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1、Human resource management(人力资源管理)3.5)Strategic HR management includes all but one of the following. Name the exception(例外).A.Financial planning(财务策划)4.6)Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of HR departments?D.Production and operations(生产运营)5.Which of the following is NOT a product line of

2、 human resources?Human capital partner(人力资本)6.8)Which of the following best describes a cultural steward(文化管理)?Facilitates(促进) change.7.A strategic architect(建筑师) is one who:recognizes business trends and their impact on the business.8.9)Giving employees online access to information about HR issues

3、such as training, benefits, and compensation is known as:self-service(自助).9.The practice of having another company (a vendor, third-party provider, consultant) provide services traditionally associated with the administrative role of HR is known as:outsourcing(外包业务).10.10)Traditionally, the HRM depa

4、rtment was primarily(根本上) a(n):administrative expert(行政专家).11.11)Which of the following statements (陈述)about evidence-based(基于证据的) HR is FALSE?It emphasizes that HR is being transformed from a broad corporate competency to a specialized, stand-alone function in which human resources and line manager

5、s build partnerships to gain competitive advantage.12.12-13)Which one of the following statements about the HR profession is FALSE?A college degree(大学文凭) is required of HR specialists(技术专员), but not of generalists(一般技术员).13.13)All of the following competitive challenges faced by companies will incre

6、ase the importance of human resource management EXCEPT:the political challenge(政治挑战).14.14)_ refers to the ability of a company to survive (生存) and succeed in a dynamic(动态的) competitive environment.Sustainability(可持续性)15.Sustainability(可持续性) includes all of the following EXCEPT:expanding into foreig

7、n markets(扩大到国外市场).16.19)Which of the following statements about intangible assets(无形资产) is FALSE?They are less valuable than physical assets(实物资产).17.20)Tacit knowledge(隐形知识) is an example of _ capital.human18.21)Which of the following is NOT true of knowledge workers(知识工人)?They contribute to the c

8、ompany through manual labor(体力劳动) and intellectual labor.19.Empowering(授权) is defined as:giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions regarding(关于) all 20.22)A(n) _ contract describes what an employee expects to contribute and what the company will provide to the employee for thes

9、e contributions.psychological(精神上的)21.25)All of the following are examples of alternative work arrangements EXCEPT:current labor force.22.27)The balanced scorecard(平衡记分卡):uses indicators(指标) important to the companys strategy.23.The balanced scorecard(平衡计分卡) presents a view of (观察)company performanc

10、e from the perspective of:its employees, customers, and shareholders(股东).24.28)According to the financial perspective(财政观点) of the balanced scorecard, which of the following questions should be answered?How do we look to shareholders?25.Increasingly, companies are trying to meet shareholder and gene

11、ral public demands that they be more socially, ethically, and environmentally responsible. Thus, companies are recognizing the importance of:social responsibility(社会责任).26.154)An organization needs to create a fit between its organizational design and all of the following EXCEPT its:products and ser

12、vices(产品和服务).27.155)Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding job design and job analysis?Job design and job analysis have extensive overlap(大量重叠).28._ focuses on analyzing existing jobs to gather information for other human resource management practices, whereas _ focuses on redesigning e

13、xisting jobs to make them more efficient or more motivating to jobholders.Job analysis; job design29.Which of the following refers to the process of analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product or service prior to (在。之前)allocating and assigning the tasks to a particular job category

14、 or person?Work-flow design(工作流程设计)30.156)The ProMES system is most relevant to what part of work-flow analysis?Analyzing work outputs31.The _ are the activities that members of a work unit (工作单位)engage in to produce a given processes(工作流程)32.157)Identify the exception(例外) among the foll

15、owing statements with regard to the benefits of team-based job design.Some members lean too much on other team members.33.If work is organized around teams, then:team bonuses(奖金) need to play a major role in terms of defining rewards.34.When a work groups workload(工作量) lightens, then:members may tak

16、e on (承担)tasks that do not relate to the work units product in an effort to(尝试表现) appear busy.35.How much teams share a reward for task accomplishment is known as:outcome interdependence(成果相互依赖).36.158)The final stage of a work-flow analysis is analyzing the:work inputs.37.The final inputs in the wo

17、rk flow process are the:human skills and effort.38.Assume that(假设) you are writing a report for your class. You do not possess good writing skills, and because of this deficiency(缺点), your paper receives a grade of D. In which part of the work-flow process was the deficiency(缺点)?Human skills39.160)C

18、reating a good fit between the skills and values of employees and _ is a powerful determinant of organizational success.the tasks and mission they are assigned(分配)40.When decision-making authority resides at(在) the top of the organizational chart as opposed to being distributed throughout lower leve

19、ls, an organization is:centralized.41._ refers to the degree to which work units are grouped based on functional similarity or similarity of work flow.Departmentalization(部门划分)42.162)What kind of a structure combines a work-flow departmentalization scheme with(组合) relatively low levels of centraliza

20、tion?Divisional structure(分部型结构)43.Which type of structure can result in employees having a weak conceptualization(概念化) of the organizations overall mission?Functional structure(功能型结构)44.Divisional structures are most appropriate(适用):when flexibility (灵活性)is required.45.165)Self-cannibalization is a

21、 concern of which one of the following structures?Divisional46.Which among the following is a drawback(缺点) of the functional structure?Cascading(阶式渗透) effect of errors through the system as a whole47.166-167)The choice of structure has implications for employees. In functional and centralized struct

22、ures:employees tend to think of fairness (公平)in terms or rules and procedures.48.168)Identifying the most qualified applicants for employment refers to:selection(挑选).49.In _, planners analyze an organizations human resource needs in a dynamic environment and develop activities that enable a firm to

23、adapt to change.human resource planning50.169)When job analysis information is used to judge the relative dollar value of each job within an organization, this HR activity is termed:job evaluation.51.193)The first step in the human resource planning process is:forecasting(预测) labor demand and supply

24、.52.The process of attempting to ascertain(确定) the supply and demand for various types of human resources is called:forecasting.53.An advantage of statistical forecasting(统计预报) methods is that:under the right conditions, they provide predictions that are much more precise than judgmental methods.54.

25、193-194)Identify the correct statement about forecasting.Forecasting, on both the supply and demand sides, can use either statistical methods or judgmental methods.55.194)Statistical planning models(统计规划模型) almost always have to be complemented by which of the following?Subjective judgments (主观判断)of

26、 people with expertise in the area56.A leading indicator(领先指标) is:an objective measure(客观测量) that accurately predicts future labor demand.57.195)Identify the incorrect statement about statistical planning models.These models are useful when there is a short, stable history that can be used to reliab

27、ly detect relationships among variables.58.A(n) _ shows the proportion(比例) of employees in different job categories at different times.transitional matrix(过渡矩形)Refer to the following transitional matrix.59.196)Which job category appears to be the most diversely staffed?Credit analyst(信用分析员)60.How ma

28、ny career progressions (paths) are there within the organization?Three61.In which job category(工作类型) or categories were there demotions?Credit specialist62.In which job category is there the greatest degree of stability?Manager63.197)The goals that are set in the human resource planning process should come directly from:the analysis of the labor supply and d

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