadcast begins which brings us s

16、ome news about our favorite stars, music and so on. At the time, someoneare reading in the library, some students are playing and talking on the playground and some back to classrooms. We have three classes in the afternoon and do some sport that we like after school and go home atabout 600. Oh ! Ho

17、w colorful the school life is!这是一篇描述文,描写了自己的学校以及同学们在学校的活动。文章条理清楚,句子连贯。但有几处需注意的地方:usual意思是“通常的”,这儿要用common意为“普通的”。schoolmate指校友、同学,通常不包含自己在内,文中最好用students指全校学生。“All of schoolmates take exercises”应改为“All students do morning exercises”。At the time要说At the same time。someone意思是“某人”,要改为some students。Im a

18、middle school student, though our school is very common, its beautiful in my heart. The school is covered with tall trees and beautiful flowers.The air here is very fresh. In the morning, lots of students go to school early and do some exercises. Usually we have breakfast after the first class. All

19、students do morning exercises on the playground after two classes. Then the school broadcast begins which brings us some news about our favorite stars, music and so on. At the same time, some students are reading in the library, some students are playing and talking on the playground and some back to classrooms. We have three classes in the afternoon and do some sport that we like after school and go home at about 600. Oh ! How colorful the school life is.

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