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Unit13 Rainy days make me sad文档格式.docx

1、Learning Goals:Ss learn new words “scientific, therefore, pink, hard, serve”and restaurant science. They can use “make” and “How do you feel about” to talk about how they feel about different things. In our lives, we should express what we feel clearlyTeaching steps:Step1 Review T: First lets relax.

2、 Lets listen to music. (Play a piece of loud music.Beat itMichael Jackson) 【使用方法】点击左键选中,再点击右键查看属性,修改路径URL,再单击左边控件工具箱的退出设计模式,(即单击一下左边控件工具箱的左上三角尺),就可放出视频 What does the music make you feel?S1: Loud music makes me tense.S2: Loud music makes me exciting.S3: Loud music makes me want to dance. Lets listen

3、to another piece of music. (Play a piece of soft music.迷雾森林班得瑞) Soft music makes me relaxed. Soft music makes me sleepy. Soft music makes me feel peaceful. Look at the picture. What do the walls in the hospital make you feel?(Show the picture) They make me feel tense. They make me quiet. T:Look at t

4、his picture, what do the lights make you feel? (Show the picture) S1: They make me want to dance. They make me want to leave【设计意图】在轻松愉快的气氛中,通过音乐导入复习上节课的语言知识,激发学生学习英语的积极性,通过图片的直观效果引导学生谈论墙壁、灯光对人情绪的影响,为本课的阅读学习奠定较好的语言基础。Pre-readingStep2. Preview and testLook at P104, put the following into English orall

5、y, and then write them down without looking at the textbook.(1) 做饭_ (2) 赚钱 _ (3) 科学研究 _ (4)浅蓝色_(5)硬座_ (6)为许多人服务_(7) 使人饥饿_ (8)使顾客吃得更快_(9)使人放松_ (10)使人想离开_(11)把墙漆成红色_(12)加入清洁活动_(13)交通堵塞_ (14)濒危动物_(15)让你持续等_ (16)有点生气_(17)你对污染感觉如何?_【设计意图】培养学生养成良好的课前预习习惯,通过对词汇的有效预习掌握,为课堂活动奠定较好的词汇基础。Step3.Warm up and lead

6、in Have you ever been to fast food restaurants? Ss: Yes . What are they? KFC, Dicos. What colors are the walls? (Show the picture) S2: The walls are red. Do you know why they are painted red. This is about the restaurant science.Now lets come to 3a.【设计意图】通过学生较为熟悉的快餐店引入话题,贴近学生的生活实际,能够激发学生对本课的学习兴趣。Whi

7、le-readingStep4. Read for the general idea读取大意The general idea of the article is about _.A. restaurant food B. restaurant science C. restaurant owners 【设计意图】对短文的大意理解,此问题设计较为简单,引导学生结合标题理解短文,大部分同学都能回答出来,增加学生学习英语的自信心。Step5.Read for the specific ideas读取细节Task1. Read silently and judge T (true) or F(fals

8、e).1. Restaurant owner not only have to know how to make food but also have to know how to make money. ( )2. The color red makes people happy. ( )3. Most fast food restaurants have red walls because it can make people relaxed. ( )4. Soft lighting makes both customers and food look good. ( )5. Loud n

9、oise and hard seats make people want to leave soon. ( )6. Small restaurants cant serve many people every day. ( )Task2.Read 3a again silently and answer the questions.(1)What does the color red make most people feel ?_(2)Why do so many fast food restaurants paint their walls red, play loud music, an

10、d have hard seats?_(3)Do you think its fair that some restaurants are designed to be uncomfortable?_Task3. Get more information and fill in the chart.Some thingsFunction (功能)Result The color red Soft colorsSoft lightingLoud musicHard seats【设计意图】对短文细节的问题设计,有助于学生更准确的理解短文,为读后的语言输出做好准备。Post-reading acti

11、vitiesTask1.Listen to the tape and read aloud. Try to retell the article according to the key words in the chart (Task3 in Step5) in front of the class.Task2. Complete the following article without looking at 3a.Restaurants owners have to know how _ _ foodThey also _ _ _how to make moneyHere are som

12、e things they learned from _ _The color red makes people_Red also makes _ eat fasterMany fast food restaurants ,_ ,have red furniture or wallsSoft colors _ pink and light blue make people _, so they spend more time _their meals_ _ makes people look good, but it makes food _ _._ _ may be nice at firs

13、t, but it soon makes people_ _ _.Hard seats also make customers want to eat quickly and _. Many restaurants,_ fast food restaurants, use this knowledge _ _ customers eat faster. Customers only _ _ about 20minutes before they leave. Because customers dont stay very long, small restaurants can _ many

14、people every day. 【设计意图】通过大声朗读短文,结合思维导图,引导学生复述短文,既加强了学生的口语训练,增强英语语感,又引导学生对短文有条理地梳理,学习文章的写作思路,为写作打下基础。任务二的设计更注重了笔头训练,引导学生注重知识落实的准确性。Task3. Groupwork 3b Now lets play a guessing game. Ill say how I feel about a place. You can guess the place. Who can guess correctly? The lighting is colorful. The loud

15、 music makes me want to dance.where is it? A dancing hall. The people there make me nervous. The desks there are all teachers.Where is it?S2:The teachers office. Can you tell your group about a place you know? Let them try to guess the name of the place. Now can you work in groups? Lets see which gr

16、oup can do the best?Then ask three groups to show their games.【设计意图】引导学生在小组活动中参与猜谜游戏,既增加学生对英语学习的趣味性,又训练学生的口语表达能力,巩固重点词make的用法。同时借助小组比赛,激发学生参与课堂活动的积极性,注重及时评价,鼓励学生增强英语学习的自信心。Task4. Survey Different people have different attitudes about things. Look at the pictures.The pollution is very serious. How do

17、 you feel about it?Guide Ss to say:It makes me kind of angry. It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign. Now read the chart in 4, write how you feel about these things. Then survey two other friends in your group.How do you feel about?You(your friends name)pollutionHeavy trafficLoud noiseendanger

18、ed animalssmokingpeople who keep you waiting【设计意图】通过图片直观的引入,引导学生能够表达不同事物对人情绪的影响,通过调查练习,了解学生对本课知识的实践运用。 When you meet heavy traffic on your way to school, how do you feel about it? It makes tense. It also makes me feel tense. In our lives, we should express what we feel clearlyBut to obey the traffic

19、 laws, we should learn to hold our feelings, keep good attitudes to these things.【设计意图】此环节为情感教育环节,通过学生在小组间完成调查活动,引导学生在生活中,利用情绪对人的积极影响。Inquiry into knowledge by translation 翻译探究1. They also have to know how to make money. _特殊疑问词_ 后面加_做动词的宾语.类似的疑问词还有_(什么时间)、_(哪里,什么地方)、_(什么事)、_(谁,什么人)、_(哪个)。如:请告诉我什么时候离

20、开。_我不知道在哪里能找到那个男孩。(答案:他们还必须知道如何赚钱。How, to do, when, where, what, who, whichPlease tell me when to leave. I dont know where to find the boy.)2. Many fast food restaurants ,therefore ,have red furniture or walls_therefore意为“_”,是正式用法,有时写成_.因此,我们必须今天完成工作。因此,许多快餐店有红色的家具和墙。“因此,所以”,and therefore,Therefore,

21、 we must finish our work today.)3. How do you feel about pollution? _ 表示“关于某事你感觉如何?”也可以等于:_.和_你认为长城怎么样?_关于污染你感觉怎样?How do you like ? What do you think of?How do you feel about the Great Wall?/How do you like the Great Wall?/What do you think of the Great Wall?)【设计意图】通过此环节引导学生观察思考本课重点句型,习题有针对性的突破难点语法,

22、及时巩固重点知识。学生先独立思考,再小组讨论,争取当堂理解过关。SummaryGuide Ss to think what they have learned in this class: new words “scientific, therefore, pink, hard, serve”and restaurant science. Also they can use “make” and “How do you feel about” to talk about how they feel about different things.The end-of class TestI .根

23、据句意和首字母提示完成句子。1.Pandas are e_ animals.2.The traffic is heavy. _,I was late for work.3.We call light red p_.4.H_ seats make customers feel uncomfortable.5.To keep our city clean, we should start a clean-up c_.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. We should believe the _ (science) studies.2. The restaurant has the friendli

24、est _ (serve).3. I fought with my classmates yesterday, but my teacher only criticized me.I think it was _(fair).4.Riding a bike to school can make you _(health).5.We should use our knowledge _(make) our country _ (become) more and more beautiful.请翻译下列句子。1. 他们也必须知道怎样赚钱。(make money)2.柔和的灯光使人们看上去气色不错。( make sb. do)_3.许多餐馆运用这样的知识使顾客吃得更快。( use to do )4.小餐

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